Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you enjoy the holidays!

Chapter 2 – Teacher

After Sarutobi had managed to calm Naruto down with a jutsu that removed the chakra from the boy's eyes, he was able to carry the boy inside and bring him to his room. The boy was exhausted. Sarutobi knew why of course, because the rinnegan, like other doujutsu, taxed the user with a chakra toll, but unlike the sharingan or byakugan, the rinnegan in Naruto's eyes asked more chakra.

"Dad, what does this mean?" Asuma asked while Sarutobi was tucking Naruto under the sheets.

Hiruzen sighed sadly, looking down at the sleeping form of his five year old son, "do you remember the night when the kyuubi managed to break free and rampage through our village?" he asked suddenly.

Hiruzen turned around and looked at his son who was much taller than he was, when he saw Asuma nod, Hiruzen continued, "that night your mother was gravely injured, how she survived is a miracle," Hiruzen finished.

"But mom and you never told me that!" Asuma said both distressed and angry. He cared deeply for his mother and anyone who dared hurt her would find a brutal death.

"We didn't want to make you worried Asuma, but the reason I'm telling you this is because I think Naruto saved her life," Sarutobi said turning away from his son, looking outside the window in deep thought.

"What do you mean dad?'

Hiruzen was known as the professor and thus he didn't need long to connect the dots between Biwako's story and Naruto awaking the rinnegan. He cleared his throat and turned around before saying, "the Sage of the Six Paths was known to be able to do things only written in stories, one of those things he was able to do was to give back life to those who had died."

"It can't be," Asuma said, coming to the conclusion that his dad was about to say.

Hiruzen took a while thinking how to phrase this to his son, when he found the words a moment later he said, "Biwako told me that her throat was cut and only Hashirama-sama himself could save her from dying, I believe that she died that night and that Naruto used one of the powers that the sage had to bring her back to life."

Asuma gulped, eyes so wide almost threatening to drop his eyeballs out. He knew what his dad was about to say, but he couldn't but be stunned. He tried to calm down when his dad spoke again.

"You see Asuma, the night when the kyuubi attacked, a masked figure appeared and took away Minato's daughter, Mito," Sarutobi reminisced, "Minato and Kushina had decided that Mito should be the next carrier of the kyuubi, but that masked figure made that a night a living hell for them and all of Konoha, but that's not the point what I'm trying to make," Sarutobi pulled out a cigar from underneath his robes and lit it using the fire element on his index finger, "Minato used a forbidden jutsu to conjure up the Shinigami to seal the unleashed kyuubi, one half into his own body and the other half into Mito's, the price for that particular forbidden jutsu is the user's life."

"But Minato is alive dad," Asuma said, afraid where this conversation was going.

"He is, and the Shinigami didn't take his soul, I think the Shinigami did something to Naruto, but that's all I can think of now, because the rinnegan appearing in Naruto doesn't make very much sense," he took another drag of his cigar and puffed out a thick cloud of smoke.

"Don't worry Asuma," Sarutobi said putting his hand up interrupting Asuma's attempt to speak, "I'll use all the years that I have remaining to find out what exactly happened that night."

Asuma nodded. He knew what Naruto's powers meant, not only for Konoha but for the rest of the world. If someone managed to manipulate or kidnap Naruto and use his powers for their own, then everything would be doomed. Naruto was now the most important treasure, but at the same time Konoha's most dangerous treasure as well, like a double edged sword.

A few weeks later

Itachi was known as the most prodigal shinobi Konoha had ever produced. He had made jonin years before shinobi normally gained the rank and he had managed to manifest his sharingan at the tender age of three. His parents, little brother and the rest of the village were very proud of him. People saw him as the perfect candidate to become the Godaime Hokage.

The raved haired teen did not aim to become the Hokage, he didn't really know what he aimed for in life. It was like he was a lost salmon, unable to find the stream upwards leading to his fellow kind.

He loved his parents and loved his little brother the most, but otherwise he was apathetic concerning anything else. He finished missions flawlessly and was the epitome of what a shinobi stood for, yet he always felt empty, like there was something missing in his life.

A few hours ago the retired third hokage had summoned him to his home. Ever since the sandaime had retired, he never summoned any shinobi, so Itachi with his genius mind deduced that there was something the sandaime wanted of Itachi that no one else, not even the yondaime, could know.

"Yes hokage-sama?" Itachi said as he bowed before the retired hokage.

"Minato is the Hokage Itachi, no need to call me that anymore," the old man smiled.

Itachi nodded before looking to the left side of the sandaime, where a small blond boy, known to Itachi as the stepson of the sandaime, sat looking at the ceiling with a bored expression.

"Dad, I want to play with Asuma-nii-sama," Naruto groaned.

"Don't sulk Naruto," Sarutobi said, trying to sound like a strict teacher, but utterly failing because he just couldn't be strict with the cute blond ball that was his son, that although he wasn't related to in blood, he did view him as such.

"This is one of two reasons I have asked you to come Itachi," Sarutobi said sighing, "you've been a jonin for some time now, but you haven't taken a genin squad yet, which is mandatory for anyone who is a jonin, sometimes we make exceptions, like we did for you, but please view this as a request from an old man," the sandaime paused before grabbing his son from behind the shirt, lifting him up and almost throwing him in front of Itachi, "please train Naruto to become an outstanding shinobi."

"Hey dad, that hurt!" Naruto yelled, tears welling up in his eyes.

"And the second reason?" Itachi asked. Itachi wanted to decline the sandaime's offer because he didn't have to train anyone if he didn't want to, but Itachi deduced that the sandaime, known as the Professor,knew that he was going to decline and the second reason was what was going to make him change his mind. "Unlikely," Itachi thought, but he was willing to listen, as he respected the sandaime.

"Show him Naruto," Sarutobi said sternly.

"No, you threw me dad!" Naruto sulked.

"I'll buy you ice cream if you do," Sarutobi pleaded, damn his cute son.

Itachi observed how Naruto transitioned from almost crying, to sulking, to now being very happy. Then it was Itachi's turn to go through several emotions at once.

Shock, disbelief and happiness. His lungs froze and his eyes sharpened. For what reason would a genius among geniuses be put into such a state one would ask. The answer stood before his very eyes.

"Rinnegan," Itachi said as instead of the previous blue eyes, several rings plastered on a purple background were now what inhabited the sockets of the five year olds head.

Itachi calmed down and furrowed his brow when he noticed that the blond boy was moving.

"I'm my own boss, I won't allow you to train me, try to catch me first," Naruto laughed before raising his arm up.

"No!" Sarutobi yelled trying to stop his son.

"Juryoku Hiku!"

Itachi noticed his whole body being pulled towards the blond boy. The blond, grinning, pulled his hand upward before muttering "bye bye."

Itachi was pulled towards the ceiling, breaking the roof and sending the jonin flying towards the sky.

"NARUTO!" Sarutobi yelled, ready to punish Naruto.

"I'm sorry dad, it's just," the boy fidgeted, "why can't you just teach me?" Naruto said, putting both his hands behind his head and looking up sweetly, like he hadn't just sent one of the strongest shinobi in the village flying.

"I'll teach him hokage-sama," Itachi said amused with a hand on one of the boy's shoulders.

Naruto's eyes went wide and he began to laugh nervously, "but I just sent you flying mister."

"You made a log fly, but not me," Itachi answered monotonously.

"Am I in trouble mister?" Naruto asked, before attempting to form a seal to make his way out.

"Yes you are," Itachi said grasping the hand that was halfway done forming a seal for the body flicker jutsu.

"I will take him with me now hokage-sama," Itachi said before the duo disappeared in a flock of leaves.

"That boy is going to get me a heart attack one of these days," Sarutobi sighed.

If there was one shinobi in the village who could both teach Naruto shinobi skills and manners, it was Uchiha Itachi. He just hoped Itachi had enough patience with his troublesome son.

Although Naruto was a genius, he was equally as much a troublemaker.

"Do you know what those eyes of yours are?" Itachi asked after tying Naruto up around a tree. The boy couldn't sit still and began running away after Itachi brought him to the Uchiha training grounds.

Naruto stuck out his tongue and remained silence. Who the hell did this guy think he was? That was the thought that inhabited the five year old's mind.

Itachi stared down at Naruto, determined not to let the blond win, so he didn't say a word.

After an hour of staying silent, Naruto sighed and looked around. There were many people training in the vast training ground around him. There were wooden sparring posts, arena's and agility courses. The blond noticed that some of the people were giving Naruto looks.

Uchiha Sasuke was training with his father, but when he noticed that Itachi had appeared he wanted to run to him, but his father stopped him and told him to focus on his training. He and many other Uchiha stared in confusion when Itachi tied a blond boy around a tree. It was strange for two reasons. First, Itachi never trained a student, and secondly it was strange to think that a student who Itachi took in would disobey him to such a degree that said student would need to be tied down.

Sasuke swelled with jealousy at the blond.

Sasuke wanted to become Itachi's student, but Sasuke had asked many times and he was always answered the same. How come some blond disobedient idiot could become his student but not his own little brother? Sasuke got a little angry with his brother for that reason, but even more with the blond.

Uchiha Fugaku was confused as well, but when he noticed who the boy was, he mentally nodded and understood why, but even for the stepson of the sandaime he had to be special for Itachi to take him in as his student.

"Can't you just let me go? I want to go play with Asuma- nii-sama," Naruto finally said, looking up pleadingly at the raven haired teen.

"No, the sandaime has asked me to teach you, so I will, until our relationship as teacher and student is over, you are under my care, and you will listen to my commands," the raven haired teen said, "are you going to answer my question or do we need to stand here until the next winter?"

Naruto scrutinized the teen harshly, he really didn't like him at all. He only needed a little while longer for his chakra to replenish, then he could use Juryoku Hiku again and he would be able to escape.

Then the blond began to think about his father's words when he had told him about getting Naruto a teacher, "Naruto I can't teach you how to use your new powers, but I know someone who could. Listen to him and you'll be able to do more cool tricks."

Doing new tricks sounded great to Naruto. He remembered how his eyes had hurt a few weeks ago, and then the day after his father had told him to focus chakra in his eyes and he could suddenly see like he had a microscope and telescope in his eyes. He could even see things that were behind him, which felt strange at first.

A few days after he awakened his new eye power, which his father, mother and his brother called the rinnegan,he was training his chakra control in the yard with his rinnegan activated. Then after he, as usual, sent chakra towards his arms to enhance his wind nature, he felt a new energy source in his hands and felt as if he was gripping something. He looked forward and noticed that something, a shovel, was moving in front of him. He moved his hands and noticed that the object moved as well.

After that it was just trying out what he could exactly do with this new bizarre ability, and before he knew it, he could send objects and people flying around. He tried it on his brother, but Asuma-nii-sama didn't like that and pulled Naruto on his ankles upside down forcing him to promise to never use that again on him. Naruto was too scared to try it on his father or mother. He called this new technique "Juryoku Hiku"(gravitation pull).

(AN: Nagato uses Shinra Tensei as the name for this jutsu, but it doesn't make sense for Naruto to know that name as well, so I used google translate to try to find another Japanese name for the jutsu, one which in this story Naruto names the jutsu as.)

Naruto felt his stomach growl before deciding to answer the teen. Naruto had weak points, one of them was that when he felt the slightest amount of hunger, he had to eat.

"My family told me it's called the rinnegan, that's all I know, can I go now? I'm starving!" Naruto spat.

Itachi grinned, but you had to look very carefully at the corner of his mouth to notice it, "we'll eat, but first you'll have to run a few miles."

"Don't think so," Naruto suddenly said, feeling his chakra replenished. Like hell he would jog on an empty stomach, "see ya later, Juryoku Hiku!"

The grin that had appeared on Naruto's face disappeared at the same time as Itachi replaced himself with several kunai.

Naruto's eyes widened and fidgeted, wanting to escape, but the ropes were too tight. He couldn't use his arms to redirect the kunai upwards.

"No please save me!" Naruto yelled out as the kunai almost pierced him. The blond closed his eyes in fear.

"Never use that jutsu on me again," A voice said.

Naruto slowly opened his eyes. The kunai were gone, but Itachi stood right in front of him. Naruto gulped and nodded.

"You must call me sensei from now on," Itachi said.

"Yes sensei," Naruto answered.

Unknown to the newly formed student teacher pair, two sets of eyes were spying on them.

"It is as you said Kabuto-kun, but I had to see it to believe it," Orochimaru said with his slithering voice.