oh well, If any one wants to be a co-author, do let me know for this story. it has to get out of my head, so it's going to get out.

I don't promise any kind of continuous updates on this. My plan is to write a super stark series - you fanfic officianados know that that means.

This one belongs to sansa stark. As I am of the opinion sansa needs to be bashed on the head a thousand times and then electrocuted to ever make a right decision, it's going to be that kind of concept.

Since I am too lazy to build up, Sansa Stark's a plastic surgeon, fairly old and from modern world.


Owner steals heirloom from Stark museum

WinterTown, december 24th: Yesterday, at approximately 9'O clock Arya Stark, better known as the wild vixen for her party girl tendencies and amateur boxing victories stole a precious heirloom from stark museum. It is assumed the said heirloom is a obsidian wolf pendant on a leather cord. Why would wild vixen steal this particular pedant? what makes it so special? The answer is a heart wrenching story of tragedy and familial love.

This particular pendant belongs to a stark ancestor known as princess Sansa stark, a few thousands or so years old. This particular princess Sansa, unlike our own, is rather slow witted. It is said she lost her pet wolf and her father to her own folly. She is the stark remaining in kingslanding during Lannister reign, later rescued by acting lord of vale, who played a key part in her father's demise. Princess Sansa, not knowing her rescuer's part in her father's demise, strove very hard to reward the lord of vale in any manner possible.

Later, when Prince Jon Targaryen visited vale asking for help during long winter, sorceress Melisandre enlightened her to the true history and intent of her savior. Princess, unable to bear the emotional turmoil, turned self destructive. she gave every last thing she can scrounge from castle to her brother. she locked her self in the castle with lord of vale and his minions. she burned the castle with her self and all men responsible for her father's murder inside. All that remained in the burnt castle is this particular pendant with it's leather cord intact. It is said that this piece is a magical artifact commissioned by princess Sansa to sorceress Melisandre, so that one day, some one capable of saving her family will be given her life. Her life for her family's savior, it is said.

Now, why would wild vixen need this particular pendant? Some of you might remember the beloved Sansa Stark, elder sister of Arya, a most renowned plastic surgeon and philanthropist, has been involved in a traffic accident last year. She went through a major surgery, which we were informed is successful. What we were not informed of is that Sansa Stark is yet to awaken. She lies in a coma, which doctors call a medical mystery, as all her vitals indicate she should have awaken now. Now we can only assume that Arya stark loved her sister dearly despite all their public differences . Especially so, if she is brave enough to steal from her father's museum, evade an two dozen or so armed guards to just take a mysterious magical artifact to her sister, in hopes it might wake from her eternal slumber.

One of our reporters inform us that Arya stark indeed went to visit her sister in hospital, begging gods with tears in eyes to return her elder sister to life, for there's no one in the world more deserving of life than her own elder sister. Many a time, we assume worst of our own family members and shun them. It is true in case of stark sisters, who have been as different as oil and water. Yet, they are family. Dear friends, please take to day to remember that even having family around is a blessing. For just to day and tomorrow, shower your dear ones with love. Let's pray for the stark sisters, so they may celebrate this Christmas together. Merry Christmas to you all, dear friends.


Sansa Stark opened her eyes and looked around. There is some thing very different about this room and her bed. She can not place what it is though. If Arya did any thing to her she is going to sell all of her weapons in an auction. As she opened her eyes and looked at her hands though, Sansa realized what is wrong. They are small. Very small. she hasn't had that small hands since she is ten. she did the only thing she could do in this situation. She screamed.

Robb burst in to her room few moments later with a knife in his hands.

"What? Who? " he looked around wildly. When he noticed there's no one around, and his sister is still screaming looking at her hands, he huffed in annoyance and sheathed his sword.

"Stop screaming, Sansa" he said even as he shook her shoulders.

"Did you have a night mare? " he asked with as much gentle tone as he could muster.

"My hands!" is the only thing Sansa can say in response. Yet, as she looked at his clothing, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What the hell is Robb wearing?

"Are we having a costume party?" she asked.

"What's a costume party?" Robb asked back.

Warning bells went off in Sansa's head. Why in the world does he not know what a costume party is? why are her hands so small? Sansa could only conclude this is all a dream. She had a lot of dreams like this before when she was obsessed with her ancestor's history. She pinched her self hard, yelped at the unexpected pain.

"Sansa, Are you alright?" Robb asked concernedly.

No she is not. She is in one of her weird dreams where her body seems to respond to imagined stimulus. She is a doctor, While every thing about this situation can not be explained away, she could only conclude that she's in some kind of coma and every thing she imagines happened to her body will happen to her real body as well. Sansa sighed. She will have to play this by ear.

"I am fine, Robb." She answered.

she got up, dressed her self, cursed to seven hells and more when she noticed the chamber pot, but on the whole, she got out of her room just fine.

Every thing went well for a while. She went to her needle work lessons with septa Mordane, greeted her friend Jeane poole. The first seeds of doubt started when she did not realize who septa Mordane and Beth Cassel are. After all, history saw no need to mention their names. Their names most definitely new, they are not anagrams of any thing. This is not good, Sansa concluded. Though she is a surgeon through and through, she knew her psych basics. Every thing, must have an origin. Even if I am locked in my own body and my imagination ran wild, she can not have new knowledge. Especially one as structured as the ones septa Mordane is trying to teach.

She went through the day analyzing each and every thing she happened to meet en-route. At the end of the day, from all she gathered, only conclusion she could draw is she is in one of her ancestors body in the past. Not just any ancestor, Silly Sansa to be exact. It is not a publicized fact, but Sansa Stark's journals are not burnt on castle Eyerie when she burned it. They were given to Sandor Cleagane, one of the faith's septons were brought back to winterfell. Sansa accidentally stumbled on these journals. She was fascinated by them, read them cover to cover.

In fact, she could easily say her life would have gone totally different way had she not read those journals. it is her lament on her willful blindness and it's consequences that touched sansa deeply. She realized next day as silly as princess sansa is, she is wise in her words. She noticed that her friends teasing Arya did actually hurt Arya, though arya did a brilliant job of hiding it. It had been an eye opener. She promptly told her bf's any teasing rights belonged to her self alone as the elder sister and they had no right to speak to arya the way they do. Arya scoffed at Sansa, yet, the next day she awoke to blue roses in her vase.

If there is one thing Sansa the surgeon knew, it is that Silly Sansa's life's screwed from the beginning. At this point in history, there was not much she could have done that saved her from the path her life took, even more so, if she had been any thing but ignorant, her life would have been hell. Yet here she is, so she is going to make best of it. So, she spent next weeks documenting. She wrote down her own past, any and all history she remembered and all the knowledge she remembered. Each and every one of her family is concerned, but she assured them she is fine. in fact, it is because of their meddling writing every thing took such a long time.

At the end of the day, she realized the first thing she needs to make is a fountain pen. As good as she is at chemistry, her knowledge of any thing non-medical is very vague. she could hopefully make it with just wood. So, she went to her father, who called the best wood worker from whiteharbor to the town, because sansa said the one at wintertown is incapable and unwilling. The Crofter was delighted to make the pen, but after she has seen the first pen, she realized it's going to be a long while. she simply talked her father in to hiring the man and placed him under her domain.

She tried to get Jon to help her, and he did help her to an extent, but Arya hated it when Jon interacted too closely with sansa. She had to tone it down after both Jon and Arya freaked out when she kissed him on the cheek. Jon valiantly borne all of Lady Stark's displeasure when she noticed Sansa revolving around him. Sansa knew better than defy her mother continuously, because all the punishment fell on Jon's plate.

She lamented the fact even with all her knowledge of history, Sansa the ancestor's journals, she does not have the complete knowledge of the place she is at. Most of her suggestions towards improving the future, i.e. rehabilitate the wildlings - every one laughed in her face. Sansa is absolutely sure any more spitting of history lessons on her part, people will think her crazy. Already, the whispers are beginning. Her first stroke of ingenuity came during one of the fights between Theon and Jon.

Father called Jon his blood, not his son. That is when Sansa realized that she could use this to her advantage.

She broached the subject with her mother when she is brushing her hair and they were alone with out a single maid near by. Unlike people of this time, Sansa knew to be beware of servants and such.

"Isn't it weird father always refers to Jon as my blood, but never his son, Mother?" she asked.

"I would like you to stay away from Jon Snow, Sansa. He is a bastard, too low of birth to keep around you." Her mother advised.

"Is he really? People say his mother's Lady Ashara Dayne. How is he low of birth if his mother's a Lady and father is a lord?" Sansa asked.

Catelyn Stark frowned.

"All this interest in your half brother is unbecoming Sansa." Lady catelyn looked at her down her nose. she knew the look. Teachers and parents every where gave that look to myriad of sweet children so they may reaize their faults and stop on their own. Sansa's too old for it to work effectively.

"Father last met Lady dayne at harenhall. By that note, Jon should be older than Robb, but he is not." Sansa pressed on.

"He doesn't have dornish skin too." she added childishly after realizing she sounded way too serious.

Lady stark's frown deepened.

The next day, Sansa wondered on Lyanna stark.

"I wonder how aunt Lyanna died, mother! I know prince Rhegar kidnapped her, but she's a high born lady. He would have treated her nice, wouldn't he? Did you know prince Rhaegar, Mother?" she extended her question.

Lady Catelyn told all she can about prince Rhaegar to Sansa, though she warned her subtly to not be too interested in the topic.

Sansa directed the flow next day.

"Oh Mother! They say prince Rhaegar raped Aunt Lyanna. But why did she die from it mother? women of ill repute do it every day, they don't die. Prince Rhaegar wasn't even with her when she died. How do you think she died mother?"

"How do you know all this Sansa? Who told you?" Lady Catelyn asked her sharply.

"No one told me! I heard Theon. He called her a dragon whore. he said if he was the one doing it, there would have been a passel of pykes from her." Sansa said. Theon did not say that stuff, but she did not mind ruining Theon's rapport with Robb.

if Lady Catelyn did not figure this out by now, Sansa is going to conclude Stupid Sansa's stupidity is genetic and all from mothers side.

The next day, her mother moved Jon to the room besides Robb, in to the family space. Theon's face burned with some thing at that, Sansa noticed he was distracted very easily from any thing provided with a pair of tits.

The real surprise of the day is her fountain pen is finally finally ready. Sansa could have kissed crofter. She promptly packed it and presented it to Jon as name-day present.

when she shew him how it works, the smile she got could have lighted up whole winter fell.