Kal-El appeared inside the Fortress in a flash of light, the mirror box following him into the main console. He looked around the palace of ice that had become his home. Or rather, a version of it. It was empty. There was no silver and glass furniture. No bedrooms. No toys scattered across the floor. It was one big empty space meant only for war. He used his telescopic and x-ray vision to scan the surrounding artic. Nothing. There were no other Kryptonian structures anywhere. It was if the Kandorians didn't exist. Or I never had to destroy the Book of Rao, he thought. The ground shook, and a familiar voice echoed through the empty halls.

"You are not of this reality," Jor-El boomed.

"I mean no harm on this world. Let me complete my quest, and I shall return home."

"The last version of my son to cross over to this plane of existence was a mass murderer," said Jor-El "who wished nothing more than to usurp his life and leave a trail of chaos in his wake. Until I know your true intentions, I cannot permit you to leave."

"I wasn't asking for permission."

"Nor was I." The ground shook, and in beam of light, Kal-El was frozen solid, trapped within a pillar of ice.

Suddenly, the ice began to crack and in a matter of seconds, Kal-El broke free, shattering the prison into a million tiny shards. "What gives you the right to imprison me?" Kal-El demanded.

"A father has a right to protect his son."

"You are no one's father," Kal-El growled "You are nothing more than a self-righteous machine, playing god with son of your creator." The ground started rumbling but this time, Kal-El was ready. He guarded himself as another beam was fired, grunting as it slowly started to cover his arm in ice. He staggerd as a second beam fired, using his free hand to hold back the onslaught of icy fire. Enraged, Kal-El's eyes grew red, unleashing his heat vison on the hanging crystals above, slicing them in half, sending them crashing and shattering upon the gorund, destroying the source of the freezing beams of light. With inhuman speed, Kal-El rushed over to the console and gripped the main crystal, which contained the AI programming for the Fortress. "It's time you were silenced," he declared "permantly." He ripped the crystal from the socket, the ground becoming still and silent as the glowing crystals above dimmed. Taking a breath, Kal-El traced a finger over his treasured wedding ring. "I won't fail. I promise."

"Earth to Lois."

Lois blinked as her husband's teasing voice brought her back to reality. "Huh?"

"Honey, you're a million miles away." He reached across the desk and took her hand. "You've been distant these past few days. Are you alright?" Lois squirmed in her seat as she looked into her husband's concerned gentle blue eyes. Should she tell him? It had been eating at her all week.

No, she thought I want this to be special. Forcing a smile, Lois leaned across the desk and gave her husband a quick kiss "Have to wait 'till dinner, Smallville." She smiled. "I don't want to ruin the surprise."

"Somebody! There's a fire on Main Street!"

Clark turned to his wife. "Go," she told him. And in a gust of wind, he was gone. Lois had just leaned back in chair when her phone rang. "You got Lois."

It was Clark. "Meet me on the roof. I need your help."

Lois smiled as she saw her husband on the snow covered Daily Planet roof, in a grey suit with a dark blue shirt, a pair of black rimmed glasses on his face. "That was fast, even for Superman."

"Building was set for demolition," he explained "didn't need me."

"And you got all dressed up for nothing," Lois joked "so what do you need?"

Clark held up his crimson red tie. "I still can't figure out this thing."

Lois laughed "Still a farm boy," She said, draping the tie over his neck.

"What would I do without you?" he asked.

Lois smiled. "Probably stay cooped up in that Fortress," she guessed "moping until the world needed saving."

"You're a part of me," he said, in a hollow voice. "Without you, I don't know who I am." Lois looked into his eyes, their warm familiar light was dim and distant, battered by pain and fear. Something was off. "I don't want to live, can't live in a world," he corrected "without you by my side."

Lois was getting worried. "Clark, what's wrong?"

He didn't answer, taking her hand and kissing it with such longing, Lois almost thought he was leaving. "My sweet angel," he whispered. "There's something I need to tell you."


She turned from Clark's gaze and her eyes widened. "Clark?" He was dressed in his Superman suit, bright red cape flowing in the winter wind as he floated in front of the Daily Planet. Lois looked in his eyes. There she found the warm light, shining strong and bright. She looked at the man in front of her and scowled. "You're not him."

"I was going to tell you," He took off his glasses and glanced at Clark. "I used to have a suit like that," he said in a nostalgic voice. "A long time ago," he sighed "But you're right Lois, I'm not Clark Kent. Not anymore." He spun at super speed, dressing out of Clark's suit and into a new set of clothes. When he stopped, he wore a black trench coat over a formal military uniform that Lois could only describe as Kryptonian. "I am Kal-El. "Commander of New Krypton." Lois backed away nervously. "Please let me explain."

"Get away from her!" Clark charged at full speed, his fists raised as he prepared to attack. Kal-El looked him straight in the eye, not even putting up his guard. Instead he reached into his coat and pulled out a grey metal box, opening it to reveal a glowing blue rock. Clark paled as the meteor rock sucked away his powers, pulling him down and crashing into the roof.

"Clark!" Lois ran to her husband's side as he rolled in the snow and groaned.

"Blue Kryptonite. Separating New Krypton's boys from the men." He walked over to the edge of the roof and tossed the kryptonite toward Clark and Lois. He paused for moment look the female reporter dead in the eye. "I'm not a monster," he said in a sincere voice. "I'm just looking for a Christmas miracle." He leaned back from the edge of the roof and fell off. Once he was out the blue kryptonite's range, he pulled up and soared into the sky.