Poe watches Rey as she visits Finn everyday, he watches and listens as she holds his hand, talks to him and doesn't cry when he doesn't answer, doesn't wake. He watches and listens and feels his heart break into a million pieces when she says she's leaving the planet on a quest.

His first reaction is to be angry, his blood boils with righteous anger because she can't do that to Finn. Poe was never really properly introduced to her, but he's heard Finn rant about how amazing and beautiful and clever she is when they were reunited, eyes shining with love and admiration. Finn loves her and she can't do that to him. She can't leave. Not now, - not when Finn needs her the most. Not until Finn wakes up. - Not ever.

His second reaction is to feel ashamed because she's leaving to find Luke Skywalker and save the galaxy, she's leaving because shehas to, and he could never resent her for that. His third reaction is to be completely in awe of her because, judging by the way she hasn't left Finn's side except for when General Organa specifically asked her to, she loves him back and leaving when he's like this, must be destroying her.

His fourth reaction is the overwhelming want to dig up a hole in the ground and to stay there forever because it's all very complicated, and he doesn't really know what his feelings are doing.

The day Rey's supposed to leave, Poe finds her leaving Finn's room. Her hands are clenched into fists, but she still smiles when she sees him.

"You're Poe Dameron, right? Heard a lot of good things about you from both Finn and BB8."

"Same. Finn hasn't shut up about you either, you know. He's a lucky guy, having two amazing, beautiful pilots fussing over him like this." Poe extends his hand to her and tries on his best 'what? I'm fine, don't worry about me' smile. It's a good smile, he's had tons of practice these past years.

"I have to go." Rey says, but doesn't move an inch. Poe's hand hangs heavily and awkwardly in the air between them.

"I'll be here when he wakes up." Poe says, and suddenly her hand finds his, and she's pulling him into a fierce hug.

"Thank you." She replies, practically beaming at him, and her light makes Poe see exactly what Finn saw in her. He hugs her back, just as hard, and, for the amazing, infinite moment it lasts, it's not complicated. Not really.