Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers Dino Charge. This story is fan-made.

The museum was empty and dark. All staff had been sent home hours ago, when the first attacks rained down on the city. Kendall knew the attacks were coming towards the museum and couldn't bring herself to ask her staff to stay. She would have been putting them in danger.

The power was also out in the museum, leaving nothing but the emergency lights on, but even they were flickering. The whole city had lost power hours ago from the attack, and no one was attempting to restore it.

With Sledge, Fury, Poisandra, Curio, Wrench and their viviks walking the streets, blasting and killing anything that moved, no one dared. They preferred to live in the dark, and Kendall couldn't blame them. She would have stayed off the streets too, had she not bonded with the purple energem.

"That should hold," the Prince told her as he finished sealing up the doors. Kendall didn't expect it to hold if the aliens attacked the museum directly, but it would keep out most other threats until then, buying her and Cammy a little more time to finish their work on the Get-Bot. It was taking longer than Kendall expected to get the robot up and running, but she was doing the best she could with the tools she had on hand, Cammy included.

It had been a few days since she had started work on the Get-Bot, and in that time, the Ranger's health had been slowly declining. Their headaches were so bad the lab had been left in the dark long before the city lost power because none of them could stand the light. They could barely get to their feet to use the washroom and wouldn't eat unless force fed. Even then, they wouldn't keep their food down, so Kendall had opted not to feed them anymore. As a result, their energy levels were plummeting, and would continue to do so until their energems were returned to them. Until that time, Kendall, Phillip and Cammy were left to hold down the fort on their own.

"For now," Kendall nodded her head. The Prince turned to her, looking weary.

"We can't just stay in here and hide."

"Right now, it's all we can do," she said. "I'm almost done the Get-Bot."

"And then what?" he asked. "You may be a Ranger, but you're in no condition to fight."

"If everything goes according to plan, I may not have to," Kendall said. "Get-Bot will return the energems to the Rangers and they should be back on their feet soon after that. Between the seven of you, the Zords, as well as the PlesioZord..."

"We can hold Sledge off? For how long?" Phillip asked. "Ms. Morgan, it's clear he's not going to stop until we're defeated..."

"Do you have another idea?" Kendall snapped, feeling her frustration growing. She was tired, she was sore, and she was annoyed that the most she could do right now to help anyone was guide Cammy on how to build the Get-Bot. She was doing the best she could, and while she knew the Prince didn't mean anything by it, his constant questioning of her plans, without a better one of his own, was starting to wear on her last nerve. "Because if so, I would love to hear it, yesterday!"

"I... I do not," the Prince admitted. "But you have to agree, this is not looking good..."

"Kendall?" Cammy called, using the flashlight Kendall had given her to find her way around the museum. She held up a phone, "Jon wants to talk to you."

"Shit," Kendall muttered and took the phone from Cammy to speak with her father. She should have expected this call. Her parents were out of town, but an attack like this on Amber Beach was likely to spread to all four corners of the country if not the world. They were bound to hear about the danger their daughters were in. While Kendall walked off to try and put her parents mind at ease, the Prince looked down at Cammy.

"How is the Get-Bot coming along?"

"I just do what Kendall... yells at me."

"She does not mean it," the Prince assured Cammy as he put his hand on her shoulder. "She is just... frustrated, like the rest of us."

"I'm doing my best."

"She knows."

"We're not winning yet, are we?"

"The further we fall, the more amazing it will be when we do win," the Prince smiled at Cammy and seemed to lift her spirits for now, but when there was a loud bang and the ground shook, Cammy screwed her eyes shut, covered her ears and started to tear up. The Prince took her in his arms and carried her back down to the lab. There, Kendall had just gotten off the phone with her parents. She saw Cammy was shaken and took the girl from the Prince's arms. She let Cammy sit on her lap and hugged her tight.

"We're almost there," she told her. "Get-Bot is almost ready. You've just got to be brave a little longer. Can you do that?"

"I want to go home," Cammy muttered.

"We will, I promise," Kendall told her and set her down on her feet. She guided Cammy to the work bench and encouraged her to keep going.

Hours later, the Get-Bot was finally complete. Cammy was rubbing her fingers; they were tired from all the work she had done to help Kendall. All the little screws and the fine adjustments strained her overworked hands. However, as Cammy looked down at the robot before her, she couldn't help but smile faintly.

"You did it," Kendall said softly, wrapping her arm around Cammy while they watched the Prince hide his energem inside the lab. Now that the Get-Bot was complete, it was time to test out the machine. With any luck, it should be able to identify and retrieve the Prince's graphite energem without an operator. This would free up Kendall and the Prince for battle. Kendall's hope for an autonomous machine was that Sledge and Fury would never expect anything was going on in the ship if they were battling against the only two Rangers with an energem.

Once the Prince hid his energem, making sure to bury it under a piece of cloth and behind some books, Kendall turned the Get-Bot on. Right away it rolled off in search of the graphite energem. While it did a couple of laps around the lab, it eventually made it way to the energem. With an extendable arm it reached onto the table where the Prince had hidden the stone, manoeuvred around the books, picked up the cloth and then took the energem out from underneath. Once it had its hand on the stone, the arm retreated into the body, shielding the energem, and the Get-Bot swiftly made its way back to the Prince.

"We're on our way," Kendall said with a smile as she looked down at Cammy. "We're gonna start winning."

"Once we figure out a way to get the Get-Bot onto Sledge's ship," the Prince told the girls.

"Transport pods have been landing in the city all day," Kendall informed the prince, showing the energy signals on her map. "We've just got to find one, set the Get-Bot inside and send the transport pod back."

"I can do that," Cammy offered, but the Prince and Kendall looked to her with deep frowns. However, it was just for a moment. Neither could offer to take her place, as they had to be on the battle field to protect each other. Neither was free to do anything with the Get-Bot.

"Are you sure?" the Prince asked, lowering himself so he could look Cammy in the eyes. She turned to the Get-Bot, worry etched on her face, but she nodded her head.

"No, but... I can. I have to."

"Not alone," Kendall, Phillip and Cammy heard Chase say and turned to where he had been laying in his cot. He was now pushing himself up, trying to get out of bed. Cammy looked confused as she watched the black Ranger. Phillip was impressed Chase seemed able to hold himself up.

Kendall raced to Chase's side, and when she learned she couldn't get him to lie back down, she stayed next to him, letting him lean on her. He was clearly in quite a bit of pain, squinting his eyes because of the light coming from the emergency lamps and Kendall's computers. He could barely stand on his own, but he seemed determined to do so anyways.


"It was bad enough letting Cammy go off on her own when she had the purple energem," Chase said. "There's no way we're letting her go anywhere without one."

"And what are you going to do about that?" the Prince asked.

"You want to put the Get-Bot in a transport pod. If we find one close enough to Sledge or Fury, we might be close enough to our energems to get some strength back," Chase suggested. "We can help..."

"No way," Kendall shook her head. "You're basing this on pure speculation. If this plan of yours doesn't work..."

"Aren't we doomed anyway?" Chase asked. He turned to Kendall, looking her in the eyes as much as he could. "There's no way either of us are letting Cammy head out onto a battle field by herself. If getting close to the energems doesn't help us, maybe Sledge or Fury will be too busy finishing us off that Cammy can get the Get-Bot into the transport pod and she can get away."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Shelby said as she too rose from her cot and used the nearby wall to steady herself. Koda was up next, with Tyler, Ivan and Riley right behind him. Each struggled, but managed to get to their feet and none seemed willing to lie back down.

"I can do this by myself," Cammy insisted but Ivan shook his head.

"You can, but you will not."

"But guys..."

"Cammy, we're not letting you face Sledge or Fury alone," Chase said, leaving Kendall's side so he could kneel before Cammy. He placed his hand on her shoulder and forced himself to smile through the pain. "You did your job. You kept an eye on Kendall, you found the purple energem and reunited it with Kendall, you healed the PlesioZord and you brought us home."

"And she built the Get-Bot," Riley added, to which Chase nodded his head.

"You've done more than enough. But we're the Power Rangers. It's up to us to step it up again. Kendall and the Prince can handle whatever fight is out there. The rest of us will keep you safe."


"Best case scenario: we're close enough to our energems that we get some of our strength back," Chase smiled. "I'm sure our chargers have just enough juice in them for a morph. We'll hold the bad guys off."

"But if they kill you, there's no point in getting the energems back!" Cammy shouted. "You'll all be dead and..."

"You get the energems back to Keeper. I'm sure he'll find a way to get the remaining two," Tyler told her. Cammy's eyes started to water and she shook her head.

"But I don't want..."

"Dead is only the worst case scenario," Chase tried to assure her. "But Cammy, you need to do this. For us, for the planet..."

"If Sledge or Fury keep those energems, there's no telling how many people he'll kill," Shelby added. "Cammy, you need to let us help you. I promise, one way or another, it's going to work out."

Koda brought the Get-Bot over, placing it in the eight year old's hands. Cammy sniffed as she took her invention. No matter what she did, she had to get the Get-Bot into a transport pod. She couldn't stop the Rangers if they decided to follow her. She could try to outrun them so they lost her and couldn't risk their lives.

But then she wouldn't know where to find them once she was done. She wouldn't know if they were dead or alive. If they left the lab, she had to keep them close.

"Dammit," she muttered.

"Language, please," Kendall scolded her. Cammy wiped away her tears and looked to her friends.

"Fine," she said. "But I don't like this."

"Ms. Morgan and I will lead," the Prince announced. "With any luck, we'll draw the monsters towards us, allowing the rest of you access to one of the transport pods."

"Dump the Get-Bot and then get out," Kendall told Cammy and then looked to the other Rangers. "Don't go after your energems. Don't try to help us fight Sledge, Fury, Poisandra or even the viviks. Get back to the lab as soon as you can."

"We protect Kendall," Koda promised Cammy, but Kendall shot him a look.

"Please, guys," she begged them all. "Just... look after yourselves. And if you're going to protect anyone..."

"Kendall," Cammy insisted, but Kendall shook her head.

"Protect Cammy."


"No buts," Kendall said. She removed her arm from the sling and collected her energem from the crystal bed before stepping into the elevator. She wanted to look back and promise Cammy and the Rangers she would do everything she needed to come back home, but she couldn't bring herself to look at their worried faces. It was hard enough to leave.

Fortunately, the Prince spoke for her. As the elevator doors closed to take her upstairs, he stayed behind. He collected his energem as well and then smiled at the Rangers.

"Your voyage to New Zealand may be over, but I travelled all this way to keep Kendall out of harm's way," he told them all, but looked to Cammy, Chase and Koda in particular. "I assure you: I will not come home without her. In return, I ask the seven of you all make it home in one piece, but without the Get-Bot."

"Seven pieces," Riley said with a little teasing smirk.

"Right," the Prince nodded. He walked into the elevator. "Wait until Ms. Morgan and I have engaged the monsters before you leave the lab. Remain cautious. We can always find a new way to retrieve the energems. However, the seven of you are irreplaceable."