BOOM story name is chapter name. roll credits. jk pls keep reading.

Nico and Will were still immersed in a Mythomagic match when they were supposed to meet everyone else at the campfire for the last pre-tournament checkups, which included submitting a team name.

Nico came up to Will and presented his Mythomagic collection.

"I was wondering, if you're still interested, that maybe we could try playing it together? I'm assuming you played, since you asked about it."

Will was surprised and felt honoured but he didn't want to force Nico into doing anything he didn't want to.

"Nico, are you sure? I don't want you to feel obliged to play with me, and I don't want you to be uncomfortable playing."

"No, I'm fine. I never threw these cards out for a reason. I thought maybe I'd get back into it, and this seems like the perfect time."

"Sounds perfect to me. I'll have to go find my deck though, it's buried somewhere in my cabin."

"Take all the time you need, Pretty Boy. It took me three days to fish these babies out."

"Well, I'll head over and start looking for them now."

"While you're at it, you can let it sink in that you're gonna get whooped. I'm a champ at this game."

"We'll see, Death Boy, we'll see."

That was the first time Will got an inkling as to how much he meant to Nico. Nico never made it obvious, he was always subtle but Will caught on. He could tell playing Mythomagic again was a big step for Nico, at first he was hesitant and would occasionally flinch or zone out, as if the memories came washing over him again. Nevertheless, Nico kept playing and Will was moved by his perseverance and determination.

Realising they were going to be late, the two boys left their game unfinished in the middle of the Hades cabin and ran out hand in hand to where every other camper was gathering.

Lining up, Will read that this was the last chance to submit team names and began freaking out.

"Nico, we don't have a team name yet!"

"Well, we can always just be nameless." Nico shrugged. Will was slightly annoyed at Nico's indifference, having a team name would make it a lot more personal - as it would belong to them and only them.

Just as Nico replied Percy, Jason, Annabeth and Piper found them.

"So… Where have you guys been?" Percy winked.

"That doesn't matter. Do you guys have a team name yet?" Annabeth asked. When Will and Nico shook their heads, she smiled. "That's great! Because we came up with the perfect one."

Nico opened his mouth to ask what it was but Piper beat him to it. "Sunshine and Shadows!"

"Granted, Nico is a lot less shadowy now because of Will," Jason spoke playfully, "but hey, it still works."

The others excused themselves to the waiting zone, walking away triumphant and proud after seeing how Will's face glowed and how thrilled he looked. Nico was reluctant, he didn't like to be reminded of his more negative self but agreed to it, seeing how happy and ecstatic Will was. They signed up under the name, completed the rest of the checkups and began heading over to the waiting zone.

"You know, Sunshine? I think this should be our permanent team name. It's much better than The Dynamic Duo," Will suggested before they reached the others.

"Agreed. That named SUCKED! But hey, Will? You're the sunshine. So bright. So pretty. And hot." Will chuckled at Nico's sheepish grin and took his hand. When the siren went off they headed into the first game of the week the same way, fingers interlaced.

wow. the end. thanks guys so much for being with me on this journey. hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I liked writing it. such satisfaction finishing a fanfic lol.

sorry it was a bit delayed, I was caught up playing The Last of Us (it's so so good)