Chapter One.

Let's go to Fairy Tail!

Hopping off of the train, Lucy slung her bag over her back. It had been awhile since she'd been through Hargeon. The last time she had visited the town was when she, Juvia, and Gajeel had been on a job. People were milling around enjoying what would be a regular day for them. For Lucy this could possibly be the best day of her life.

Cana received word that someone had seen Lucy's mother in Hargeon. Her mother, Layla Heartfilia, had disappeared seven years ago when Lucy was ten. She hadn't left a single clue as to where she could have gone, either.

She sort of resented her mother for leaving, but only a little. She missed her mother a lot, and had searched for her ever since the day she vanished. Lucy had been looking for her for seven years straight. In fact, today would be the seven year anniversary. July 7, x777 was the day her mother had disappeared.

Seven years later, Lucy didn't plan on giving up.

Holding up her map, Lucy decided to mark out a course. She would search everywhere. All the shops, apartments, restaurants, hotels, etc. Her heart was beating wildly with hope, today might be the day she finally finds her mother!

Folding up her map, Lucy started walking.

As she walked, she started wondering what she would say to her mother if she actually did find her. Something along the lines of, "Why did you leave?" and "Couldn't you have at least said goodbye?" was all she could think of. She was mad, yes, but more than anything she just wanted to be with her mother again. She missed her, she missed spending time with her.

Lucy was sure her thoughts would have gotten even more upsetting, but feeling something warm on her hip she stopped. She looked down at the ring of keys that hung from her belt loop and picked them up in her hand. "Sorry, I know you guys miss her too..." She whispered.

The keys were celestial spirit gate keys, Lucy was a celestial spirit mage. She had learned everything she knew from her mother who had handed down the keys to her. Lucy's first spirit had been Aquarius, a mermaid with a bit of temper, but whenever Lucy called for her the woman listened to her and helped her in battle. There was also, Lyra, Plue, Horologium, Crux, Pyxis, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, and Leo. She had a lot of Celestial spirits and she loved all of them.

She considered calling out Plue to have some company while she walked around, she enjoyed spending time with her celestial spirits. She treated them like friends and family, because that's what they were to her. She'd had many late night talks with them, save for Taurus and Leo. Taurus was a major perv and Leo wasn't any better being a flirtatious playboy. Usually she would call Lyra who would sing and play music for her, or sometimes she would just sit with Plue and give him a lollipop to snack on.

Deciding to go ahead and call Plue, Lucy grabbed the key. "Gate of the Canis Minor, I open thee! Nikora!" Lucy called, causing some people passing by to stare. She waved the key in front of her and in a flash of bright light, Plue was standing before her. As usual the odd creature shivered and shook. It smiled up at Lucy, waving its tiny hand at her and waddled over to her. "Hello, Plue," She smiled, bending down to scoop it up in her arms.

She started walking again, waving at some of the people who had watched her summon the spirit. Hargeon wasn't really known for magic, fishing was a more popular career choice than anything else. Even though magic wasn't too popular, there was still a small magic shop. It was where Lucy had bought Plue's key!

Nodding her head, Lucy decided to go back to the little shop and start asking about her mother there.

"Oh, well, thank you anyways," Lucy said as politely as she could as she exited the shop.

The clerk hadn't known anything about her mother! He hadn't even heard of the name, which was odd. Layla had been a famous Celestial Spirit Wizard. Even if they had never really seen her or heard much of her, people were still somewhat familiar with her name.

Had she really been gone long enough for people to start forgetting about her already?

Sighing, Lucy looked at some of the neighboring shops, "Let's go see if they know anything, Plue," She wasn't about to give up hope. The clerk was only one person! One person in a huge city meant nothing! Surely there were people that could offer some information on her mother's whereabouts.

Lucy and Plue went from shop to shop asking about Layla Heartfilia. Some people were excited to talk about her, others had little to no knowledge of her save for the name, but nobody said they had seen her in town.

Sitting on one of the benches outside, Lucy huffed. So much for this being a great day. She felt like crying, her feet hurt, and she was extremely frustrated. Who had started the information of Layla Heartfilia being in town? Why would they do something like that, what was the point?

Maybe Cana had sent her on a goose chase, or this was her idea of some kind of prank. Lucy had thought Cana was better than that, but apparently not. Once she got back to the guild she'd have to give the woman a good Lucy Kick. Why would she lie about something like that?

"Well, Plue, let's get going... I don't think she's here at all," Lucy frowned. "I need to buy a train ticket back to Magnolia, and then, once I get back to the guild, I'm going to have a little heart to hear with that Cana." She grumbled, stomping her foot on the ground.

Marching her way in the direction of the train station, Lucy was distracted by the sound of people cheering. She would have brushed it off had she not heard what name they were cheering.

"Lay-la! Lay-la! Lay-la!"

For all she knew it could have just been a coincidence with the name, but Lucy was desparate. Especially when she passed by two people excitedly whispering and heard the name 'Heartfilia' pop up.

Rushing through the streets, Lucy hurried to find the crowd. Not wanting to lose Plue, she went ahead and closed the gate. Even though she was desparate, Lucy wasn't about to get her hopes up.

Lots of other townspeople were running towards the commotion as well, so she wasn't the only one wanting to see what was going on. Some of them had excitement lighting up their eyes, maybe they were also wanting to know if it was the Layla Heartfilia that some random girl had been asking about all day. Lucy had definitely caused talk around town by her going around and seeking for her mother.

Seeing a crowd of people up ahead, Lucy ran. She stopped when she came to the edge of the cluster of people and started desperately pushing herself forward. She could hear someone talking above the roar of the townspeople, but she couldn't identify the voice. She couldn't tell if it really was her mother's or not. Then again, would she even be able to recognize her mother's voice anymore? She hadn't heard it for seven years...

She shook her head, now wasn't the time to think about things like that! She was almost in the front of the mass of people and in her excitement she nearly shoved a man ot the ground. Giving him a quick apology she turned to the front.

Only to be disappointed.

This woman was not her mother. There was no resemblance, at all. This woman was much too tall, her hair was too dark, too short and her eyes weren't the right color either. The only thing that was the same was the name.

That didn't explain why the couple she past by had mentioned her last name...

"Everyone! Please, simmer down! I know, I know, it's been ages since you last saw me. I did vanish without a trace, didn't I?" The stranger laughed, "Let Layla Heartfilia show you some of her tricks.

Lucy went rigid. This woman was pretending to be her mother. She was fooling everyone around her. Had none of them seen Layla before? Did none of them know this was woman was an obvious imposter?

Lucy wasn't sure what made her angrier. The fact this woman was pretending to be her mother, or that people were actually falling for it!

"So, Layla, where are your Celestial Spirits? I don't see any keys!" Lucy asked, lowering her hands to hide her own keys. She wanted to see if this woman knew who she was impersonating.

It grew quiet within seconds. People were staring at Lucy like she was crazy or glaring at her or both. She didn't usually cause a scene like this, mainly because she didn't want to embarrass herself, but this was different. How dare this person pose as her mother? She was getting more and more furious the longer she looked at this woman standing in front of her.

"If you were the real Layla Heartfilia, which you are not, you would have Celestial Spirit keys. She was a Celestial Spirit Mage." Lucy stated confidently, looking the woman up and down with a dull expression.

The woman scoffed, "What do you mean I'm not Layla Heartfilia? Have you not seen me, have you not heard of me?" She tossed her arms up, "What kinda crazy thing are you trying to prove?"

"That you're an imposter!" Lucy scowled, poking her finger into the woman's chest. "If you're going to try and pose as somebody you need to at least look the part! You look nothing like Layla Heartfilia."

"Yeah, that girl is right! This woman is a fraud!" Someone yelled in the midst of the crowd.

"Now that I think about, she really doesn't look like her!" Lucy heard someone whisper to their friend.

All around her, people were realizing this woman was a fake. The more people that realized, the angry the crowd got and it soon turned into a mob. The woman took a nervous step back and was going to try and flee, but people moved to block her way. Lucy thought things were going to get much worse, but the woman teleported away. Gone just like that.

As people walked away there were many reactions to the imposter. Anger, disappointment, sadness, and confusion. Some wanted to chase after the fraud and give her a good beating, others just wanted to see Layla Heartfilia's return, and then there was the small group of people who had no idea what was going on.

Lucy felt a mixture of all those emotions. Even though she had tried her best not to do it, she had raised her hopes. Her heart had cracked when she realized the woman was another imposter. She wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out, she felt embarrassed that she had ever thought she could find her mother that easily.

She wanted to get on the next train headed back to Magnolia, but with this woman walking around claming herself as Layla Heartfilia, Lucy wouldn't be able to rest. Grabbing Crux's key, Lucy was determined to find out what this woman was up to.

Crux had indeed been great help, he had given her just information she needed. Apparently this woman was a big time theif. Her real name was Sapphire Trace. Her locatoin and name were the only details Crux could give Lucy, but that was all she needed from Crux.

She had heard of Sapphire Trace before. In fact, she remembered taking a job to arrest her a little over a year ago. Either this woman had escaped from jail, or she had somehow been released already. Lucy decided that escaping was the more logical explanation.

Sapphire had stolen many things, her main target being Jewel. She would often sneak into parties and pickpocket as many people she could, or run into a bank and rob them like a cliche villain.

Crux had said that Sapphire was currently at Hargeon Beach, talking with someone who had been stupid enough to make a deal with her. That was another thing she was good at, tricking people. She would often go around selling things that were pieces of junk, but she would be able to fool people that it was some sort of lacrima that would help around the house or do something no other lacrima could do. Lucy wondered how Sapphire had ever gotten away with things like that, but then again there were people dumb enough to fall for it.

The smell of salt water tickled Lucy's nose as she neared the beach, that's where Crux had said Sapphire would be. He also said that she was already there with someone, but he wasn't able to provide much information on them. Lucy just hoped they weren't going to be any trouble.

As she stepped onto the sand of the beach, Lucy was able to see Sapphire and the man with her. They were definitely having a heated argument. Maybe the man had had the same idea as Lucy and decided to confront Sapphire, or maybe he had been working with her and was upset that their plan didn't go right.

Pulling Leo's key off her key ring, Lucy cleared her throat, "I got some questions for you, Sapphire!" She emphasized the name to let the woman know that Lucy was aware of her 'secret'.

Both Sapphire and the man turned to look at Lucy. The man looked at her as if she were an idiot, Sapphire looked at her completely baffled. Probably wondering how Lucy learned her name.

Looking at the man, Lucy pondered just how he could have gotten into one of Sapphire's schemes. Maybe he had been tricked, maybe he was actually helping her. Either way Lucy didn't really care, she just needed to figure out what kind of magic the two used. She hoped it wouldn't be anything too difficult to fight against, or else she was in trouble. Maybe she should consider calling out two spirits...

"So, you're name's Sapphire, huh?" The man drawled. He walked over to stand next to Lucy, looking at her with dark green eyes, "I guess you're gonna be fighting her, too?" He asked, stretching his arms and cracking his knuckles. He loosened the white scarf around his neck and ruffled his pink, spiky hair.

"Yeah, she's a thief and a fraud," Lucy nodded her head, eyeing the man suspiciously. Was he really going to help her, or was he going to trick her and end up helping Sapphire mid-fight? "You've stolen from enough people, Sapphire! You should really just give it up," Lucy added, and held Leo's key out in front of her. "Gate of the Lion, I open thee! Leo!" She waved her key in the air and in a bright flash of light, the Celestial Spirit was standing in front of her.

He pushed his glass back up on the bridge of his and looked at Lucy with a sly smile, "What a surprise, I didn't know I'd have the pleasure of seeing you tonight." He turned to look at Sapphire and tipped his head to side, orange hair swaying with him, "Maybe after this fight, you and I could go on a little date, Lucy?"

"Save it, Leo," Lucy rolled her eyes, "Your target is that woman right there, Sapphire Trace."

Leo nodded his head and was running in the woman's direction in seconds. Orbs of bright light wrapped around his hands and he jumped at Sapphire, swinging a punch at her. She dodged it quickly, weaving out of his way and kicked him in the side.

"Quick sand!" She yelled and with the snap of her fingers, she had Leo sinking in the sand on the beach. She smiled deviously, holding her hands on her hips, "You fell right into my trap, I knew you were going to come after me! So I went to the beach where-

"Oh, shut up," The pink haired man interrupted, "You never knew Luigi was coming here! Stop trying act all smart and evil, you're just embarrassing yourself."

"My name is not Luigi!" Lucy gasped, turning to glare at the man. How had he even gotten that mixed up with Lucy? Was he stupid?

"Oh, sorry... Lucas...?" The man tried again, snickered when Lucy waved a fist at him. "Oi, oi! I'm not the enemy, the crazy woman with the sand magic is!" He yelled, and with without another word charged at Sapphire. Fire burst to life around his fists. Lucy watched with wide eyes as he roared like a dragon, "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" and jumped at Sapphire.

Everyone watched with dropped jaws as the dragonslayer landed his blow on Sapphire. She was too shocked to even try to dodge or fight back. She was sent skidding in the sand, knocked out cold. The man looked upset when he realized the fight was already over.

"Aw, man, that's no fun!" He whined. He turned around and a smile lit up on his face, "Hey, hey, Lucky, call one of your spirit guys out! I wanna fight!"

Leo looked over at Lucy and shrugged, but Lucy shook her head. She walked over to help him out of the sand, brushing some of it out of his hair. "I'm not gonna fight you," She called back to the dragonslayer, "And stop getting my name wrong! My name is Lucy!" She growled. She sent Leo back with a wave of her hand and raised a brow at the man who had helped her take down Sapphire. "What's your name anyway?"

"Natsu," He answered, reaching down to pick up the unconscious woman. He slung her over his shoulder, and started walking back towards the city, "Do you know where the Hargeon police station is?"

"Yeah, I think I remember passing by it on my way here..."

"Thanks, you two!" The police officer said as he locked the handcuffs around Sapphire's wrists. "We've been after her ever since she broke out a year ago," He nodded towards the desk at the front of the police station, "If you go talk to lady at the desk she'll give you the reward."

Lucy blinked, she didn't realized she'd be getting a reward. She had just wanted to make sure Sapphire was put in her place, stealing from people, lying, and probably hurting them, too. She shared a thumbs up with Natsu who also looked pleasantly surprised about getting a reward.

Hopefully it would be easy to split.

Walking up to the desk, Lucy smiled kindly, "We're here to pick up the reward."

The woman sighed, "Of course ya are," Then muttered, "Whatever happened to doing things like this without being in it for the money."

Natsu looked like he was about to argue, but Lucy shook her head. Instead she leaned over the desk and show the woman the back of her right hand, "Ma'am that officer we were just speaking with told us to come to you," Lucy blinked, acting confused. The woman at the desk gawked at the pink guild mark on the back of Lucy's hand, probably not hearing a word she had just said at all.

"O-oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were with Fairy Tail!" She jumped to her feet, "I'll be right back with that reward!"

Lucy humphed triumphantly, standing up straight and crossing her arms over her chest. Feeling his eyes on her, she turned to look at Natsu. His eyes fell on her hand and his jaw dropped.

"You're in Fairy Tail!? That's awesome, I've always wanted to join a guild..." He trailed off.

"Um, well, I mean I'm going to be headed back tonight," Lucy rubbed the back of her neck, "You could come back with me if you want, Master Dreyar would probably let you join!" She smiled, getting excited about the idea of a new guild member.

"Really? Then what are we waiting for?"

"Our reward?"

"Who cares! Let's go to Fairy Tail!" Natsu shouted, excited like a small child. He grabbed her hand and burst out the door, dragging her behind him as he ran to the train station.

As Lucy ran to match his pace, she laughed. Her guildmates were certainly going to be excited about someone wanting to join. Especially once they discovered that he liked to fight. She just hoped he wouldn't cause much trouble, but judging from what had happened that night, she couldn't be too sure.

Hey guys! This is the first chapter of my fanfic Topsy Turvy, and here all the roles are switched. Instead of Natsu taking Lucy to Fairy Tail, Lucy takes Natsu! I'm really excited about this and I hope you guys like it too! Don't worry I won't be giving up on The Dragon Prince, I just really wanted to start something new! I hope you guys are having a great winter break! Happy Holidays!

If you liked this chapter, please leave a review! I want to know what guys think of this so far!