Remember The Way You Loved Me


Oliver paced the small hospital room for what was probably the thousandth time, he had the small room mapped out, he knew twenty steps to the right he would be at the door, then to the left twenty steps he would be at the window, looking out at the city, his city. Then five steps forward from the wall he would be at the bed. Felicity's bed. Felicity was sleeping, that what it looked like. He couldn't say coma. Felicity was sleeping and she would wake up soon. The doctors were positive, she had healed well from all of the scans that she had been through. The bullet wounds were healing nicely, both of them missing vital organs, one had damaged her shoulder, she wouldn't be able to type frantically at keyboards anytime soon, her arm would be in a sling once she woke up. The doctor said it was up to Felicity now, she would wake up when she's ready. Oliver just didn't think he could wait any longer. Two weeks without seeing her smile, hearing her laugh, hearing her endless babbled… Two weeks without Felicity was killing him.


"She'll wake up soon." Donna whispered as she sat by her daughter's bedside, she took hold of her hand and played with her fingers a little.

"She will." Oliver nodded, he was pacing again. He had to do something, he couldn't just sit and do nothing, but he couldn't leave the room either. Between him and Donna someone was always with her, they took it in turns to go home, in Donna's case home was the loft, she had been staying there since it happened. She couldn't go back to Vegas. Her daughter needed her. "She's strong."

"She is." Donna breathed. This was a daily reassurance for both of them. "When she was five she had to stay in hospital for a week."

"What happened?" Oliver asked.

"She caught a virus at school, it was horrible. She couldn't eat, she was constantly in pain and had this ridiculously high fever. I remember thinking it wasn't fair, why did my daughter have to be the one to suffer so much, the other kids at school had it for two days, nothing as serious as her. I'll never forget what she said when she saw me crying, she said 'I don't mind being at the hospital mom. The other girls wanted to go to the school party. I didn't. I'm okay here with you'"

Oliver smiled small and looked at his sleeping Felicity, "that sounds like Felicity." Oliver breathed and finally took a seat on the other side of Donna.

"She'll wake up soon and then you'll both get what you deserve. Your happy ever after." Donna smiled and reached across and took hold of Oliver's hand and that's how they spent the rest of the afternoon - just waiting. Waiting for Felicity to wake up. Waiting for their lives to start again.


When Felicity finally wakes up, Donna is by her side. She's reading a magazine - one she had probably read a dozen times already that night, but she's there and she's talking to Felicity about the dresses and any little thing that comes to mind. Felicity's eyes blink a little and as she stirs a whimper escapes her lips, just a small, barely audible whimper but Donna hears it loud and clear and she turns to her daughter and everything feels better when she sees those beautiful blue eyes blinking up at her.

"Mom?" Felicity whispers and looks around, she winces straight away and tries to find her surroundings but she doesn't recognise anything and the panic sets in.

"I'm here baby. I'm here. You're okay. You're safe now." She says gently and presses the call button half a dozen times. "You're awake. You're finally awake. I can't wait to tell Oliver. He's going to be so happy. You're awake." She gushed and Felicity frowned as she looked up at her Mom, confusion all over her face.

"Oliver?" Felicity whispered.

"I'll call him now. He'll be here straight away." Donna said stroking her cheek.

"Mom… Who's Oliver? Where am I?" Felicity asked and Donna stared at her daughter in shock, Felicity was awake and talking, but the Felicity staring at her wasn't the Felicity that got shot, this wasn't Oliver's' Felicity.