Raven stared at the small thin silver ring in her hand as, Robin continued his lecture. It seemed to glint in the soft sunlight, giving off a soft almost subtle hint of what was in store for her. Her eyes cast themselves around watching the faces of her teammates. Cyborg sat clearly listening typing on a holograph keyboard in front of him. He kept his eye forward as his cyborictech red eye shone bright showing that he was downloading some sort information into his data bank.

Starfire was glowing, like actually, and interestingly glowing. A broad smile was placed upon her mouth to match her star filled gaze. Her soft orange skin was shimmering, and if not for the fact that the Empath had become very close to the Alien Princess she would have thought something was seriously wrong with her. She had seen this mysterious phenomenon before it was an actual sign that the alien was about to combust with happiness.

"Husband?" She sang. Raven cringed slightly. "Robin you and I are to be consorted?"

"I'm pretty sure that's what he said, Star." Raven drawled huffing and rolling her eyes. It was almost laughable how that the undercover mission was just meant to have a husband and wife secret identity pair. How perfect for them. The whole thing was starting to sound like that cartoon was constantly on the TV. The one with the teen detectives, and the pet dog. The sound of the blonde characters voice rung in her ears as it often did when she was trying to read. "Let's split up gang." She sank slightly into the folds of the sofa, as Robin continued the details of mission.

Her eyes slowly and involuntarily flitted over to the one person she was doing her best to avoid. The green one sat on the floor, his back leaning against the sofa as his long legs were crossed at his ankles in front of him. By the looks of his body language she wondered if he was actually paying attention at all. Raven couldn't help but let her eyes settle on his sculpted rigid back for a brief moment before she reminded herself to focus on what was going on with the mission.

The word 'cousin' came out and Raven watched as Beast Boy seem to jump to attention. Robin had just announced that she was going to assume identity of a woman that when by the name Rachel Sutherland. A young woman hoping to start a new life with her best friend Vic Dawson and her lively cousin Logan Sutherland. Peeking up at the half metal man, Cyborg nodded winking towards her before returning to his notes. Beast Boy on the other hand was now making a huge commotion about how picking identities seemed to be unjust and an unfair process.

Raven glanced back down at the holo-ring and sighed. 'Yep, the brilliant one always gets paired up with the constant hungry guy, and his dog.' This was going to be the longest mission of her life.

Robin raised a brow at Beast Boy before handing him his file. It had all the important things he'd need in it. Drivers licence, bank cards, and his history. "Be happy I didn't make you her puppy and give you a halo-collar."

That shut him up, but he didn't look happy about it. He slipped his ring on, he stood waking over to a mirror. He blinked a few times, was this how he'd look if he was still just a human. He ran a hand through what appears to be sandy brown hair, his emerald green eyes bright against his pale tan skin. He sighed as he looked over the rest of his body had stayed the same. That balance between huggable and I can totally kick your ass my sizes had nothing to do with it.

He pulled out a set of keys, reading the file he found that the three of them would share an apartment down town. He looked to Raven. "How ridiculous do I look? "

Raven gave him a hard look over. Her eyes seemed glued on his sandy locks, as she had a sudden desire to run her hands thought it and muse the tangles even more then they were. Finally able to break free from her daze she shook her head and frowned at herself. "You look human." She stated with a shrug of her shoulder. She grasped her file and stood.

"Leaving already Rae?" Cy asked raising his eye brow at her.

"I've got some reading to do. An actress should know her role." She responded holding up her file. Her eyes traveled back towards the boy who now looked like he didn't belong in the group. She softly bit the smallest part of her lip and then turned moving towards her room.

Beast Boy shrugged to Cy. "So Vic. " he laughed, he had the same infections smile and carefree attitude. He took a deep breath. "We should probably pack..." he watched her leave.

Vic smiled and nodded. "I've never really needed clothes before so I'm going to have go digging in my storage bins."

Inside of Raven's room she read her file twice before she had the courage to slip on the small ring. She watch as the magic worked transforming her into a totally different person. Her mouth was in a hard line as she stared at herself in the mirror. Her violet locks were now a raven black. Her eyes were dark as well almost just as black with a faint violet hue to them. She stared for a long while until she rolled her eyes flipping her hair behind her. She never really care for her reflection before, and looking exactly like her mother only made it worst.

She turned on her heel and began the dutiful process of packing her clothes. With how things were going right now she was less than eager to leave the comforts of her room.

Beast boy knocked on her door an hour later. "Hey Rae you ready? Vic's getting eager to head out? "He stood his hands in his dark Jean pockets his dark shirt a little on the tight side.

The door to her room slid open, revealing a very different looking Raven. She wore a soft black flowy skirt that rested just an inch above the knee, a purple tank top with a zip up hoodie. She blinked for a moment forgetting that just because he looked completely different didn't mean he still wasn't the same old Beast Boy. Slipping out of her door she said a quiet goodbye to her sanctuary and pushed forward dragging her duffle bag with her.

"Did you remember you're tooth brush?" She asked simply not even bothering to look at him.

"Yes mama. I'm packed." He smiled, he liked his Raven better. But her beautiful face was still the same. He walked with her, he stood tall and proud. He'd lost the awkward walk long ago, it was now purposeful strides. His shoulders were strong, he secretly carried the weight of the world on them.

His bright eyes watched her. His gaze never leaving his lips.

She narrowed her eyes at him as she looked towards him. "Cute." She murmured before hitting the button on the elevator. They climbed in and Raven watched the door slide shut and closed them into the small space. Out if the corner of her eye she watched as he watched the arrow as it moved down humming something to himself.

Being this close meant she could smell his fresh scent that reminded her of a spring morning in a cool forest. It instantly grounded her and she found herself leaning forward so she could smell him better.

He smelled fresh, he had showered and brushed his teeth when he finished packing. "I have to try and keep up with your cute ass." he said before he could stop himself.

She shunk back instantly her face blushing. 'Damnit.' she thought as she knew she had been caught. Swallowing she did her best to keep her face free from emotion. "Excuse me?" She remarked her hand falling to her hip. The elevator dinged and the door slowly slid open.

"Logan" shrugged as he walked past her making sure his arm brushed against hers. His smile shinning in his eyes as he loaded his things into the jeep Robin had rented for him to drive.

Vic stepped out his hand gently flexing. "Man I forgot what this feels like." He commented raising his bare hand in front of him. He stood tall looking much like a man who had been a gym junkie. His white shirt fit almost too well showing every muscle movement underneath.

Noticing Raven he held out his arms and motioning toward her. "Here she is Miss America." He jested beaming down at her. Raven gave her "brother" shy smile then waved him off.

"Stop Vic." She responded pushing her bag inside the jeep.

"You both look great guys. " he said getting in the drivers seat with a bright smile. "Who's my Navigator? "He asked shifting his seat to get comfortable. "I want to get this done over. "

Raven looked towards cyborg and silently touched her nose. It was silly game the two played when they were forced into something they didn't want to do. Cyborg grunted and mumbled "nose goes." Under he's breath. He climbed in to the front seat looking rather grumpily.

Raven tossed her hair back as she swayed pass the drivers side and climbed into the back. She was glad she wasn't navigating but she wasn't too thrilled about Mr. Logan's driving skills anyways.

Garfield's driving had majorly improved. He was a better driver than even Robin. He followed directions as he drove through the city. Similar to his powers his stride and driving was fluid and strong. Not once did he have to slam on the breaks or change lanes quickly even while gabbing with Cy about a new game he'd brought with them.

Raven sat in the back her eyes stuck on the road positive at any moment he would make a careless maneuver or stray to close to the edge. But he never did. Which honestly left her baffled. Cyborg would often look up into the rear view mirror to give her certain look that said "yeah he's improved." The pair chatted all along the way while Raven sat in the back not making a peep.

Finally they reached "home" and cyborg was the first to jump out of the car. "I call first pick of the rooms!" He shouted grabbing a hand full of bags and running straight for the stairs.

Beast boy grabbed both his own and some of Ravens. "I'll take what is left. "He said nonchalantly. He waked into the decent sized apartment, smiling at the big tv. He'd enjoy that later. He stretched a bit.

Raven nodded slightly thankful for the help as she moved into the spacious apartment. She heard a soft giggling as Vic rounded the corner.

"Sorry Rae last one in gets the crap room." He smirked pointing towards the left. Raven softly sighed as she picked up her bag that was tossed right in the door way and trudged towards the room that was deemed hers.

Walking in she noticed the small bed and the very white colored walls. She frowned as she sat her bag on the twin mistress and moved towards the curtains. She pulled them tight and sighed as the bright light instantly wasn't as harsh anymore.

"No way." Came cyborgs voice as the sound of the sliding glass door could be heard opening. "Man they have a hot tub out here! Right on the deck."

Gar laughed as he shook his head. He walked over to Raven. "If you want I'll switch rooms with you. We can get paint tomorrow but we're only allowed to paint one wall. " he walked over and looked at the hot tub. "I see us using this a lot. "

Raven looked up to see Beast Boy standing in her door way looking at her white walls. She gave him a curious look wondering why he was being so nice for. "Its okay. I don't mind that much it's just very... cheery." She stated glancing at the flowery bed spread. "I'll get use to it. Rachel is suppose to like this stuff anyways." Her mouth twisted slightly she moved passed him in the narrow door way her chest softly brushing against his.

Her heart leapt into her throat as she swallowed slowly. "I'm starved can we go get something?" She asked moving more into the foyer.

"What would you like? " he asked as he hopped up to sit on the counter. He ran his hands through his sandy locks. He pulled out his smart phone. "I'm sure you'd rather I ordered food than cooked food. "

Her eyes flicked over to his as she watch intently as he fingers danced through his hair. She thought for a fraction of a second before saying "Chinese will be the best I think." She remarked grabbing her book.

He used his phone to bring up a menu. He held it out to her. "Pick what you want." He smiled some trying to decide himself.

She plucked the phone out of his hand typed in a few things then tossed it back towards him. "I think I'm going to soak in the hot tub until dinner gets here." She mused unzipping her jacket and and shaking it off.

He watched her handing the phone to Cy to order next. His eyes never left Raven, he held back a whine. He thought of what he could do to her in that shallow water. He shook his head quickly clearing his thoughts. "Care for some company? "

Her tongue stilled over her lips as she thought of his new body being in hot secluded space. Picturing his hand gently rubbing her aching flesh as a soft moan exited her mouth. Standing up straighter she moved forward again. Grateful she wasn't facing him so He couldn't see the the blush that flushed on her cheeks she swayed away her skirt dancing with her.

"If you wish. I just want peace so no horsing around."

Gar felt his heart jump into his throat. "I'll be good promise." He said as he finished the order of his own food. He walked out towards the deck curious if she'd just gotten in her underwear. He thought he best be good and put on swimtrunks, because if she was in her undergarments lord help him. He walked out pulling off his shirt. He had a long lean the torso, he had a six pack that he kept to himself. Letting Robin be the show off. "How's the water? "

The hot water calmed her nerves as she sat with her eyes closed since the idea of her swimming was ludicrous she left her only swim suit home. Going with the next best thing she slipped on her black sports bra that pushed her up and plain black underwear. She had piled her black locks on the top of her head to keep the chlorine out of it.

Hearing Beast Boys voice made her jump and she peeked one eye open at him. "Perfect." She commented.

He climbed into the water letting or a happy sigh. He slipped into the water, his leg brushed gets as he watched the water swirl. His head leaned back trying to still his beast side. He licked over his lips.

Her heart began hammering as she best to keep her mind free of thought. Unfortunately for her he kept sighing which was a reminder that in a matter of seconds she could straddle his hips so fast that the noise that would be coming from his mouth was her name.

'Azar' she cursed under her breath. Shifting slightly she started a conversation ordering her mind off of such life things. "Well Mr. Sutherland ready for school tomorrow?" It was new term at Coastal University and the three of them had been assigned as freshman.

"Ugh I guess. " he said with another such sigh. He ran a hand through his hair as he inched further into the water. "Think you can help with my homework that in sure I'll fail at?"

"I'll do my best." she murmured "you should give yourself more credit though. You are studying zoology which is all animals... you should do fine."

"But I can't write a paper to save my life. " he looked over at her taking in her body with a whine. He closed his eyes trying to focus on keeping himself relaxed.

Raven felt like she had been hit with a brick wave of passion and lust. She licked her lip as she fiddled with her fingers. "Yeah..." she stopped as another wave hit. Warming her from the inside out. "I can do that." She affirmed her leg tensing underneath her.

Beast Boy looked to her with his smile. "Thanks Rae, you're amazing. "He watched her carefully, his eyes trailing over her lips, her still perfect lips. What he wouldn't do to taste them. 'Behave' he yelled at himself in his head.

Moving up and out, slowly she stilled as she could feel him staring and her ass. She tossed a look behind her. Was she getting that actual reading from him?

He watched her a bit longer than he should have, he knew it to be true. But god was she beautiful. And now she was dripping wet in her underwear. He sunk under the water trying to clear his thoughts of pulling her out of those wet clothes and kissing away every drop off water off her. Yup he'd be taking a long cold shower tonight.

She bit the inside of cheek mad at her self for letting her emotions rile up her like that. It took all her will power to move to the edge of the hot tub, and out of it. She managed to do it her legs feeling the constancy of jello, while emotions screamed in her head to get back in and do unspeakable acts to toned man. She grabbed a towel drying off her back before wrapping it around her waist she turned for a brief second as drops of water moved down her neck and into the creases of her cleavage.

"I'll call you when the food is here?" She questioned in an telling tone. She watched all the color seem to drain from his face which a slight to see since his normal green tone wasn't there to hide it as well. Her lips pursed as she eyed him then stepping back inside. "Vic, if the food comes before I'm out of the shower tell Bea- Logan." She called loud enough that Gar could hear her. Then she shakily made it to the bathroom in the nick of time for her body to convulse with desire, and send a picture flying off the wall.

He came in a few minutes later, she'd beaten him to the show he so desperately needed. He ran His hand through his wet hair the other holding the towel in place. He walked past Vic mumbling to himself. "Why does she have to be so damn beautiful? " he made it to his room. He called from the door. "I'll be out when I'm out. "

He shut the door not bothering to lock it, not thinking that this wasn't the tower. He took off his wet clothed hanging them for the time being over a chair. His mind was flooded with images of her and the shower. Then him joining her, pushing her into the wall and kissing her as he watched the water drip over her perfect body.

He knew it was too late to stop his thoughts, he feel onto the bed and ran with them. He wondered how Rae would feel if she knew for the last six months she was all he thought about during this time?

He thought of her as her, not Rachael. Of him running his hands over every inch of her skin. Of what he would do to make her feel beautiful. His hand running over his own skin. He thought of how wonderful she would taste. If it was half as good as she smelled he'd be in heaven.

He was loosing his hold, he thought of the nose she would make as he plunged into her. Giving in to her every desire.

Raven stepped out of the shower and dried off as quickly as possible. She felt better for the most part and was actually looking forward to the mushroom chicken that awaited her. Pulling her over sized sweater over her head, she stepped out of the bathroom. Looking around she noticed that the food had arrived. Walking out into the hallway she saw Vic holding a Chinese box of food shoveling it in as fast possible. She clicked her tongue loudly and spoke up.

"Where's Logan?" She asked Vic slightly turned his head from the TV and saw her. Noodles hung out of his mouth as he stopped mid chew.

"I think he's in his bed room." He mumbled with the large amount stuck in his mouth. She stared at him for a full five seconds before she rolled her eyes and threw her hands in the air.

"Don't worry I'll get him before you inhale all the food." She remarked turning on her heel. Stepping along the hallway spotted the white door at the very end that now belonged to him. She raised her fist to the door and began banging on it. "Logan, if you don't hurry up Vic's going to eat everything." She paused for moment not hearing anything. Banging once more she placed her hand on the door knob and twisted it.

Now Raven, isn't one to invade in on privacy. At home she actually would have never done such a thing not that she could have with the finger print locks, but this wasn't home, and technically she wasn't Raven anymore, she was Rachael who was going to get her "cousin" for dinner. The door swung open, and Raven froze. He was laying on his bed his hand... well it was clutching his very hard erection. When she first caught him his eyes were closed his mouth softly open, now as she stood there glued in place he had a look of horror on his face.

His loud shouting and Raven powers slamming the door, was so loud it shook the apartment. Raven melted into the floor as pictures flew off the walls and light bulbs exploded over head.

"Woah! What the hell is going on?" Came Vic's booming voice.

A few minutes later an embarrassed and dressed BB came out of his room. "I'm not hungry I'm going for a run. .." he said looking to the puddle of his friend. "Sorry. ." He mumbled his eyes never leaving the floor. He said as he made his way towards the door.