"Mmm . . ." Mirakel moaned softly as warm hands gently massaged their way across her neck and shoulders. She stood at a balcony of some sort, overlooking a grand garden. The view was fantastic. It went on and on, extending itself all the way to the ocean. The sun was setting, sinking behind the waters and turned the skies above brilliant yellows, oranges and reds. Wait. The sun?

She could hear he tweet of birds. They sounded so sweet, so different from the ambience of the Underworld. This must have been the Upperworld. Her thoughts were discontinued when the warm hands slid down her back.

"Isn't it beautiful?" A male voice said, his mouth just behind her ear. Mirakel shuddered, the man's voice was deep and soothing, albeit a little muffled for some reason.

"It is wonderful . . ." Mirakel said, but she was not sure whether or not she was speaking about the view or the man's hands that found their way to her hips, squeezing them sensually.

"We can't wait for you to see it, really see it, for yourself." The mystery man hummed gently into her hair.

Mirakel did not understand. "We?"

"Yes, myself included." The man whispered, and his arms encircled her waist and pulled her into him. The princess felt a sense of security wash over her, and she felt herself to lean into the stranger's embrace. "I'll see you when you arrive."

"What do you mean?" Mirakel tore her eyes away from the sunset and slipped around in his arms to look upon the man's face. "Who are you-"

Mirakel shot up from her bed and clutched her blankets to her chest with tight fists. It was a dream, that unfortunately ended before she could she could the man's face. The princess shivered at the fleeting memory of the warm hands that sent her into a frenzy. She placed a hand on her chest, her skin was flushed and her heart still beat rapidly. Who has this dream man that made her so foolishly feel secure in his arms? He hardly touched her and even now when she was awake she was still all hot and bothered.

But the dream was fading in her mind, and she could hardly remember what the voice sounded like before, not that she could recognize it any way. She did, however, remember what he said before the dream abruptly ended-"I'll see you when you arrive."

There was only one place he could have talking about.

The Upperworld.

The sun in her dream was only proof of that. It looked so warm, so bright. Mirakel almost wanted to squint at just remembering how bright it was. It was a beautiful, even better than how her mother had always described. There was no sky in the Underworld, in was forever plunged into night where a single light on the horizon acted as an imitation sun to tell them what the time was. When the actual night hours came, the jewels embedded in the Underworld's rock roof shone through darkness in the light of the dozens of torches that lit up the Underworld and acted as imitation stars.

Though that never stopped Mirakel from wondering, just a little, what real stars might look like.

The goddess shook herself away from her thoughts and jumped out of bed. It was almost time for her rise anyway, and went to don a fitted, pale cream dress that flared at the hips and swirled around her ankles. She was guiding shades to court to be judged by the three judges and her father today, so she did not want to where something dark and daunting that she would usually wear-it might scare the souls. She brushed her long hair and weaved it into braid and elaborately wrapped it around her head. She then placed a few silver, rose shaped hairpins along the braid. This made her look more sweet and innocent, which was not her usual style but helped in looking less threatening to the souls, and made it easier for Mirakel to wrangle them.

When she was finished she headed out of her chambers and down to the palace kitchens with the hope she'd find some of the left overs of what she made the day before. She would think about her dream later, at the moment she had a job to do.

"I don't belong here!"

"Mercy! Mercy!"

"I want my mother!"

"I can't be dead! I was to be married!"

Mirakel just smiled stiffly and held her torch higher. This was always the hardest part, hearing the souls wail. Their voices merged to become what only could be described as pure agony, but she was used to it. Denial was something that was always found in the hordes that entered the Underworld, more so than anger or despair. The princess held her torch higher for them as the hordes of souls drew away from the banks of the Styx.

"Oh goddess! Merciful goddess!" A shade of a man at least thirty summers old threw himself at her feet. He was weak looking man, his frame was wiry and weak, clothed in nothing more than a thin rag. Most likely cause of death was malnutrition combined with the current freezing temperatures of the Upperworld.

"I do not belong here! I have children!" He wailed as he clutched the bottom of her dress. "My poor children!"

"Beautiful goddess!" A woman called this time. She was old. Her white hair was wild and she hobbled over to her as fast as she could. "My husband fair goddess! I cannot be dead! My husband is near death himself, I must be with him!"

More and more shades surrounded her. Hands reached out, voices begged and pleaded, and Mirakel could do nothing but offer them an empathetic smile.

"Mama!" A little boy no older than four ran to her and embraced her leg. "Where's my Mama?"

Mirakel smile sadly and gripped her torch tighter, the flame burning brighter. She gently lifted the little boy and rested him on her hip.

"Newly deceased!" Mirakel called, her voice ringing over the crowds wailing and softened to a very dull roar. "I know you are very confused at the moment, but yes you are in the Underworld."

"But I can't be!" A voice called from deep in the crowd.

"I cannot be dead!" Yelled another.

"I'm too young to die!"

Mirakel placed a hand on her hip. "Were you all not just ferried across the Styx by Lord Charon?"

Many went silent.

"I thought as much." Mira gently bounced the boy on her hip. "Now if you all just walk along this path you will reach the palace where Hades, King of the Underworld and the three judges will to be judge and process you. I'm afraid to tell you that if you do not start moving now . . . " Mirakel's face formed a dark and stony expression, the shadows on her face deepening to the point where her face resembled a skull.

"You will never find peace."

The souls suddenly began to rush past her and followed the line of torches that lead all the way to the palace.

The goddess calmed down and glanced at the little boy in her free arm, who stared up at her with wide eyes. "What do you say? Let us head up as well, my arm is beginning to tire of this torch." Together, the Guider of Souls walked with the hordes towards the palace.

It took up most of her day but when the shades finally walked in an orderly fashion and at a steadier pace, Mirakel made her way to the river Lethe.

It was a little more than seventy years ago when she was named Lady of the Lethe, Goddess of Oblivion. She gave her parents such a fright that day. Her parents took her on a stroll around their home and they were going to show her Hypnos's home across the river. Her father had said something that made her mother laugh, and Persephone turned her head away to kiss her husband. When they looked back up they saw Mirakel at the edge of the Lethe, ready to jump in.

Of course any water that entered her mouth or even touched her lips would make her forget who she was, but something had called her to the water. Before her parents could catch her, Mirakel ran into the water and was submerged when she slipped on the muddy riverbed a few strides in. The water was cool and calmed her senses. The water flowed over her body as if it was giving her a hug. She felt at home in it.

When she broke to the surface of the water she saw her parents had fallen to their knees at the edge. Her mother was in tears and her father was close to. Of course when she went back and called to them to apologize she was immediately taken into their embrace, both parents demanded that she never scare them like that again.

Soon after word spread of the incident and Mirakel told her parents what happened, how the Lethe had called to her. Just to prove it would not do anything to her, she swallowed a mouthful of its water. There was truly no effect. So she began guiding souls to the Lethe just a her father did in the early days, stayed with them as they drank and made sure they made their way to the Fields of Asphodel. This was how she became the Lady of the Lethe.

But it was not the Lethe she came for. Beached up by the bank of the river was a small, narrow boat that resembled Charon's. Mirakel gently pushed the boat into the river, not minding how the water soaked the bottom of her dress and cape, grabbed onto the oars and began to row. The rived wasn't too wide and she was at the other side within the ten minutes. She pulled up the boat and gazed upon her destination.

The home of Hypnos.

Hypnos's home was a large marble house accented with gold lining and black stone. It was the palest construction in the entirety of the Underworld as it stood out against the regular dark colors. However it only had one door and had no windows, so no light would enter. Mirakel only needed to know on the gold door once before it slowly opened before her.

As always, inside was dim, only lit with torches that led down the hall. Along the floor were pots filled with poppy flowers. Mirakel immediately felt tired and yawned. One always felt tired once entering the home of Hypnos, he was the God of Sleep after all. The goddess guided herself to the end of the hall where she was met with another set of doors. She knocked again, and a minute later the doors opened.

The second set of doors led to an ever darker, circular room where in the center on a circular bed laid a sleeping god surrounded by pillows. Hypnos was a short god, with white blond hair and a chubbier body than most gods she had seen. He was kind though, whenever he would come to the palace when a banquet was on (if he could pull himself out of bed for it) he would always bring her gifts of scented oils for bathing or to warm over fire to relax her when she had had a long day. The room was warm. Golden plates that held burning flames were on either side of the bed, and he looked so utterly peaceful Mirakel felt bad for wanting to wake him up to speak with him.

"Come Princess," Hypnos mumbled and shifted on his bed. "I can feel your worry."

"Sorry to disturb you, Hypnos." Mirakel responded and went to sit on the edge of the bed. "But there was a matter I wished to discuss with you."

The God of Sleep opened his pale grey eyes, though they stayed hooded as if he was about to fall back asleep. "What's the matter child?"

"Well, you see," Mirakel started off, a little flustered. "My mother has asked me to reconsider joining her in the Upperworld for the spring."

"Oh?" Hypnos sat up a little more, intrigued.

"Yes, and I am still thinking whether or not I should go. I came to ask your opinion on it, but that is not all." The goddess added. "I had a strange dream."

Hypnos nodded in understanding. Dreams, as well as nightmares, were also his domain, so it made sense for her to come to him to query about it.

"I was on a balcony, over looking a sunset. I think it might have been on Olympus." Mirakel wondered. "And it was beautiful, really beautiful, and there was this man."

"A man? Who?" Hypnos shuffled over and patted the new space on the bed for Mirakel to lie on.

The princess removed her cape and footwear and laid down next to Hypnos, a sigh escaping her as her head hit the soft pillows. "I do not know. His voice was muffled so I did not recognize it, and he-he had his arms around me . . ." Mira began to blush furiously and Hypnos chuckled.

"Oh, I see. It was that kind of dream." The sleepy god wiggled his eyebrows sluggishly.

Mirakel shoved him lightly. "It was not like that, well, maybe a little-but the point is that I felt safe in his arms. He was a complete stranger! He also said something strange. 'I'll see you when you arrive.'"

Hypnos hummed in thought. "You believe he was speaking about Olympus?"

"Or the Upperworld in general." Mira shrugged. "I'm guessing you were not monitoring the realm of dreams last night?" The realm of dreams being a space that the mind enters when one dreams, and where Hypnos could enter and look at and, if he wished, control someone's dreams.

"No, but it seems someone has sent you dream for a purpose." Hypnos assessed and gently placed a hand on his princess's temple. "Dreams are my domain but there are others who meddle in them, and this dream was definitely not conjured up by your own mind."

"So someone sent me this dream? To what? To-" Mirakel put two and two together. "To lure me to the Upperworld."

"It would seem." Hypnos agreed. "Whoever sent it to you wanted to play on your curiosity. This notion of a mystery man was placed to tempt you."

The goddess turned her head to look at the god straight on. "But who would do such a thing?"

Hypnos yawned and placed his hands under his head. "Hmm, fate perhaps?"

"You mean the Fates?" Mirakel reworded.

"Fate, the Fates, they are one in the same, Princess." The God of Sleep corrected. "Perhaps even fate wishes for you to journey to the Upperworld."

"But is that not more reason to stay here?" The princess questioned. "If someone is trying to lure me to the Upperworld, whether it be 'fate' or someone else, why should I please them by doing what they want?"

"But would it really be so bad Princess?" Hypnos asked, slowly moving to take one of the girl's hands in his. "As dramatic as they are, would it be so bad to go up and meet the family?"

"Yes!" Mirakel sat straight up. "You know what they are like."

"Yes, I do." Hypnos agreed. "But you don't, not truly. The only way you ever will is if you meet them yourself and make your own judgments."

Mirakel did not look convinced.

"Look at it this way, Princess." He started as he rubbed at his tired eyes. "There has to be something else that interests you about the about the Upperworld. You said it yourself, that sunset in your dream was beautiful."

For a moment Mirakel's face became the definition of indifference, but a flicker of emotion in her eyes gave Hypnos his answer.

"See? That's what you need to focus on." The tired god smiled. "Go to the Upperworld, to Olympus, but don't do it for your mother, or anyone else. Find a reason for why you want to go."

Mirakel contemplated his words. "I . . . have always wanted to see what the stars look like."

"See? Simple as that." Hypnos yawned again. "And who knows? Maybe your dream might not have been to entice you into going to the Upperworld, but to show you what might happen if you did."

"Hypnos is off his head." Hecate brushed off and added a few ingredients to a boiling cauldron as Mirakel stirred. "Did his room smell strange? I swear he's been burning a little somethin'-somethin' in there for a while now, if you know what I mean."

"No Auntie, he was not using any type of, uh, medication." Mirakel substituted sensibly. "I think he had a valid point."

"What? Leave the Underworld?" Hecate said with a dramatic gasp. "Perish the thought!"

Mirakel rolled her eyes and kept stirring. Hecate, Goddess of Witchcraft , or whom she affectingly called her 'Auntie', had been with her as long as Mirakel could remember. She fed her, played with her, taught her how to read and write, trained her in witchcraft, and helped raise her when her mother could not be there for her. Mirakel loved her deeply.

Hecate looked slightly more aged than her mother and was significantly shorter, only coming up to Mirakel's chest. She was beautiful, but more striking than anything else. She had long brown hair that sat wildly around her shoulders and her bright amber eyes glowed in the dark. Her hands were covered in strange purple tattoos that only anyone whom had studied witchcraft would recognize. Kohl was always smudged around her eyes, and the black hooded cloak she constantly wore casted a shadow over her face and made her eyes stand out even more.

They were in Hecate's home, a cavern beneath the palace, where Mirakel had gone to ask her about what she thought of Persephone's request. Hecate was brewing something up in her kitchen, as usual, and Mirakel went to help. As they spoke, it was not unusual for Mirakel's visit to Hypnos to come up in conversation, as well as her dream.

"So you do not think I should go?" Mirakel concluded.

"Oh I think you should do whatever you like." The witch rebutted.

Mira frowned. "But?"

"Buuuuuut I think you have responsibilities to think about." Her aunt said. "We need you here. I knew putting a torch in your hand all those years ago was the right thing to do. No one can round up souls like you. Look at how well you did today."

Mirakel shook her head. "Todays souls were not as worked up as many others had been, that is why they were easy to move. I may do a good job, but you and your Lampades had been doing it just fine centuries before I was even born."

"You're too modest, and your father prefers your calm, less violent way guiding souls. For some reason." Hecate mumbled that last part and Mira pretended not to hear her. "You can't blame us for leaving the job to you when there are so many other things we could be doing."

"Like serving mortals this vile concoction?" Mirakel suggested and lifted the ladle she had been using to stir the boiling mixture. She crinkled her nose at the smell.

Hecate had always been a bit of a prankster, scaring and annoying mortals being one of her favorite past times. The combination of herbs in the mixture helped along with a little magic could cause an immortal a small stomachache if consumed, but if given to a mortal it would result in violent diarrhea.

"What? I wasn't going to give it to anyone who didn't deserve it." Hecate said innocently and extinguished the flame under the cauldron. "But back to the topic at hand, as much as I'd like you to stay here with us, go if you must. I know you've heard this many times before, but I'll remind you again to always be cautious around some of those Olympian gods. You may wish for that man in your dream, but you might end up very disappointed."

Mirakel nodded as she helped her aunt pour the cooling mixture into small bottles. Mirakel had heard many stories from many gods in the Underworld of the dalliances of the male gods (as well as some goddesses) of Olympus. They were always portrayed as arrogant, and took any woman (or man, whatever the preference was) they wanted, whether they were married or unattached, and whether their chosen partners were willing or not.

"Though I'll tell you now, some are not bad to look at." Hecate added with a giggle. "I mean look at Hermes, he may be a pathetic little skip of a god, but my oh my is he easy on the eyes!"

"Auntie!" Mira said with a feigned look of scandal on her face, not actually too fazed by Hecate's uncouth comment.

"Mirakel!" Hecate mock-gasped back. "All I'm saying is that if you do plan on going up top, be careful, but have a little fun. Break a few hearts and take some names. Beat those fair-haired daisies at their own game and have them wrapped around your fingers. Don't let them have you, or at least don't make it easy."

The princess heeded Hecate's words, for this was her way. Always get the last laugh, always be in control, never let those who are against you beat you. But wasn't Mirakel was not sure about that. Were the Olympians her enemy?

"Princess? Lady Hecate?" A voice called from up the stairs that lead down into Hecate's home. It was Dahna.

"Sorry to disturb you both," The old servant started as she readjusted her apron. "But his majesty is finished judging souls and requests his daughter's presence in the throne room."

Hades was done judging souls? Was it almost time for supper already?

"I'll be up in a moment Dahna." Mirakel called and kissed her aunt's cheek before she rushed up the steps to follow the maid.

"You asked for me Papa?" Mirakel called out as she walked into the throne room.

The throne room was always one of Mirakel's favorite places after her parents' grove. The ceiling was encrusted with jewels much like the rest of the palace, only it was far more grand then any other patterns and images in the entire place. The place was quite wide and the acoustics were amazing, Mirakel's footsteps sounded alike to the steady beat of a drum. It was also one of the best lit rooms in the entire palace, a giant and ornate chandelier hung from the ceiling and casted a yellow glow on the space. Her favorite part, however, were her parent's thrones.

Atop a three-step dais at the end of the room were two thrones. Both made from the same dark stone, same in height and the same in shape to show whomever entered that Hades and Persephone were equal rulers. The only difference between the two were the carvings in the stone. Her mother's throne was covered in carved flowers, the most prominent being asphodel. Carved on her father's throne were flames, to remind every soul who saw it of the flames of Tartarus.

Of course seated currently in the King's throne was her father.

He was in one of his more extravagant garments; it was black with a golden trim and a gold sash thrown over his shoulder. His golden crown was discarded and hung off Persephone's throne armrest. Her mother must have gone to relax in the grove, or else she would be with Hades. The king's shoulders were slumped and he leant his head heavily on one of his arms, lost in thought.

"Yes, Mirakel." Hades said solemnly when he noticed his daughter's voice. "I wanted to discuss something with you."

"You used my full name." The princess spoke carefully as she went up and seated herself on the last step that lead up to her father's throne. "This cannot be good."

"I do not mean to worry you, little light." And they were back to pet names. "But I wanted to ask if you had thought about your mother's request."

"It is all I have been thinking about." Mira admitted. "I went to Hypnos and Hecate to ask them what they thought about it." The goddess explained and left out mention of her strange dream, not wishing to worry her father about the stranger she had dreamed about.

Hades looked intrigued. "And what did they say?"

"Well, Hypnos says I should take a chance, and find a reason to go because I want to, not because mother or grandmother wants me to." The princess relayed. "But Aunt Hecate reminded me that I have duties here, and I suppose they come before anything else."

"I see." Hades replied vaguely.

"And I would not want to leave you, of course." Mirakel said with a smile. "I would not want to leave you alone for the warm seasons."

This made Hades' heart squeeze painfully in his chest as Mirakel's words turned his doubts into a reality. The King straightened up in his throne. "Mira, answer me honestly, do you stay here out of obligation?"

Mira looked at him with confusion written all over her face. "I beg your pardon, Papa?"

"What I mean is," He father started slowly. "Is the only reason you have not left with your mother before is because you feel obligated to stay with me? As if it is a duty, or a burden?"

"What? No!" Mirakel shook her head vigorously. "Of course not Papa! I've always stayed here because I want to stay with you Papa, not because I feel the need to do so because I owe you or something like that. I love you Papa, and I love being here with you. What did I do to make you doubt me so?"

Hades could easily how distressed his daughter had become. He pushed himself from his throne and sat with his daughter, pulling her body into his embrace. He stroked her hair in an aid to comfort her and gently began to apologize. "Shh, I am sorry my jewel. I did not mean to make you upset."

"But how could you say such thing Papa?" Mira mumbled, unshed tears in her eyes threatened to fall as she did so. Why would her father say that? Had he lost trust in her? She must have been doing something wrong. Did she show too little affection towards him? She had not meant to make her own father feel neglected or like a burden to her.

"I would never doubt your love for me, Daughter." Hades kissed her forehead. "Nor do I ever want you to doubt the love I have for you. I apologize for thinking that you stay here against your own volition, truly the problem has nothing to do with that."

Mirakel became even more confused. "What is the problem then Papa?"

"I fear I have done a terrible thing." Hades replied. "I have filled your head with such tales of Olympus that I fear that I have placed an vice on you that never should have existed."

"A vice?" The goddess repeated unsure.

"Yes. I have engrained into your mind the negatives of traveling to the Upperworld," Hades explained. "Indirectly taking away your choice to the point you yourself have refused to journey up because of how awful you assume it will be based on the stories you have heard."

"But those stories are true, are they not?" Mira said, searching her father for answers.

"Yes, they are." Hades confirmed without hesitation. "But do not let those stories be the only reason you do not leave. You deserve so much more than just the Underworld. You deserve the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars . . . All the things I cannot give you here."

Hades had thought long and hard about what his wife had said about his influence on Mirakel. She looked up to him, and he knew she loved him dearly. She was also obedient, hardly ever rebelling against his wishes, only because they hardly disagreed on anything. Mirakel was his most precious jewel in a land of riches, the brightest part of the darkness that was the Underworld, and she deserved the world. Both upper and lower.

"Papa . . ." Said Mirakel in concern. She had never seen her father so conflicted yet so absolute at the same time.

"The choice will always be your," Hades placed his hands on his daughter's shoulders. "As reluctant as I am to say this, I too think you should journey to the Upperworld."

"I . . ." Mirakel trailed off, lost in thought. If Persephone was in the room she would probably tell her daughter how similar she and Hades looked when they had their 'thinking faces' on. Mirakel listed what everyone had suggested in her mind. Her mother said to go for her grandmother, Hypnos said go for herself, Hecate reminded her of her responsibilities but told her to have fun (or at least her version of it) if she did leave, and her father said to go because she deserved to see the Upperworld.

Plus, there was that man her dream.

But it was not the time to think about him.

Mirakel did not like to admit but there was a factor fear when it came to her Upperworld family. She knew she did not need their approval, nor did she want it, but what if they did not like her? She was not really sure how she would react to their rejection, but she was pretty sure her mother would become quite upset over it.

At the same time, Hypnos's voice echoed in her head. 'But would it really be so bad Princess?'

Mirakel made up her mind.

"Alright Papa, I'll go." Mirakel confirmed. "But just this one summer, to see how I like it."

"Whatever you want my dear." Hades smiled softly. "We shall discuss this further with your mother at supper."

"That might need to wait, your majesty." Both raven-haired immortals turned to see Hecate appear in a swirl of smoke.

Hades stood and helped his daughter up. "Why? Has something happened?"

"Hermes is here, he just crossed the Styx." Hecate informed and a snarl appeared on Hades' face. "He is carrying a delivery, no doubt a gift to go with an invitation from Olympus."

"Tell him I will be with him in a minute." The King grounded out.


Both Hades and Hecate turned their attentions towards Mirakel. Hades had always made sure that Mirakel went nowhere near Hermes when he came to deliver messages or invitations from Olympus and Demeter. Mirakel had always been aware of this though, not really having any interest in Hermes if her father did not like him. But now was different.

"I will meet with him." The princess told and walked off the dais. "After all, if he has an invitation from me I might as well accept it."

Hades looked extremely uncomfortable with the prospect. "Are you sure?"

"Yes Papa." Mirakel reassured. "It will be good practice for when I meet the rest of our family."

Hermes swallowed nervously and readjusted his grip on the small wooden chest in his hands. The messenger god was really getting tired of the constant cycle he was stuck in. Once or twice every winter he was sent down into the darkness in an attempt to give the princess of the Underworld an invitation to Olympus or to Demeter's home. It was dark, ridiculously cold and every single time he went, Hades sent him away. Either by telling him to leave or having his Furies chase him out. The concept of 'don't shoot the messenger' seemed to have lost all meaning. Not only that, but with every trip Hades' annoyance of him only grew and he had a lesser chance of actually gaining an audience with his mysterious daughter.

He made his way up the path and through the gates that lead up to the grand doors of the palace. So far so good, none of Hecate's torch bearing Lampades had come to burn his woolen cloak or trick him into eating a pomegranate. He came before the stairs that led to the palace and became confused. Normally Hecate would already be there, waiting for him with an evil grin before she lead him to the throne room where Hades (and sometimes Persephone) would proceed to recite a long, angry message to give to the whoever sent the message and after, for a lack of better terms, kick him out. Only this time Hecate was not the one waiting for him.

Hermes stopped in his tracks, eyes wide. At the stop of the steps that lead to the palace's doors was a young woman. An incredibly beautiful young woman. Her slim, delectable body was wrapped in a pale dress that stood out in the darkness and her dark braided hair made her sapphire eyes pop out of her head.

Sapphire eyes, combined with her pale skin and high cheek bones-could this be the mysterious daughter of Hades?

Atop the steps Mirakel was examining the Olympian. He was just a little taller than her, dressed in light blue cloth that cut of at the knees. Were those his famous winged sandals she could see peeping out from behind his heavy woolen cloak? She almost wanted to coo at how cute they were. However the rest of him was definitely not cute. Hecate was right, he was easy on the eyes. Hermes was indeed very handsome. He had bright blue eyes, tan skin and waves of dirty blond hair that poked out from beneath his bronze helmet. But there was stiffness to him, as if he had somewhere else to be and something better to do, but that did not stop his eyes from roaming her body.

"Lord Hermes?" The female immortal called out, lifted her skirts and walked down the steps to greet the messenger.

Her voice was deeper than Hermes imagined, more sensual, and he went to meet her at the bottom of the steps. He cleared his throat and gave her his best flirtatious smile. "I was going to request for an audience with Princess Mirakel, I suppose that is no longer needed."

"No, I suppose it is not." Mirakel smiled shyly back and brushed a few strands of loose hair behind her ear. Though behind her smile she still had her guard up.

The messenger tucked the wooden chest under his arm. "It's a pleasure to finally meet the you Princess," 'It's about damn time', Hermes thought as he bowed and took Mirakel's hand to kiss the back of her hand.

When Mirakel got her hand back, she curtsied in response ever so subtly wiped the hand that had been kissed off on her dress. 'Keep your composure, he is just being polite.' She thought, but could not help but feel uncomfortable. "And it is an honor to finally meet you as well, but please Lord Hermes, call me Mirakel."

The blond god nodded. "Only if you drop the formalities as well, Mirakel, and call me Hermes."

"Very well, Hermes." Mira agreed softly, and watched as his smile softened as well. "I believe you are here to deliver a message."

"Yes." Hermes cleared his throat and began to recite from memory. "To Princess Mirakel, Lord Zeus, King of the Gods, here by invites you to grace his presence upon Mt. Olympus, home of the gods. Also, to show that there is no ill feelings about your past refusals, here is a token of our kindness." He then went to offer her the chest.

Mirakel's jaw almost dropped at the haughtiness of his tone. That could not have been the actually message, could it? And the way he spoke, he actually had the gall to be rude to her in her own kingdom? The princess released a breath she had not realized she was holding through her nose, and drew closer to retrieve the chest from Hermes' hands. "Well I suppose I will be taking this token, for I accept the invitation."

"I'm sorry to hear-w-wait, what?" The messenger god was at a loss for words.

"Did I not make myself clear enough?" Mirakel said innocently, but left the tiniest trace of sarcasm in her voice. "I accept my Lord Grandfather's invitation to Olympus. I will be arriving in the Upperworld with my mother next season."

"I, I'll make sure to let him know." Hermes confirmed with a dip of his head, still partially not believing what he was hearing.

"And I just wanted to apologize as well, for not being able to meet you personally and refuse you myself, during all the times you came with invitations." The goddess continued in her innocent yet slightly sarcastic tone, before she let it melt away and her smile disappeared completely. "I have only just worked up the courage to meet you, and my father is extremely protective."

Hermes reeled back slightly at the goddess's hardened face. Was she . . . threatening him? "I understand, of course your father would be protective. Why wouldn't he? When he has such a gem of a daughter." He said, the slightest hint of a sneer on his face.

"You flatter me, Lord Hermes." Mirakel spoke dryly and returned to formalities. She stepped as close as could to him, the chest in her hands almost touched his abdomen. "But my father calls me his 'little light' more than anything."

Mira rearranged her hold on the chest so that one arm was free. She reached up and gently traced the line of Hermes' jaw, and watched the bob of his throat's apple as he swallowed hard because her closeness. "'Little light'; like a flame. If one were to become too familiar, one could be severely burned."

The messenger god said nothing, instead he took her hand away from his jaw and placed a heated kiss to the back of it. He bowed in farewell and kicked himself into the air, his winged shoes flying him back the river Styx.

Mirakel clenched the wooden chest in her hands, so much so that her nails dug into the wood. The nerve of that god! The princess turned around swiftly and marched back up the steps, and for the first time in her life, Mirakel actually wished her father would send the Furies, the Lampades and even Hecate herself with her torch blazing after the Olympian.