Hey guys! Wow ok this is new for me. A webvid fic? Yeah didn't think I'd write one either but here we are.

Well this is my first crack at it and with none other than the infamous Markiplier and Jacksepticeye. Gotta love those two. They are so funny and perfect entertainers to watch when you're feeling down. Especially if you like games too.

Anyways if you haven't guessed it yet this is about Mark and Jack, as well as their dark sides Anti-Septiceye and Darkiplier. Why? Cause the plot bug bit me hard and I was having trouble with my other story. Is it Septiplier? You decide. That's the power of ambiguity ;) So there you have it.


Jack felt a…pressure. A sickening squelching sound ringing from the inside of his head. He held a hand to his face, fingers clutching and nails digging into the skin of his forehead.

W-what's happening to me?!

He nearly doubled over, his free hand slipping across the bar and knocking over his glass. Broken shards rained on the ground like glistening diamonds, tinted from the rub stream now leaking out from the very tips of his fingers. Where he should have felt a burning from the tiny shards embedded into his skin he instead felt a throb, powerful like a heartbeat. It reverberated through him like an empty chamber and his muscles convulsing about uncontrollably. Briefly he wondered if this was epilepsy felt like.

Terror seized him. God am I… am I dying?

Jack hissed as fire suddenly flooded into his veins, starting from behind his eyes and mapping throughout his head and the rest of his body like the wild roots of a tree. His spine flexed, the world now spinning and twisting into a horrid kaleidoscope of colors and shapes. His smacked his spine up against the wall and he secretly thanked whatever higher power was out there for this tiny brace of support. He pressed back against it, against the fire and ache he felt down in his bones as he slid futilely to the ground. He but back the urge to scream but couldn't the sob that burst past his lips.


He tried calling out to his friend but his tongue felt heavy and swollen in his mouth.

Wade! Bob! Anyone… please help me!

A shrieked so agonizing in sound reached his ears long before he realized it was him who had cried out in such horrific pain. From behind his eyes he felt the fire growing, something wet bleeding through the spaces of his fingers. Something green.

Jesus! Fuck! Oh what the holy fuck is that?!

He was afraid to take his hand away from his face. With all the pressure in his head he wouldn't be surprised if an artery had burst. But green liquid… Had there been an infection he didn't know was there? Had it finally caught up to him? Why hadn't the fucking doctors told him anything about this?!

"God you're beautiful."

That voice.

Jack weakly glanced ahead of him, his vision blurring the shadowed figure before him.


Said demon grinned. "Something like that."

Jack gasped, his chest rising high. "Mark what's wrong with me? I can't… I can't-"

"Shh." The comforting form of his friend drew near, his hand stretched out to comb through Jack's dyed locks. "It'll all be over soon."

"Am I dying?" Jack whimpered, clutching both his chest and his head even tighter.

"No. You are not dying." Mark said, his graveled voice reaching out to soothe the panicked youtuber. "Just… becoming better."

Jack started to hyperventilate. He couldn't breathe. His lungs felt cramped though altogether numb. He couldn't really describe it. He felt both on fire but frozen. That was not the wall's coolness he had been feeling. It was his skin. It was ice cold.

His nails dug angry grooves into his forehead, threatening to tear through the skin. He was crippled by the pain thrusting against the inside of his skull. Like pounding ocean waves that beat him further into the depths of his mind were all he did was fee pain. He sobbed and cried for mercy, reaching out to grab Mark. The Korean man allowed the touch, crouched before Jack like a caring friend or a guardian angel.

Maybe he is just that, Jack's weary mind supplied. To take me from this world. To end this pain. Please end this pain.

Jack convulsed beneath the growing pressure in his head and howled like a mad man. Mark made no move to stop or comfort him, not even as the Irishman he threw his head back in a furious cry; slamming it against the wall. One pain to cancel out the other, Jack tried to reason, but it seemed to only make it worse after a second of merciful easing. Again and again Jack pounded his head against the wall, holding so tightly onto Mark's arm his fingers had gone white and numb.

"You'll be so beautiful." Mark said, the shadows contouring his face hiding his smile from the suffering man. "Jack. My beautiful clover."

Jack wailed like a wild man, his back arching so uncomfortably the poor an thought his spine would snap. He felt a number of pops but the bone did not break. Tears mixed with the foreign substance now pouring past his fingers and dripped drop by toxic drop to the ground. Whatever it was that he was secreting pulsed in a mild glow as if someone had dropped the ink stick of a highlighter into a spilt bowl of water. But the substance was a little stickier than water. Not as thick as oil but somewhere in between.

Like blood.

Jack wanted this pain to end. Why wasn't his angel saving him? Releasing him from this torture?

He silently sobbed, his chest and lips quivering like never before. "Wade-"

"He isn't here to help you." Mark's snapped. "But I-I am here to make you better."

Mark's grin widened, a flash of pearly white catching Jack's attention. "So much better."

"W-what'd you mean?" Jack's stomach rolled and nausea hit him like freight train. "Mark what's happening?!"

The demon beamed a devilish smile, pointed teeth and all. "You're becoming beautiful."

Jack threw his head from side to side. The wall at the back of his head felt oddly warm. And wet. And so did whatever slide down the column of his neck.

"Mark please. Help me. Help me. Save me, kill me I don't give a fuck just fuckin' do something!" Fat wet tears glistened in his tanzanite eyes. For a human it was rather beautiful.

"For Gods sake Mark DO SOMETHIN'!"


Warm fingers brushed through Jack's green hair, brushing the scalp and sending painful shivers through him.

Jack moaned like a wounded animal. "Wade. Go get him Mark."

The smile on Mark's face fell, that horrid smile transforming hideously into a sneer. Mark's once gentle fingers gripped jack's hair an iron like vice, yanking a screaming Jack towards him. Their faces were mere inches apart, Mark's heavy breath washing over Jack's nose and cheeks. He smelt like the Chinese food that had had earlier that day but rotten. Very very rotten.

If I survive I'm swearing off Chinese for the rest of my god forsaken life!

Sooo what did you guys think?

I enjoyed writing it. Hope you all enjoyed reading it.

Let me know what you guys think. More chapters are in the making!