Hey minna! BlueSkyBlue, a.k.a. Otonashi Hayuka is back with the sequel to Sacred Heart!I have tried to work out a plot for this sequel. And I finally have! Well, considering the time used to figure this fic out, it is pretty fast! I hope you all enjoy this!



13 years ago in the year 20XX...

"Congratulations, Kuroko-san! You have given birth to a healthy baby boy! What would you like to name him?" A nurse congratulated a woman with long teal locks.

The woman seemed to emit a glow as she fondly stared down at her newborn baby boy. "I'll name him Tetsuya, Kuroko Tetsuya."

Currently in the year 20XX...

"Tetsuya! Wake up, it is time for school!" A teal headed lady called out, hoping that her son was already up.

"Okaa-san, I am already here. What would you like me to do?" A monotonous voice sounded from right beside her.

She jumped. No matter how long she had known her son -which is nearly 13 years already-, she never got used to his low presence, which she had no idea where he got it from, as both she and her husband never had that trait in their families before.

"Breakfast is already on the table, eat up" she said.

Her son nodded and after uttering the words 'Thank you' he disappeared down to the dining room to eat.

She smiled at her son. No matter what, he has always been the polite, well mannered boy. He had never complained about anything. She was truly grateful to have such a son, for she had met many other boys her son's age, and they were unruly and bad mannered.

Kuroko Tetsuya, 13 years old, the normal boy with average looks. A soon-to-be freshman of Teiko Junior High School. He is the only son of Kuroko Haruto and Kuroko Rio. Both his parents work as kindergarten teachers and their income is quite low. Thus, Kuroko had always been a hardworking boy so he could relief some of his parents' burden. It was joyful news when he managed to get a scholarship to Teiko Junior High, which is a really prestigious school.

Kuroko quietly ate his breakfast, which is just plain pancakes. He never complained. He knew that his family was poor, so he never wanted to burden them with more worries. In fact, he should be more thankful he had food on his plate as other people might be starving at this very moment.

Kuroko finished his food and got up from the table. He made sure to wash up the dishes before he made to the front door. "I'm off for school," he called out, making sure to inform his mother about his whereabouts just in case she worries.

"Have a nice day!" She called back.

With that, Kuroko left. It is finally the day. The day where he will embark to a new life in junior high school. Teiko Junior High School, huh. He will have plenty of competition there.

His mobile phone buzzed in his pocket and he took it out and read the caller's ID.

Ogiwara Shigehiro.

He clicked the "Accept Call" button and put the phone near his ear.


"Kuroko!" An over excited voice rang out and Kuroko momentarily held his phone away from his ear. "Can you believe it? It is finally the first day of school!"

Kuroko smiled. "I am looking forward to it."

"I sure do! You gonna join the basketball club?"

"Of course I will, where would I be without basketball?"

"Um... How about the literature club?"

"Shige-kun, we promised we would play basketball against each other. I am fulfilling that promise."

"It is too bad that I am in Meiko Junior High... I wish I could have followed you to Teiko."

"Shige-kun is too idiotic to get a scholarship into Teiko."

"Oi! Kuroko, what is that about?! I am totally not an idiot!"

"Sure, Shige-kun. You are not."

"Hmph! I'm gonna put down the call, I certainly do not want to get distracted and miss the train later."


"I'll visit next week!"

And with that, the call ended. Kuroko was already halfway to school.

Ogiwara Shigehiro is Kuroko's best friend. The both of them lived in the same district until Ogiwara moved away as his father a job opportunity near Okinawa. When he met Kuroko, Ogiwara instantly befriended him and taught him how to play basketball, a sport which the brunette daily partakes in.

In fact, Ogiwara is Kuroko's first friend, as the teal head is seldom noticed by many people because of his low presence. Kuroko is thankful that Ogiwara was his friend and he appreciated every second of it.

Soon, Teiko Junior High School building came to his sight and Kuroko made his way through the crowd of students to his class. It was going to be an exciting day. Well, in Kuroko's opinion.

Kise Ryouta, well known model because of his pretty boy blonde hair and his handsome looks. He makes even the nerdy girls swoon whenever they land their eyes on him. Here he is attending Teiko Junior High School, ready for his first day in junior high just like the typical thirteen-year-old kid his age.

Kise was in his class when he heard a loud bang outside and the voice of a guy cursing. He peeked out out his classroom to find a tanned guy with navy blue hair on the floor with his books scattered on the floor.

"Oh! Let me help you!" Kise cried and helped the guy pick his books up and arranged them neatly in a pile.

"Thanks," the tanned guy awkwardly thanked the blonde. "Um... Do you by any chance know where class 1-C is?"

"I'm in that class!" Kise chirped. "Comon', let me help you with those books. Why did you bring so much anyways?"

The tanned man seemed to grumble. "My friend insisted on it."

"I'm sure the teachers won't start teaching us on the first day, is this friend of yours the studious type?"

" You have no idea..." The guy mumbled. "Thanks again for helping me, I'm Aomine Daiki."

"I am Kise Ryouta! Pleased to meet you!"

Himuro Tatsuko, a girl who most people would describe as an emo because of her almost quiet nature and hairstyle. She was on the way to his classroom in Teiko Junior High when someone bumped into her.

"Watch where you are walking!" She cried out as she fell to the ground and landed on her bum.

Himuro looked up and was intimidated when she saw a purple giant towering over her. The giant was munching on a bag of snacks, and on his left arm was a large plastic bag filled with all kinds of candies.

"Mhm? Oh, sorry." The purple head mumbled, spraying food from his mouth onto the raven head.

"Ugh, you are disgusting," Himuro picked herself up from the ground. "See you around the school, I guess."

The giant stared after him. "Do you have any snacks?"

"Do you think I will have any snacks?" Himuro stared back at the purple giant with a "are you serious?" look.

The purple giant shrugged. "Worth a try."

"You have a large plastic bag filled full with snacks around your arm and you are asking me for snacks!"


Himuro felt like banging her head in the wall. "Ugh. Never mind."

"Murasakibara Atsushi."

Himuro looked at the purple head weirdly. "Excuse me, what?"

"I told you my name, isn't that what we do when we meet a stranger?" The giant continued to munch on the snacks.

Himuro was dumbfounded. "I'm Himuro Tatsuko. See you around, bye."

And with that, Himuro slung her school bag over her shoulder and walked off in search for her class.

"First day of school, huh," a green headed girl commented to her friend as they walked through the gates of Teiko Junior High School. In her right hand, she clutched a phone book while her glasses glinted in the sunlight.

Midorima Shizuka, a girl sporting long green hair usually tied up in a high ponytail. She has an obsession over Oha Asa, a horoscope radio that she claims that is never wrong. She is a smart girl, but only comes second to her friend, Akashi Seijuro.

Akashi Seijuro is the boy walking next to her. He is born into a family of high position so he is expected to be the same to. Smart, cunning and also sporty, Akashi is almost perfect in every way. He is the boy every girl would die for. His red eyes gave out the feeling that he is not the type of person to be crossed.

"It will be interesting, no doubt," the red head commented. "I am looking forward to it."

"It is amazing that you are able to get into the student council without even applying for it," Midorima said, feeling a little envious of her friend.

Akashi chuckled. "Of course, that is because I am an Akashi, and we are nothing but the best."

A new era has begun. The winds began to hum as they feel destiny work its way through the the lines of certain people. Red strings of fate has been tied to these people, and destiny is determined to see through them. For destiny wants to save them, as she had failed so a long time ago.

And that's it for the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed this! Just a note, I am not following the anime plot, so please do not expect the basketball thing repeating itself. And do not yell at me about the gender changes. I feel like playing with genders okay? And I kinda wanna try out a TakaMido instead of MidoTaka. And DO NOT YELL AT ME ABOUT FORGETTING TAKAO! I did not forget Takao! He will appear in later chapters. So... What do you guys think? Tell me, either PM or review! Till then, ja~~



a.k.a. Otonashi Hayuka