A/N: Here is chapter 21! Just like I said in chapter 20, this will be the last chapter of this story. I'm definitely going to do a sequel and I even have an idea about what I want to make that one, but before that I will first write another story for which I have had an idea for a while. Anyway, please enjoy reading this last chapter and please review and tell me what you thought of the story.

Summary: Izaya has been hiding the fact that he is intersex for the people around him. One of the people he doesn't want to find out is Heiwajima Shizuo. So what happens when both get drunk at a party and end up at Izaya's apartment together?

Disclaimer: I don't own Durarara!

Izaya was starting to feel tired, but couldn't help but keep looking at Hikari. His daughter was just beautiful in his eyes and if anyone wanted to deny that he would definitely get angry. Looking over to Shizuo he noticed the soft look in the blonde's eyes and Izaya smiled for a moment. "Do you want to hold her?" Izaya decided to ask the blonde. He could see Shizuo looking unsure for a moment, but then nodded.

Izaya put Hikari in Shizuo's arms and made sure that the blonde was holding her properly before laying back to rest for a bit, closing his eyes. "I'm honestly afraid that something happens to her." He heard the blonde say and Izaya opened one eye to look at him.

"You will do fine. There's no way you will hurt her." Izaya said before closing his eye again. He really was tired, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to sleep for a bit. "Can you contact everyone who needs to know? Including Namie and Shiki-san?" He didn't even open his eyes when he said this.

"Sure." Was all the blonde said before they heard the door open to which Izaya opened his eyes tiredly.

"How are you doing Izaya?" Shinra said while walking inside followed by Celty.

"I was just planning on sleeping for a bit." Izaya glared at the doctor. "But then you just had to come in."

[Can I hold her?] Asked Celty and Izaya nodded.

"As long as you don't let Shinra hold her I'm fine with it." Shizuo placed Hikari in the dullahan's arms and then grabbed his phone to send the messages he had to send.

"What did you name her?" Shinra asked.

"We named her Hikari and gave her Shizu-chan's last name." At that Shinra looked surprised.

"Didn't think you would give her Shizuo's last name." Shinra commented, but then went over to Celty to look at the little girl. "She's beautiful." Izaya smiled at that comment.

"Of course she is. She has me as her mother." Izaya then blushed realizing he had called himself the mother. "I meant father." He mumbled afterwards, but Shinra was already smiling at him.

"It's fine to call yourself her mother you know?" Shinra said, but the only response he got from the raven was a yawn. "We shall leave so that you can rest, you must be tired." Shinra said and then waited for Celty to give Hikari back to Shizuo before the both of them left.

"I'm going to sleep for a bit, if anyone comes, please wake me up." Izaya said and closed his eyes, before falling asleep not much longer.


Loud voices woke Izaya up. "Yuuhei-kun, can we have your autograph?" Oh great that sounded like Mairu. Wait! Did she say Yuuhei-kun? That means Shizuo's brother is here too? Thought Izaya before he slowly opened his eyes, making sure they adjusted to the light before looking at the people in the room.

Just as he had expected, his two sisters were there and also Shizuo's brother was, who was holding Hikari at the moment. "Can't you guys be a bit less loud?" Izaya growled and glared at his sisters. "This is a hospital you know?"

"Iza-nii, you're awake!" Said Mairu while coming over to the bed. "Hikari-chan is really cute!" She said and smiled at her brother. "I can't believe I'm an aunt."

"Can you calm down for a bit? I just woke up." Izaya groaned, which made Mairu smile and Kururi suddenly came over to him and hugged him carefully.

"Thanks Kururi." Izaya smiled softly, knowing what his sister meant. "Where is Shizu-chan?" Izaya decided to ask, since he didn't see the blonde.

"He's getting food for you, since it's almost time for dinner." Izaya's eyes went wide at Kasuka's words.

"Did I really sleep through almost the whole day?" Izaya asked, but didn't receive an answer. "He better be getting me some otoro." Izaya mumbled to himself. Kasuka then stood up carefully and went over to Izaya.

"I need to go back to work now, congratulations on having a daughter." Kasuka said before handing Hikari over to Izaya.

"We will be going too, Iza-nii." Mairu said and then both his sisters and the actor were gone from the room. Izaya looked down at Hikari and smiled softly.

"They finally left us alone." Izaya said and stroked the girl's hair softly while holding her with his other arm.

The door opened once again and in walked Shizuo followed by Simon. "Did you get otoro?" Was the first thing Izaya asked when they came in. Shizuo couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Yeah, we did. When I told Simon that you had given birth he wanted to come, so I took him with me along with the otoro." Shizuo explained and then Simon walked over to the bed.

"Can I hold her?" Asked the russian to which Izaya nodded.

"As long as you give me my otoro." Izaya said and then traded his daughter for the otoro the man had brought.

"Oi, otoro isn't more important than our daughter right?" Shizuo asked, but received a glare from the raven.

"I haven't had otoro for nine months." Izaya said and finally grabbed the first piece of otoro before placing it in his mouth and eating it. Shizuo could see the raven's face lit up instantly. "This is so good, can't believe I couldn't eat it for nine months." Izaya took another piece and it didn't took long before he had finished all the pieces.

"I need to go back to work." Simon suddenly said and Izaya saw that he had already given Hikari to Shizuo.

"Sure, tell Dennis that the otoro was great." Izaya said and then the man left. "Ugh, my sisters were loud." Izaya complained.

"I can believe that, they just had to come at the same time as my brother." Shizuo said and then placed Hikari in the bed that was placed for her. "The doctor came by while you were asleep, but he wants to keep the both of you for a few days before you can go home." At that Izaya nodded.

"I hadn't expected anything less, since the wound needs to heal for a bit before I can move properly again." Izaya said and then someone knocked at the door. "Come in." Izaya said and then the door opened.

Three people came walking in and he was honestly surprised to see one of them. "Shiki-san, Akabayashi and Namie? Never expected to see the three of you coming together." Izaya said with a smirk.

"I came on my own, but met them, I needed to know how my boss was doing after giving birth." Namie answered, but Izaya kept smirking.

"Just tired, but besides that fine." Izaya answered and then turned his attention to Shiki. "Never thought you would come visit me in the hospital." Izaya said.

"I was planning on going to your home once you were back home, but Akabayashi thought that it was better to come at the hospital." Shiki answered and Akabayashi nodded at that.

"I think Hikari fell asleep, so I would rather not that you picked her up." Shizuo said, joining in the conversation.

"Already playing the overprotective dad?" Shiki asked with a smirk, which earned him a glare from the blonde.

"I'm just stating something." Shizuo growled and suddenly the door opened once more, but this time it was a nurse walking in.

"Hikari-chan needs to be fed." She said and then looked to Izaya. "If I'm right, you had decided not to breastfeed right?" At that Izaya nodded. "Alright, then I will make a bottle ready." She said and then went away again. Izaya could feel the stares of three people on him.

"What?" He asked and narrowed his eyes at the three people in the room.

"Didn't know you could breastfeed." Namie said with a smirk and the other two nodded.

"I didn't think it was possible until eight weeks ago either." Izaya said with a sigh. "Shizu-chan can you give me Hikari, so that I can feed her when the nurse comes back?" The blonde nodded and went over to put the little girl in her mother's arms.

"We came here to say that you can take off for as long as you want and when you feel ready to work again you should let us know." With that the three of them left just before the nurse came back with a bottle of milk.

"Make her comfortable in one of your arms, while you bring the bottle to her mouth with your other hand." The nurse explained and Izaya did as he was told and carefully put the bottle in his daughter's mouth. She began to eat almost immediately, which brought a small smile to Izaya's lips. "When she's done you need to burp her. Hold upright against your shoulder and pat her softly on the back." Once Hikari was done with drinking, Izaya did just that and it didn't take long before the girl burped.

Now that Hikari was fed, the baby was laid back in her bed and Izaya went back to sleep too, since he felt tired.


The next day Izaya got woken up by a knock at the door to his room. He honestly wanted to sleep a bit more, but it seemed like he wouldn't get a choice in this. He heard someone move beside him and he opened his eyes to see the blonde moving over to the door. "Shizu-chan?" Izaya asked tiredly.

"Just go back to sleep, I will see if I can make them come back later." Shizuo said and then opened the door to see to his surprise that the whole van gang was there together with the high school trio. Shizuo turned to look back at Izaya one more time before closing the door behind him. "What are all of you doing here? I only told Kadota and Kida about this." Shizuo said and glared at the two he mentioned for a bit.

"Izaya is still resting, so could you please wait for a bit?" Shizuo added to which all of them nodded.

"Shizushizu, why didn't you tell me you and Izaiza were having a child?" Erika asked, which made Shizuo groan.

"Because you are like this." Shizuo said and glared at the woman. "I don't want you acting like that when you're around Izaya." Shizuo warned her, to which she nodded.

"Ehm, sorry Heiwajima-san, but we wanted to see your daughter." Anri said with a soft voice.

"It's fine already, just don't be too loud, alright? Izaya is still tired and Hikari was still sleeping just now." Shizuo said before opening the door and leading the group inside. Once inside he saw that Izaya hadn't gone back to sleep and was now staring wide-eyed at the group who came inside.

"Izaiza, you have long hair!" Erika squealed and walked over to the man. Oh right, they hadn't cut his hair yet.

Izaya glared at the woman for mentioning it. "I just let it grow, but I will be cutting it soon." Izaya growled.

"Did you really give birth?" Came a question from Mikado.

"Of course I did, I have the wound to prove it if you want to see." Izaya said and pulled the blankets down. He was ready to open his hospital gown, but Mikado shook his head.

"I don't need to see it." Izaya smirked a bit at that.

"It's only a wound." Izaya said and then looked to Shizuo. "How come all of them are here?"

"I don't know, I only told Kadota and Kida." Shizuo said and shrugged his shoulders.

"She is really beautiful." Kadota suddenly said and Izaya smiled at that.

"Yeah she is." Everyone looked surprised at Izaya to see the raven smile a real smile. "What? Have you never seen me smile before?" Izaya said and looked at all of them, while smiling.


Izaya and Hikari could finally go home after having been in the hospital for five days. Izaya still had to be careful with the wound from the cesarean, but besides that they were fine to go home.

Walking into their apartment, with Izaya carrying Hikari and Shizuo carrying all their other stuff, including presents.

"I'm going to put Hikari in her crib. She has fallen asleep already." Izaya told Shizuo and headed up the stairs to where Hikari's room was. He opened the door and went inside, walking right over to the crib. He carefully laid Hikari in the crib and waited for a bit before he felt someone wrap his arms around him. "Shizu-chan, what are you doing?" Izaya asked softly.

"Just looking what you are doing." Shizuo said. "Shall we go to bed too? You must be tired." Shizuo said and turned the raven around before kissing him.

"Sounds good." Izaya said once the kiss was broken. As soon as the blonde got an answer he started leading the raven to their bedroom. Izaya was happy that everything had turned out right and if he was honest, he couldn't have wished for anything more and he had the feeling that nothing could go wrong.

Thank you all for reading this story and I hope you have enjoyed reading it. I'm planning to do a sequel, but I don't know yet when I will start with that one, so you will need to wait. Thank you for reading and I might see you at my next story.