A/N: Hey, thank you all for still sticking with this story. This chapter is the original reason why I started writing this story, so you have to thank Walk the moon for "Shut up and dance". Which is by the way the song Maura is quoting. When I listened to the song the very first time the scene further down just popped up in my brain. The other song who's lyrics are italic is not mine either of course. Thank you witchkitty so much for your help again. Comments are more than appreciated.

Gift of confession 7

Maura felt herself tense when she entered the ballroom with Jane. Miraculously, she had managed to keep Jane unaware of the kind of party she had chosen. She understood that this whole thing was not what Jane wanted right now. They hadn't even talked about it since Christmas; but nonetheless, Maura was sure that it was what Jane needed. She knew Jane was avoiding thinking about everything at all costs, so she would have to be forced to.

However, this event wasn't just about Jane. Maura had added this organization to her "donations list" not so long ago and was curious about how they set up this ball. It might also be a way for her to clear her mind. The lack of communication with Jane last week had jump-started her imagination, or curiosity, whatever this was. Lately she found herself wondering way too much about what could have turned Jane on so much and even how she had reacted to it. These bizarre daydreams had to end.

And since Maura knew that their friendship was nothing but exactly that, what would be a better place to confirm it than the "Annual Queer New Year's Eve Ball" of PFLAG and BCU's LGBT group. Sure Jane and she were close, nobody would deny it but they were still just friends, nothing more. At this event the difference would become more visible than ever.

Getting her to talk about the latest progress in their current case was a great tactic to distract Jane from the decorations and banners; that is until they made it to the bar and Jane held her first beer in her hands. Now talking was replaced with drinking, she had time to take a look around. Maura had been unusually secretive about where they were spending this very last night of the year.

When she looked around she had to give her some credit. Jeans, an elegant shirt and a blazer were nothing unusual here so Jane started to relax. There were no questions after she ate the peanuts and there was beer, and not just any beer but her beer. All of this was more than Jane had expected. Though still in doubt about why Maura was so secretive without a reason, she kept looking for the punch-line. Men and women were talking, the music was the usual mix of recent songs and evergreens as far as Jane could tell.

Wait a minute! Women and men were not talking to each other! Women were talking to women and men were talking to men. Aaaaand there were more than just one same-sex couple. In fact, all the couples present were of the same-sex. This can't be true!

"Maura!" she hissed between her teeth. The aforementioned woman turned to her but didn't know whether it would be better to look at Jane and tell her that everything was okay or to avoid her glare until she had calmed down somewhat.

"We're at a gay party!" Jane continued without wait for any further reaction from Maura. "Why the hell did you take me here?!"

Finally, she locked eyes with Jane. She had considered her options and opted for a ball because it would suit them both. She herself enjoyed balls and galas and charity. Jane enjoyed beer, and not having to wear a dress and they both enjoyed each other's company.

"When exactly did you join the gays?" She still was hissing but at least her clenched jaw started moving again. Jane believed that Maura really had good intentions, she always had. Usually she wouldn't question her too much but this needed a further explanation. Was Maura implying something? She seemed oddly interested when Jane told her about that weird dream a week ago.

"Oh, are you being funny?" Maura tried to process Jane's question, when an eye roll confirmed her suspisions, "Well, my donation obviously must have impressed them." Jane showed no sign of understanding. "After you closed the case about that religious fanatic, you decided to take a new boxing class and I decided to join PFLAG." Maura continued to explain.

"Only you would do that!" Jane was still somewhat frustrated but her anger was fading. Maura just wanted some company and Jane was always her first choice. At least there was free beer.

'Had Jane left?' Maura had been searching for her for about 10 minutes. Their little argument had been disturbed by the announcement of Maura's speech. After making her way up the stage, she hadn't been able to find Jane in the crowd. Now she had to look through all these strangers and hope that her best friend hadn't used the opportunity to flee.

It might have not been totally fair to not tell Jane where they were celebrating New Year but Maura really had been feeling the need to make Jane understand that there was nothing wrong with homosexual urges. Maura herself had no problem accepting all sides of her sexuality and it hurt her to see her best friend struggle so much with the latest unexpected chain of events.

"You gotta be kidding! Jerome Leweis would never drive by your place just to return a wallet!"

"And I'm telling you he was shaking this very hand!"

Hands on her hips, Maura was turning her head left and right, trying to understand. Her panting got the two women's attention.

"Maura, have you met Stephanie?! She's trying to convince me that Jerome Leweis returned her wallet." Jane repeated her last statement now with less doubt and more enthusiasm. "Jerome Leweis!" Maura didn't feel illuminated by this in any way.

"The possibility of your wallet being returned without anything missing is 25,43 %. Without cash the possibility rises to 70,6% and without neither cash or cards it even is 80,39%." Maura tried to overcome the awkward moment, before turning to the woman who appeared to be Stephanie. "I'm Dr. Maura Isles, what items were missing from your wallet?"

The addressed woman looked startled by the question. Jane helped and presented Stephanie properly. Stephanie had recognized Jane when she tried to disappear into the darkest and farthest corner to wait for her friend to return from her speech. Stephanie had lost a sister to the sect murdering lesbians last fall. Jane had been the first to believe women when they felt targeted and the one who connected the loose ends. One thing led to another and now Jane was very close to declaring this woman her hero for being 'The woman who shook hands with one of the red sox' star players'.

If Maura had been insecure about how their evening would continue, there was no reason for doubt anymore. It delighted Maura to see her best friend so at ease at a social event. She could relax now because everything started to turn out the way she wanted it to.

She knew that Jane didn't have a problem with lesbianism by itself. They had talked about it several times either to theorize, to get rid of unwanted admirers or as a joke about their unique friendship. None of that had caused Jane any trouble. Maybe she was taking her dreams more seriously than Maura had thought, maybe she was afraid of the truth. Jane loved to categorize, in more ways than one. Jane had divided her life in blacks and whites, good and bad, fun and boring. So she had her own idea of who she was. If Jane now was doubting who she was now then Maura knew two things: a) it would be very hard on Jane to accept even the possibility of changing who she was and b) Maura would do anything to show her that there was no reason to be scared. It was the 21st century after all, everyone could be everything.

To say that Jane had no idea how she ended up on the dance floor would be an understatement. Maybe charities with overpriced beer and un-danceable music weren't as bad as she thought but right now was a really bad time to leave. Stephanie and the other woman she had been introduced to were nowhere in sight, or maybe they were dancing themselves, plus Maura was grinning like a Cheshire cat. It was always surprising what little things could make her happy. Still, Jane would rather watch her smile from the bar or at least a table. The shortest way off of the dance floor was the other way.

Subtlety moving backwards worked, the crowd was closing in and Maura followed her path.

"Don't you dare look back!" the loudly whispered words in her ear startled Jane. Maura hadn't shown any sign of understanding Jane's plan. The words didn't really fit in this situation. Maura's words, the woman's, who even corrected adverbs, but this sentence seemed to have a deeper meaning. While still trying to understand what Maura really was saying, she just surrendered to the blonde's enthusiastic pulling that was leading them back to the middle of the dance floor.

"Maura, this is really not my thing." She tried to explain over the music.


"I said I don't like to be in the spotlight like this. It's like everyone is watching!" Jane tried louder.

Maura pulled their bodies closer and Jane's head down until they were just inches away from each other. "Just keep your eyes on me!"

"Huh? Stop the confusing words! I'll just wait for you over there at the bar!" Jane desperately tried to escape but she should have known better. Denying Dr. Maura Isles is never a good idea, unless you wanted to infuriate her.

"Shut up and dance with me!" The words were spoken with such confidence that there was no way Jane was going to disobey. Misbehavior would not be accepted. Jane could feel those hazel eyes sucking her in and pulling her back at the same time. They were all she dared to look at, all she could see.

Maura's fingers entwining with Janes might have seemed like casual gesture, but Mauras grip was strong. All Jane could think of was whom she wanted to dance closest to, a bunch of strangers or her best friend. The murmured "I hate you" disappeared unheard within the pulsing music.

The lyrics that were passing Jane by were less and less coherent. The people have become loud and colorful wallpapers. Her body was starting to be in sync with the music. The only thing she could focus on was her Maura. She adapted her movements, her posture, even her mood to Maura's. The source of her current ease was seeing Maura this happy. Seldom had Jane seen those eyes sparkle so much. Seldom were her dimples so deep.

It wasn't before she felt Maura's perfume in her nose, that she realized how close they were. A hand on the back of her head commanded her to rest her cheek against the other woman's. It was amazing.

Wheels go round and round, you're on my mind

The loudspeakers blurt the lyrics accompanied by a piano. Their dancing had been very fast before, now it became slower. They simply shifted from one foot to the other. Left, Right, Left, Right.

A voice announced the approaching New Year and stayed throughout the rest of the first verse. Hardly anybody was bothered by that. Some because they were endlessly shifting from side to side. The others because they couldn't wait for the New Year to begin.

Wondering where I am, lost without you

That was spot on, without Maura in her life it was hard to stay on track. This woman had the miraculous power to ease all her pain, insecurities and dark thoughts. She was the one who dared her to leave her comfort zone and try new things. The kind of things she would never have thought about in her wildest dreams. Maura equals safety, trust, loyalty and home, all at the same time.


Thanks to Maura's high heels they were almost at the same height. Jane was following Maura's lead and swaying her body that was in tune with other woman's but right now she couldn't follow Maura's moves. She needed to see her eyes again. Parting their cheeks, she separated just enough inches between them to see the pale beautiful face. Not all at once so she could focus on one thing after the other.

It was the forehead that she saw first with its long wrinkles. Beautiful wrinkles, those that became visible when she was analyzing something for a case.

The eyes came next, those eyes that tell her so much without any words.

Then the nose, the most sensitive nose she ever met. The one that could tell the type of apples by their scent. Jane closed the distant between their foreheads and inhaled.

The lips. The lips that knew more words than Jane had ever heard. The lips that knew words with more consonants than she had ever learned. These lips that she was staring at right now. She didn't need to see them for her their perfect image was forever etched in her mind, Jane could see them anywhere.

They had stopped turning around their own axis, standing perfectly still on the dance floor

I'm still yours

Two noses bumped into each other. Music was silenced as well as the countdown shouting crowd. There was nothing left in the universe except for the two of them.

As Jane closed her eyes, she saw two pink lips, soft, shimmering on the inside of her closed eyelids. Even if she didn't want to kiss anybody this New Year's Eve, and even less since she knew where they were celebrating, the contact their lips made unintended was exactly what she wanted. She wanted to feel them. That was all she wanted. To feel how soft they were.

The contact was light and neither planed nor expected and it was the most pleasant feeling ever felt on her lips. She didn't want it to stop.