A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while, I kind of just lost motivation to update this story due to several events that just made me not want to update, some being recent. Now about Ray having bombs similar to El. I explain that in this chapter. Let's get Gordin'!

A New Legend

Attack on Wood Island! part 4

Almost Reaching Madness.

"What's wrong? Are you sad because I killed your little girlfriend?"


Jellicoe swam around in the ocean, glancing behind him, seeing the blood covered bombs swimming at him at a high speed. It was smart, he had to admit. Everywhere he swam, they followed, even when he made sharp turns. It was starting to annoy him. They started moving faster and faster, slowly catching up with Jellicoe. Focused on the bombs behind him, he didn't notice the ones in front of him. The smashed into him, exploding upon impact. Jellicoe stopped and drifted back. He then felt powerful explosions to the his back. He opened his mouth and an air bubble escaped. He hated to be exploded. He regained his balance in the water and darted upward toward the surface.

He stabbed through the water, breaking through the surface. He snapped a tentacle toward Ray who took it. Ray coughed before quietly giggling. Crazed eyes met Jellicoe's. Ray lifted his left arm and side swiped the air to the right. Jellicoe glanced to his right to see several bombs covered in blood flying toward him, fast. They slammed into him, exploding. A grunt of pain escaped his lips. He then felt another explosion blast him back toward the sea.

"Bleed! Suffer! Die! Explode! Explode! Explode! Explode! Rip apart! Disappear!" Ray shouted swiping his hands as blood covered bombs rushed in on Jellicoe and exploded. Jellicoe was sent flying in different directions, grunts turning into yells of pain, as blood started dripping down from his body. "Why aren't you screaming!?"

Ray stopped his attack momentarily as he formed little blades on one of the bombs. Jellicoe was pissed. It had been awhile since he was this pissed, since he was exploded that many times. He knew that the kid was treating him like a rag doll, though there was something off about him, but he pushed that thought away as he shot a glare at Ray. A tiny bit of yellow ooze slipped out of the tips of Jellicoe's tentacles.

Jellicoe lunged at Ray and sent two tentacles at Ray. Ray smiled, a smile that sent chills down Calico's back who had been spectating. He was unnerved... by his own captain. He was different, something had changed. His skills apparently had jumped a level and he was spouting out things he normally wouldn't say. He even seemed to enjoy pain. "Masochist and sadist combined..." muttered Calico at those thoughts.

Ray crated a small blood shield that blocked both tentacles. At that moment, Ray started to feel cold. Even with his crazed mind, he was smart enough to know that he was starting to use to much blood. It didn't matter though, he already covered the rest of the bombs El had made him with his blood, and he had full control over them.

Ray was shot back as the shield was pushed back by the force of the tentacles. The tentacles retreated and Ray wasted no time on assaulting the fishman once more. Ray sent 2 bombs each from both the right and to the left. They smashed and exploded into Jellicoe. Ray was puzzled as to why he wasn't screaming, it pissed him off.

"Hey! You're supposed to be suffering!" shouted Ray. "I want to see your face contort in pain!"

"Shut up." Jellicoe stated, his face seemed to be getting red. "If anything, I should be the one telling you what you are telling me."

Jellicoe slammed his tentacles onto the wood deck, cracking it. Jellicoe feel into the air thanks to that action. Jellicoe cocked his tentacles back before they all shot forward like bullets shot from a shotgun.

Ray shivered due to the coldness he was feeling. Ray placed his right hand behind his back just on time as the tentacles made contact with his body. They felt like sharp knives cutting his skin. Ray coughed as he shot into a wall. Ray laughed maniacally, his legs wobbled. Something foreign was coursing through his body. He could feel his body stiffing. He fell to the floor and couldn't move. Jellicoe paralyzed him. The paralyzed captain also felt pain in the parts of his body he was struck, stinging pain.

Jellicoe dragged himself over to look at the new prey he had caught. He jabbed Ray out of anger. This rookie had made a fool out of him. Treated him like some small-fry. He wanted his death to be as painful as possible.

Ray wasn't worried. He had his unnaturally powerful immune system. He just had to tough out whatever Jellicoe was going to do to him for several minutes. Tentacles jabbed Ray at a fast pace. Ray screamed. With every jab, he could feel his sanity returning. The pain flooding out whatever memories that fueled his craziness.

Ray was wrapped in a tentacle and was smashed into the deck multiple times until Ray smashed through the wood. He was thrown upward a few seconds later, it felt like a powerful slimy explosion had made contact with his right side. He smashed into a wall of the ship, bursting through it.

Ray wriggled in pain. Blood seemed to build up from his right arm and a bit in his torso. Ray got colder as he lost more blood. Black started seeping into his vision. By now, Ray's sanity has returned. He twitched. "Yes! The paralysis is starting to go away!"

Jellicoe slithered toward the wall Ray had burst through. It seemed as though Ray was blasted into a dorm room of sorts. Ray slowly rose, tumbling thanks to blood loss. The paralysis had worn off to the point where Ray can start moving. Ray was amazed that he could still move even after how much blood he had lost.

Ray looked at the blood covered bombs. He only had five more. He looked up to see Jellicoe making his way toward him. He looked a bit beat up. Ray had to make this quick or at least give the remaining bombs to Calico. A sharp pain resonated throughout Ray's body. Ray couldn't finish of Jellicoe, he knew that. In fact, Ray was about to collapse any second.

He levitated the bombs. Ray had to give them to Calico. His eyes met Calico's and he shifted them toward his bombs and toward Jellicoe. Calico took a moment but nodded his head. Ray hoped Calico understood. Ray shot all the bombs forward. They scraped Jellicoe as they passed.

"You missed." Jellicoe said. Ray tumbled onto the ground. He rose his head showing a smirk.

"With certain elegance and strong concentration, you can control whether you cut an object or not." Jellicoe turned behind him and his eyes widened. Calico was mere seconds away from slashing Jellicoe in half, but what was surprising, he that the bomb were in between the sharp and flat side of the blade, which was physically impossible to Jellicoe. "I guess you can call it a swordsman's sixth sense. Volcanic Slash!"

Calico slashed Jellicoe. It seemed as though Jellicoe split in half. A few quick seconds after the slash. The bombs went off. Calico was blasted back thanks to the recoil, but Jellicoe stood where he stood. When the explosions ended, Jellicoe stood there. After a while, he fell.

Ray smiled before blackness overtook him.

A/N: Well, this is awkward. Let me explain. So after searching through my word docs. I found that I had a 53rd chapter in the making. It seemed to be almost done so I decided, why the hell not, and completed it. Though this is the last chapter I will ever probably make. I know this sucked and I know that the sword, bomb thing is impossible but why not. So yeah. Thanks for reading and hopefully I'll see you guys next time if ever!