"Why are we at a campaign office?" Felicity frowned as she walked in with Oliver. The drive to office had been quiet, both of them nervous about what would happen once they got there. Oliver wasn't naive to think as soon as Felicity saw the foundry everything would go back to normal, yes he had secretly hoped that it would be the case but he knew better than to give into hope.

"That's what Diggle, Thea and Laurel said when we first brought them here." Oliver smiled fondly at the memory and held his hand out for Felicity, she was a little hesitant but reached out and took it after a moment.

"We brought them here?" Felicity asked curiously.

"This wasn't our first base." Oliver explained. "Our first one well...that was under a nightclub and didn't end well." Oliver chuckled at the look on Felicity's face when he had said it was under a club. "This one was actually your idea."

"Mine?" Felicity creased her eyebrows and Oliver knew that she was really trying to remember, and he wanted to tell her to relax that it would come naturally, but he knew he had to let her get to that discovery on her own.

"Yeah, you knew we needed a foundry where it wouldn't look strange for me to constantly be near." Oliver smiled and now hand in hand they walked through the office that he hadn't been in for a while.

"It looked like you were doing some good here." Felicity said as she looked around the office looking at the discarded posters for his campaign.

"I think I was." Oliver sighed.

"You're not running anymore?"

"No." Oliver said with a shake of his head. "I have more important things to do."

"As the Arrow?" Felicity frowned.

"As Oliver." He said softly. "I want to be close to you. I want to be there for you whilst you recover."

"But you've just left your whole campaign." Felicity said shaking her head.

"You're more important to me." Oliver said his tone telling Felicity that there was no room to argue. "And without the campaign there is less for me to focus on so all of my energy is on Darkh."

"The man…"

"Who hurt you? Yes. I need to stop him."

"And you will."

"I'm not so sure." Oliver sighed and it was the first time that he had ever admitted it to anyone.

"Oliver." Felicity whispered pulling him close to her.

"I've faced a lot of bad people Felicity. But I've never come across anyone like him. For the first time I don't think I can stop him."

"I think that he's strong and that's scared you, he's got power, but so have you." Felicity said and gently ran her fingers through his hair. "I believe in you, Oliver."

"Thank you." Oliver wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. Even though he had her in his arms, he missed his Felicity so much. "Come on let's go down."

"Is it weird that I'm nervous?" Felicity asked as they stepped into the elevator.

"I think that's normal." Oliver grinned. Their hands still connected, his fingers gently running across hers. "If you remember anything, even if it's just a feeling, you'll let me know?"

"Of course." Felicity nodded softly.

"Thank you."

"What for?" Felicity asked, she hadn't done anything for him.

"For trusting me." Oliver said simply.

Once the elevator doors opened Felicity took a deep breath and looked out into the bright room, it's different to her dream, bigger, brighter, lighter. "This isn't the one I saw." Felicity said walking through slowly.

"Maybe you remembered the old one?" Oliver offered.

"It was smaller, darker." Felicity nodded.

"Yeah. The last one was just whatever I had left from my trust fund." Oliver shrugged. "You paid for most of this."

"I still can't believe I have that sort of money." Felicity said shaking her head.

"I know." Oliver smiled. "But you do amazing things with it."

"From the look of my closet I also buy lots of dresses."

"I like the dresses too." Oliver chuckled and Felicity just rolled her eyes.

"This is your domain." Oliver hummed as he took Felicity by the hand and led her to her chair, he sat her down and rubbed her shoulders a little. "This is where you're the hero."

Felicity nodded slowly running her hands along the dashboard and looked up at Oliver and then back at the controls.

Felicity sits at the computer, her heart pounding as she listens to the sounds of Oliver fighting a group of attackers, they had been attacking a young girl on her way home from school. "Oliver the police are on their way." Felicity said into the headset as she typed furiously informing the police of what was happening.

"Got it." Oliver's mechanical voice said and Felicity heard him wince, she wished that this area had security cameras so she could see what was happening, though she really wasn't too sure if this was something she actually wanted to see. Hearing it was bad enough. Heavy punching sounds rang through her ears, and just as she heard sirens there was a loud gunshot and Felicity gripped the desk tightly.

"Oliver!" She shouted. "Oliver please tell me you're okay!" There was a deadly silence and Felicity was typing frantically now, calling out for Oliver over and over again, until finally she heard his muffled voice.

"I'm okay." He panted and Felicity collapsed back against the chair, she removed her glasses and wiped her eyes tiredly. Her heart finally calming down. "Felicity…?"

"I'm here." Felicity whispered.

"I'm on my way back to you."

"Felicity," Oliver called when he noticed the faraway look in Felicity's eyes, "Felicity are you with me?"

"I...I'm here." Felicity said shaking her head and blinking up at Oliver.

"What did you remember?" Oliver asked crouching down and looking at her gently.

"I remembered the first time I knew I loved you." Felicity whispered and wrapped her arms tightly around him, the feelings so raw inside her as she held onto him, never wanting to let go.