Chapter 12: Trial And ErRoR.

The floating islands surrounds them. The last time they were here, the air was pressing. Now everything feels serene and calm. e and calm.

The wind is warm and play through their hair. Still Aura shivers and puts her hands around herself to cover from the wind. Jade sees it and stands beside her. "This place looks beautiful, I wish my home world looked this beautiful." Aura smiles and drops her arms and turns to the others. Everyone takes in the scenery.

The last time she was here this place had been reigned by her sister. She was wicked and mean. The people were scared and the only resistance was lead bij her baby brother Azer. Who now lead her kingdom to glory. A kingdom in which she lost everyone, her father, her mother and her elder siblings.

She would be the leading monarch now if it wasn't for her little brother. He is still young and if he is older than he would be a better and kinder king then their father was. A better leader then she would ever be.

She turns around and starts walking towards the city that looks brighter than last time.

The state of the city was a surprise for them except for the busy road and people working. Everyone was surprised to see that an festifal was going on. Everyone wears masks. Some are pretty and others are scary, some shining and gleam Everyone is screaming singing or laughing. Some turn to them and look away.

"They are looking at us." says Narisha while feeling awkward. "Probably because we don't wear masks." Says Shun. The others nod. 'I am glad Drago and the other bakugan haven't come with." says Dan. 'Back on earth the need every bakugan.

"I go to my brother saying I am back you can stay if you want." With having said that Aura jumps up the closest building and moves quickly towards the royal mansion. "I'll better stay with her." Says Shun and follows her as quickly. "Shall we see if we can get masks anywhere?" Jade her eyes sparkle as she says that. Narisha looks at her friend. "You serious." "Serious as can be, I want a mask and see if I can party somewhere." Dan laughs ''We didn't travel all the way to here to party but with what we've been through I think some relaxing time can't hurt."

Aura arrives at the mansion. A year ago stood here the ruin of her old home now it is completely renovated and not a sign of an old burned down mansion. Aura her fears of the fire are only scars now left in her mind and heart.

She walks to the entrance. No one stands there. She lifts her hand up to knock the door but she doubts. What if her brother has decided that he doesn't want to see her ever again since last time. She doesn't want to lose him he is her brother.

Another hand grabs hers. The warmth is ensuring she looks back in the eyes of Shun. He smiles. Aura turns back and knocks.

After some walking around they give up and take a seat somewhere outside the crowded. "We couldn't find a mask anywhere and all those people they were so mean with there comments. ''One person comes loose from the crowd and walks towards them. "Dan is that you?"

Both Aura and Shun are let to the throne room. They wait outside until they are led in. The boy in the throne looks at them. You can clearly see that he is bored. His eyes study the people who just entered the room. He smiles and jumps out of his throne. The guards who stood beside him don't know what to do with the sudden chance of emotion and their king out of his throne.

Azer hugs his sister. For a moment he isn't the king for a moment he is back in the camp being just a boy. For a moment is he just the little brother.

Dan looks up to the person who removes his mask. "Milo!" The two go in an brotherly hug. 'At Least someone who is nicer to us.'' says Narisha to Jade. '' And then they call me rude. Oh well maybe it's just how most people here are. '' Narisha lifts one of her eyebrows as she looks to Jade.'' What do you mean by that?'' whispers Narisha. '' Remember last time we were here?'' '' Yes i do. With the tunnels and that oh yeah the lost one of Vannessa. While her lost one form is called quem diabolus in one of the books we found. '' '' Yeah but why again?'' '' Remember you said,' it's sits like it's is the queen of this dungeon.' or maybe Queen of the dead we did call her.'' Jade looks in fear. '' wow it's like we could see the future. Just like Horica Isiss when she gave me my gauntlets.'' Narisha makes a fake coughs.'' You mean, cursed gauntlets, the ones you were kind of almost possessed by darkness because of that doll Hades wanted. Lucky for you Cathy found out. And I did teach you real magic without stealing that from us.'' '' And where are they hidden?'' '' somewhere safe, and only I know where they are.'' '' Let me gues, under your bed? Oh no wait in that box with that awful pink and blue flower Sunday dress you have.'' Says Jade laughing. '' You mean that ugly dress your mom made for your birthday and you did give it to me. Well Cathy get's it for Christmas, and I'll write on it's from you.'' Says Narisha with a smile. '' And what is wrong with a lady in a dress? You two are girls so you better act like it. '' says Milo. '' pff I only were for three very good reasons a dress.'' says Jade. '' And only if you made them yourself or if they are black.'' says Narisha. Jade gives a smile." And for a certain somebody's wedding." says she with the last part looking at Narisha with an almost sinister and teasing smile. "Let me escort you all to the mansion." says Milo. Jade comes closer to Dan to whisper something. " when are you going to propose to her? " says jade teasing. Dan starts to blush." Wait, Why would you think that!" screams he almost." You were looking at those jewellery with Naris. " " Jade, if you miss Riku so much just say it." Now it was Jade her turn to blush. " already stopt with teasing?" ask Narisha. Jade mumbles something under her breath but the could not make out what." what was she saying? " ask Dan. " I think she was cursing, because of what I did tell you that by the stand." " To bad you did like nothing? It was probably cute on you." Narisha blushes. " Y-you know, you don't need to give me something expensive, as long you give it. " " for the ring or everything? " " I am grateful, I am not a spoiled brat, I hate it to get expensive stuff. "

That evening

Aura sees the flames conquer her keyblade. She is doing this. These flames she made, she controls it. She has fulfilled her final test in her mark of mastery exam. The flames slowly die and she lifts up her keyblade. Her keyblade. Its different but there are no cracks in it anymore. This keyblade feels that it compliment her in her powers. It's new and different this keyblade strength her elemental magic.

RGA: Hey Guys sorry for the late update. But there were somethings that came first. I'll try to upload the next chapter as soon as its done.