Cassandra was surrounded by voices, which was new. Voices of two sisters torn away from each other and their agony surrounded her much like a torrent sea. Behind the screaming there was, however, a soft voice that always was her anchor, it always made clarity of the torrid formulas that strangled and gave her a headache as well. Suddenly a giant wave threatened to overtake her and as the frigid water drowned her, Cassandra awoke with a gasp. She was seated against a hard-cold stone wall. She remembered what happened the last day's events. Her wrist burned with the amulet. As the disorientation from the dream ebbed away Cassandra looked around for her cell mate. Parker a lithe woman who is a thief. Cassandra's eyes traveled up to the top of the cage. Somehow Parker had hoisted herself to the highest corner of the cell and she was hanging upside down with her legs strung through the top of the cage, much like a child who was hanging off the monkey bars in a school yard.

"You cried in your sleep, are you okay?" Parker asked with a dissonant voice.

"Just a nightmare" Cassandra responded.

Parker jumped down via somersault and stared at the redhead.

"I heard that they are going to take us out to retrieve a lamp. We are going through a portal and ending up in the Saudi Desert. We will have 4 body guards. Get up we will be leaving in a little bit."

Just as Parker finished that statement, Mr. Baer approached the cage. Cassandra jumped up.

"Are we ready to go on your outing." Mr. Baer hissed much like a cobra.

"I need my gear, including my Taser." Parker had a crazy look in her eye.

"Of course, anything else?" Mr. Baer asked within a sneer.

"I need an oxygen tank" Cassandra responded as Parker glanced at her.

Saudi Desert in an ancient tomb after a helicopter ride.

The heat was suffocating, Cassandra hated stealth missions. One reason she was always 3 seconds away from a hallucinogenic seizure and 2 she was super clumsy. Cassandra watched as Parker snuck sneakily into the tomb. Their bodyguard were 4 large men who only responded to numbers. Cassandra was feeling very nervous.

"Focus on the problem" Parker whispered as they crouched before a tunnel while number placed some C-4 to blow the wall down.

"What?" Cassandra asked in a breathy whisper. She glanced at the wall and ducked down. An explosion caused the wall to blast through.

"Focus on the problem. Ignore everything else, focus on the task." Parker said with a small smile.

"Focus isn't the problem. I typically focus too much. I get lost in focus" Cassandra mentioned as the group walked forward to the tunnel.

"Well then my friend Eliot, would say breath. Center yourself and then the problem will be clear." Parker watched as the four men led the way to the center of the tomb. In the tomb, there was relics and gold. As well as a sarcophagus of an ancient person. Inside the center of a room, there is a trunk. Cassandra approached the trunk. Parker followed.

"There is no lock on this trunk, so no way to open it," Parker grumbled.

"There has to be a way to open it. I can use a spell. But there is a price to magic. Just give me a minute to figure it out" Cassandra said as the numbers surrounded her vision. She sorted through possible equations and possibilities. Parker watched

"What do you see?" Parker asked

"Numbers, possible solutions, sometimes the occasional tiny purple rhino" Cassandra responded.

"And these numbers help you figure out how to open it. Is it magic?" Parker asked in excited voice

"You are the first one to be excited about magic." Cassandra said "My teammates are not too keen on it. Magic always has a price. They are very protective of me" Cassandra responded.

"Sometimes the price is worth the reward. Like jumping off a building, sure there is a risk, but then you miss all the fun. Especially if this is something you think you are supposed to do. "Parker commented quietly, staring at Cassandra.

Cassandra felt shocked that this stranger had read her so correctly. Cassandra's brain was always telling her she needed to use magic, but with all the flak from the other, she had decided that magic was something she would need to examine on her own. Staring at an artifact with a woman who she did not know, told how to live her life in such a blunt way that was so refreshing that Cassandra knew she would like to maintain a friendship with this woman.

"Wait did you say you jump off buildings?" Cassandra asks quietly and Parker gave her a crazy smile.

"Oh yeah, you have the right harness and all you have is the wind in your face and the wiz of the harness, for a minute the world makes sense. Maybe you and I could go bungee jumping sometimes." Parker responded.

Cassandra never in her life at home would consider bungee jumping and now she seemed thrilled about the idea.

"Sure" Cassandra whispered with a genuine smile. Which Parker quickly returned.

Cassandra figured used the spell to open it. Their bodyguards moved toward the outside of the cavern. As she was just about to say the spell, she smelled peanuts. She turned and saw coming down an alternate corridor was Flynn Carson, the senior Librarian.

"Uh-Oh" Cassandra whispered and Parker looked over at the well-dressed man with the tousled hair and converse sneakers.

"Do You know Mr. Sneakers?" Parker asked.

"Just play along," Cassandra said back.

"Cassandra, long time no see?" Flynn said as he recognized the redhead. "I didn't know you were going to be retrieving Isis's magical Lamp" His brown eyes shifted to the Parker.

"Um yes, Baird wanted us to spread out our resources and so I was slated to retrieve this particular artifact. Ezekiel is securing the door over in the corridor. This is the leading expert in Roman gods, um Dr." Cassandra eyes quickly went to Parker's and Parker jumped in "Alice White, I love roman and Greek naked guys" Parker had pulled a pair of black nerdy eyeglasses and pulled her hair out of the leather beret, which she quickly braided to the side. She looked very professor-y minus the all black outfit and converse.

"Ah Dr. White, Dr. Flynn Carson, I was unaware that Dr. Sanderstone had retired," Flynn thought.

"Well, Dr. Sanderstone died from an alligator attack at his home," Parker responded

"Alligator attack, I thought Fred lived in North Dakota," Flynn asked as he looked at the box and simply reached for the button that opened the box from an ancient Greek symbol.

"Yes, well Alligators are an invasive species in North Dakota," Parker said.

Flynn seemed to take that as a fact, Cassandra was thankful Flynn was permanently distracted. Otherwise, if it was Baird she would be calling Parker's bluff.

Flynn "Cassandra, do you know why it was a lamp that Isis needed. Because she was a pyromaniac and loved the glow of a fire in her room. Her followers then trapped her so that her beauty and fire so they entrapped her in her lamp."

"Most interesting" Cassandra watched as Parker took out her Taser and then stabbed Flynn. Flynn's eyes rolled back into his head and he crumpled as a bolt of electricity ran through his body. When he was unconscious, Parker grabbed the lamp and then both Cassandra and Parker ran out toward the corridor.

"Did you have to?" Cassandra asked

"He was taking to long" Parker said "Besides, I don't want to keep Baer waiting. He gives me the creeps. What's going to happen to your friend?"

"The library will bring him back. I just hope someone is there when he gets there. But he has been the librarian longer than other's so I'm sure he will be fine." Cassandra said as they ran to copter. As the ducked into the vehicle, Parker and Cassandra watched as their body guards destroyed the tomb. Cassandra hopes that the library had rescued Flynn before the tomb collapsed into a pile of rubble.

Hardison was nervous. Usually, he enjoyed being in the van as oversite. In the past, he thought of himself as Watchtower from DC comics. Guiding his teammates to safety, but today all the variables were off. 1. It wasn't Lucille. Lucille was in the bottom of a ravine in Oregon. Hardison was in Fremont California in a rented van using just tablet and laptop. This van smelled like feet. 2. Eliot was playing distraction. Which didn't make any sense? But Colonel Baird pulled rank and Eliot deferred. Eliot never deferred.

The Librarians team were doing the retrieval. Which added to Hardison's issues. Hardison wasn't sure he trusted this group. Eliot vouched for his brother. But Jones seemed like a flight risk and Colonel was a no-nonsense authority figure that sent the hair on his neck on end.

The building was only five stories tall. Jinn travel was on the fifth floor. Eliot was coming in as an IT person to distract the person at the front desk.

"Hardison, I'm almost to the front desk" Eliot's voice sounded in his ear.

"Anything hinky with the Personal?" Hardison asked knowing Eliot could identify military and CIA from just a wrist watch,

"All security seems to be members of the Royal Moroccan Army, which is strange because this is Fremont California," Eliot mentioned quietly before talking to the receptionist.

"Baer, the CEO, is from Morocco, so that not strange." Baird's clipped voice entered the conversation.

"Guys, why are we casing this place? I thought we were trying to figure out a way to get Cassandra and Parker back." Stone's voice broke through, which sounded almost like Eliot except the accent was gone.

"We are casing the place because Parker and Cassandra may not be here, but we know this is their headquarters. So, the lamp must be here or it was moved. We are trying to figure out where it is." Jones interrupted. "And the lamp is needed for the Library.

"Guys focus. We need to get out of here." Eliot's voice rang through.

Hardison was watching everyone from the security feed. He noticed something in one of the cameras.

"Okay Parker and Cassandra are in the building, surround by the 4 bodyguards, I don't see Baer"

"Where's Cassandra?" Stone's voice asked quickly

"Fifth floor, near the CEO's office" Hardison responded. "Eliot, can you get up there?"

"Is there an excuse to get me up there?"

"There is no time, we need to get Cassandra and Parker. Spencer, you start heading up, use the stars we don't want to attract attention. We will start to head them off."

Colonel Eve Baird moved quietly to following the bodyguards that were guarding Cassandra and Parker. Both women were not handcuffed which means that they were being compliant. Stone and Jones watched their guardian. Eve had done with hostage situations before. Everyone was different some high risk and others just needed good negotiations. Eve was unable to determine what this one was. She, however, wanted to wait until Spencer was up here. She knew of Spencer just by name and the if the rumors were true, Eve was thankful they were on the same side.

That worked fine until Cassandra noticed Stone.

"Stone!" Cassandra screamed. One bodyguard grabbed Parker and the other held a gun to Cassandra's head. Parker grabbed her Taser a and attacked the guard. Baird had her gun pointed at the guard as well.

"Everyone freeze, if anyone moves I'll put a bullet in her brain" The guard threatened.

"What's going on up there. I'm floor and it is blocked with security. It will at least 6 minutes to get me up there." Spencer's voice rang through the comms.

"Okay easy there partner, I am probably a better shot. Just let Cassandra go, nobody needs to get hurt." Eve soothed.

Parker walked forward to stand with Ezekiel. Ezekiel gave a side glance at her. Just with flushed cheeks of the fever burning in her head, but other than that she looked unharmed. That's when he noticed the weird amulet complete with burns on Parker's wrist. Ezekiel noticed Cassandra had the same one on her wrist as well, also with burns.

Stone had inched forward, his eyes never leaving Cassandra's. If he had a chance to tackle the guard he would. Maybe he and Eliot could take him down together.

The bodyguard seemed to consider Eve's offer then decided against it. He turned his gun and shot Stone in the chest. Chaos ensued. Cassandra screamed. Eve caught Stone and started to stifle the bleeding. All the while yelling at Jones to head for the exit. Jones grabbed Parker's arm to lead her out and as the guard led Cassandra around the corner Parker screamed in agony and crumpled on the floor. Now, Spencer ran around the corner and immediately went to his teammate. Hardison's voice could be heard over the comms but incoherent.

"Parker come on, we need to leave. " Eliot cried as he tried to help her into a standing position.

"No. I can't" Parker whispered through the pain.

Eve turned to Eliot, Stone looking very pale and having a hard breathing and leaning on Eve. Jones on his non-injured shoulder.

Eliot roughly grabbed Parker and pulled her toward the Exit.

"NO Eliot. I cannot leave Cassandra. This amulet hurts both of us if we are separated. You must let me stay. I'll be okay. Tell Hardison we can eat pretzels when I get back." Parker said as she maintained eye contact with the hitter. He nodded much like in Washington Dc. She knew as much as she wanted to be rescued she couldn't live with the pain radiating from her wrist.

"We aren't givin' up on you Parker. I will make sure you get to come home safe and sound. Both of you." Eliot promised. "Okay let's head on out." He then grabbed Stone's arm and led the way out of the building.

Jones held back. He looked at his sister, the woman for so many years was his only family.

"Zeke, take care of them. They will need help. Make sure they call Nate and Sophie." Parker said before he left.

"Here sis, take this burn phone. Then you can call us when you think it's safe. Just keep playing along. We will be back for you." Ezekiel whispered, then turned and walked out with the group. Parker stood rooted in her spot waiting for the bodyguard to wake up.


Flynn Carson hated to be tased. It made his eyes blurry and gave him a headache. Jenkins brought him some tea when all the sudden the back door burst open and 5 people came through.

"Jenkins!" Eve' voice commanded

Flynn raced forward along with Jenkins, they grabbed Stone.

"What happened?" Jenkins demanded

"The retrieval went pear shaped" Someone who looked just like Stone answered.

"Pear shape, Pear shaped, it was a bad idea to have the world's best hitter on distraction detail." The tall man grumbled.

Only then did Flynn notice strangers in the Annex.

"Hardison go calm down. See if you and Ezekiel can get a reading on the lamp." Eliot said

Jones pulled the man aside and told him something in private. Stone groaned.

Flynn went to assist Jenkins and Eve. The Stone-Clone also assisted soon it was just the stranger and Jenkins were removing the bullet from Stone's Chest, pumping him with liquids as well as giving him a large dose of Bathsheba's oil. Stone was soon resting.

Eve walked away claiming to take a shower.

Flynn studied the stranger, somewhere in the recess of his mind, of a retrieval specialist with much longer hair retrieving the ruby of Shanghai. Flynn watched for years if the ruby would resurface.

"You are Eliot Spencer. You beat me to the Ruby of Shanghai." Flynn commented.

Eliot glanced at the well-dressed man. Fear masked with a bad attitude.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not going to arrest you and if Eve knows she won't say anything either. Your secret is safe here at the Library. We are just interested in magical items. Although you might want to tell your brother about your past." Flynn mentioned as he walked to his desk.

Eliot breathed a sigh of relief.

Eve came back out freshly showered and her hair braided.

"Spencer, this is the Senior Librarian, Dr. Flynn Carsen. Flynn this is Eliot Spencer, Stone's brother, world's best retrieval specialist. Here because his colleague Parker was kidnapped along with Cassandra." Eve said " The other gentleman is Alec Hardison. He is a hacker."

"Wait you didn't assign her to go to Saudi Arabia?" Flynn asked

"What?" Eve responded

" I saw her in a tomb fetching the Lamp of Isis. " Flynn stated.

Eve bellowed "Jones!"

Jones came into the main room of the Annex. Followed closely by Hardison. Stone blinked awake on the cot. Elliot came back in.

"You Rang?" Jones asked sarcastically.

" pull up Baer's movement. Any movements to Saudi Arabia."

Jones worked on the Computer and Hardison worked on his laptop.

Flynn ran around to look for the book for the book with the lamp of Isis. When he found, it he ran back to the main table.

"So, Cassandra was definitely fetching the lamp of Isis. She said that you told her to go and retrieve it. She also was there with a Dr. Alice White. Foremost expert of Greek and Roman antiquities." Flynn stated as he shows the picture of the lamp.

"Wait did you say, Alice White? " Eliot asked. As he looked at Hardison. Hardison's head sprung up from the laptop he was furiously working on.

"yeah, Alice White," Flynn answered confused why these two strangers were fixated on the name Alice White.

"Alice White is Parker's alias. A very old one. She hasn't been Alice White for years" Hardison mentions. "Did Parker say anything else."

"Well, she tased me, in the neck. I ended up back at the Library, and woke up three hours later." Flynn said.

"Yep, that's Parker." Eliot conceded.

"Guys I have a helicopter that was owed by Baer, it left for Saudi Arabia," Jones commented.

"So, wait, we just saw them in Fremont, why wouldn't Parker come with us?" Stone interjected

Eve turned to Elliot and raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know why she mentioned an amulet that causes pain between her and Cassandra. "Eliot replies

A crash made the room quiet as Jenkins came around the corner.

"Wait! An amulet, Mr. Carsen have we seen any indications of Helen and Clytemnestra Has resurfaced. "Jenkins pondered.

"Well, probably more it hasn't been years," Flynn responded

"Flynn explain" Eve interrupted

"The amulet of Helen and Clytemnestra. Forged to keep two sisters in communication between them allows them to feel each other's emotions, it worked for the sisters but its place on people who are not sisters will cause major burns, and the longer the wearer wears it, they succumb to the same fate as the sisters." Jenkins said

"What's the fate of the sisters?" Hardison asked

"Insanity, loss of limbs then death. The myth says they could hear each other's thoughts and it ended up driving them insane" Stone answered.

"Well considering they haven't been missing more than two days. We can assume that they have not had it for more than a day. So, we should find out their location. And get them home" Eve reasoned.

"We have another problem" Ezekiel mentions.

"What? Jones, what could be another problem?" Stone asked in a growl. Sounding very much like his brother.

"Parker mentioned calling a Sophie and a Nate. That we would need more help" Ezekiel.

"Parker said that?" Hardison asked.

"Yes, right before she ran off to rejoin Cassandra" Ezekiel commented.

"What does that mean?" Eve asked Eliot

"It means we are in a world of hurt" Eliot responds. As he turns to make the phone call.