A/N: (Spoiler Alert!) As us hardcore Shamy fans are aware of, in the season 8 finale, Shamy's relationship was terminated. Our heart strings were also tugged when it was brought to our attention that Sheldon was going to propose. But, in the most recent episode "The Earworm Reverberation" (9x10), Shamy is reunited with a hot kiss (by Sheldon's standards.) After the episode ended, the promo for the next episode aired and my jaw literally hit the floor (I looked it up as well, I didn't want to be spoofed by the damn promo.) According to the 'episode information', they have sex! SEX! Sheldon and Amy have SEX! Coitus! Sexual intercourse! Make whoopee, whatever the hell you want to call it! So, as the perverted person I am, I decided to write my own spin off of what will happen. I have no idea what will happen in the episode, but for now I'm going to let my imagination run wild!
Disclaimer: The Big Bang Theory and it's characters belong to Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady. I gain no profit from writing this fanfiction.
Word Count: 471
Summary: Amy's birthday is coming up and Sheldon has the perfect present for her. After five years, he finally decides to show Amy just how much she means to him.

"Kiss her, you brilliant fool." Dave popped back into view with a wide smile on his face, looking at Sheldon expectantly. Sheldon let out a shaky breath, stepping closer to Amy and wrapping her in his arms, pulling her into a kiss. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to her and responding to him eagerly. He pulled back, his hands dropping to her waist as he gauged her reaction. Her eyes were wide with excitement and her mouth was spread into a huge grin. He let his own mouth tug at the corners.

"Well," his hands fell completely away from her. "I'll let you get back to your date." he turned to leave.

"Wait!" Amy called after him, grabbing his hand and pulling him back inside "Get back here!" she pulled him to her, their lips meeting again and their arms wrapping around each other.

Sheldon stared at the dark ceiling, replaying the scene in his head over and over. He sighed, closing his eyes, trying to will himself to sleep. But as it seemed the harder he tried the harder it became to get Amy out of his head.

This time it felt different when he had kissed her. It wasn't the same chaste kiss they usually shared. This time it made him feel like he never wanted to let her go, and at the same time like he wanted to run away in response to the fear and nervousness that rested in his stomach. That first kiss had felt like forever to him, but at the same time was all too short. He didn't want to leave, but he didn't want to stay either. But when she pulled him back and he fell on her lips again, the entire world seemed to melt away. Nothing was important except for her. When they broke apart the second time, Dave had left (How long had we been embraced? Minutes? Hours?) and at some point in their entanglement, they had stumbled over to couch. She had leaned in again, but he pulled away before she could and told her he had to leave, rushing out while trying to hide his situation.

And now here he lays, 3:26 AM, his REM cycle entirely screwed up and another situation keeping him from falling back to sleep. All of this should scare him, terrify him, yet strangely it didn't. He was changing. Amy was changing him. And yet he was fine with it. And so, with a shift of the covers and of his trousers, he reached down and encased himself, inhaling sharply at the new sensations. "Amy.." he whispered, his eyes closing in pleasure as he began to pump himself.

That night was the first time Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper fell victim to self abuse.