Meanwhile Genos is fighting a witch that looks like a giant toilet wearing a pair of panties. The cyborg shot out flames and punches the witch as it was slowly getting weaker. Then suddenly Genos heard gun shots as it aimed at the witch.

Appear Homura Akemi as she gracefully continued shooting the witch. Genos went to Homura to chat for a bit while Homura finds Genos very uninteresting.

"My name is Genos. I am a cyborg created by...", said Genos before being interrupted by the witch's attack.

"I got this handle cyborg.", said Homura.

"But I must assist you. This enemy is very dangerous.", said Genos.

"I am aware of that. That is why I ask you to leave"

"I don't think I can since I have no idea on where to go."

"Just hide."

"I afraid not since I am an S-class hero."

"Your rank means nothing."

The two fend off the witch with Homura ignoring Genos while the cyborg keeps on being bad ass. Genos shot out flames as he slid through a bunch of pipes and such, clobbering the witch. Homura did some ballet while shooting at the witch in such a graceful manner.

However, the witch could not be taken down that easily. As it not only got bigger, but it grew limbs. it started punching everywhere around it. The cyborg and magical girl dodged constantly as they tried to find a way to defeat the witch.


Meanwhile, Saitama and Madoka punch their way through the labyrinth. The hero continues to have a blank expression while Madoka is putting up her determined face. Saitama looked at the girl at her power since he haven't seen anyone with the same power like him in a while.

"You are pretty strong.", said Saitama.

"Thanks. I sort of did the work out that you told me times two.", said Madoka.

"That's kind of unoriginal don't you think?"

"I know, but I just want to get stronger."

"You got that at least.", said Saitama, but notices something, "If you are that strong now, why did you come to my apartment for?"

"Even with this power, I still have a lot to learn. I thought that you might help me."

Saitama thought, "Crap. I have to think of something wise and strong. I can't afford two disciples. Genos is a nice guy, but he can be a bother at times. Having another one would make things worst."

"Listen, if you are able to gain that much power then I have nothing else to teach you.", said Saitama.

"Oh darn. I thought you could help me. This is my first time that I am fighting instead of being in the sidelines.", said Madoka, "I don't know if I can do it."

Saitama thought, "Damn it. I think I upset her. I got to think of something to cheer her up."

"You just have to believe. If that doesn't work, believe in the me who believes in the you.", said Saitama.

"Okay, I sounded really stupid there. I sort of forgot where I got that phrase from.", thought Saitama.

"Maybe I should be more confident.", said Madoka, "After all, I could manage my own and we beat all the familiars."

"Oh yeah.", said Saitama.

The two of them notice that the area they are in is empty. Nothing appear to attack them and even if there was, they would be hiding. Madoka and Saitama heard some noise up in front and ran towards it.


"I can't believe that I am losing to a toilet.", said Homura, "I faced many deadly witches and Walpurgisnacht, but this. It just so wrong in many levels."

Homura froze time and shot many bullets and threw many grenades. Time reverse itself and then there was a big boom. The witch was still standing and Homura just face palmed herself. She then continues to fend off the witch with everything she's got.

Genos too out his briefcase and attached a big arm cannon to his robotic arms. He opened fired at the beast and it still had no effect on the witch. He was then punched to the ground with some slight damages.

Suddenly a big explosion happened at the side and Homura looked in shocked. It was Madoka who literally punched her way through the wall. Saitama just stood there as if nothing happened.

"Madoka! Leave! If I can't stop this, how can you do so?", cried Homura.

"Please trust me Homura-chan. I must test my new strength.", said Madoka.

"Is that your friend?", asked Saitama.

"We go to the same school.", replied Madoka.

"You even brought a bald guy.", cried Homura.


"You two need to leave! I can handle this.", said Homura before being punched to a wall.

"Homura-chan!", cried Madoka.

"Eh, I hope she's alright.", said Saitama.

"I must go save her.", said Madoka.

Madoka was fast enough to run to Homura, grab her and place her somewhere safe. Madoka was worried about her friend being hurt. Homura eyes widen as she saw what Madoka was capable of, yet she can't seem to acknowledge this.

"I got this under control.", said Homura.

"You look like you broken some bones.", said Madoka.

"I said I...", said Homura before Madoka had enough of Homura's attitude.


"...", said Homura.

"I'm sorry.", said Madoka before leaving to fight the witch.

Homura again is left to be unable to protect Madoka. Now the roles have been reversed and she only watch as Madoka charges forward and gets herself hurt in the process. Madoka's school uniform is ripped in some parts, but she doesn't seemed to care. Madoka just brush off her long twin tails and kept running.

Saitama on the other hand found Genos on the ground and picked him up. He places his disciple in a safe spot and the cyborg looked heavily damaged. Genos tries to get up, but he constantly keeps on falling.

"I'm sorry that I failed you sensei.", said Genos.

"You did great buddy. Now its either me or that girl that will beat that toilet.", said Saitama.

Saitama, thinking that this is a game, raced Madoka to defeat the witch. The beast gave out a roar which made Saitama and Madoka flinch. The witch then aims her punches at Madoka who instead jumps over them and ran up towards it to get closer.

Saitama was busy dodging some stuff and looked uninterested since none of this looked like a challenge to him. But Madoka has the lead over him and he just stood there in defeat since he figured that Madoka can handle this.

"Today is just my unlucky day. Maybe next time I might be able to defeat something. Then again, this toilet might be too easy like the others.", said Saitama.

Madoka gave a big punch at the witch and it exploded. The toilet witch broke into pieces with a grief see floating on top of its remains. The labyrinth slowly fades away and everyone is stuck in Saitama's bathroom.

This also lead to some strange results of where everything is placed. Homura sitting on the sink and Genos on the regular toilet. The toilet flushes and Saitama looked relief about the fact that his toilet is back to normal.

"Its finally fixed.", said Saitama.

"Um, Saitama-san.", asked Madoka.


"How do you think I did today?"

"Okay. I don't really got much to say."

"I'll have to keep getting stronger. Maybe I might surpass you someday."

"To be honest, I am looking forward to that day. It gets pretty boring to not have any rivals. You might just work."

"I did not expected this, but it was an honor fighting with you today.", said Madoka.

"Okay.", said Saitama.

The girl left with her long twin tails dragging onto the floor and tripped when she stepped on one of them. She got better as she just got back up. Saitama just stood there, but suddenly Homura was behind him. She put the grief seed into her pocket and glares at the hero.

"I don't know who you are, but if you let Madoka get hurt in anyway or even touch her, I will show no mercy.", said Homura.

"Sure, whatever.", said Saitama.

Homura froze time and disappear as if she wasn't there. Genos got up and said that he would go get some repairs. At least everything went well for everyone in the end, except for Homura who worries about Madoka getting hurt in battle.



Junko Kaname is apparently one of the few people to be called up to interview some heroes that pass the hero exam. As she approached to the table and sipped some coffee as she read the list of heroes coming today. However she was surprised to see a certain name on the list.

Junko puts the list down and saw a girl with a familiar long pink twin tail hair with a magical girl like dress. Junko spits out her coffee on who she is going to have an interview with since its none other than her daughter.

"Hello, my name is Madoka Kaname and I...", said Madoka before she notices her mother, "Oh hi mama. I didn't notice you here."

Junko then fell back into her chair, knowing that her own daughter is a super hero that will be heavily involved in her work. Just another Monday for Junko Kaname I guess and it could only get weirder from there. The end.


Notes: I hope you enjoyed this story and I tried to keep the personalities of the characters the same. It was pretty difficult in some parts, but I manage to make this work. This was the most fun I had in writing in a long time.

Thank you all for reading this.