Hey everyone. I really hope you are enjoying this story. I have been so crazy busy that I've had no time at all to write. I finally was able to do some lastnight. It is pretty short - that I am sorry about but atleast it is something, right? Sorry if this isn't as polished as it should be, I am writing on my phone. If you see any mistakes let me know and i will fix them. I'm lovin all the fave, likes and comments and I'm so glad everyone is enjoying this fic. It makes me happy to know you all like it. Please let me know what you think of this chapter it's like chocolate for my muse! ❤

She stared through the window, her green eyes watching the young boys playing in the front yard. The fourteen year old; her oldest, laughed as he pushed his younger brother Thomas on the swing. Tara smiled, she couldn't believe that Abel was now going into high school and that Thomas was in grade 5... grade 5!

Time had flown by.

She frowned, her eyes closing. It had been eleven and a half years since she had left Charming...since she left Jax.

No one. Not the club - not Jax, knew where Tara was. She made sure she had disappeared. It had been almost a decade since she had seen Jax. When he got arrested, sometime after she left, she had no contact with him. No burner, no letters.

This new life was a new beginning for her, for them. Her old life, her old friends - they were just a distant memory.

Tara acknowledged that after making it official, leaving Charming with their boys, Jax had most definitely hated her. She wasn't his anymore. She had become his enemy. Even if she wanted to see Jax. She was certain he wouldnt be so cooperative.

She had had made a pretty good life for herself. She was now the head of the neonatal department – ever since her accident with her hand all those years ago, she wasn't able to do surgeries anymore, so she decided to still be useful and decided to do her part another way, training new doctors.

She had met another doctor, a cardiologist, he was handsome, a few years older than her. He had been married once before and had two daughters, one was 10 and the other 15. He had treated her like a princess. It had started to become very serious. He had asked her to move in with him. She hadn't gave him an answer yet. Something was holding her back, what she wasn't sure. She liked him a lot, they got along very well, he treated her like a queen. The kids got along and she loved his daughters and she was falling for him as well.

So why wasn't she happy about him asking her to move in. Why was she stalling?

It had been four years. Four years since he found her... Found his boys.

He had given up his presidents patch to Chibs, stepping down as president and out of the Sons of Anarchy.

His mother Gemma was arrested - with his help and she was now doing life in prison.

After realizing all the lies and horrible things she had done, Jax realized he needed to teach her a lesson. He should have killed her, but he felt death would be to easy for his mother.

Jax was arrested and served six years in jail. Six - long lonely years - locked up with no contact with the outside world.

Tara never stayed after that night at the cabin. She picked up the boys and never looked back. No letters or phone calls.

His wife - his soul mate, had left him.

Jax knew what Tara did was for the best. The night at the cabin when she opened up to him, told him every secret she had kept from him. He realized that she had been right about everything. His family deserved so much more better than what he could give them. No matter how much he told her he would protect them, keep them safe from any harm. He knew deep down inside that he couldn't because It was him that they needed protecting from.

He was supposed to serve twenty years for the role in Otto's murder. After talking with Tara and finding out so many lies, he told her he would allow her to leave Charming, he would go to the DA tell her that Tara wasn't ever involved. He'd do the time for all the horrible stuff, he had done... his club had done.

He deserved jail. Tara, she deserved to be happy, she needed to take care of those boys. Give them the normal life he always wished for.

Jax was not rat - he would never turn in his brothers. He would do the time before that would happen, but after six years of doing alot of thinking. Thinking was all he seemed to do then. He realized that the person who had got them into all this mess, wasnt Otto, or Clay or even gang related. It was Gemma...everything always pointed to Gemma.

With Jax's cooperation, Gemma had been arrested and he was set free on good behaviour. His one condition on giving the DA what he needed was that no one would know he was free and she would find Tara and set him up with a new life.

A clean slate.

Patterson did find Tara and his boys. She had moved not only out of Charming, but all the way to Canada.

Far away from him.

He found himself a small little apartment across from a local garage and he applied there to be a mechanic. They offered him, at first, a part time job, but after only 3 months in, they seen the work he put in and gave him a full time position and after 4 long years he was finally going to see her - confront her. He had been really nervous; scared actually. What if she had found someone new. What if she had married, fallen in love.

Soon that nervousness turned to anger. Even though he understood everything she had done he couldn't accept that she could fall in love again...wouldn't except it.

He sighed moving away from his bike. He ran his hand through his long blonde hair and stepped toward the small brown house in front of him. He took the last drag of his cigarette and snubbed it out with his boot. His hand lifted and he knocked gently on the wooden door. He swallowed, his throat dry and raw. He could hear footsteps and he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. The door open and his eyes opened and Tara came in his view. Her green eyes stared at him and she stared at him shocked. She didn't say anything and either did he. They just stood there, staring at each other silently, finally after a few moments Jax cleared his throat.

"Hello Tara."
