Chapter 7

Let me tell you everything/nothing

Anna facepalmed as Natsu wasn't responding to the communication lacrima. She was pretty sure she taught that idiot how to use these things but maybe she underestimated Natsu's idioticness.

She clenched her teeth in stress until the air a few feet in front of her glowed gold. She looked up and saw the glow turn into the figure of Aquarius.

"Aquarius? I thought I left you back to Lucy's side." She said quietly.

Aquarius looked down as she declared some bad news to Anna. "Well you see…"

It was snowing hard, like a flurry into a blizzard. Snow pelted up by the minute as if the weather was reacting to the strange phenomenon enacted to the Fairy Tail mages.

"AAAH!" Erza clenched her teeth, trying to avoid to scream her lungs out. Erza's body went limp and she fell over. Jellal caught her and exhaled.

"Meredy! Where are you? Come out and help me!" Jellal yelled at the gray sky.

The light pink haired woman appeared out of nowhere with an ice cream in her hand. She gasped and dropped the ice cream when she saw Erza in Jellal's arms.

"No way." she covered her mouth. "Did you two… finally make it to step two in the dating process?"

"No, what dating process?" Jellal stammered. "Help me bring in Erza and Juvia into the inn."

"Juvia..?" Meredy spotted the water mage on the ground with a look. The look was more excited rather than painful…

Erza twitched in Jellal's arms. "Second floor, third room right." She cringed in pain. That should be the room where Natsu and the others should be, she thought.

"Jellal hurry up. Juvia is having a weird dream about Gray and I don't want to keep listening to this." Meredy complained as Juvia flailed her arms in her sleep.

Jellal sweatdropped walked until he stood in front of the room Erza spoke of.

Natsu was having a panic attack as one by one, his former guild mates collapsed in agony with strained looks glued to their faces. He noticed how once they were unconscious, their Fairy Tail marks no longer glowed, actually, the color turned duller than before, and he didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

Shaking hurriedly and angrily, he smashed the communication lacrima in rage that he couldn't do any anything to help his friends. He stared at the broken glass pieces of the lacrima then to the door that just burst open out of nowhere.

Behind the door stood a worried Jellal holding an unconscious Erza, next to him was Meredy with a not in this world Juvia.

"Natsu?" The blue haired mage exclaimed.

"Jellal?" Natsu blurted out as a few nurses shoved their way into the room.

"You're alive?"

"You're here?"

The two mages just stared at each other with befuddled looks and were followed by an awkward silence.

"Would someone just talk already and explain was going on?!" Meredy yelled.

No one answered, mostly because they also had no idea what was going on.

Natsu heard everyone's pulse beat very slowly, but there was a pulse which meant they were okay, for now. He looked into his thoughts as he knew he had seen something like this. All mages of the same guild taken down at the same time even when nothing had physically touched them… It was something like Meredy's Maguilty Sense but more different more extreme. For instance, the sensory link is a guild mark and everyone who has the same guild mark is literally connected. Another major difference is that once a member is deemed unconscious, they never wake up again to very soon die. Natsu remembered this because Anna lectured him about this on their travels when they found one guild and every member of the guild was nearly dead. But for some strange reason, Anna had the power to heal them. Natsu never really pondered Anna's power because she told him that she would explain it later. Who the culprit was? Well it was that man.

The nurses relocated the Fairy Tail mages into different rooms, but for some reason Jellal refused to let the nurses take Erza. The nurses complied and left him alone. And for that reason, the nurses forced the conscious mages outside to the wintery, blizzard scene. It seemed they didn't care for the well being of the healthy people like they were Porlyusica or something.

"A-aw Jellal, have you fallen for the Titania so much that you can't even trust a few nurses to take care of her. You know, she is suffering, especially now that we're outside in this freezing winter, right?" Meredy teased, while shivering from the cold winds. "The weather decides to storm us with snow just when we get outside." She muttered angrily.

"It's not that." Jellal said seriously. "It's just that I feel that the nurses can't do anything to help them."

"You're right." Natsu spoke, surprising the two, they already forgot that he was here.

"So you do know what's going on." Jellal pointed him out.

"Well, only vaguely…" The dragon slayer admitted. He needed to tell them everything. These were going to be the two who he was going to explain everything from the beginning. He just wished there was a Fairy Tail mage listening on to this. Well… Erza was here but he didn't think that counted because she was knocked out. "You see…"

He stopped, the air was giving him an eerie feeling that tickled his back bone. Even the two mages from Crime Sorcière were shaken by this odd feeling. Jellal quickly distinguished the feeling to be like Zeref. Which was impossible, Zeref died about a year ago…

It was already night time in the cold blizzard but it seemed that the air turned dark and swirled in on spot like a miniature harmless tornado, The mages were stunned in horror as the atmosphere grew dark and time just seemed to slow down. The air and snow kept spinning until it grew darker and darker and oddly enough, formed a sharp silhouette of a man.

"Well well Dragneel. looks like you're have to hold the conversation until never."

The man emitted an enormous dark energy and stunned everyone silent.

Jellal and Meredy thought it was Zeref for the presence almost exactly matched the feeling Zeref gave off back then. But Natsu knew it wasn't his brother. He met this guy when he died. He knew exactly who this man was.

"It's time you came back to the place you really belong to." The man beckoned to Natsu.

Natsu froze stiff. The man was holding two objects that he wished never really existed at this point of his life. One object was his book -the book of E.N.D to be specific, but he didn't really care about that even though that book literally was his life. The other object was a knife dipped in blood, the little droplets of blood dripping to the snow white ground to become one. Even though it snowed horrifically and the scent was faint, Natsu knew whose blood that was.

"That's Lucy's blood… What the hell did you do to Lucy?" He yelled at the man furiously.

"Don't worry, the descendant of Anna is fine. " The man yawned. "Anyways, in order for this kind of magic, I need to destroy a guild mark and take the blood of a member of that guild. You're just lucky that girl's mark was on her hand and not anywhere… vital."

"You still hurt her dammit!" Natsu roared and his whole body lit on fire. Any flake of snow within a radius near Natsu melted instantly. His flames reached the silhouette of the man to reveal the man's appearance.

Porlyusica was organizing herbs in her little home, when outside her window, she found a small girl sitting on a log outside her house. The old healer rushed outside realizing who that was.

"Mavis?" She gasped.

The first master turned around with lifeless eyes on the verge of tears.

"Fairy Tail… " She whispered as her ghostly body vanished into the air.

Astonished and clueless, Porlyusica dropped the basket of herbs she held on to, and left in the direction of Fairy Tail.

A long cloak covered his slim but muscular man. Short black hair was ruffled on his head and snowflakes landed on his head to appear his hair was a bit lighter (even though the hair color is black). This man looked exactly like Zeref, but Natsu knew that that was not the case.

Jellal jumped back at response to realizing who this man looked like. Meredy was initially shocked too but smiled comfortably. "Ah, warmth..." And she reached her hands near Natsu like she was next to a furnace. Jellal sweat dropped. This was not the time to act like this…

"Why are you alive?" Jellal hissed at the man. Zeref's magic was no magic to reckon with.

The man smiled at Jellal's question.

"You need not to know. All I will tell you is that I am not Zeref." He turned to Natsu and smirked.

Natsu, already irritated by this guy's appearance but tried his best not to attack. One wrong step would equal death.

The man smiled and clasped his hands. "Let me get to the point. Hand over the Dragon slayer and you all will live."

"Lucy... Lucy... I'm hungry..."

The celestial mage's eyes twitched, this voice... was that of that annoying CAT!

Immediately, she opened her eyes and sat up, searching for that cat. She was in the room at the inn at Crocus. Good. She slowly analyzed the room from left to right, then the stick of memories smacked her head. That's right. That man stabbed her. But she's alive? She couldn't feel any pain though but she couldn't get this terrifying feeling out of her chest. Slowly, she turned her head to where her hand should be.

It was there. Her hand was attached to her body, all perfectly normal. She flexed her fingers to find no problems there either. "Maybe it was just a dream." She thought out loud. She turned her hand over to see the back of her hand. There was a huge scar in the center of her Fairy Tail mark. Her eyes wide, she just stared at her scarred hand.


Snapped out of her thoughts, Lucy turned to the source of the voice. It was under the covers of her bed. "Lucy..." It groaned. If she didn't recognize this voice, she would've screamed. But instead she just glared at the figure as she pulled the bed covers off the bed. "Wake up you indecent cat." She snarled.

"But I'm HUNGRY."

Suddenly the door to her room swung open and the girl that looked somewhat like her appeared with groceries. "Hi Lucy." She greeted with a smile.

Puzzled, she replied with a weak greeting. "Uh... Hi... Anna, right?"

"Oh." Anna rushed to Lucy's side in worry. "Lay down, you're not fully rested yet."

Forced to lay down, Lucy asked "Why are you taking care of me? Wait, before that, what happened to me? Who was that man?" She looked at Anna for answers. "Who are you really?"

Anna was silent for a while. The air around her turned serious.

"Lucy... right now, I need you to live and heal to your best. I'm going to have to burden you with this gift. But before any of that, let me explain how this whole mess started."

Lucy was doubtful of this girl.

"Trust me as a fellow Heartfilia, please."

Lucy closed her eyes. This girl better tell her every thing. Wait, did she just say as a fellow Hear...

"Aye! I'm here too!" Happy smiled.

The two blondes looked at the chirpy exceed.

Yes, happiness. The cure for the inevitable in the future, Anna thought.

Thanks for reading.

Sorry for late update, I had trouble writing this chapter because I didn't know which path this story should take.

Just saying, most of my research on this story is from memory and wiki. Although I was kind of doubting info from wiki when I read the whole 'Maguilty Sense' thing. I didn't remember a spell like that but I just went with it. :P

Keep reviewing :P

To be continued.