AUTHORS NOTE: this story and it's idea are not mine, this wonderful storyline was made by vhdc1234 who has lost interest in the fanfiction and in their recent chapter have declared that anyone may continue it, all credit goes to vhdc1234 please check out the original story! Without further adue, I'm going to give this my best shot!


CHAPTER 1 Kidnapped

Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Those three words swam around in her head, like fish in a pond, circling over and over again, the reality of it all refusing to loosen it's grip on her mind.

Tomorrow. She would be married, to a stallion she hadn't even met, but the awful rumours about him were enough to make her cringe in distaste. She didn't even want to marry, but it wasn't her choice, nothing ever was. That was the disadvantage of being royalty, specifically the King's daughter. Her father chose everything for her, what clothes she would wear, what they would have for dinner, what hobbies she was to partake in, and now, who she would marry.

"Oh Fluttershy you look so beautiful!" A maid next to her cried out in longing, smiling cheerfully at the princess as the mare turned to face the silver mirror.

What she saw made her eyes widen. Fluttershy was wearing a long white dress with ruffles that in a vibrant pink. The fabric itself covering almost everything, just how her father had wanted it. A thick white veil hung over her face, it covered the entirety of her fur, although it did little to shield her from her fate. Her pale pink mane was tightly curled, running up her neck. This was not her, this was not what she wanted! Yet there was little she could do, she was helpless. A few tears swam to her eyes as she glanced at herself, one silently trickling down her cheek and leaving a cold stain that stuck to her fur.

"The Prince of Haywaii will be so impressed!" Another maid giggled at her own words.

"I-I really don't think I'm good enough for him, he deserves someone better" Fluttershy meekly attempted to squirm out of the situation she was in, it was in vain.

"Don't be silly, your so gorgeous Princess, who could say no to you?" A third maid pitched in, before tightening a ribbon on the dress with her hooves. A heavy sigh left her chest, her shoulders slumped as she felt reality crushing it's weight down on her. The princess let a few more tears slide down her cheeks, the salty liquid cold on her fur. That was all anybody said to her. That she was so beautiful, or so gorgeous, no one cared for her personality, or her likes and dislikes. No one cared for who she was. Another disadvantage of being the King's daughter she supposed.

As all three maids stepped back to admire their work Fluttershy hoped with all her heart it was a sign they were done.

"Perfect!" All three maids gave a collective sigh of awe.

"Now Princess you have a big day tomorrow so go rest up while we put on the finishing touches!" A maid cheerfully smiled and Fluttershy lifted a hoof to wipe the tear tracks from her cheeks, her hoof trembling. The princess hurriedly moved to remove the dress as the other two maids rushed to her side.

"Relax your highness, we'll get it for you!" No one ever let her do anything for herself, so this was perfectly normal and Fluttershy barely had to move an inch as the wedding dress was removed. The Pegasus tiredly fluttered her wings which had previously been cooped up behind the ruffles of her dreaded dress.

"Go enjoy some sleep now your highness!" A maid cried and Fluttershy swiftly trotted away, not glancing back at the dress which spelled out her life of no choices.

As the mare walked down the halls she began thinking about what her life would have been like if she hadn't been born royalty. Her hoof steps echoed around the arching hallway, a few flickering torches providing the only light to lead her towards her dorm. Fluttershy eventually passed a window, the moon reflecting onto her face as she gracefully swept past the light let in. Stopping in her tracks the pegasus turned towards the open window, a dozen twinkling stars so far away, yet just in her reach. Spreading her wings the Pegasus longed to feel the cool night breeze ruffle through her feathers, the appendages pumping as they worked to keep her afloat in mid air as she elegantly soared through the skies, as if dancing with the stars. Alas it was a dream that would not come true anytime soon, as no one had ever taught her how to fly, and no one ever would. She could have traveled the world, the sun moon and stars her only companions as she flew until she couldn't no more, visiting places she could only dream about.

"If only" her soft voice whispered Into the night and with a last glance at the moon Fluttershy trotted down heartedly towards her bedroom.



Four mares lazed around on the deck of a ship, their faces covered in grime and scruffed up rags as their clothes. They wore bandanas around their manes to keep them in place and a couple of them had eyepatches and other pirate based clothes.

"This is getting ridiculous, we need more loot, especially because we haven't plundered any ships in six months!" One mare stamped a hoof in frustration. She was a soothing lavender unicorn with an indigo mane that went straight over her shoulder and a fringe the nearly went up to her eyes. A dark purple stripe and a pink stripe were highlighted in her mane and tail. An eyepatch covered one of her deep purple eyes. This mare's name was Twilight Sparkle.

"Argg, where's the captain when ye' need him?" A second mare growled. She was a cyan Pegasus with a spiky yet smooth rainbow coloured mane and tail. Although she wore no eyepatch One of her magenta eyes had a long scar across it that parted her fur. This mare was called Rainbowdash. A sudden bright flash blinded the mares and they covers their eyes with their hooves. A figure emerged from the light, it draped in a cloak that covered most of it's body. Despite the mysteriousness of the figure the mare's seemed to know who it was and immediately sat up straighter as the light dimmed behind the figure.

"I'm right here, and I have a plan!" It declared with an unusual cheekiness unbeffiting of a captain. The mares smirked with curiosity gleaming in their eyes.

"We'll kidnap a ransom!" The captain's cloak swirled around him as he shouted his plan in excitement.

"But who my captain?" A third mare quizzically glanced up at her superior, she was an alabaster white unicorn with a elegantly curled purple mane and tail, her dark blue eyes gleaming with intrigue at the captain's declaration, her name was Rarity.

The figure smirked although it was hardly seem from behind it's cloak.

"The princess of Canterlot!" At this the four mares gasped with confusion.

"But captain!" The fourth mare squeaked in a high pitched voice.

"The princess is guarded at all times, when will we be able to kidnap her?" The mare continued, she was an earth pony with a light pink coat and a darker pink mane that seemed too poofy for reality and looked oddly like cotton candy. Her usually joyous light blue eyes where scrunched with confusion, the light blue bandana hanging around her neck matching them perfectly. This was Pinkie pie.

A door busted open with a loud bang and the sound of pounding hooves alerted the four pirates and their captain of a newcomer. An orange mare raced onto the deck, her light green eyes were sparkling with delight as she held a scroll in her mouth. The mare was also an earth pony and had a blonde mane that was tied up in green bandanas that matched her eyes, she also had a black hat that was similar to a Stetson placed on her head and she had three freckles on each cheek, although one side of freckles was smudged with dirt. The mare dropped the scroll and nudged it towards the captain.

"Thought ya' might wanna' see this!" The mare smirked as she spoke in a thick accent.

"Thank you Applejack!" The mysterious figure chuckled and unraveled the scroll.

"Oh? What's this?" The captain dropped the scroll and knitted it's forelegs in delight.

"What is it captain?" Twilight curiously batted her eye.

"The princess is getting married tomorrow!" The captain gave an devious laugh that the pirates joined in with.

"Perfect." The figure whispered.


Today. Today. Today. Fluttershy whimpered at the thought as a maid roughly yanked her mane into it's curls, the other two maids fitting her dress on for her, the thick veil was then placed over her face. The princess bit her lip in fear and tears freely streamed down her cheeks, a couple dotting onto her hated dress.

"She's crying tears of joy!" A young filly giggled with delight, the foal unknowing of Fluttershy's inner terror. The filly was a random pony to Fluttershy, a flower filly picked by her father, yet another choice she hadn't been able to decide for herself. A maid leaned in the doorway.

"It's time." She spoke calmly, but Fluttershy quivered with anxiousness at her simple words. Fluttershy followed her and the flower filly down a corridor until they reached two giant double doors. The sight of the towering doorway made Fluttershy want to fold out her wings on instinct, but they were bound under the heavy layers of fabric that was her wedding dress. The doors opened with a giant creak and light flooded her eyes. The music started up and the flower filly and her companions skipped down the red carpet in front of them. It was her time. Her legs locked in fear and she found herself frozen under the gazes of many curious ponies. The maids behind her gave Fluttershy a nudge, the princess getting pushed into the spotlight of many terrifying eyes. The Pegasus found herself hyperventilating, it barely showing under the many ruffles of her dress. Still she urged herself forward, her hoof steps not being heard under the sound of her pounding heart. Fluttershy glanced up at the Prince who was waiting. She gulped, this was her future husband. His pure white coat gleamed in the sunlight filtering through the windows, and his blonde mane was swept back in a perfect style. He gave her a devious smirk that made Fluttershy nearly falter and trip over.

At last she reached the stage, and stood across from the Prince, tears welding in her teal eyes and threatening to spill over her quivering cheeks.

"Mares and Gentlecolts! We are here under the ever watchful eye of Celestia to join these two in holy matrimony!" The minister started to speak, the audience was deadly silent although Fluttershy couldn't tell with the blood rushing in her ears and pounding in her brain.

"If there are any objections speak now, or these two may be wed!" He continued and Fluttershy longed to stay something, but her jaw would not move.

"Prince Blueblood, do you take Princess Fluttershy to be your lawfully wedded wife? In sickness and in health, death do you part?"

"I do" the Prince's smirk widened and Fluttershy gulped as she trembled.

"Princess Fluttershy, do you take Prince Blueblood to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, death do you part?" The minister finished and Fluttershy's breath hitched in her throat. She felt the weight of all the eyes in the room rest on her shoulders and her teeth started chattering, she didn't want to marry this prince!

Just say yes! Her mind commanded her mouth to speak under the pressure but it would not open. A whimper escaped her throat and she forcefully opened her mouth to answer. Thankfully she didn't have to.

Something slammed into the side of the building, and rubble went flying everywhere. Screams were heard under the sound of the crumbling building. Ponies scattered out of their seats, shielding their bodies as lights dropped from the ceiling and bricks were sent bursting through the room. It went deathly quiet and all was still, Fluttershy uncovered her face and coughed some plaster away. A sudden shrill scream was heard as five equines leapt through the hole, a visible ship behind them.

"Pirates!" Another pony yelled in distress and feared whimpers were heard as the rest of them dropped to the ground. Fluttershy had heard stories about pirates, they plundering and destroying villages, killing ponies for their own satisfaction. She gasped as she caught sight of their clothes, they wore ragged and teared clothing, their faces smeared with dirt and grime, one had a hat, one an eyepatch, another a bandana, whatever they wore they looked fierce. One pony stood in their presence. Her father. The King.

"How dare you interrupt my daughter's wedding! Do you know who she is?" The King demanded, clearly enraged as he shouted in fury.

"Oh, we know alright." One pirate stepped up, she was lavender and had an eyepatch covering one of her deep purple eyes. Despite the King's furiousness the unicorn did not seem afraid. Without warning she reared her horn, light growing steadily at the tip. She abruptly shot a blast of magic at the King, the stallion was sent flying, he collapsing against a wall with a heavy thud.

"Father!" Fluttershy squeaked in panic and distress.

Everything erupted into pure chaos as ponies raced about, determined to escape.

Fluttershy squealed in terror and attempted to race towards her father, a pony bumping against her. Fluttershy tripped over her own dress, falling onto the floor with little grace, knocking her head against the floor, the last thing she saw was a net being thrown over her, before it all went black.