Syndrome was not quite ready for the speed of the man he was fighting, Luffy's attacks came faster than he could stop with his technology. Slowly but surely Luffy's fists were getting through the defenses.

The impossible was happening, Syndrome was being pushed back.

With one final punch Luffy hit Syndrome square on the jaw, sending the mad cyborg reiling. Syndrome's reply was to cut a hole in Luffy's leg with his energy beam, thrown off Luffy faltered for the one second Syndrome needed to encompass Luffy's body with the Zero Point Energy.

With a flick of his wrist Luffy was thrown into the nearest building, pulled out and slammed into the ground. The spurt of blood proved that Syndrome's latest attack was successful.

Meanwhile the Parr family was finally waking from the beating Luffy gave each of them. Mrs Incredible was the first to recover, next was her husband. Both were now free from Syndrome's neural worm (due to Syndrome's focusing on Luffy) and knew what the next step was. With a grunt Mr Incredible threw a wall at Syndrome, catching him off guard.

"You scum, still have some fight left in you?" Was Syndrome's expression at being distracted.

Unfortunately for him Luffy wasn't going to let him gain the upper hand again. With a deep breath his arm stretched back a few blocks and was coated in black. Slowly the steam from his form started to combust and his arm caught fire.


"It can't be!" Was Syndrome's shocked realization that this next attack was meant to put him down for good


Fire, everywhere.

Syndrome's entire body was consumed by the flames, his tech melting in front of his eyes. The fist itself hit seconds later, putting a hole in his body armor and sending him straight down into the concrete below.

For Syndrome it spelled utter defeat.

Onlookers gazed in wonder at the relatively new super, Luffy, along with the Incredibles.

Dash and Violet brushed debris off of them and walked over to stand with their parents, the day won.

Luffy nodded and did as he always did after a villain was defeated and tried to leave, since media had already recorded that he was involved in some way.

A stretchy arm wrapped around his as he was trying to flee the scene of devastation.

Mrs Incredible was sure that at the very least a new addition to their team needed to be recognized.


"The newest member of the Incredibles, Luffy!"

Cheers erupted for the young hero. No more would he live from pay-check to paycheck. He finally had a solid income. Luffy, it turned out was not a Parr, he was indeed from the East. The Parrs however, did serve as a second family after the Syndrome incident. He was a permanent member of their team now, a figure head. Since his power was greater than the family's combined they at first, thought he would reject them in favor of his own hero alias, he wasn't like that however.

He used his real name, making himself a public symbol of heroism. Whenever Luffy was on patrol villains knew they stood no chance. They would be better off picking a fight with Saiyaman.

Author's note:

I apologize for the shortness of this story, I just wanted to write up something quick and see how it went.

Due to the positive responses and, constructive criticism I have decided to work on another story, this one should be much longer. It should have a few chapters out in a week or so, I am currently busy with other business but enjoy writing when I have free time. Again, this idea was just meant to be a short, fun little story, that's all I have, making new villains and giving Luffy a family/girlfriend was just not an interest for me.

Thank you for reading
