Sara's p.o.v

Letting out a small gasp as my direhorse walked along near the edge of the cliff, I didn't need to starting to panic and let my fears get to me. I decided not to look down and looked straight ahead. It was only Tsu'tey and I today, Neytiri was going to meet us up there with her Ikran. Towards the end of the cliffside it expanded a little, daring to look up I seeing that there was a pile of rocks that were swaying to the wind, bound by vines and roots. I will be able to climb up as long as I don't look down.

"You coming Sara?" Tsu'tey asks, me looking and seeing that he was already starting to climb up.

"Yeah… yeah I'm coming." I say, my voice slightly shaky. Take a deep breath, I walked over to the rocks and gripped onto a root, hoisting myself up, on the side. Tsu'tey and I reached the top of the rocks, I made the grave mistake of looking down. My heart started to race and my palms became quite sweaty.

"Sara, are you okay?" Tsu'tey asks, he must of noticed the change in my face.

"Yeah, I just not a fan of heights." I say, looking down. Tsu'tey reached out and brushed one of his hands down my face.

"Do you want to go back down?" Tsu'tey asks. There is no way in hell I'm turning back now, I'm very close to become a hunter.

"No I will be fine." I say.

"Are you sure. The next part you are not going to like." Tsu'tey says, me knowing what he meant by that. In front of the rock were heaps of vines, we would have to leap onto one and slide to the top of vine.

"I will be fine. I'm not backing down now." I say, Tsu'tey nodding before leaping out and grabbing onto the vine, before wrapping his feet around it.

"Don't hesitate Sara. You can do it." Tsu'tey says. Taking yet another deep breath, I leapt forward and managed to wrap my hands around a vine, I gripped onto it with my feet. I couldn't believe it, I just did that! I started to laugh and looked up at Tsu'tey who was smiling at me. After climbing up vine. Reaching the top, Tsu'tey climbed onto hanging rock and I did the same thing, looking across I could see that we were almost there, just had to get across these roots in front of us. Tsu'tey jumped onto one of the roots, me following him.

About ¾ along the roots, I went to jump onto another one that Tsu'tey had jumped on when I slipped and fell over the side. One of my hands grabbed onto a vine that was on the side of the root, Tsu'tey grabbing onto my other hand.

"I've got you Sara." Tsu'tey says, I gripped tighter onto his hands. "I need you to pull yourself up." He says, me gripping onto the vine tighter and started to pull myself up, Tsu'tey helping me up. Tsu'tey wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into his chest.

"I want to keep going." I say looking towards the end of the roots. Tsu'tey helping me stand up and lightly held onto my hand.

"Are you sure?" Tsu'tey asks, me nodding. Tsu'tey took off at the jogging pace again, me right behind him. The next part was pretty easy, just climbing up these rock like steps. Reaching the top, I was slightly out of breath, but the view was amazing. Irkans flew by, screeching, Neytiri was waiting for us, with her Irkan Seze.

"You ready for this?" Neytiri asks, as I handed her my bow and arrows.

"Yeah, it's now or never." I say before walking over to the waterfall, where was a narrow ledge. Side-stepping onto it, Tsu'tey stood right beside me, as we reached the end, he lightly gripped onto my arm.

"Now you choice your Irkan. You have to feeling inside, if she also choices you, you have to be quick about it. This is your one chance Sara." Tsu'tey says.

"How will I know?" I ask, looking back at him.

"She'll try to kill you." Tsu'tey answers.

"Well that just made my day." I answered before walking out into the open. I walked along looking at each and everyone Irkan, most of them flew away or just ignored me. Walking down to the end, my eyes caught a glimpses of a indego, red and black one, watching me. Looking up at it, I pinned my ears back, the Ikran, hissing before flying down, blocking my path back to Tsu'tey and Neytiri. Letting out another hiss, the Irkan hissed back. I gripped lightly onto my braid and the vine that Tsu'tey gave me before we came here.

"Make your best move." I say, the Irkan lunging forward, me jumping to the side before jumping onto it's back.I hung on as the Irkan started to jump.

"Make the bond!" Tsu'tey yelled. I grabbed onto my braid again and aimed towards the neural interface on the Irkan. I felt the connection being made between us.

"Stop fighting me." I thought, the Irkan stopping. I let out a laugh and looking into the Irkan's eyes.

"That's right. You're mine now." I say, gripping onto the neural interface, Tsu'tey walking over to us.

"The first flight seals the bond. Think fly." Tsu'tey says.

"Fly!" I thought, the Irkan, jumping off the edge of the cliff and started to fly down towards the ground. Suddenly I wasn't afraid of heights or flying anymore. "Fly straight." I think, the Irkan stretching her wings out and fly the way I was telling her to.

Tsu'tey p.o.v

Sara flew around on her Irkan, she was no longer afraid of anything.

"Looks like she's doing okay." Neytiri says.

"She going better than okay. She's overcame her fears of heights." I say. Sara flew back to us, her Irkan landing back onto the ground. "How are you feeling now?" I ask her.

"I feel so brave, I don't have anything to fear anymore." Sara says, grinning from ear to ear. That smile of her makes me want to smile as well. She's so different and that's what makes me like her. Every feature of her is amazing and I wish I could call her mine. But I knew what my fate was, I'm meant to be with Neytiri not Sara. But having Sara makes me want to say no to fate and choice her as my mate.

"Hey, daydreamer!" Sara says, snapping me out of my thoughts of her. "You gonna head back or what?" She asks.

"I will meet you back there." I say to her.

"Sounds like a plan." Sara says before her Irkan spread it's wings and dove off the cliff.