A/N: Now, I never imagined I would ever write this fic, but here it is. I'm not even sure anyone even reads Johnny Test fanfics. But I'll give it a shot and see if I'm wasting my time. Also, this'll take place in Season 2. Right on the 'Johnny's Turbo Toy Force' episode. The summary was enough for the most part, so lets just jump into it. Note: If you hang around me long enough, you'll find that I give all my main OCs the same name. Mine.

"Father, is this really necessary?" I asked with an exasperated sigh over the call.

"This is one of the best schools for young inventors, and you will not settle for less if I have any say in it," my dad said, making me sigh again.

"But I've heard a lot of things about this town. Some unnatural occurrence seems to happen just about everyday that usually ends up with the town destroyed," I explained.

"If something happens, either build yourself something to protect yourself, or hide in the bunker underground. I send money to your bank account daily, so materials will not be a problem in the slightest bit," my dad said. I groaned.

"But I don't want to come to this town. I've traded schools ten times in the past six months. I've never had a real home, and I haven't seen you or mom in almost a year," I said, trying to keep my tone level.

"Stop sounding like a whiney, impotent child," my dad told me firmly, almost aggressive. "I've told you plenty of times. Me and your mom are very busy. Our business has taken off significantly..." Regardless of it being a digital call, I rolled my eyes and groaned before leaning far back into my chair and my head looking up at the ceiling of the plane. I couldn't stand this speech that I got literally every time I asked.

"...but living by yourself will teach you a maturity that you have yet to learn. Understand?" my dad said, seemingly not paying attention to my frustration.

"Yeah, I understand," I muttered moodily.

"Muttering is for is for shy children, and I refuse to have such a child," my dad snapped at me. "Speak up!" I gritted my teeth tightly and tightened my right fist before speaking.

"I understand," I growled angrily, but louder.

"Better, but watch you tone. Now, once you land, get settled in to the school, the house, and this town. And whatever you need, just buy it. Now, I have to get back to work," my dad said, shutting off the call.

I angrily threw the phone into a wall and it shattered into a ton of pieces before I closed my eyes and leaned as far back in my seat as I could.

"Money can't buy me everything. In fact, it's the reason I have no family," I thought to myself angrily. I knew I should be used to it by now, but it still got under my skin.

I spent the rest of the plane ride in a moody silence, lost in my depressed thoughts. The idea that I was gonna be living in this chaotic town had set in more now. I'll just hide for cover in the underground bunker. I won't even bother myself by getting involved.

The plane touched down on the ground, and I stood to my feet before walking to the front of the gate. But I nearly bumped into the co-pilot on my way to the front.

"We've landed Mr.-" he got out before we nearly bumped into each other.

"I've noticed. Thank you. Hopefully I won't need you this year at least. No offense to you," I said evenly.

"I understand. You've moved more in a month than I do in my lifetime. I just hope you enjoy your stay here," he said.

"Spare me the pilot etiquette bullshit please," I said, before walking off of the plane. There was a limo waiting for me immediately once I got there. I groaned. I was not gonna be lugged around by a limo driver this entire time. I managed to get my license in the short time I was in New York, and I'm damn sure gonna use it. I'll build a motorcycle and tell the driver to stand by. He shouldn't give a shit. He'll be paid to literally do nothing.

I ended up at an average house in an average neighborhood, which made me raise a curious eyebrow. My father was never one to do anything average. Always over the top with him. Why not the house?

I shrugged and walked inside. It had that comfy, homey look. Which would've been complete if there were actually people in it. But at least I wouldn't have anyone in my space, which was a little beneficial. I checked the time. 10:21 pm. I would have to go to sleep soon to adjust to the time zone better. And it was Saturday, so I didn't have to check into the University. But first, I decided to start on the bike. I just had to find the lab.

I checked the underground bunker my father mentioned, which was really warm and toasty. It was wide and spacey, with plenty of space for extra parts. I had terrible parents, but good suppliers. I decided to go ahead and get the incendiary core finished first before I went out and found some motorcycle parts. Gas was a waste of time and a pointless waste of money, so this core was an excellent alternative. Didn't need the help of oil, electricity, or anything like that if you designed the engine right.

It was eleven before I finished the core and set the core in a stabilizing chamber. At least they shipped some of my previously built stuff over here. I rubbed my eyes from the irritation before going back up to the actual house and falling on my bed before instantly falling asleep.

I suddenly opened my eyes and raised my head as I heard a cheerful 'whoo' from a kid outside. I pulled my covers up even more and closed my eyes again.

"Must be nice being able to have fun kid," I thought before going back to sleep.

A few hours later, I ended up being woken up by children screaming. Now that woke me up quickly.

"Seriously? Already?" I said, before looking outside and seeing a gigantic and very deadly looking robot outside of my door. "The heck?"

The robot turned toward me and its red eye got even redder. I gulped. That didn't look good.

Without even thinking, I dived back into the house and closed the door behind me. Which was good, cause I could hear a laser go off. I probably would've been ash if I didn't do that. What should I do about that?

"I lied to myself. Looks like I'm getting involved," I said, heading back down into the underground bunker. I put my thumb and index finger under my chin in thought. What could I build to get rid of the troublesome robot outside my door?

"EMP attachment. All I gotta do is throw the thing on the robot," I thought, beginning to get to work right away. I didn't have much metal, but I had just enough to build the EMP device. I then went up to the second floor and looked out the window, down on the robot. It wasn't paying attention to me, which was lucky. I lined up my drop with the robot and the device fell right on its head, disabling.

"Bull's-eye," I said, heading back down stairs and stepping over the robot. A further look outside showed me that robots were standing outside all of the houses in the neighborhood. Looks like a robot apocalypse.

I then started looking the robot over. At one point, I saw a label for a toy company called 'Wacko.' How fitting for a toymaker who makes toys like this. My father would likely solve this by suing the dude, but that wouldn't guarantee me a thing. It's kind of hard to defeat a toy company with limited metal.

I then looked at the disabled robot and immediately got an idea. I started cutting the metal off the robot using a saw and started using the metal to make a sniper rifle. The bullets were influenced by the same power source I used for the EMP device, so one shot should take these things out. Best part was that the metal was light and it didn't weigh much, which was convenient. This is how you can tell that I'm pro gun violence for home invasions.

I climbed to the top of the roof and lay prone on the roof before looking through the scope. There was a house directly across from me, and I sniped it directly in its head before pulling the bolt handle back and started looking for more robots to shoot. I was taught how to hunt for two weeks. I was a terrible hunter, but a reliable shooter.

I looked at the house next to the one in front of me and shot the robot in front of that house. I stood directly up and started looking further down the street. From here, I could see that four kids were outside of their house and one of them was holding a giant battery. I shook my head. I found one of those while I was using the robot for scrap. Why the developer would use batteries instead of a more reliable power source is beyond me.

I sniped the robot in front of their house and he went down quickly. I then proceeded to snipe the rest of that I could see before the sniper clicked. I only made a few bullets cause of the time restrictions, so that's excellent.

"Note to self. If I get out of this alive, make a bullet making machine," I thought to myself before using the strap on my sniper to sling it on my back before heading back inside the house. But who were those kids that managed to take the battery out of that robot? Whoever they were, they were either brave or foolish. Maybe both.

I was lowered into a crouch before peeking on the left of me and spotting another robot. I managed to avoid any rocks or bushes that might give my location away before quickly attaching the EMP device on its leg. I was being a reckless idiot right now, but I did not want these things around me.

Once it toppled, I used the butt of my gun to smash the support on the robot's laser and take it for myself and started looking it over. It didn't have a trigger. Looks like it was controlled via the robot's AI observation mainframe. And I'm sure that's targeted toward pretty much everyone who dares to leave their house. So nothing this robot had was of any use to me.

"Dammit, why couldn't my supplies be here already?" I questioned aloud before remembering that there was a robot to the right of me. I quickly moved to get behind the side of the house and peeking ever so slightly. Sure enough, the robot guarding the door on the right side of my house started coming over here.

I quickly moved behind the house and tried to get behind it to attach this device to it. It had moved to the front door of my house and I had managed to get behind it and I was almost to it.

"Hey dude!" someone yelled. I turned and I could see that those kids from down the street had come over here. But the robot had turned towards me and its eye got brighter when it spotted me.

"Aw, piss," I said before it backhanded me into the street, knocking me unconscious.

A/N: Pretty abrupt ending, but I thought it was appropriate. If you're reading this and you like it, favorite it, follow it, and review it. Cause I want some indication that people are reading this and I'm not just wasting my time.