(A/N): MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY! I decided not to put Warriors in this because I didn't know what to do...

Zephyr started screaming. "IT TIS MORNINNNNNNNNGGGGG!" The squirtle screamed wildly. "OHHHHHH, OH OH, O-OH, OHHH! OHHHH, OH OH OH O-OH, OOHHHH! OHH-"

"Dude we get it." Blaze said, yawning.

Zephyr was still excited. He started throwing cake into the air. The cakes had birthday candles on them that were alit. Then he threw lemonade in the air.

Some lemonade got in Blaze's eyes. "OW!"

A few cakes hit Leaf face-down, and she caught on fire. "OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!" Leaf started running around in circles, smoking and burnt.

"It smells like burnt cabbage in here!" Zephyr commented dully, spraying some water at Leaf. "Let's go open our presents!"

Zephyr ran to the Christmas Tree, and the other two trudged more slowly to the living room, where Zephyr crouched.

"SANTA CAME!" he started screaming hysterically and crying, because, well, it was Zephyr. He's basically a little kid. But the crying was unnatural. (Shrug)

"Look! This one's for you!" Zephyr cried, throwing a package on Blaze's lap. It was pretty thick and apparently heavy, because Blaze gasped a little when the package hit his lap.

"Leaf, this is yours!" Zephyr threw a box at her face. "Ouch! Zephyr stop hurting me!" she yelped, rubbing the spot in-between her eyes, just above her nose, because the package her her there.

"AND THIS IS MINE!" Zephyr started hugging a very large, brightly wrapped present. He tore off the wrapping paper to reveal….


A huge cardboard box!

"You got a box?" Leaf asked, confused.

"I asked for a banana." Zephyr admitted. "But this box is better!" He flipped over the top flaps and started screaming again. Leaf winced because her ears were starting to hurt from his screaming.

"What is it?" Blaze asked, rubbing the side of his head. He was delicately trying to unfold the paper off of his present without tearing it.

"IT'S FILLED WITH PINK PEANUTS!" Zephyr screamed happily, throwing a bunch of Styrofoam Packing Peanuts in the air. He stuffed a bunch in his mouth and swallowed. "Hmm, not bad! Foamy with a slight hint of toxins!"

"Zephyr, that was styrofoam." Blaze said as Zephyr started picking up the Packing Peanuts he'd thrown. "You don't eat it…"

Zephyr shrugged. "What's going to happen?"

"You might die…"

"Oh." Zephyr shrugged again. "Not to worry, I'll just use my magic powers!" He started dancing the samba and exploded into a million pieces.

Just kidding, I don't know what the dancing did to him, but it must have gotten rid of the Styrofoam because he was fine.

Leaf stared at Blaze. "It's taking you fifteen minutes…to open a simple present."

"I'm saving the wrapping paper!"

Leaf grabbed the present out of Blaze's claws, ripped the decorative paper away, and threw it in the recycling bin.

"I just saved the environment, now open it." she said, giving the present to Blaze. He looked at it and grinned.

"A calculator!" he cried. "With chemical reactions and algebraic expressions included!"

"NERD." Zephyr hollered, grabbing the huge and rare scientific calculator used by professional scientists and smashing it. Blaze was very still, and then he stormed out of the room.

Leaf opened her presents. "Ooh, Chocolate!" she said. "And other stuff I don't care about!" she took out about two dozen chocolate bars and set them on the floor nicely, and then tossed a brand new laptop, New 3DS XL, PSMD, and other valuable presents away like cheap junk.

Absol suddenly walked in and got angry. "I SPENT LIKE FIVE HUNDRED POKE ON THAT STUFF WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" she howled.

Leaf shrugged. "What were they?" she asked. "I was focused on the chocolate."


"Oops…" Leaf tried a shrug as Absol glared at her. "Eheheheh….M-merry Christmas?"

Blaze walked back in, but he slipped on a piece of spare wrapping paper and face-slammed into Leaf's current Christmas presesents.

Basically he was given an electric shock to add with the fact that his face landed right on the computer screen, which was made of glass….anyways he was knocked out...

Then it turned out that the samba dance hadn't gotten rid of the Styrofoam Packing Peanuts...

Absol shrugged and Attacked Leaf, and all three members of Team Crystal were knocked out.

That's how they ended up spending Christmas in the Pokemon Center(Pokemon Hospital)

Shayla and Serena backed up to look at their Snowemon.

"Think it's big enough?" Serena asked, tilting her head at it.

"I think just about." Shayla agreed, nodding. "We didn't get the details exactly right, but it stands a chance."

"I'll fix that." Serena said. "What part?"

"Um, well, that ear looks too fat."

"Okay, gimme a boost!" Serena reached as high as she could, Shayla elevating her, and she used her fire to melt off a bit of the ear.

"That's better." Shayla said, looking up. "Huh, the right eye is higher than the eft eye. While you're up there-"

"Got it!" Serena stood on her hind legs and straightened the eye. "I think we're done!"

Serena jumped off her friend and the two studied their Snowemon with satisfaction.

"My paws are pretty cold, but I think it was worth it."


"HEY!" Trevor shouted. "Come over here! We finished!" Serena and Shayla padded through the snow to see a five-foot-tall Snowemon shaped like a Pangoro, wearing sunglasses, holding nun-chucks, and showing off unrealistically bulging muscles.

"Not bad." Shayla said. Roy and Trevor exchanged smug glances.

"Check out ours!" Serena said, gesturing to their Snowemon.

Trevor and Roy's jaws dropped in awe. "How in the name of Arceus-"

They were gazing in amazement at a huge, nine-foot-tall Snowemon shaped like an Espeon, with large purpley rocks as the eyes and a ginormous red ruby in the middle of its forehead. Every detail was perfect, and it was so beautiful and realistic somebody would think an actual giant Espeon painted with white and glitter was in front of them.

Tears filled Trevor's eyes, and he looked away, coughing hastily. "I-it's…er…could be better!" he muttered hastily, trying to sound unimpressed.

"Yeah, we could've doen better." Serena agreed. "We should've done a Raichu, don't you think? Maybe I should melt it."

"NO!" Roy screamed. "IT'S BEAUTIFUL!"

The shelmet raced over to the Espeon, but he accidentally brushed against one of the back legs. It groaned loudly, and the giant Snowemon collapsed to the ground, crushing the Pangoro Snowemon in the process.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Roy and Trevor screamed.

"Ah, well." Serena shrugged.

"It was blocking the sunlight from the tree, anyways." Shayla added, unconcerned. "Plus, we would've melted it."

"Yeah. Hey, wanna come over to my house for some Hot Chocolate?"

"YOU GUYS WIN!" Trevor called. "WE'LL BUY IT FOR YOU!"

"Nah, I'm inviting Shayla over, you know, Jr. Expedition Society stuff."

"I-Um, oh-okay…"

Shayla and Serena walked cheerfully through the snowy town. It was getting dark, and all the lights were coming on, making the village glow magically.


"Wha-what happened?" Jay blinked sleep from his eyes to see daylight. "Whoa. Is it morning? Did Arceus go home now?"

The shinx turned to see Arceus grinning happily, inches from his own face. "Oh, not yet. Maybe someday…"


Jay pulled himself up. He knew his mom and Lucinda were out of town, probably not knowing that he was gone yet because they slept in and there was time difference. There was no chance of there being-


"No he didn't." Jay muttered immediately.


Jay looked around. "Did you move the stuff?" he asked.

"Yeah, I put them in the kitchen so Santa could help himself to more if he wants. And look! He did! And he left a heartwarming note!"

Slightly curious now, Jay went into the kitchen and immediately groaned. "Ugh, Arceus…I don't think you get what you mean…"

The plate, glass of milk, the whole refrigerator, and the expensive vase that Mom put on the coffee table, plus a bunch of other valuable things, like silverware, were all gone. The cabinets were all opened, and all the snacks were either gone, or the bags were empty. The whole kitchen was a huge mess.

"I left Santa a note last night, and he wrote back on the back of it!" Arceus was convinced there was no harm done to the kitchen. Jay wondered if he even saw how terrible the room looked. "Read it!"

Jay found a small slip of paper and read it. In messy, childish scrawl he read aloud,

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year and don't believe the bad marks on my report card, the additions of crimes on my permanent record, seventy-five restraining orders under my name, and three thousand, five hundred and seventy two(Here there were eraser smudges) Five hundred and seventy seven items I have broken and/or destroyed over 17 dollars and so on. Please enjoy these cookies, some nice milk, and how beautiful this kitchen is and how much money a robber could make off of stealing some of the stuff in it! Hahahah, ahahahahahahah! But you're no robber! In fact, I'm putting a big sign up that says, "If a robber came here, then they would make a fortune!" on the front of the house in neon yellow glory-lights so that everyone knows how nice Jay's kitchen is! Anyways, feel free to take whatever you want and bring me my new toy truck I asked for!



Jay flipped it over, breathing fast. In an even messier, sloppier handwriting he read,

Hey losers, I raided your house. Thanks for the sign, it was mighty helpful! You have some nice forks and spoons in that drawer, eh? Hehe! Anyways, thanks again, I've taken my fill of Milk and cookies, and I had a few more snacks from your fridge, too. Hehehe!


Somebody who isn't dumb enough to sign! Heheheheehehe!

Jay slammed down the note and ran outside. It was cold, but he didn't care.


There was a huge light-up sign, like a highlighter, right in front of the house.

Jay bit his lip and turned to Arceus, his eyes narrowed and gleaming with fury. He was shaking with cold and mostly rage.

"Merry Christmas!" Arceus said obliviously. "Santa didn't bring any presents, which means we've been bad, but we've still got each other, right!?"

Jay's self-control lost the silent battle, and Jay lunged at Arceus.

Merry Christmas!