Kendall was coming back to the museum, having just dropped Cammy off with her parents. When they heard of the attacks on Amber Beach, they made their way home as quickly as they could to check up on their daughters. They tended to Cammy's injuries, with Mr. Fisher rushing the little girl to the hospital so her burn could be treated. Mrs. Fisher wanted to stay with Kendall and help her clean her wounds, but Kendall insisted she would be okay and made her way back to the museum.

Once she was in her lab, she looked around at the six Rangers before her. They were safe; a little banged up, but nothing that wouldn't heal by Christmas. However, moral was down.

They had beaten Sledge. Not only had his ship been blown to pieces, but it had crashed in the mountains on Earth. Even if the monsters had survived the ship blowing up, there was no way they could survive the impact.

But the same couldn't be said for Chase. He never made it onto the PlesioZord, which meant he had been on the ship when it blew up.

The Rangers won, but it didn't feel like they had. It felt like they had lost everything.

"Ms. Morgan..."

"I'm fine, Tyler," Kendall insisted as she walked to her laptop and resumed her scans for Chase or the black energem. She didn't care so much for the black energem as she did for Chase, but if he died, the least she could do was keep his energem safe. When the results came up with nothing, Kendall smashed her fist into her laptop.

Koda came to her side, hoping he could be of some comfort. He only served as a punching bag though as Kendall shoved him out of the way and took off.

Her next stop was the skate park. She knew she wouldn't find Chase there, but a part of her hoped she would. Often, when he missed his shift or forgot about training, Kendall would find him there. She couldn't count the number of times she had to drag him away, as well as the number of times she had threatened to snap his board in half if he continued to be so irresponsible. If Chase failed to show up at the lab and respond to any of the calls she made to his Dino Com, perhaps he was at the skate park.

There were a lot of people there; mostly teenagers who were trying to cope with the violent attacks on the city. Overall, the city was only slightly more damaged than it would be had the Rangers fought in the Megazord. But many lives had been lost and people were doing their best to move forward. For the skaters, that meant taking some time doing what they loved.

A lot of them looked like Chase, with their baseball caps, dark, loose fitted clothes. Kendall thought she saw him a couple of times, and had to stop herself running over when she realized he wasn't there. He was gone, likely forever.

When the skate park got to be too hard to bear, Kendall went home. She hoped, maybe, at home she wouldn't miss him so much. Even now that she was close with her teammates, she didn't invite them back to her apartment. She liked her space and her privacy. At her apartment, she expected to be alone.

She walked into her building and pushed the button for the elevator. Just as it was making its way down, a soft hand touched Kendall's shoulder. She turned around, hoping it was Chase coming to look for her. She found herself to be disappointed when she saw it was only Heckyl.

"I've been worried about you," he told her. Kendall shrugged him off. She didn't feel much like talking to anyone at this point. "Where have you been?" he continued to speak to her. Kendall sighed.


"Looks like you were caught in the middle of this disaster," Heckyl said, noting her injuries. "Have you been to the hospital yet?"

"Too crowded," it was the perfect excuse. After every attack, the hospital was full of people who needed or wanted help. It would be believable to anyone that Kendall hadn't sought treatment because the doctors were overrun with patients.

"I've got a first aid kit upstairs," Heckyl told her. "Someone should have a look at you."

"I'd really rather just be by myself," Kendall insisted. When the elevator doors opened, she stepped inside. Heckyl followed, carrying in two bags full of groceries. Kendall frowned, seeing the amount of food he had for himself. Living alone, she knew one person couldn't possibly go through that much food in a single week.

Then again, she did eat at the museum quite a bit.

"I have a guest over," Heckyl told her. "He eats quite a bit."

Kendall nodded her head and waited for the elevator to reach her floor. When it did, she quickly stepped out. Heckyl was right behind her. As she pulled out the key to her apartment, he stopped.

"Do you want to come over?" he asked. "I've just gotten a promotion at work. My boss left the company, so I'm in charge."

"I've had a rough day."

"All the more reason to celebrate," Heckyl offered, but Kendall shook her head, opened her door and walked into her apartment. Heckyl rolled his eyes when she was gone and continued to make his way to his own apartment.

"Patience," he told himself. "In time, I'll get everything I want."

He let himself into his apartment and walked to his kitchen. He set his bags down, looking to his guest on the couch in the other room.

"She's home," he said. His guest sat up.


"Your friend a few apartments down, she's home. I told you she survived the attacks. But she's in a mood..."

"Mate, I owe you a big one," the guest sat, throwing off the blanket had had draped over his lap and jumping to his feet. He regretted getting up so quickly. His body was sore. It had only been a day since he had been pulled from the wreckage of Sledge's ship, but he didn't care for his pain. He had sent Kendall off on her own, hoping she would be able to get out while he destroyed all the consoles in the main room. He hoped it would mess with the ship, taking it and everyone inside it down. He didn't get to see if his friends made it out alive. He had only been able to hope.

When no one came looking for him, Chase thought maybe they hadn't survived. Maybe they had all died. Maybe it had been a mistake to let Kendall go by herself. He wanted badly to go to the lab and see for himself who was there, but with Heckyl tending to him it was next to impossible to leave the apartment. So Chase opted to wait. He knew he was in the building where Kendall lived and knew, eventually that if she was alive, she would come home.

"She won't come over," Heckyl said. "Maybe you should go talk to her."

Chase didn't need to be told twice. He promised Heckyl one more time that he owed him big before he raced out of his new friend's apartment. When he was gone, a blue light was emitted from Heckyl's hands.

"I'll let them enjoy this time," he smiled to himself before he disappeared. "It'll be all they have."

Meanwhile, in the hallway, Chase raced down to Kendall apartment. He knocked several times, but she wouldn't answer. He called through the door: "Kendall, open up! It's me!"

He heard footsteps racing on the other side then the door opened slightly. The chain was on, and Kendall used the small opening to be sure. When she saw it was Chase, she slammed the door shut.

"You know you missed me," Chase teased her. The door opened wide this time as Kendall jumped out, throwing herself into his arms.

"You're alive!"

"Barely," Chase nodded. Her hug wasn't tight. She was still down to one arm and she looked rather beat up herself. Still having her arm wrapped around him hurt a fair bit.

But it was a good kind of hurt. It was a hurt that promised him he was still alive, a hurt that meant she was alright.

Suddenly, she pulled away from him, slapping him on the chest.

"What the hell were you thinking!"

"I blew the ship up," Chase said. "It was all I could do."

He put his arms around her again, holding her close, "Thank goodness you made it out."

"Me?" Kendall asked, pulling away from him slightly, looking him in the eyes. "You said you would be right behind me. You... you idiot!"

"I tried, but... there are a lot of monsters."

"Were," Kendall said. "I ran the scans. Your idiotic plan got Sledge, Poisandra, Fury and everyone killed. You did it, dumb ass."

"How's Cammy?"

"Traumatized," Kendall muttered. "Her burn will heal though."

"And you're okay? Sledge didn't hurt you too bad, did he?"

Kendall shook her head. She put her arms around Chase and pulled him in close. She just wanted to be with him right now. Chase smiled and rested his head on hers.

"I'm sorry. I meant to follow you out, I swear."

"I love you," Kendall whispered. Chase's eyes widened. He grabbed her by the arms, pushing her away slightly.

"You... what?"

"A... a friendship love," Kendall stammered, her face growing red. Her eyes began to water. "I love you like... like Cammy and the Fishers and... I'm sorry, Chase, I didn't mean... Not like that, I just..."

Chase chuckled, shook his head and held her close once more.

"You rocked the purple energem, by the way," he told her with a smile. "You'll have to tell me how you managed to hold off Sledge for so long before I got the energem."

"I had to," Kendall whispered. "I couldn't let him win."

"I guess with Cammy in that cell..."

"Cammy and you," Kendall said. She pulled away from Chase and gestured inside her apartment. "Let me look after you..."

"Heckyl did already," Chase assured her. "Cammy was right, he does look a lot like a magician."


"He's a good guy," Chase nodded. "Smart, too. When Sledge started attacking, he says he got the first bus out of town. There's not a scratch on him. We should have done the same with Cammy."

"Remind me later to thank him," Kendall said. She pulled Chase inside, closing the door. She brought him over to the couch. She sat him down then asked him if she could get anything for him. Chase shook his head.

"Just... sit with me."

"Are you sure? Chase, the bruises alone look unbearably..."

"I thought you were dead," Chase told her. "I figured if you were alive, you'd come for me."

"I got no signal from you or the energem..."

"Which explains why you didn't come, but I was still worried. I thought you were dead. I thought I made a huge mistake. So just... sit with me."

Kendall nodded her head. All she wanted was to be close to Chase right now too. She sat down next to him and rested her head against his chest while he put his arm around her.

"By the way," he whispered. "I love you too."


"Friendship love," he assured her. "You're my best friend."

"What about Koda."

"He's my best caveman," Chase chuckled. "But, you know, I don't think I'd give up my energem for him. You think the big guy would understand that, right?"

"You shouldn't have given it up in the first place," Kendall frowned. Chase shook his head.

"What do you mean? Ms. Morgan, it all worked out," he smirked confidently. Kendall rolled her eyes.

"You're lucky it did. Next time, Chase, I'm telling you, I'm not worth it."

"Next time, I'm telling you, you are worth it. So... whatever you do, don't let anymore aliens beat you to a pulp over some stupid rocks. We've more than proven we can get them back if need be. There's no coming back from losing you."

Kendall smiled, then buried her face in Chase's chest and let herself cry in front of him. Chase pulled her in close, kissed the top of her head and sat with her for the rest of the day.