It is 11:47 in the morning and I decided not to go to school today...cuz I'm "sick" XD I read the reviews again this morning and it gave me even more motivation to continue! You guys make me so freaking happy~! I really love all the reviews I get from Radioactive Secrets! They really make my day! So thank you so much and I hope you enjoy my cringe worthy fanfics XD.

Quick Edit XD I ended up falling back asleep and has LITERALLY been 12 hours since I actually started this chapter XD It is 11:42 pm now so I will hopefully finish this chapter before I fall asleep again XD!

ANOTHER QUICK EDIT Well, I fail at life XD My recovery for my surgery is slow so I should have been using that time to write this but, I was in too much pain. Then, my family come to visit and they aren't leaving until after Christmas. And I just now finally decided to stop being lazy! I swear to god I will upload at least two chapters tonight! And if not two chapters for this fanfic then I might start another fanfic on the side for you guys XD I am so sorry for the delay and hopefully it won't happen again!

Teaming up With Homu Homu is Fun!

Kyouko's POV

It had only been an hour since the date had begun and Kyouko was already exhausted. "Why is this happening!?" Kyouko yelled out through a bathroom stall. "What is with Sayaka today! She is acting creepy."

For the majority of the short hour, Sayaka had been constantly messing with Kyouko. First there was the random "Blowing into her ear" then clinging on to Kyouko in front of a group of people."GYAAAH!" Kyouko yelled, disturbing others in the public bathroom. "What is she thinking! I have no idea why! This is supposed to be our first date...right?" Kyouko stopped for a minute. "What if...the whole "date" was a prank...T-that...little!" A wave of embarrassment and irritation engulfed Kyouko as she walked out of the bathroom stall. "She set this up JUST so she could mess with me! Well, there is no way in hell I'll let her have her way!" Little did she know that, her new found determination was only going to be her downfall.

Sayaka's POV

"Ah! Welcome back Kyouko~!" Sayaka said with a grin. "Are you ready to continue our date~" She emphasized the word date to get an embarrassed reaction from Kyouko, only to get a cold response.

"I guess." Kyouko said, looking uninterested.

"Eh? Did I do something wrong?" Sayaka thought. "I don't think I did anything that would make her upset."

"Except tease her too much." A voice in Sayaka's head echoed.

"Eh!?" Sayaka, on reflex, yelled out. "Ah-...uh.."

"What's with you?" Kyouko said in a confused manner.

"Ah...nothing." Sayaka awkwardly laughed off. "S-so! Let's go somewhere!" She then said, trying to get Kyouko to forget the sudden "weird sounding" outburst.

"Like where?" Kyouko asked, once again, uninterested.

"The...uh..." Sayaka thought. "Oh! The amusement park!" Sayaka exclaimed.

Then Kyouko's eyes sparkled and her smile widened. "Really!?" Kyouko exclaimed like a little kid. "Let's go! Let's go!" Kyouko grabbed Sayaka's hand and started to run in the direction of the amusement park.

"Uwa-Y-yeah!" Sayaka agreed.

"Now that you are done distracting Kyouko, would you like to speak now?" The monotone voice echoed in Sayaka's head again.

"W-what? Who is this? Oh! Homura?" Sayaka finally realized who was speaking to her.

"Obviously, Miki Sayaka." Homura spoke in a "matter of fact" way.

"So? What did you need?." Sayaka spoke through telepathy.

"Well, I have been watching the two of you for the past hour and I have come to realize how stupid you are." Homura said bluntly. "And I would like to point a few things out." She said before Sayaka could get mad at Homura's insult."If you truly want to see more reactions from Sakura Kyouko, You need to do what I say or at least let me help out."

"Help? Why do you want to do that? This has nothing to do with you. Who's creepy enough to stalk someone while they are on a date in the first place!" Sayaka said in an irritated tone of "voice".

"Who's creepy enough to openly speak their fantasies about Sakura Kyouko. Who's creepy enough to constantly find Sakura Kyouko's weaknesses to use them to their advantage. Who's cr-"

"I GOT IT! I GOT IT! Just please stop." Sayaka said embarrassedly. "You can help. But, I still want to know why."

"I have nothing else to do." Homura said bluntly. "And I want to practice the things I want to do for Mado-I MEAN! NEVERMIND! L-Let's just get this started!" Homura internally face palmed herself at the fact that she told Sayaka those words.

"...I'm not gonna ask what the hell that was...W-well...Let's just do this" Sayaka said, slightly amused at what she had just heard.

Homu Homu's POV

Kyouko and Sayaka had already arrived at the amusement park and Homura wasn't going to waste time with her new mission. "Mission Start." She whispered and smirked.

Her first order of business was to stop time and grab some dust. "If I throw it in Sakura Kyouko's eyes, then she should start tearing up. That would be the best first move." Homura nodded in satisfaction and stopped time. She ran over to a small sand box and grabbed a tiny handful. "This should be enough." Homura then ran in front of Kyouko, whose eyes were open and sparkling as she was staring at the rides. "Sakura Kyouko, Forgive me." Homura said before blowing the sand into Kyouko's eyes. She then ran behind the bush she was in before she started her plan and resumed time.

"Ahk! My eyes!" Kyouko squealed out before stopping in place and rubbing her eyes frantically.

"W-what? Kyouko? Are you okay?" Sayaka said, genuinely worried.

"Miki Sayaka, you are welcome." Homura said.

"What did you do!?" Sayaka said, seemingly upset.

"Dust. Well, I guess technically sand but, the details aren't important."

Homura then saw Sayaka yank Kyouko's hands away from her eyes. "Kyouko let me see." Sayaka said obviously concerned.

And at that moment, something had awoken in Sayaka.

Sayaka's POV

Kyouko's eyes were glazed with tears and her face was slightly pink.

"Kyou...ko..." Sayaka gulped. "Oh god, oh god, oh god. Kyouko is crying~ She looks...so...damn...CUTE!" Sayaka screamed in her head. Then she instinctively clung onto Kyouko squealing. "Kyouko~!" "I know it's mean to think that Kyouko in this state is cute but, I CAN'T HELP IT~!"

"You're welcome." Homura said again. "Besides, I'm only getting started."

Homura's POV

"That was only a warm up." Homura flipped her hair back with her hand and once again stopped time. "This time I really need to think this through. Miki Sayaka may have just made Sakura Kyouko think that the sand was intentional. So this time, I need to think of something that will truly seem like a coincidence...Like..." Homura laid down across the cement and thought about what she could do. "I guess until I figure out something big, I will stick to small things..." Homura said in defeat.

Homura, who still had time stopped, stood up and walked over Kyouko and observed her. "Miki Sayaka let go of her so if I do THIS then the results would be nice too." Homura said while pushing Kyouko towards Sayaka, with the motion stopping before they could touch. The mischievous Homu Homu ran back behind the bush before resuming time again.

Kyouko's POV

"Maybe I should give up, Maybe I should just let this all happen." Kyouko thought as she come into contact with Sayaka. "She is warm anyways... Maybe I'll just put up with this today..." Kyouko felt Sayaka's arms wrap around her as Kyouko fell. "U-u-uwAh!" Kyouko finally realized what truly happened. Sayaka had just let her go and before she knew it, Kyouko started to fall towards Sayaka.

"K-Kyouko! Are you alright?" Sayaka said in a concerned voice for the tenth time that day...(Even if it was fake at this point.) Sayaka had Kyouko in her arms and slowly walked to the side of the cement. "Jeez, you need to be more careful, Kyouko." Sayaka scolded Kyouko jokingly.

"You know what. I give up. I'm already tired. Maybe I will indulge myself. If Sayaka is trying so hard to mess with me then I have another way to make her stop. It's embarrassing but, I guess it's not too bad..." Kyouko thought as she cuddled against Sayaka.

"Eh? EH? K-K-Kyouko?! What are you doing?" Sayaka shouted embarrassedly. "We are out in public!"

"You didn't have a problem doing it yourself. So why can't I?" Kyouko said softly while snuggling closer to Sayaka. "I just want to be close to you."

"This is so damn embarrassing but, it looks like my plan to make her stop worked! Sayaka is getting all worked up now! This'll show her not to mess with me." Kyouko thought triumphantly. "Sayaka..." Kyouko gripped onto Sayaka's shirt for more effect...and well...It worked.

Or more like, it backfired.

Kyouko suddenly felt Sayaka's arms tighten around her. "Eh? S-Sayaka?"

There was no answer.

A huge wave of regret hit Kyouko. "Why do I have a bad feeling about this..."

"Sakura Kyouko, You brought this on yourself." Kyouko heard Homura's voice in her head. "Good luck, because how it is now, Miki Sayaka seems to have made a self discovery."

Sayaka suddenly stood up with Kyouko is her arms and started walking out of the amusement park, not caring about the weird looks people were giving them.

"S-Sayaka!? O-oi!" Kyouko said in a panic.

"Let's...go...home." Sayaka said in a dark voice.

"W-wait! S-Sayaka...w-wait a minute. don't you think we sh-should wait to do those things!?" Kyouko said with her face turning bright red. "T-this is our first date!" Kyouko flailed around in Sayaka's arms in a panic and ended up falling to the ground.

"...pfft..." A strange sound came from Sayaka.

"Eh?" Kyouko whimpered out cautiously.


Kyouko's eyes started to water and her cheeks were bright red. "Y-Y-You!" She clenched her fists. "YOU DAMN PERVERTED IDIOT!" She yelled out in embarrassment.

Even Homura had a hard time trying not to laugh. Sayaka had apparently realized what Kyouko was trying to do somehow and decided to use that to her advantage.

"That was priceless! Hehehahah." Sayaka started to calm down. "I'm sorry Kyouko. I couldn't help it."

Kyouko's angry expression didn't change.

"After all, Teasing Kyouko is fun!" Sayaka exclaimed.


On their way home from their date and after Kyouko had calmed down, A crucial question finally came to Sayaka.

"Kyouko...?" She asked hesitantly. "Earlier you said it was too early for us to do those things...A few weeks ago...you had no idea on what those things are...and yet, it seems like you do now..." Sayaka stared at Kyouko suspiciously.

Kyouko gulped and looked in the opposite direction of Sayaka's eyes. "W-what are ya trying to say?"

"I'm saying, HOW AND WHY DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THOSE THINGS!" Sayaka said in a irritated manner. "YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE MY INNOCENT MAIDEN!" She sobbed dramatically.


"MAMI-SAN!" Sayaka's eyes glared daggers towards the direction of Mami's house. "WE ARE GOING TO TOMOE MAMI'S HOUSE DAMMIT!" Sayaka yelled dramatically.

"...This was a long day..." Homura sighed before walking towards Madoka's house. "Madoka~" She sang.

MOTHER OF GOD! I DID IT! I may have gotten distrated...a few...times but, IT'S ALL GOOD! IT'S ALL GOOD! I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THIS AND I HOPE YOU LOOK FORWARD TO MORE OF MY CRAPPY FANFICS! I am actually about to start working on another one tonight so XD HAVE FUN WITH THAT TOO!