As Ren stared at the large lotus-shaped building in front of her, a proud grin formed on her lips. Solar panels were visible from every 'petal', waterworks and gardens littered the ground around it, and several people were making their way across the 'bridge' to begin their workday. She had seen this building every day for the last two years but it never once failed to captivate her. It stood for life and change for the better; it was exactly as she had dreamed it would be.

TenTen stood behind her with her hands on her hips. "We get that you're proud but do you have to stop in this exact same place every morning," she teased. TenTen's pregnant belly was just beginning to show; the scrub top she wore was stretched slightly around her abdomen.

Ren turned to stare at her sister with a blush forming on her cheeks. "It still doesn't feel real," she explained.

"Yeah, well, it is," Neji chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and began leading her across the bridge. "We did it."

"Yeah we did," TenTen chuckled as she looped her arm through Ren's. Pride radiated off the trio like rays of the sun.

With a deep breath, Ren freed herself from the grasp of her cousin and sister. "I'll catch up with you guys shortly." She didn't want to let pride get the better of her today. She had a lot to think about.

"Alright but don't be late. We have a meeting with the potential investors in an hour," Neji reminded her as he stared at his watch, "you should probably make sure your presentation is flawless."

"He's kidding," TenTen chuckled, "We both know they always are."

Ren waved to the two of them as they walked into the main lobby but her eyes didn't stay on the two of them long. With a frown, she glanced at her own watch. "You're late," she grumbled as she turned her attention back to the bridge. Her eyes met ebony orbs and she fought to keep from grinning. "Punctuality is important, Mr. Uchiha."

"I had a lot to do this morning, Mrs. Uchiha. My wife kept me up half the night then failed to wake me up before she left," he chuckled.

"Aysha had to be at school early," Ren shrugged as she slipped her arm through his. "You did get Keiko dropped off, right?"

"Ah," he groaned, "I knew I forgot something."


"I'm kidding. I even remembered to put her uniform in her backpack since someone failed to get it from the dryer," he chuckled.

"You're awful," Ren grumbled as the two of them made their way into the building.

"You love me anyway," he reminded her.

"You're lucky that I do," she bit back.

"Uchiha-sama, a moment please," a woman named Ko requested when they got on the elevator with her.

"What is it Sato-san," Ren asked with a calm smile. This was the woman that Sai had married; the idea of being with anyone but Sasuke had left her mind years ago so they were on good terms.

"Project Seven-Oh-Two is coming along nicely, we hope to be able to begin clinical trials within the next three months," Ko told them excitedly.

Ren's eyes met Sasuke's and the two of them exchanged a look of relief. "I'm actually meeting with possible investors about that project," Ren commented, "Could you please send your reports and the statistics to my office?"

"Right away, Uchiha-sama," Ko told her with a grin. "This is my stop. I'll have them on your desk within the half hour!"

"Thank you so much," Ren told her with a bright smile as the doors closed.

"That's the experimental drug to increase white blood cell counts and combat Hemophilia, right," Sasuke asked.

"That's the one. If it's successful no one will be denied a life-saving operation because they have a blood clotting disorder," Ren told him with a nod.

"You aren't going to let this make you depressed again, are you? You didn't have the capability to save Itachi but there are other people you will save," Sasuke reminded her gently.

"I'm more worried about Aysha and Keiko at this point," Ren murmured. She could admit that the setbacks had caused her spells of sadness but she put a lot of faith in her teams. Between it and the other projects, she was stretched too thin to be depressed.

"They're perfectly healthy."

"They won't be forever. They're growing up," Ren murmured.

"They're going to be fine," he promised.

"They're turning ten," Ren sighed, "Where did the time go?"

"I think most of it was spent studying and chasing after the two of them," Sasuke grumbled with a frown, "I rather enjoy being able to sleep now."

Ren hummed and tilted her head to the side. "You got more sleep than I did. Otousan and Okaasan were there. We got through it."

"Barely," Sasuke sighed, "If I recall right, you struggled a lot. I honestly thought you were going to have to retake your first year at Uni."

Ren pouted as she stared up at her husband. "I'd do it all over again."

"Well, thankfully now we are established and not planning to do it all over again for a while," Sasuke chuckled. "I really enjoy sleeping at night." Ren stared up at him with her eyes unfocused. "I'll see you at lunch," he promised before giving her a quick kiss then a quick glare was directed up at the security camera.

Ren's cheeks were bright red until the doors opened to her office floor. "Good morning, Okaasan," Ren greeted Jia.

"Good morning, honey," Jia grinned at her. "Your dad is waiting for you in your office. He wants to give you a pep talk before your meeting with the Senju Corporation's advisors."

"Alright," Ren laughed, "Kami knows I'm going to need it. There's a lot of pressure on this one."

"You've got this. You've gone through bullying, teen pregnancy, and college as a mother. There is nothing the Senju can throw at you that you can't handle, honey," Jia told her with a beaming smile.

"Thanks, Mom," Ren laughed as she kissed her cheek. "What do I need a pep talk from Dad for?"

"Because your father has dealt with the Senju longer than you've been alive," Hideki commented from the doorway of her office. "You can show no weaknesses," he began as he led her into the office.


The back garden of Ren's home was filled with playground equipment and toys as she sat on the back deck staring out into it. She and Sasuke had found the beautiful country home less than a year ago but they had already made it their own. The way their life came together was completely out of order but it had got there.

"Alright," Hana chuckled as she sat down next to Ren, "You're sure you can handle the girls for the weekend? We're leaving after your celebration dinner. I'd hate to leave ya with more than ya can handle."

Ren's eyes drifted to her dear friend and a small smile formed on her lips. "You haven't had a night without kids since your honeymoon," she reminded Hana gently, "I can handle six kids."

"Ya think that but you've never had to handle more than your two," Hana stated.

"It'll be fine," Ren reassured her with a confident nod. "Worst case scenario is I see if Sai and Ko can come lend a hand."

Hana chuckled and shook her head. "Together they make 'SaiKo'," she laughed, "I can't believe they didn't think about that."

"You're the only one who did," Ren giggled, "Now every time I see them I think it too! You've ruined me!"

"Someone had to say it," Hana smirked. "I know you can handle it but this is the first time I've been away from them in a long while. Remember how well it went when you watched Miko while we were on our honeymoon?"

"Miko cried for an hour, kept throwing up on me, and wouldn't sleep no matter what I tried. Sasuke ended up putting earplugs in and I stayed up all night that first night. The second day was better though. I miss those days," Ren sighed.

"Getting baby fever, are we," Hana teased.

"Maybe," Ren frowned, "Sasuke's not interested in expanding our family yet. He keeps coming up with reasons to wait. Uchiha Pharmaceuticals is up and running like a well-oiled machine now. Most the time I feel like I'm just kind of the face of it. Everyone is really happy with the work they're doing and I'm starting to relax finally. I think we're going to be just fine. With the Senju Corporation backing us we can all breathe a little easier."

"What happened to the Hyuga Corp funding Y'all," Hana asked with her brows furrowed, "I knew it stressed ya out but didn't bother ya for details."

"They backed out during the transition from Hiashi to Hanabi. Apparently, things had taken a turn for the worse and they could no longer afford the risk. Hinata actually starts working for us as a resource manager next month. I think the fact that I have Hinata and Neji behind me rubbed them the wrong way," Ren admitted.

"Doesn't help that Hinata married Shikamaru either, I'm sure," Hana grumbled.

"Yeah, no kidding. Hiashi-ojisama blames me for that too. I didn't have any part of it," Ren groaned, "I'm glad Hina-chan seems happy, though. They both do."

"They're expecting their second right," Hana asked as she watched her four daughters play in the treehouse with Keiko and Aysha.

"They're actually having twins. So it'll be baby two and baby three for them. Ko just got back from maternity leave and Sai is still on paternity leave. Naruto and Ino have a son now. Ironically Naruto decided to name him Boruto. I think Jiraiya-san had something to do with that," Ren chuckled. "I think Neji is the only one who hasn't started his family yet."

"He should've snagged TenTen when he had the chance," Hana shrugged, "That girl makes beautiful babies."

"I agree. I was actually kind of worried they would look like Kankuro," Ren admitted with a light laugh. "I guess, maybe I do have baby fever. I miss it, y'know? I was so stressed with taking care of Aysha and Keiko, plus going to school, plus trying to start the business, and searching for backers. I feel like I didn't get to enjoy them being so small."

"Sasuke thinks you're crazy for it, doesn't he," Hana chuckled.

"Completely out of my mind," Ren groaned. "I understand where he's coming from but my body has my mind in 'make a baby' mode all the time."

"I did not need to hear that," Kisame chuckled as he joined them on the deck. "You're more than welcome to one of ours. Lighten the load a little." Hana punched Kisame in the abdomen but he didn't even flinch. "You know I'm kidding," he laughed as he sat down.

"I should probably go pull dinner out of the oven," Ren sighed, "Guests should be here soon."

"I'll give you a hand," Hana told her as she stood up.

"Hey," Kisame growled, "You're leaving me to watch the kids."

"Just make sure they don't fight or eat dirt," Ren muttered.

"We'd hate to ruin their appetite," Hana added with a giggle; Ren stared at her in horror. "What? Builds up the immune system."

Ren shook her head and lead Hana into the house. "I don't even know what to say to you right now," she grumbled.


With a content sigh, Ren quietly closed their bedroom door and her eyes focused on Sasuke. "They're all asleep," she murmured triumphantly as she began taking her blouse off. "We could handle another one," Ren whispered more to herself than Sasuke.

"Ren," Sasuke groaned in warning as he watched her slip into her nightgown.

"What," she frowned as she began braiding her hair.

"Can't we wait until they're out of high school," he grumbled.

Ren frowned as she climbed onto her side of the bed. She knew she was starting to sound like a broken record but he was too. "Sasuke," she whined, "We're approaching thirty."

"Your point?"

"Everyone else our age has at least two kids," she pouted.

"We have to kids," he told her with his brows furrowed. "And Neji doesn't have any."

"Neji's a slow burner," Ren grumbled, "He'll marry Takara and have all kinds of babies within the next fifteen years, I know it."

"Ren," Sasuke growled as she began kissing his neck. "You know that isn't going to work."

"I know," Ren pouted against his smooth skin. "I just keep hoping it will. Sasuke why do you really not want a baby?"

"The idea is terrifying," he grunted as he guided her to look up at him. "There are so many ways this could go wrong. Remember all the pain you were in? Twenty hours of labor and they still had to cut them out of you. You could have died."

"Sasuke," Ren deflated as she placed her hand over his. "It wasn't perfect but I'd do it over and over again. I'm not going to die on you. I wasn't even close to dying on you. It happens sometimes. The three of us came out of it just fine. I just want a little us. This little physical being created from love. I want to be a mom again. I want to have babies with you and create our own little soccer team."

"You're insane," he whispered as he pressed his forehead against hers. With his eyes closed, he sighed heavily. "It would make you happy?"

Ren nodded slowly. "Wouldn't it make you happy?"

"It's terrifying being responsible for two kids," he told her gently as he began tracing her bottom lip with his thumb. "I don't hate kids, though," he murmured. "If I agree, do you promise not to go all crazy? No calling me up to your office for a quickie because you're ovulating. I am not some tool to use."

"Sasuke," Ren laughed lightly as she kissed him over and over happily. "I'm already pregnant," she whispered as she kissed her way towards his ear.

His breath hitched in his throat and he pinned her to the bed beneath him. "Really?" She nodded. "Then why all the begging?"

"Because I want you to want it too," Ren whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You idiot," he groaned before kissing her breathless. "How long have you know," he asked quickly.

"Since this morning," she admitted as she playfully bit his lip.

"That's why you didn't have champagne with everyone else at the office," he stated as realization dawned on him. "You should have told me this morning."

"I would have missed out on you accusing me of using you as a tool. I'd call you up to my office for a quickie?" Ren was giggling as she stared up at her husband. "There is nothing quick about you."

"Don't you forget it," he smirked as his lips captured hers.

Ren Note: That's it, guys. I'm so happy and sad all at the same time! I kid you not I was walking around with a stupid grin for three hours after I wrote this! I hope I touched base on any/all questions anyone had. It's been a long road. Until the next one, my loves!