Luna's POV

In the distance, I see my mother, along with her group, the three of them struggling to carry the larger man. Once close enough, they put Zenith on the ground next to his guildmates.

"Well, our job is done!" Wendy said, with a sweet smile. And everybody relaxes a little bit.

"Wendy, do you think you can heal this wound? The bullet is still inside, I've tried to clean it as best as I could," Erza said, motioning to Rose's shoulder.

"Sure, I don't think it's too bad," Wendy said, taking a closer look. A light emitted from Wendy's hands, as the wound began to close up and heal.

"Good thing it was a magic bullet, if it were real, I'd have to surgically remove it, or yank it out."

A Few Hours Later

Black Sea members have been arrested, and Nova has been pardoned, for being mind-controlled. The harming stone, now in the hands of the Council, as they try and turn it back to normal, without destroying it. Jason paces back and forth.

"Jason, you need to stop pacing back and forth, otherwise you'll wear down the flooring," I say.

He stops pacing, "I just can't help but worry about my sister, I mean, she's been passed out for hours!"

I place my hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry, Wendy and Koku will get to the bottom of it, okay, they're the best since Porlyusica!" I smile.

Jason smiled back. A large thud of the front doors brought everyone's attention. A young girl, about 16, with black hair and green eyes walked in, and collapsed.

"Bring her to the infirmary! Hurry!"

Jason and I were closest to the door, so we quickly went to aid the poor girl. Slowly making our way to the infirmary, Rose, Storm, and Luka joined us.

"Wendy!" I yell.

"Luna, what's going o.. Oh my!" Wendy turned around, and saw the girl in our arms. "Put her over there." Wendy said, pointing a finger to an empty bed.

I examine the girl, who is she? I see a hint of color near her breast. I take a closer look, pulling back part of the cloth. I pull back immediately, shocked by what I see.

"Luna, what's wrong?" Storm asks.

"S..she has…" My voice trails off.

"You're wondering why she has a guild mark, am I right?"

I squeal, at the voice that appeared behind me. "Oh my, First Master?! What are you doing here? Who is this girl?"

"Wait, what?! She has a guild mark? For which guild? Wolfsbane? Draco Order? Lucky Py…"

"None of those!" I yell, "S..she's from," I pause, unable to speak.

"She's from here, Fairy Tail," Mavis continued, causing everyone to stare in shock.

"B..but how can that be? We've never seen her before today!" Luka exclaims.

"That is understandable," Mavis paused, "Come, follow me to the stage, I have quite the announcement to make." We follow Mavis, curious to what she has to say.

"Uhm, excuse me, but, what is going on?" I turn around. Jason.

"Whoopsies, haha, sorry Jason, I guess I need to explain how this guild is like, don't I?" I say, embarrassment making my body shake. I continue, "You see, this guild has a very interesting and unique history, along with unique magic, for example, anyone who has the Fairy Tail Guild mark, will be able to see the First Master, Mavis, along with the Third, Sixth, and Eighth Master, Makarov, we don't know why, but we're able to, you were probably so confused when I squealed, weren't you."

"Yep, and thank you for explaining, but where are we going now?" Jason asks.

"First Master has something to say to the whole guild, pretty much it." Storm replied.

And soon enough, we all headed towards the stage.

"Attention everyone!" Mavis' childlike voice rang throughout the guild hall, the clattering and bustling slowly coming to a stop. "I've got an announcement to make, you all have seen that girl that has stumbled through our doors right?"

"Why?! Is she an enemy? I'll beat her up!"

"Natsu! Be quiet! The First is speaking!"

I chuckle to myself, my parents are quite weird.

"None of the sort, she is actually, uh.. how do I say this.. ah! She's my daughter!" Mavis said smiling brightly, as hints of red adorned her cheeks.

"WHAT?!" The whole guild roared, "HOW?! WHY?!"

"Hush my fairies, there is a simple answer, but I'll let her tell her tale, so please be patient until she wakes up."

The guild was silent, the sun waning into the horizon, casting colors and shadows across the ground and sky. Eventually the guild came back to life with sounds, slowly. Chattering, the clanking of dishes and cups, the miniature brawls in the corners of the room.

I continue to eat dinner, with the rest of the guild kids, and soon enough the moon was out, the luminescent light expanding over Magnolia. I groan with a realization, "We have school tomorrow." As soon as I spoke those words, the guild children all groaned. And with that we all quickly finished dinner and headed upstairs to get ready for bed.

I turn around at the tap of my shoulder. "So Luna, do you guys have extra rooms here? I would like to stay close to my sister, if possible."

"Follow me," I reply, motioning for him to follow me downstairs. I continue down the stairs, the loud noises of the guild increasing. "Mira?" I say, sitting down on one of the stools, as Jason took a seat next to me.

"Luna, you should be going to bed, you have school tomorrow, and you also had a really eventful day, you need your rest."

"This will only take a moment Mira," I say with a smile. She stared at me for a bit longer before nodding her head, a signal for me to continue. "Do we have any extra rooms? Jason wants to stay near his sister, in case anything happens," I say, gesturing towards Jason and the health room.

"We don't really have rooms Luna, most of these rooms can only be opened by Fairy Tail members, our guild marks are the key to nearly every room in this building, we have mattresses, but I don't think he'll want to sleep in the middle of the guild floor," she said, pausing to put a cup in a cupboard behind her, "Why not take a mattress, and have him sleep in your room, or somebody's room?"

I turn to face Jason, shrugging his shoulders, "I don't really mind, as long as I'm near my sister, I'm fine."

"Alright then, that settles it, let's go grab a mattress!" Mira points to a room behind the stage, "Most of the extra things we own are back there."

With a quick thanks, Jason and I head to the room. Quickly finding a mattress, we carry it up to my room, dropping the mattress onto the floor.

"Phew, that was difficult," I say, stretching out my body. "I guess you can ask my brother for a spare uniform, each student in this guild, was required to retrieve lots of extra uniforms, because we tend to be wild, and uniform damage can sometimes not be controlled." Jason nodded, silence slowly creeping between us. "Oh! And you can go shower first, let me just grab the extra supplies from under the sink," I say, running to my bathroom.

Once done grabbing the supplies, I feel arms wrap around me, causing me to jump.

"Thank you Luna," Jason says, his arms wrapping me tighter, "If I hadn't met you, I would've never gotten my sister back, I.. don't know what I would've done without your help." I can feel my back becoming wet. Tears. "Don't worry about it Jason, what matters is that we DID meet, and because of that you became my friend, a friend of the guild, and for my guild, we always do whatever we can to help a friend." Jason's arms loosened a bit, so I turn around and return the hug, "Now go take a shower, before we're both exhausted and sleepy tomorrow!"

We both chuckle, and I leave the bathroom. I go to my closet, and look for extra blankets and pillows, finding some, I place them on the mattress. Hearing the water run, I smile, happy to help a comrade. "Yo Luna!" I turn towards my door, to see it wide open, and my brother leaning against the frame. "What is it Luka?"

"I guess it's true, Jason is gonna be sleeping here tonight."


"Here, take this," Luka handed me pajamas and a uniform, "Also, tell him that the clothes he used today, he can keep 'em."

"Thanks Luka, now go to bed, I don't want to hear your endless complaints and crankiness when you don't have enough sleep."

And with that we say goodnight. I hear the water stop. I close my bedroom door, "Jason wait!" I knock on the door quite loudly. "I have some sleepwear for you, I'm gonna leave it by the door, okay?"

"Okay," Jason replied.

I set the pajamas down by the door and I placed his uniform on my bedside table.

The bathroom door opens, "Thank you Luna, really."

"No problem," I say my back towards the door. Hearing the door shut once again, relief flooded through me. I did it just in time, I prevented either of us from being embarrassed, about the fact that one of us is naked.

Giggling to myself, I turn around. My eyes grow wide, and I quickly hide my face. "I thought you would change in the bathroom!" I squeal, heat rising to my cheeks.

"Well, I figured you could shower while I changed."

I slowly move my hands away from my face and open my eyes. In front of me, stands Jason, with only a towel around his waist. His muscular arms holding his clothes, each muscle is defined, and his.. Wait. What in the world am I thinking?!

"Hmm.. Alright, I guess that a pretty good idea, but I wish you would've said so earlier."

He shrugged and I grab my pajamas, quickly heading into the bathroom.

Once done, and completely dry, I clothe myself, and slowly open the bathroom door. I see Jason sitting on the side of the mattress, his back facing towards me. I slowly walk next to him. He is staring at his clock-like pendant.

"What ya doing Jason?" My voice obviously startling him.

"N..Nothing really, just thinking of the past."

"Who's that pendant from? You said it was a gift earlier, so, wanna tell me who you got it from."

I see Jason's body stiffen. "Well, it's from my mother, and, as you know it's not my real mother."

"I remember Jason, what's her name?"

"She told her name once, and only said to mention it, if we absolutely have to."

"That's fins Jason," I look at the clock, "Oh my, we should go to sleep, it's getting pretty late."

We say our goodnights, sleep tugging at my eyelids, eventually putting me under a deep slumber.

I wake up to the sound of water running. I face the bathroom with sleepy eyes, to see Jason brushing his teeth. I rub my eyes to wipe away the sleepiness. "Morning Jason," I say. He turned around and gave me an acknowledging look, as he turned back, and finished brushing his teeth. I stretch out my body, slowly turning to look at the clock. I slowly get up and grab my clothes, the water shut off, and Jason walked out of the bathroom.

"There's breakfast downstairs, just ask Mira what there is for today, and she'll tell you, or she'll show you where she puts food on the side for us," I say, before closing the bathroom door. I quickly change and splash water on my face, the action wiping away any sleep left in my eyes and body. I brush my hair and teeth, deciding to leave my hair down today.

Opening the door, I see a figure hunched, in a school uniform, on the side of the mattress. "Jason what are you still doing here? Did you already eat?"

"Nah, I just decided to wait for you, come on let's go." He said, motioning towards the door.

We both grab our school supplies and headed downstairs, the sounds of chatter filling our ears. "Morning Mira!" I yell, the white-haired woman, bustling around the guild delivering food and drinks.

"Morning Luna, and breakfast for you guys is in the dining room, in the back," she yelled, balancing a tray on her hip, she came closer, "The food in the back is pre-prepared, the guild has been starting to get a lot more busy, as well as your father keeps trying to eat more food, especially with the townspeople coming to join in the fun, but I don't mind." She said with a gentle smile.

"You work yourself too much Mira." I reply, but the gentle woman was already back to taking orders and delivering drinks.

Jason follows me, as we headed towards the kitchen, the smell of eggs, bacon, and waffles filled the room. I head towards the small dining room, used for those special family days. I push the door open, and an warm air blew. The students in the guild, were all here, eating and chatting. Leaning against the wall, or in a chair, or on the floor, smiles plastered on everyone's face.

I follow my nose towards the opposite end of the room, food laid out on the table, I immediately grab a waffle and some bacon, stuffing it in my mouth. I swallow, "Jason, don't be afraid to eat, just grab some food will ya?" And reluctantly he grabbed a plate, and took a waffle, some eggs and some bacon. He took a bite, and his fork immediately started to shovel food into his mouth, and I laugh. "Don't eat too fast, you'll get hiccups."

"This food is delicious!"

"Indeed it is, when you're done eating, let's go visit you sister, how does that sound? And maybe I can also check up on the First's daughter." With a quick nod, we both go back to eating.

Leaving about 10 minutes after we arrived in the room, Jason and I headed towards the infirmary.

"Wendy, are you in here?" I say, slowly opening the door.

"Morning Luna, come in, it's fine."

Jason and I slide through the open door.

"How are they both doing?" I ask.

"They're fine, they're just unconscious, Nova will most likely wake up today, as for the First's daughter, that may take a couple of days, her body is completely deprived of energy, it seems she used the last of it to get here, either that, or, her body is out of control, almost like she's been in a very long sleep-like state." The bluenette said, as she organized supplies. "Jason, would you like us to pull you out of school the moment she wakes up?"

"No, that's fine, she needs her rest, and I know that if I'm here, she won't get much." I stare in awe at Jason as he said that.

"Wise choice, well, off to school you two go, don't wanna be late now do we?"

I look at the wall clock above the door. "Yikes! Jason, we gotta go!" I pull Jason through the guild, and head towards the kitchen.

"Here you go Luna!" Mira yelled as I dashed by her, grabbing my lunch, along with Jason's and pull him through the doors leading outside.

The large group of guild students ahead of us. Soon, we reach the group, breathing heavily.

"I was wondering when you two would show up." I look up to see Luka holding out his hand to me. I take it and push myself to continue.

In a few minutes, the campus loomed in front of us. Three figures stood in front of us. We began to slow down, and cautiously continued forward. "Fairy Tail, you are in BIG TROUBLE!"

We all visibly flinch at the raised voice of the school's Principal. Hanging our heads low, we listen to the people in front of us.

"I can't believe you defied your parents, as well as the rules of this school." The principal said.

"I'm sure you had good intentions, but the school has things to do also, please Fairy Tail, I know you mean well, especially when it comes to your guild," Marina said, "But your guild is now a part of a bigger group, and you must keep in mind, that this bigger group is much more important than your single guild, this entire country is trying to change this place for the better, and it starts with us, the young generations."

"I agree completely with that statement, also, may I introduce myself," the third person, a young boy, "I am the principal of the Disciplinary Committee, Tristan Cress, I am here to give your guild the punishment, for the act of, leaving school grounds without permission, attempting to leave school grounds without permission, and leaving during and/or before class." The boy paused, "Your punishment will be to clean this entire campus after school today."

You can visibly see the horror in everyone's eyes. "Yes sir," We reply.

The bell then rang, and we say goodbye to the trio, and run to class. We arrive just in time before the teacher walks in.

The teacher gave us study hall, to prepare ourselves for the upcoming test.

"...Fairy Tail…" My eyes narrowed, and my ears perked up, I listen closer to the area where I heard the name of my guild.

"I heard they got in trouble with the school, this once again proves that wizards are nothing but trouble." I heard, in hushed tones.

"Mika, you are totally right."

"I am, aren't I?" A small giggle coming from the girl. Mika Toyome, the popular, snobby, bratty girl. "Oh Jason!"

I roll my eyes. Since day one of me being in this class, Mika has non-stop, been going after Jason. Her flirty gestures, and the way she hangs onto his every move and word. It makes my blood boil.

"So Jason, do you want to hang out with me during lunch today? You know, away from those pesky wizards?"

"Uh.. actually.." Jason's reply is cut off, "Great! Let's meet by the library!" And with that she walks off, and soon enough, you hear squeals from Mika and her posse.

I walk over to Jason. "Fangirl problems?"

"You know it, big time."

Jason and I laugh. I feel eyes glaring into my back. "Need help getting out of it?"

"Maybe not, I might give her a chance, maybe she'll calm down if we're actually dating, but if not, I'm joining your guild just so she stays away, I really don't like the fact that she hates on wizards, especially you guys."

I stifle a laugh, "You're seriously gonna give her a chance?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Well good luck, don't expect much help from me though, cuz I'm warning ya, be careful."

And once again, the two of us laugh, eventually falling into a casual conversation, as we helped each other study.

"Hey Jason, what are you going to tell the school? You know about your magic?"

Jason looks up from his workbook, "Maybe I'll tell them, not sure when, or how though."

"Why not tell them now, and say that you're a guildless wizard."

"You're not considered a full-fledged wizard until you're in a guild, remember?"

I smile guilty, I can't believe I forgot that.

"Join Fairy Tail! You'll get your own room, there's the pool and hot tub area, the guild hall, a gaming room, a magical simulator room, the garden is really nice, and you'll have a way of earning money!"

"You know, I just might do exactly that."

And with that, the bell rang.

Disclaimer: For this entire story, please understand that I do not own Fairy Tail. Fairy Tail is owned by Hiro Mashima. Most characters belong to him. I am doing this out of fun and interest in my own Fairy Tail Happy Ever After.

Also, follow _Empress_Neko_ on instagram! Help me come up with new ideas, and overcome writers block! You can also look at some drawings I made of my characters!