AN#1: Okay, before we get into the story I wanted to address something; season 3. There's nothing wrong, I loved the new episodes, glad to see that Daron Nefcy hasn't lost her touch. I never would've expected that the 3rd season would be this great. The only problem is, many of the elements that I saw in each episode end up contradicting with what I've got planned for this fic, I'll explain more at the bottom. There are a few things I could use but other than that, it's a no go for a huge majority. From this chapter onwards, season 3 will be completely irrelevant to this fic until I say otherwise.

~~~Fate Intertwined~~~

Jon'ana was surprised. When he saw King Morah and Prince Mal'um glaring at one another, he was expecting some form of hostility from either side. Jon'ana may have been a seer with an ability to peer into glimpses of the future at times, but in all honesty, he couldn't see this one coming.

King Morah and Prince Mal'um were both crying comically while in each others' embrace. "My boy, I missed you so much, where have you been all these years?!"

"I could ask you the same dad," The Prince cried out. "I missed you too."

Jon'ana could only face palm at the antics of his King and the Prince in front of him.


"Sorry you had to see that Jon'ana," Morah said. "But it's been years since I last saw my spitting image."

"Don't make me laugh," Mal'um said. "I'm way more handsome than you are."

"And just where do you think you got your looks from, huh?!"

"From you, but I'm obviously an improvement from what you look like!"

A sweat drop formed on the back of Jon'ana's head. 'Are these two really father and son? If they are, then their idea of playing catch must be with insults instead a baseball or football.'

As the 'father and son' continued on with their light bickering and their 'playing catch' with insults, Jon'ana looked to the man in the corner who was clearly beaten up and tied down by several ropes.

"So," Jon'ana said, causing the bickering to stop. "What should we do about him?"

King Morah took notice. "Well, let's just take him back with us. Once we've completed Marco's inhibiter, we can just interrogate him concerning Oceana's plans."

(Later at Talise's Temple)

"Thank you for returning my Chalice," Talise said in a sweet, melodious voice. "Once again, Morah, I am in your debt."

"Think nothing of it Talise; I just need what I came for."

The Spring Guardian smiled and started a spell to give the water her blessing. During this, Jon'ana couldn't believe how much Talise had changed. King Morah said she was as kind and caring as an angel and upon seeing how she was behaving now, it was a definite far cry of the 'demoness' that Jon'ana thought her to be when he first saw the water guardian.

As Talise continued to chant her spell, the Chalice started to glow a bright yellow and aquamarine color. Talise's eyes suddenly shot open and she was blasted back a sudden shockwave that came from the Chalice.

"Talise!" King Morah exclaimed as he rushed out to catch the girl. As Talise landed in his arms, King Morah worried glanced down at the girl. "Are you alright?"

Shaken, Talise nodded her head. "I'm fine, that was just unexpected."

King Morah helped Talise back on her feet, though a little wobbly, the girl managed.

"What happened?" Jon'ana asked as he too was taken by surprise by the sudden shockwave.

"It's the girls," King Morah replied. "Princess Star and Princess Marina's powers are having trouble getting used to each other."

"Meaning?" Jon'ana asked again, at times like this the seer wished he could see into people's emotions instead of just the segments in time. "What's going on between them?"

"Their magic is fusing inside of Marco's body," King Morah said. "And I think you know what happens when cosmic magic meets sirenian magic."

"Although the inhibiter will work," Talise said. "This is simply an omen for the days yet to come, but I'm sensing that conflict will be a major issue between the three people you spoke about earlier."

"Jon'ana, could you peer into the future to see if you can find a solution to this?" King Morah asked.

The Seer nodded and began meditating as he got into the lotus position. Jon'ana's eyes glowed white, but then his right eye started to dim until it turned fully black. When Jon'ana's eyes stopped glowing, he closed them. "Talise is right, I saw Princess Star and Princess Marina arguing over Marco."

"Was it a friendly and comical fight?" King Morah asked with a silly grin.

"No," Jon'ana replied gravely. "More like a magical duel to the death. Oh, did I mention magic?"

"So, it's true then." King Morah said.

The interwoven strings of three,
Conflict shall they bring to thee,
One heart aside must be set free,
For three to live in harmony.

"I've always thought of that poem as nothing more than Fate's personal love for poetry, but I can truly see now what he meant by those lines."

"But what does it mean one heart set aside? The poem clearly says that the three will live in harmony," Jon'ana said. "Why does one heart need to be set aside?"

"That's a question to be answered another day." King Morah replied.

Just then Prince Mal'um called out from the temple gates. "Ship's ready to set sail!"

"We best get on our way," King Morah said. "Now that the pieces are in position, the game will inevitably start."

(Line Break Quote: "Aw, I'm gonna make this weird.")

Prince Dan'um and Princess Serena were both surprised, in all their lives; they had never seen Omnitraxus Prime outside of his Space Time chamber. You know, that crystal ball thing. The significance of a being like him straying outside of the chamber meant something, some kind of great cosmic importance, just like that time when Glossaryck went missing.

"I know you're surprised to see me," Omnitraxus said. "But since this a matter of cosmic urgency, I had to come here personally under Father Time's request."

Omnitraxus then turned to Marco. "Marco Diaz, I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you to be here while I try to repair Princess Marina's memories."

"What?!" Jackie yelled in outrage. "His fate is already intertwined with mine; he has every right to be here!"

Serena stepped forward to try and calm her sister. "It's alright Marina," Serena then turned to Omnitraxus. "Why can't Marco stay here Omnitraxus, I'm sure he can just watch from the sidelines right?"

Omnitraxus shook his head. "I'm sorry, you can persuade me however you want, but I'm simply doing this for the boy's safety. If he were to stay while I am to repair your sister's memories, the cosmic time magic I intend to use might end up killing him."

Marco, Jackie, and Serena all gasped.

"He's right," Prince Dan'um said. "Marco is a Sirenian apprentice, I know full well how Sirenians react to cosmic magic in general and believe me, it's not a pretty sight."

Marco made a downcast look.

"You could've stayed," Omnitraxus said. "But unfortunately, you are not in the possession of an inhibiter necklace."

"I wish there was something I could do," Marco said looking at his girlfriend. "I feel like I'm abandoning you somehow."

"Don't worry," Omnitraxus said. "I promise this won't hurt her in any way."

Jackie then made her way over to Marco and gave him a hug to which the boy returned. "I'll be fine Marco, and don't worry; I'll give you a call when this is all over."

Marco broke the hug and smiled. "I hold you to that then. Maybe I can finish my training with Prince Cal'um while I wait for you and the necklace. It's been quite a while since I did."

"Before you go," Jackie said. "You still owe me a date."


"One more thing." Jackie said as she wrapped her arms around Marco's head. "I've wanted to do this for quite some time." She then leaned in and kissed the boy. As their lips connected, the aquamarine highlight streak in Jackie's hair glowed a little.

Dan'um, Serena, and Omnitraxus were quick to take notice of this.

Jackie broke the kiss, leaving Marco blushing and smiling quite nervously.

"I-I'll see you then." Marco said as he fumbled toward the door.

"See ya."

As Marco left, Jackie slowly closed the door behind her.

"Shall we start?" Omnitraxus asked.

Jackie closed her eyes and breathed in, she then breathed out. Opening her eyes she nodded her head. "For my Kingdom."

(Line Break Quote: "No Star, my abs are not back.")

Gray and the rest of Seven Seas Squad were surprised. When they had returned to Queen Oceana's palace, more than a thousand guards were stationed out the palace gates. They had been evenly spread out and were guarding each of the palace's four entrances.

"At least a quarter thousand guards on each corner," Willie said. "I wonder what brought this up."

"Whatever it is," King said. "It must be very important to warrant this kind of security detail."

As the seven made their way inside the castle, they saw evidence of what looked to be a battle.

"Did someone try to break in here?" Gray asked to no one in particular.

"It wasn't a break in." The voice of Queen Oceana caught the attention of the seven. "Rather, someone broke out."

"A prisoner?" Rex asked.

"Yes," The Queen replied. "Unfortunately he managed to escape. But let's focus on what you have for me."

"Yes," Otto said as he held up the box that contained the other half of the star that belonged to the Butterfly wand of magic. "We found it."

"Excellent," The Queen beamed with a devious smile. "Come, your reward is waiting in my study."

"If it would be possible," Gray said. "Could we speak to King Jal'ana?"

Queen Oceana let out short laugh. "Why, of course, I can at least grant you this."

The squad looked at each other and cheered silently, thinking that they could speak to their former King. Gray grinned in excitement; he finally had a chance to speak with his old friend. But as a shark, for some reason Gray's instincts told him something was wrong. But the Great White shrugged it off. Ever since he was called to this underwater Kingdom, his instincts always told him to be wary around the Queen.

As the Queen led Gray and his team further into the castle, the shark placed his arm behind his back and made some hand gestures to signal the six that something was slightly off.

Otto coughed, Gray took this as a sign that they picked up on his signal.

The squad raised their defense and kept watchful eyes on their surroundings.

"Could I ask," Rex said. "If someone broke out, why position all those guards outside?"

"The individual who escaped is a rather cunning person," The Queen replied. "If I'm not careful, that person could bring back some forces of his own to try and liberate his allies."

"A political prisoner?" Otto asked.

"Not quite, he was merely the leader of a rebellion." The Queen replied.

As soon the Queen and the Seven reached the office, Gray felt his instincts scream at him. When the doors opened, he saw King Jal'ana back in his full grown form with Star Butterfly next to him. The two were seated at a table simply having a conversation.

"Your highness!" Hammy called out.

King Jal'ana turned and waved at the Seven. "Ah, back so soon? I always knew you guys were reliable."

"The star piece if you would." The Queen said.

Gray handed the Queen the box containing the half of the Butterfly wand.

"You highness," Gray said as he made his way over to the King. "You are alright."

"Yes, Queen Oceana and I managed to come to an agreement of sorts."

"What agreement?" Willie asked.

"We're trying to unite the Kingdoms once more," Queen Oceana replied. "We've been disconnected for far too long, a truce needs to be made."

"Yeah," Star said. "As much as I hate to say this, my mom, Queen Butterfly was right the whole time; the war needs to stop."

Gray didn't know what to say, were his instincts wrong? They've been wrong before, Gray knew this. Was he simply over reacting? Could be, Gray was the kind of person to make assumptions about many things. Maybe this was one of those times when he had to admit that he was simply being jumpy for no reason.

"There is a problem however, many citizens of Oceanopolis are still under the impression that we are still at war with the Butterfly Kingdom," Queen Oceana said. "We tried to convince many of them that we we're trying to form a truce, but that only resulted in a rebellion."


"And this includes involving the seven of you," King Jal'ana said as he turned to Gray. "What do you say old friend, up for another assignment?"

Gray couldn't help but break into a wide grin. "Anything for you your Highness."

"Good," Queen Oceana said she set down a tray with 10 small goblets. "In accordance to Mewnian traditions, shall we have a toast?"

The Queen picked up the first goblet, followed by King Jal'ana, then Star. After Gray and the rest of his team each took a goblet off of the tray, King Jal'ana raised his goblet. "As a King, by the way of the ancient laws, I hereby declare a wish of peace on all of Mewni." The group then brought their goblets together and each drank their portion.

"Yes," Queen Oceana said. "Peace indeed."

Gray suddenly lunged at the Queen, pinning her down on the floor the great white brandished a dagger which he held close to Oceana's throat. The Queen barely flinched but raised her head up a little as the blade made contact with her neck.

"What have you done to King Jal'ana?!" Gray snarled.

"Whatever do you mean?" The Queen replied with a smirk.

"Whoever this man is," Gray said in threateningly low voice. "He is not the King I once served."

"You're right, he is not." Queen Oceana said as she snapped her fingers.

Four tentacles suddenly wrapped around Gray's arms(fins?), torso, and head. Gray struggled against the tentacles; slowly turning his head Gray saw Otto, four of the octopus's arms/tentacles were outstretched and clinging to Gray's body. "Otto, what are you doing?"

"Anything for my Queen." The Octopus said in a monotone voice.

Gray stared in horror as he saw his team, Rex, King, Willie, Quin, and Hammy were all standing still, Otto was standing in front of them with four of his tentacles latched onto the Great White. Gray noted that their eyes were glowing and pulsating with different colors.

From the floor Queen Oceana slowly got to her feet. "Very rude of you Gray, taking advantage of a woman like that."

Gray growled in rage as he glared at the mad Queen.

"Seems like my mind-control potion's effects are taking a little longer to restrain you," Queen Oceana said as she traced her finger down Gray's face. "I admire men like you, such a strong will and sense of loyalty. But none of that will matter soon, you will be my devoted slave and you will do as I say."

Gray tried to break free from Otto's grip, but it was useless, the shark knew just how strong Otto was and that his grip strength was stronger than that of a hundred tidal waves. As he continued to struggle, Gray started shaking. His eyes, from the edges, started to glow an unearthly color; an almost demonic color of red, maroon, and orange.

"Yes," Queen Oceana smirked. "The potion is finally taking control, once you've been fully taken, I could use all seven of you to wreck unimaginable horrors upon all of Mewni, moreover the Butterfly kingdom in particular."

Gray growled and turned to King Jal'ana and Star. "Your Highness, Princess Butterfly, you can't side with this mad queen."

The two figures simply laughed as their skin rippled like water. Jal'ana and Star had transformed back into the Mimics they truly were.

The Mimic that had impersonated King Jal'ana laughed. "There is nothing you can do to change our minds."

The Star impersonator laughed as well. "We will follow our Queen and no one can oppose her."

Gray grit his teeth and let out a loud roar as he finally succumbed to the potion's effects.

(Line Break Quote: "You know I can't resist your adult voice!")

Prince Cal'um was surprised. Marco's abilities had far surpassed that of any sirenian warrior he had ever trained.

Marco's transformation was also a big success; although he could only transform into a half sirenian, his control over the transformation was far greater than any other student he had.

"Amazing," Prince Cal'um said. "You've come such a long way in such a short amount of time, it's unbelievable. You're awesome!"

"Yeah, well, I have a pretty awesome teacher." Marco replied as he slowly transformed back into human form.

Prince Cal'um smiled as tears comically fell from his eyes. "Flattery will get you nowhere, only a good a spar to test your true skills." The prince then got into a fighting stance as he smirked, with his right arm stretched out, he made a 'come at me' gesture.

Marco smirked as well and got into his stance.

"I hope you're ready," Prince Cal'um said. "I didn't train you for nothing."

"Oh, I'm more than ready," Marco replied. "If you can keep up that is."

Prince Cal'um grinned with a hint of satisfaction, he knew Marco was confident in his skills, but was really ready? There was only one way to find out.

"Get ready."


(A few minutes later)

"Hah, you're not nearly as ready as I thought you'd be." Prince Cal'um said as his video game avatar slammed Marco's avatar onto the ground in a headlock suplex.

"Not fair, you nudged my shoulder, I call foul!" Marco said as he retaliated with a combo move.

Prince Cal'um simply laughed. "Yeah right, like you didn't nudge me first."

"REMATCH!" The in-game announcer yelled they started another round.

"Oh it's on now!" Marco said.

"You're going down."

"I am disappointed in you both." Said a woman who was standing in the doorway of the Dojo.

Prince Cal'um gasped surprise and immediate got to his feet. Sweating profusely, the Prince greeted the Queen. "Queen Moon! It is an absolute honor to have your presence here in my Dojo." The man said as he bowed before the Queen of Mewni.

"Hello your Highness." Marco said as he bowed in respect as well.

"Prince Cal'um," Queen Moon said. "You promised me and gave me your word that you would train Marco to be-"

Prince Cal'um then stood up. "I never break my promises." The prince then turned to face at Marco. "Diaz, show us what you can do."

"Gotcha." Marco said with a nod.

Marco closed his eyes and bowed his head. He clenched his muscles and concentrated, Marco's body started shaking and he also began emanating a terrifying aura, one that only the Sirenians warriors could give off.

Queen Moon would deny it, but she knew fear when it hit her. That was what identified many sirenian warriors; they used fear as a weapon. By instilling fear into their opponents sirenians could decimate entire armies in small number.

When Marco transformed into a siren, he still looked human but several of his features had been altered. His skin turned a sickly shade of greenish-silver, the irises in his pupils turned into cat-like slits, his hands bared razor sharp claws, and his teeth sharpened to a point.

"He can only take on a half transformation," Prince Cal'um said. "But once King Morah returns with the inhibiter necklace, Marco will be able to transform fully with any worries."

The Queen regarded Prince Cal'um and Marco, the latter had slowly transformed back to human form. "Good," Queen Moon said a genuinely impressed smile. "Although I do have troubling news for you."

"What news?" Marco asked.

"Star was kidnapped." The Queen said with a hint of worry in her voice.

"What are you talking about?" Marco said. "Star fine, she's probably in her room right now."

Queen Moon closed her eyes and waved her hand into the air, a circular portal opened to show Glossaryck talking with Cordelia. "I'm sorry Marco, but that is not my daughter, that is-"

"Cordelia!" Prince Cal'um exclaimed as he saw his younger sister-figure. The prince could only remember the girl as someone special to him.

"Who?" Marco asked worriedly.

"She's a mimic," Prince Cal'um said. "Oh no, Oceana must have swapped her out with Princess Butterfly. When did this happen?"

"I think you remember the Seven Seas?" Queen Moon asked.

"Wait what happened? Where's Star?!" Marco asked this time his voice was carrying a full blown panicked tone.

"Likely she was Kidnapped by Queen Oceana in a bid to try and take her powers, luckily for us," Queen Moon said with a smirk. "Oceana sent Cordelia."

"Yes, with luck she will defect to our side, and hopefully lead us to Star." Prince Cal'um said. "And eventually lead us to Queen Oceana."

Marco was able to calm himself down, he had to remember what Star told him under the blood moon she can take care of herself, she doesn't need a hero she needs a friend. 'And as her friend, I'll have to trust that she'll be alright.'

"Okay," Marco said. "What are we gonna do now?"

"We regroup," The Queen replied. "Cal'um, I'll take Marco with me to Mewni, you fetch Cordelia and Glossaryck."

"Wait," Marco called out. "What about Marina?"

"Who?" The Queen asked.

"Princess Marina," Marco replied as he told the Queen about Omnitraxus. "We can't just leave her here on Earth."

Queen Moon regarded Marco for a while. "Marina of Oceanopolis? If she's with Omnitraxus Prime, then she's in good hands, I can ask Omni to bring her to us when he's done."

Marco wanted to argue, but something in the Queen's voice told him not to worry anymore.

"Go, Diaz," Prince Cal'um said. "Your girls will be fine."

Marco looked to the Prince and then to the Queen. "Alright, let's go."

(Line Break Quote: "Get in hair, hehe, get it? Hair. Haha.")

Tom Lucitor was surprised. From the shadows, the demon had been doing some pretty odd jobs for Queen Oceana. Utilizing both his demon fire and the Queen's recent aquatic power upgrade, Tom had been searching through the seas of several dimensions.

Searching for what though?

Well, the Queen was very specific in this little 'quest'. She tasked Tom to bring her several items of great importance, and with powers she recently granted to him, the demon was able to breathe under water, control the tide, and pretty much do things the Queen could but to a lesser extent.

The items, what are they?

They were five items, relics. Two of which were from the Atlantanea, the Kingdom that Queen Oceana had personally taken care off.

These relics were also weapons of great power, each of them powerful enough to destroy an entire Kingdom.

Right now, those relics were being kept in a magic, 5-compartment box. The reason for the box was to keep the relics away from each other, for if they were to make contact…well, let's just say that Atlantanea was the last to witness the powers of the relics when combined.

Right as of the moment, Tom only had 4 relics contained within the box and he was now looking for the last one.

Tom's surprise could only be attested to what he had recently seen, an ancient city submerged under Mewni's sea. Thinking about the ruins, the Demon felt giddy like a kid in a candy store. Ruins usually meant abandoned treasure. Although Tom was in his late teens, for a demon, adventure was something he loved but was kept a closely guarded secret, probably for personal reasons.

But anyway, as Tom swam into the entrance of the ruins he form a sphere filled with air in one hand and a ball of demon Greek fire in the other (Note: Greek fire is fire that can burn even on or under water). By combining the sphere and fire, he was able to form a glowing ball of light to help him see.

"Okay, let's see," Tome said as he swam further down a corridor. "Find the fifth relic for the Queen and anything else I can find is mine."

"Who goes there!?" A disembodied voice called out from shadows.

Startled, Tom instantly tensed up and looked around. "Uh, no one! Just a scavenger!"

"This underwater palace was hidden by a magic spell, only those of a royal bloodline are worthy of finding this sacred underwater ground!" The voice yelled. "So tell me, how were you about to gain access to these ruins?!"

Gulping nervously, Tom quickly racked his brain for a good enough answer. "I, uh, I was sent by Queen Oceana of Oceanopolis to retrieve a relic."

For a few minutes the voice remained silent.

Tom looked around nervously the last place he visited nearly try to kill him when he mentioned Mewni.

'Oh shit, they might just try to blast again. Stay on guard Lucitor, no one's gonna kill me this time.'

"What is your connection to the Queen?"

"I am but an envoy sent to retrieve the relic of the void."

Again the voice remained silent and Tom grew a little anxious.

"Well didn't you say so man," The voice called out. "If I knew I'd get visitors today, I would've got me some snack to share."

'What the hell?' Tom didn't know how to react; this was the guardian of this place? "Yes, Queen Oceana sent me personally to retrieve the relic."

"What's she up to now, the complete and utter destruction of another kingdom?"

'Destruction? No one told me anything about a kingdom being destroyed?! I thought this was just about the Queen taking the Butterfly's family magic?' "Umm, yeah something like that, all for the Queen."

"Yeah, last time she gathered all the relics the Queen completely obliterated Atlantanea."

'What? I thought their magic core went unstable?! What's really going on here?' Several different thoughts went through Tom's mind at that moment; was everything the Queen told him wrong? 'She lied to me, those promises were all lies…I should find Marco and Star to warn them about the Queen, but first...'

Tom smirked as he thought of a plan that could change everything.

'If that Queen thinks she can just use like a pawn, then she's got another thing coming to her. No one bosses Tom Lucitor around.'

(Line Break Quote: "Just drive muscles.")

Star Butterfly was surprised she never knew just how deep the story of the Strings of Fate really was.

But what really surprised her that King Jal'ana still had his powers, powers that he used to break out of his glass orb prison.

"You know, you could've told me about your powers before scaring the living daylights out of me." Star said as they swam for freedom.

Star had a magic air bubble around her head as to allow her to breathe whilst underwater.

"If I did, Queen Oceana would've sensed something," The King replied. "It wasn't an easy task, my original plan was to just get myself out. But when you were brought in, I knew I had to revise that plan."

"Oh, okay." Star said. "So, where are we going now?"

"To a place where Oceana will never find us, we need to regroup or else she'll pick us off one by one."

"But what can I do? Without my wand, I'm practically powerless. We should've gone back for it."

The King sighed apologetically. "I'm sorry, but we didn't have enough time. But, I can tell you secret."


"Your mother could use magic without the wand." King Jal'ana said with a smirk.

"What? Are you serious?"

"Yes, all the Queens of Mewni could use magic without their wands. You're just not at the age where you can be taught yet."

"Can you teach me?"

"I'm afraid not, only Glossaryck can do that."


"Don't worry," King Jal'ana said. "Ah we're here."

"Here where?" Star said as she looked around to see nothing but the vast expanse of water in all directions.

King Jal'ana smirked and snapped his fingers. As he did so, a portal suddenly opened in front of him.

"Our escape route," The King said. "Now, come we can't afford to waste anymore time. Once this is all over I promise you and Marco will be together again."

Star looked at the portal hesitantly, but she had a good feeling about it, she could also tell that whatever was beyond the portal couldn't be too bad. Besides, what could go wrong now?

~~~Fate Intertwined~~~

AN#2: Okay, just so you know, the back story to why Tom agreed to work for Queen Oceana will come into play later. And Thomas will also be back, I should have added him somewhere in the last chapter…anyway, we'll see this story will progress to a Magical Mcguffin point where an item of great power will be introduced, clue: it will have something to do with the Queen's nefarious plot.

AN#3: On another side note Globgor…DANG IT! Oh well, it can just be part of his name in future chapters then, whatever…and yes, I finally caught up with the season three, it took me this long because I've been catching up with other things some anime, movies, and Infinity War being some of them…but now that the distractions are out of the way, I can finally focus on this story.

Before I go-go, 30-year old Marco came back in season 3, I guess I could weasel him into this fic as well.

Bye now.