A twig crunched under Sonya's boot as she walked along the pathway. She was dressed in casual clothing, the only remnant of her uniform was her long blonde plait, enough for who she was meeting to recognise her from a distance.

She hoped Fujin would notice her. The wind god had come to the military base to speak to her, telling her he had important information to share. He'd also said they'd meet at the Shopping Centre, in the outside area, just at the fountain.

Sonya adjusted her dark green t-shirt, moving her plait to hang over her shoulder. She pushed past the shoppers at the centre, grumbling to herself. It seemed some people just didn't look around, bumping into her and one another. Once she reached the fountain in the centre, Sonya sat down on the edge of it, glad she could find a spot between an elderly couple and a young woman on her phone.

There was a good chance her own daughter was here. Cassie wasn't one to miss any good sales, especially with her paycheck coming in. Knowing her, she would be with Jacqui, the girls would go to store to store, buying more clothes, jewelry, and items they didn't need. Not that Sonya truly minded, it meant more clothes to borrow from her daughter if she was desperate.

So far, she hadn't spotted Fujin, and he hadn't walked over to speak to her. Sonya sighed, resting her head on her fist and continuing to scan the crowd, hoping to see the wind god. He'd said to meet around 12, he couldn't be far.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" Sonya rolled her eyes. Out of all the cliché movie lines she'd heard come from this man's mouth, that line had to be one of the worst.

"Getting too caught up in your movies, Cage?" She grumbled, still facing away from him. She heard her ex-husband scoff, then narrowed her eyes as he sat down next to her, a little too close for her liking. She made a point of shuffling away from him, before asking, well, demanding. "Why are you here?"

Johnny sighed, tapping his hands on his knees. He wore a black shirt, the neck on it low enough to show the top of his tattoo. His dark blue jeans contrasted greatly against his bright green sneakers. His greying brown hair was gelled back as usual, and he wore a pair of sunglasses. "Fujin visited me. Said to meet him here."

"What?" It was Sonya's turn to scoff. She crossed her arms, leaning back slightly. "But he contacted me."

"Yeah, he spoke to both of us." He explained, turning to make eye contact. "He told me he wanted to tell you as well. Said he'd give us more information later." She frowned at Johnny's words, Fujin hadn't said anything about this to her. The god had only told her to meet him here, he'd avoided adding anything about contacting Johnny as well.

"He never said anything about-" She stopped when she finally saw him. Fujin stood out like a sore thumb, shoppers nearby have him strange looks, whispering to each other. The wind god wore his usual outfit, red and black shirt that revealed his chest, and teal, baggy pants. His long, white hair was tied back into a plait. His wore his gauntlets and boots, and walked over to the pair, clear white eyes fixed on the pair.

"Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade." He nodded to both, stopping short in front of them. "I am glad you arrived." He turned to look at the people behind him, noticing he'd amassed a small crowed. "Please, follow me. This place is too public."

Both Johnny and Sonya stood to follow him. The pair didn't say a word to each other as Fujin lead them around a corner, to a far quieter park. He gestured to a nearby bench. Once they sat down, Fujin explained.

"I wanted to speak to both of you, as you are Earthrealm's saviours." Fujin had taken a seat in between them. The god leant forward slightly. "There is a new threat in Outworld, have you heard of Mileena's death?"

"Yeah, Cass told me she saw it." Despite knowing how serious this talk would be, Johnny almost slouched on the bench, seated as if he was at home on his couch. His arm was across the back of the wooden bench, he himself was sprawled out, making the seat seem almost comfortable.

Sonya, who sat with her legs together, hands folded on her lap, similar to how students sit during a class photo, rolled her eyes at his comment. "By the sounds of things, Mileena was destroyed inside-out."

"Which she was." Fujin noted. "Many people saw her dead, she had no skin left on her face. However, Raiden spoke to me two days ago, he told me Outworlders had seen her. They say she has her face, and is completely fine."

A silence passed over the two mortals. Johnny shuffled in his spot, while Sonya murmured to herself, shaking her head in disbelief.

Fujin waited for them to look back at him. "That is why I contacted both of you. I would like you to go into Outworld and find her. We all know how dangerous Mileena is, if she gains any power it will be completely unstable."

"Roger that." Johnny was the first to speak, cutting Sonya off. The blonde rolled her eyes yet again, ignoring the look of confusion from Fujin. "If Sonya is okay with travelling with me, I'm sure we can find Butter Face in no time."

Now, Sonya felt both men looking at her. She sighed, nodding. "Yes, I'm sure I can handle your whining for a few weeks." She ignored the hurt look Cage gave her and the uncomfortable shuffle from Fujin. She stood from the bench, now facing Johnny and Fujin. "Anything else?"

"If it is not too much," the god shifted in his seat again, "I would appreciate it if you take Johnny Cage's team with you. They could learn more about Outworld, and have another chance to prove themselves. And I'm sure you would appreciate more assistance."

"No trouble at all." Johnny grinned. "I can message them any time, they're all around the area currently."

"It's settled then." Sonya put her hands on her hips, looking over Fujin. The wind god still seemed uncomfortable, as if he felt he shouldn't be here. "When do you want us to leave?"

"Preferably, as soon as possible." Fujin told her. He cleared his throat. "Raiden and I are both very concerned, we want this threat to Earthrealm gone."

Sonya nodded, and turned to her ex-husband. "We'll leave tomorrow morning, around 8am, got it? Meet at the portal, and go to Outworld."

"Don't you think it'll take longer?" When Sonya raised an eyebrow, Johnny explained. "Y'know, getting four young adults ready? Takeda and Jacqui won't want to go, and don't even get me started on-"

"They're your team." She stepped closer to him, gritting out the words slowly, making a point of them. "It's your responsibility to get them together by 8am tomorrow. If you're not there, I'm going out alone."

He rolled his blue eyes as he took a step closer. Now any distance between them was closed, Sonya had to tilt her head upwards to see his face. "You know that is a stupid idea, Sonya. Going into Outworld alone, even if you are a general, going out alone would be suicide. Plus you know Kotal isn't too friendly with us since we took Shinnok's amulet back, he may hurt you."

"In that case," the general stood up on her tiptoes to become more level with Johnny, "you better get both your ass and four others at the portal in time. I don't have the time to wait and let a potential threat wander out alone."

"Fine." Johnny crossed his arms, still staring down at her. "We'll meet up at 8, and go through the portal no earlier than 8:30." She opened her mouth to protest, irritated when Johnny held up a hand to stop her. "Deal?"

"Deal." She said it slowly, reluctantly agreeing to his terms. It may have only been half an hour, but it was an extra half an hour for Mileena to disappear further into Outworld.

They both turned to Fujin, who still sat on the bench, twiddling his thumbs. Although he had no pupils, they understood he was pointedly looking away from them, eyes fixed on the ground in front of him. Realising they'd finished their argument, the wind god spoke. "I will not be joining you, as I am needed here in Earthrealm. Both Raiden and I are sure six of Earthrealm's defenders will be able to find her."

"It won't be a problem." Sonya said, her tone harsh. She prepared to turn and leave, when Johnny spoke up.

"That reminds me, Fujin. Where's Rai-dude?" At the god's confused expression, he said. "Raiden. Where's Raiden."

"He's been busy." Fujin murmured, keeping steady eye contact with Johnny. "After Shinnok invaded, Raiden has been working harder to defend Earthrealm from any further threats, focusing on the Netherrealm and Outworld."

Johnny seemed disappointed with his answer. "It's been strange, that's all. I haven't heard anything from him at all."

"He is busy." Fujin repeated with sudden sternness in his tone. Johnny and Sonya shared a quick, confused look. "It is nothing, he will be able to see you again soon. I believe you two best go and prepare for tomorrow." He stood from his seat, nodding to both as he hurried away from them, soon disappearing into a crowd of people.

"Well," Johnny turned to Sonya, giving her a small smile, "that was weird."

"Suspicious." She agreed, looking back to where the wind god had last been visible. After quickly checking the time on her phone, she turned back to Johnny. "See you tomorrow, Cage."

"Bye, baby." He grinned. His grin turned to laughter when she flipped him off.

Sonya felt Johnny's eyes on her as she marched away, trying to remember where she parked her car. As she made her way through the crowds of shoppers, she couldn't help but think back to what she'd just agreed to. Being stuck with Cage and his team wasn't going to be fun, she was certain those five would find anything to complain about. Yet she was thankful they'd be with her, Johnny wasn't wrong when he said going alone in Outworld was suicide.

She just hoped they'd find Mileena before it was too late.