REMEMBER: This is my first fanfic and I know it's not the best, but I'll try to please.

Also you know those super smart, super busy authors who can't update often because life gets in the way? Yeah, I'm not one of them. So I will always be updating fanfics, unless I'm too lazy. I also didn't fully revise this because this site kinda pissed me off lmao. Anyways I hope I didn't do too bad. qwq

Deep down Maud knew.

She knew her two sons weren't straight. She knew that since they were about ten years old. Now she stuck in between of having to decide what's more important to her: the love of her life, Filbrick Pines, or Stanley and Stanford.

Maud couldn't ditch her husband, not after twenty years of marriage, something that's not guaranteed to happen again in her lifetime. It was sad to admit, but she doubted she'd find someone to love her as long as her husband would. They promised they'd never leave each other, no matter what.

Her children were just as important to her. She was proud of how they turned out, even if they both liked boys. She tried to forcibly make them find girls and talk to them, in hopes that it was just a phase and they would grow out of it, but she knew that would never happen.

Maud was torn inside. No mother should have deal with this kind of stress at all. She could only imagine how her babies felt; their father didn't approve of them, hell, he practically disowned them and would deny them in public. He even went as far as to try and erase them from exsistence.

Rolling over these thoughts, she didn't even hear the twins come though the door, running to the kitchen where she sat at the table, drinking her lukewarm tea.

They came in and dropped their stuff off by the front door before heading to the kitchen and greeted their mother. "Hey mom." Lee and Ford spoke in unison as they gave her a kiss on the cheek and a half hug.

"Hello boys, how was school?"

"It was good I guess..." Stan half lied. They get bullied a lot in school. Tripped, punched, called names, things of that matter. Some days are worse than others, but as long as Ford didn't get the brunt of it, Stan wouldn't complain.

On the other hand, Ford hated seeing his brother get hurt for taking up for him. He hated being a six fingered freak, but he hated what the bullies do to his brother more. Stan always tells him that he can take it, but it just made Ford's heart break even more.

He truly hated being weak.

"...rd." A voice called him back into reality. It was their mother.

"I'm sorry, what?"

She rolled her eyes and repeated herself. "I asked how your day was, I guess not that good since you didn't answer me."

"Oh, sorry mom. It was just stressful with testing and the amount of homework we got." It was tough keeping up with the lies they've told her. He wanted to just tell her that they get picked on and beg her not to make them go back.

It seemed like the easier option to be home schooled, but then he remembered, they'd have to deal with their father all the time and he's ten times worse on Stanley than the teens at school. If it wasn't for being intelligent, he'd get what Lee got as well.

Their mother had noticed Ford making strained faces and quirked a brow at him, confused. Stan also noticed this.

Seeing as Ford had been zoning out for too long, Stan casually placed an arm around his shoulder. "C'mon Poindexter, you got a lot of homework to do, remember?"

They never stayed downstairs for too long. As much as they hated to admit it, they were horrified of their father and what he's capable of. He would always complain about the boys being in the way whenever he was in a bad mood - which was quite a lot - so it was best to stay in their bedroom as much as possible, especially after last time.

"Ford!" Called Stan from the top of the steps. Ford was in the living room watching television. Their parents weren't home yet and he decided to enjoy himself while he had the chance. It was only four thirty-seven and Filbrick wouldn't be home for at least thirty more minutes, that was enough time to finish his show. After calling him for the tenth time, Stan made his way downstairs to see what his brother was doing that he was so invested in that he flat out ignored him. "Poindexter, what are you doing down here? You know pa hates it when we're down here."

"I just wanna watch this episode," Stanford never took his eyes television. "-and besides dad won't be home for a little while, he won't know."

Stan was worried, if they were caught, who knows what he would do to them. As he tried again to get Ford to go upstairs, the front door was swung open by their father. Ford immediately jumped up and Stan turned toward the living room entrance, backing up to join Ford, where Ford tried to disappear behind Stanley and grabbed his hand causing Stan to give a reassuring squeeze back.

He didn't say anything at first, and that frightened the twins a lot, that usually meant he was going to do something irrational. Filbrick looked at them, then at the television set, and then eyes rested on them once again. "Who told you two to be down here?" He was drunk, the smell of alcohol was strong. His hands curled into balls when no one answered him, so he slowly repeated his question. "Who told you two you were allowed down here?" Ford was visibly shaking, he couldn't speak, the words died in his throat every time he opened his mouth to talk. Lee spoke in his place. "I was bored, so I came down here, Ford told me not to, but I didn't listen." Ford's eyes widened and squeezed his brother's hand even tighter in fear.

Their father walked over to them, eyes lingering on Stan for a while. Lee continued to stare back at their father with a horrified expression. Ford closed his eyes, he couldn't take it. It was his fault this happened and now Stanley was going to get punished for it. Filbrick gripped Stan by his neck and strangled him, Stan lost his grip on Ford's hand as he fell to the floor with their father crushing him. He started turning blue due to lack of oxygen and Stanford panicked. clawing at the hands that strangled his brother, Filbrick let go of Lee and turned his attention to the weaker sibling. He balled his fist up and punched Ford in his face, causing his nose to bleed. "You're both a disgrace to this family!" Stan was gasping for air and Ford was holding his bloody nose. As if that wasn't enough, Filbrick dragged Stan to the vacant closet and shoved him inside, locking it after he slammed it shut. "Don't you open that goddamn door or I'll kill ya both!"

Fearing for his life and his twin's Ford did the least he could; sit by the closet and wait until hos brother was allowed out.

"Is something bothering you, Sixer?" Stan broke the silence.

"No." He lied and returned to his book. "I'm trying to do my homework."

Stan knew better than to just leave it be. Something was bugging his brother and no way in hell was he going to let that be, he wanted to know.

"I know it's something Fordsy." Retorted Stan, smirking at the moniker Ford hated so much.

Ford glared, but rolled his eyes and brushed it aside, then looked down at his six fingered hands, fiddling with them. "I was just thinking about some things..." Like the events of today alone. "I don't like seeing you suffer...and for me of all people. I'm not worth-"

He never got to finish his sentence because Stan threw a hand over his mouth and leaned in really close. "Don't you EVER think that way again. I don't care what happens to me, I'd do it all again for you, with a smile on my face if it means I can protect you. I mean that from the bottom of my heart." He let go and took a step back giving his brother a small sincere smile truly meaning every single word that was said.

Ford was stunned.

It made him fully realize he could only count on his brother to be there for him, he didn't deserve someone as caring as him.

Tears burned in his eyes and Stanley pulled him into a tight hug, making Ford cry into his chest.

He loved his brother. He was all he had, and he was going to show it, no matter the consequences.

Then it happened.

Ford pulled out of the hug and stared into Stanley's beautiful chocolate hues and cupped his face, leaned in, and kissed him.

Yes my horrible fanfic. xD

I also don't even have a clue where I'm going with this. ^

I dunno R&R? I know I could use some practice so hopefully by the end of this (or the next) story my writing won't be so bad.

Have a good day!