A/N: yup

This ones new. I figured it could motivate me to finish Tired, won't update on this one unless I'm updating on that one too. Anyway this one was a lot of fun.

Maruaders era AU, this won't go like the movie Scott Pilgrim vs. The world though since I kinda reworked the plot a little.

Apologies spelling, grammar and OOCness. Fair warning everyone in this one is a little OOC, with only one or two original characters

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the Harry Potter franchise in anyway whatsoever. That right goes to J.K Rowling.


That's the only word Sirius can think to use to describe this moment.

Complete and total utter perfection.

The gryffindor leaned forward to press a kiss on the bruised lips of the boy who lay beside him, his chest moving steadily as he took deep slow breaths. Sirius leaned back onto his side and let his hand trail over the thin pale torso, giving a smile as the raven beside him moved in his sleep seeming to move closer to his touch before letting out a sigh.

Severus Snape is perfect.

Sirius' eyes melted into molten steel as they trailed from the pitch black raven hair that lay sprawled out over the pillow down over the smooth pale skin of Snape's forehead and still somewhat flushed cheeks. Sure his nose was still large enough to cause somewhat of a distraction, but it wasn't too bad. Severus had long eyelashes that fanned out over the apples of his cheeks and his lips were pink and bruised from their previous exertions.

Severus is perfect.

How is it that he never noticed this before?

How is it that he could have spent years torturing this beautiful creature beside him, without even once giving attention to those large onyx eyes that seemed to go on forever?

Actually now that he really thinks about it, Sirius' dislike of Severus was never really his own.

James has disliked the raven haired slytherin since the moment he met him, so Sirius just went along with whatever he did since the hazel eyed boy was the first friend he made on the train and he didn't want to lose him. Although Sirius has never really understood why Prongs hated Snape so much.

He always assumed it was because of Lily Evans, since James obviously had a crush on her while she preferred to hang around Snape than waste her time with an arrogant "toe-rag" like him. Sirius always just assumed that James was jealous of the red headed witch's relationship with Snape and that's why he was always bullying him.

At the time Sirius saw nothing wrong with that, although in his defence he was just a child. Hanging around James and playing pranks was always fun and the popularity they gained for all their antics was quite addictive as well.

But now as he stared down at the thoroughly debauched slytherin beside him, Sirius couldn't imagine why he'd ever tried to harm him.

It was a strange turn of events that led to Sirius Black properly shagging Severus Snape in one of the bedroom suites at the three broomsticks one Hogsmead weekend and the gryffindor would be lying if he said that he fully understood exactly what had come over him that saturday night.

Remus had stayed at school so he could finish his charms and divination essays, since he hadn't gotten the chance to do so all week after he got caught with Sirius and James just after they'd thrown dung bombs in the fourth year hufflepuff girl's bathrooms. So the wolf chose to stay at school like the good little saint he is and finish his homework, refusing to let his friends get him into trouble yet again before the new week has even properly started.

There were only three marauders in Hogsmead that weekend and Sirius was hoping to have a bit of fun on his day away from school. But alas James had to ruin it by spending the entirety of the day hanging around Evans and her group of friends in an obvious attempt to gain her affections and Peter like the good little tag along he is saw no problem in following James wherever he went.

And so Sirius was forced to endure hours of boredom in the shape of his best mates failed and almost desperate attempts to try and gain the auburn haired witch's affections.

It wouldn't have been so bad if Sirius had found even one of Lily's friends even the slightest bit interesting, but alas he didn't.

Sirius realised about two years ago that he didn't really have much interest in chasing skirts anymore. Not that he didn't find girls attractive, because he did. It's just that there wasn't much sport to it anymore.

There were very few girls that could actually manage to resist his charm, so really it didn't take much for Sirius to get any girl that had caught his fancy. So while Sirius didn't mind a quick snog or shag from one of his many followers every now and then, he never saw the point in actually getting into a relationship with any of them either.

It was right in the middle of his frustrated musings that he'd caught sight of a head of long stringy greasy black hair, in a booth just a few feet away from the bar just as Rosemarta set a bottle of something down on the table and gave it's occupant a sad smile.

Sirius felt excitement surge through his veins at the prospect of getting the chance to torture his favourite victim after a long day of boredom. The animagus had looked back at James and frowned when he realised that as long as Evans was there James wouldn't be willing to pull any kind of prank on anyone, let alone Snape. Since they knew that despite the "mudblood" incident in last year, Lily still held some kind of emotion towards the greasy old bat hurting his chances of ever going out with the girl if she ever caught James bullying him.

So Sirius went off on his own to have his own bit fun without James and Peter by his side, deciding that he can tell them all the gory details once they got back to the castle later.

Sirius let out a sigh as he let his hand trail down Severus' chest.

Again he isn't really sure exactly what had come over him or how what had happened. He remembers excusing himself from the table, telling James and Peter that he'd see them later. He remembers walking up to Snape with a devilish smirk and sliding into the seat opposite beside him, but most of all he remembers the look on Severus' face when he sat down.


Just pure agonising heartache glowed in Snape's face, those dark eyes were shining with unshed tears while his nose and cheeks were dark and flushed. The gryffindor noticed that the bottle that Rosemarta had set down beside him was a full bottle of fire whiskey and Sirius couldn't help but wonder how Snape had managed to convince the woman to let him have it. The marauder had sat there and stared at Snape, for a moment feeling a bit guilty that he'd planned on tormenting the slytherin when he already seemed tormented enough. But then the marauder in him would convince him that he wasn't doing anything wrong and that it wasn't his fault Snivellus was already blubbering like a big crybaby.

So regardless of the fact that it would have been better for Snape if Sirius had just left, the animagus stayed.

Let me repeat Sirius really doesn't know how it happened.

First they argued, then they sat in silence, and then they argued again and then Sirius stole a swig of whiskey and this time they just talked and drank and talked and drank until they eventually stopped talking all together.

By the time it was two hours after curfew, Sirius had Severus up against the wall in one of the suites at the three broomsticks as he stripped the slytherin of his second hand clothes. Bruising and biting at the raven's pale skin while Severus took large gulps from his second bottle of Fire whiskey for the night.

In all honesty Severus had probably had more to drink that night before Sirius came along, so the slytherin was probably completely sloshed and couldn't really be held accountable for his impaired judgement at the time. Sirius on the other hand didn't have that luxury.

Regardless of the fact that he had his fair share of alcohol that evening, the animagus has to admit that he could have stopped things before they went too far at anytime, had he really wanted to.

Problem is he didn't want to stop.

So he didn't.

It was addictive having Snape that way.

Feeling his once hated enemy's body heat warm against his own, making Severus moan and gasp as they moved against each other in the dimly lit room and then finally watching the raven go over the edge. Giving a strangled cry of no real coherence at he reached his end.

Sirius had felt himself sober up at that moment, he saw Severus display more emotions in the short time that they were together in that room than he'd ever seen the slytherin show in all their years together at Hogwarts.

It was a strange little discovery that Sirius had made as he tried to catch his breath while Snape slowly started to fall asleep and up until that moment the animagus wasn't sure why.

But after watching Snape sleep for most of the night before he fell asleep as well and waking up next to the slytherin the next morning. Sirius realised that their actions the night before had started a slow yet steady process that could quite possibly lead to him falling for Snape.

A ray of morning light beamed down on Snapes face and the slytherin began to stir. Severus let out a low groan as he tried to open his eyes but stopped when the bright light shining on his face blinded him, so he turned back to face Sirius before making another attempt at waking again.

Spheres of onyx black slowly opened causing the animagus' breath to hitch in his throat and his heart to skip a beat while Severus frowned in slight confusion.

"Black?" Severus mumbled out as he tried to shake the sleep off when his eyes suddenly snapped open and he shot up to scramble back and away from the other.

A sharp stab of pain ached in his head while another ached in his pelvis causing the slytherin to stop and hiss as he lifted a hand to his aching head. Sirius' eyes widened a bit and he moved over to the other.

"Are you O.K?" Sirius asked as he lifted a hand to cup Snape's face only for the slytherin to flinch back at his touch before grasping his head all over again. The animagus gave a frown at Snape's reluctance for contact but stayed silent as the other slowly pulled himself together and opened his eyes with that usual cold hard look while his eyes showed a hint of confusion.

Severus slowly looked around and took in his surroundings, frowning when he noticed that it looked like one of the suites that Rosemarta kept at the three broomsticks. When he looked down at where he sat and his eyes went wide as he realised that he was sitting completely naked with an equally naked Sirius Black in the middle of a very ruffled bed.

The slytherin's jaw dropped and he immediately grabbed the comforter on the bed to pull around himself, "No..."

Sirius sat patiently as he waited for Snape to take it all in, he knew the night before when they fell asleep that Severus would not be pleased to wake up in bed with one of his school bullies, but he was also hoping that Snape wouldn't take it too badly and then maybe...

Maybe they could do this again.

Sober this time of course.

Snape's eyes snapped up to stare in horror at Sirius and he continued to move back on the bed, "Tell me nothing happened. Tell me this is just one of those twisted pranks of yours."

Sirius took a deep breath, "I'd be lying if I said that."

"No, no no no no! This didn't happen... I couldn't have, I don't even remember anything!" The slytherin rambled off in-coherently as he pulled the covers around him a little closer. His face was pale with shock and he looked just seconds away from bolting through the door.

Sirius tried to move closer, "Look Severus-"

"Don't call me that!" Severus suddenly snapped, causing him to flinch away at the pain that throbbed in his head before groaning as he spoke. "Don't call me that, you don't call me by my name. You call me Snape or Snivellus or-"

"I'm sorry for everything that happened between us in the past." Sirius interrupted as he sat right in front of Snape, "I know what I did to you was wrong but I was hoping that maybe you could maybe forgive me and-"

"No... No no this isn't happening." Severus shook his head and threw the comforter off as he got off the bed wincing quite a bit as he looked for his clothes as he rambled on in-coherently, "I need to get out of here...this cant-not again. I won't let it-"

"Severus wait!" Sirius said as he scrambled off the bed but the raven didn't listen. "I'm surprised you can even move this fast after last night." The animagus said with a small laugh but stopped when a wand was suddenly aimed at his face and the slytherin gave him a seething glare.

"One more word, Black."

Sirius let out a sigh as he sat down on the bed and Severus finished getting dressed, "Look, I just-"

"No." Severus ground out still wincing as he moved while he scooped up his cloak and headed for the door. "You will stay far away from me."

"But-" Sirius was cut off when the slytherin just turned around and left the room.

"But nothing."

The door slammed and Sirius just sank down to the bed letting out a long drawn out sigh.



Four months had passed since then and Sirius Black was-

"I think I'm in love with him, Moony."

Remus paused to look up at his friend who was doing his best to try and wear out the stone floors in the sixth year boys dorm rooms. The werewolf stayed silent and watched for a moment as the animagus raked a hand through his hair and gave an odd smile while he continued to pace the space of just over four feet.

Remus exchanged a look with Peter who sat on his own bed on the other side of the room with his charms book on the bed beside him, before he asked.

"Are you sure Sirius? You've only been seeing Snape for four months, if you can really call stalking him and forcing your company on him seeing him but still-"

"I'm sure!" Sirius insisted as he stopped pacing for a moment so he could look into his friends eyes before he turned around and started pacing again. A lazy grin spread over the animagus' face and his eyes became lost as he spoke.

"He's smart and funny... You know, when he isn't insulting me directly of course." Sirius said that last part when he saw Remus arch a brow at his statement before the werewolf gave an understanding nod as he continued. "He's brilliant and his eyes are, Merlin sometimes I swear his eyes go on forever. His skin is soft and smooth and... And he's cute! Godrick, you should have seen him yesterday Moony. We were alone in the library and I actually managed to get him to blush without touching him, it's the strangest thing I've ever seen but... Merlin I just wanted to drag him into a dark corner somewhere and-"

"That's too much information Padfoot." Remus said as he looked back down at his book and flipped the page and Sirius just rolled his eyes as he continued.

"And he's brave. Remember I told you he told me about his parents, I still can't believe he's so strong. Severus is-he's perfect... Moony why didn't I realise how perfect he was before?"

Remus shrugged as he let his eyes slowly move over the page in his book, frowning briefly when he misread a sentence before continuing. "Maybe it's because you were too busy bullying him to notice."

Sirius groaned and stopped to let his head slump forward, before he reached up to pull at the long shaggy hair that fell in his face. "Merlin I was such an idiot! That's why he refuses to go out with me you know, he won't even let me touch him because he doesn't trust me at all."

"What were you expecting to happen? For one drunken shag, he already told you he doesn't remember, to suddenly get rid of all the animosity between you two?" The werewolf asked with an arched brow and Sirius looked up with a slight pout tugging on his lips.

"It worked for me."

"That's because you weren't on the receiving end of your own pranks, that and the fact that you've probably never really hated Snape to begin with." Remus said as he looked back down at his book, "Consider yourself lucky he's letting you near him at all."

Sirius sighed as he walked across the room to his own bed and fell back on it with a loud thud, "What do I do? How do I get him to forgive me Remus?"

Remus gave a sigh as he and Peter exchanged another look before the portly boy spoke up, "I don't think there's anything you can do, you should just leave Snape alone Sirius."

Sirius sighed again and covered his face with his hands before dragging them back through his hair, "I can't do that Wormtail."

"Why not?"

"I can't stay away now, not after everything that's happened." Sirius mumbled through his hands before laying them back on the bed and staring up into the canopy of his bed as he spoke. "Being with Severus... Everything about it feels right. Even when he's insulting me and talking in that sarcastic drawl of his, when I'm close to him I feel like that's exactly how it's meant to be. I feel complete and happy and to be honest quite horny actually."

"Too much information Sirius!" Remus scolded as he grabbed one of his own pillows and threw it at his friend, who simply grabbed it when it made impact and pressed it against his face as he groaned.

"It's been four months, Remus! Whenever I'm around him I feel like I want to explode. I even told him about it."

"Really, what did he say?"

Sirius removed the pillow and braced himself on his elbows so he could look at his friend with a full pout on his lips, "That's how I got him to blush yesterday, but then he just glared at me and called me a twit. Merlin, why does he have to be such a stubborn prat?!"

Remus gave a brief chuckle and Peter smiled.

"I really like him... Bloody hell I think I love him, but he's being so damn difficult. I just don't know what to do."

"Leave him alone."

Sirius looked up to find James standing in the doorway with his arms folded over his chest and his eyes set in a stern look, causing Sirius to frown with confusion.


"You want to know what to do about Snivellus. Leave him alone." James said as he walked across the room and grabbed a few of his books off the bed, Sirius glared at the nickname that James used and immediately sat up so he could glare at his best friend.

"Don't call him that! I thought you said you didn't mind that I fancied Snape, you even stopped pranking him when I did. I thought you were alright with this."

"That's when you just wanted to shag him, before you claimed that you love him." James said as he stood up straight and turned back to walk back out the dorm room again, completely ignoring the glare coming from those stormy grey eyes as he left the room. "Stay away from him Padfoot. It's for your own good."

"My own-"

Sirius was cut off as James slammed the door behind him and a loud slam rang in the small room, he looked back at Remus and Peter both of whom were staring at him with oddly knowing looks on their faces.

"What the hell was that all about?!"

"He's right you know."

Sirius' eyes widened as he looked at Peter who was trying hard not to cower at the look in his friends eyes, "You should really stay away from Snape."


"There are things you don't know about Severus, Sirius." Remus interrupted as he grabbed his own books and got off the bed while Peter did the same. "It's best if you just end things before they start, before you get hurt."

Sirius frowned at that, "Things I don't know? What don't I know about him, he's told me everything about his home and Evans and-"

"But he hasn't told you about-" Peter suddenly stopped, his eyes glazed over and silence fell over the room.

Sirius stared at his friend and blinked in surprise when he just kept staring blankly into nothing until he spoke. "Peter?"

The shorter boy blinked when his name was said and his eyes cleared as he stood up and opened the door, "We should get to class."

Padfoot opened his mouth to protest and ask what was wrong when his eyes locked on Remus whose eyes looked glazed over and distant as well, "What's going on?"

"Stay away from Snape." Remus said without any sort of emotion in his voice as he stared blankly at Sirius when his eyes just as suddenly cleared, "We should get to class."


The werewolf walked right out the door while Sirius just stared after them in shock.

What was that?!

What on earth is going on?

None of them seemed to mind when Sirius first told them about his attraction to Snape, hell Remus even encouraged it claiming how they'd finally stop picking on Snape now that Padfoot fancied him.

James had been very surprised but he seemed fine otherwise, just shrugged it off and told Sirius not to bring him into the dorm room while they were sleeping. Peter was fine with it as well, although Peter would probably be O.K with a hippogriff in his bed as long as everyone else was doing it too.

So why are they suddenly turning on him now?

And what does Remus mean when he says that there are things that Sirius doesn't know about Severus, what could he possibly not know.

Sirius gave a sigh as he reached for his own books and got off the bed, pushing all these new confusing thoughts aside as he thought of his next class.


Meaning Severus would have divination just before ancient ruins. Sirius thought up the quickest route from McGonagall's class to Trelawney's so he could walk Severus to his next class afterwards.

He really is being sincere in his feelings for Snape.

He adores the slytherin, he wants to be with him. But the git was being so stubborn and his friends behaviour was concerning.

Sirius had thought that he'd have their support in all this, but apparently he was wrong.

Even Remus had suddenly turned his back on him for some mysterious reason.

But that doesn't matter.

Sirius wants Severus and he's never been denied something he wanted before. It might be a little more difficult that it was before but the animagus wouldn't be deterred, all he had to do was prove his love to Severus and he'd at least consider going out with him right?

So all he has do to is figure out a way to prove himself to the brainy slytherin and he'll be in Severus bliss in no time at all.

Sirius smiled as he looked up and made for the door.

And Sirius knows just how he'll prove himself once and for all.


Sirius leaned back against the wall as he rocked back and forth on his heels for a bit, waiting for the period to end and for the sixth year slytherin class to leave the astronomy tower.

The animagus had managed to excuse himself from McGonagall's class just ten minutes before the period was set to end, making up the excuse of not feeling well and needing to go to the hospital wing.

Of course with Minerva being the seasoned professor that she is, she didn't believe Sirius' excuse for one second, but she still let him go since the last time she'd denied a student from visiting the hospital wing had resulted in her entire classroom reeking of vomit after Frank Longbottom couldn't hold himself back.

So for the sake of her own sanity and comfort she'd learned not to deny a student from excusing themselves from class for medical attentions.

Sirius leaned away from the wall to try and get a closer look at Trelawney's classroom door, biting his lip to stop himself from growling in frustration at having to wait.

Of course he knows that leaving class early just so he could walk Severus to his next class seemed a bit over eager and even a little desperate, but he couldn't help it.

He really likes Severus so much, he can barely stand it. So he doesn't mind much if he does come off a little eager. In Sirius' mind Severus is worth it.

Although he couldn't get over those looks that James, Peter and Remus had given him just before he left class.

Peter seemed nervous as he looked up at Sirius for a moment before ducking his gaze to stare down at his book. Remus' eyes were glowing in concern and the animagus could practically hear his friend warning him to be careful, while James-

James just stared at him blankly, his hazel brown eyes were ice cold and his expression empty as he stared at his best friend. They were completely unblinking as they watched Sirius leave the room.

Honestly, what is going on?

Could they really be that upset because of his attraction to Snape?


They didn't seem bothered by it before, why suddenly get so upset by it now?

Sirius frowned as he stared at the stone floors beneath his feet, wondering what on earth could have possibly come over his friends when he suddenly heard the sound of loud chatter coming from Trelawney's class room prompting him to straighten up and quickly rake a hand through his hair a few times to make sure none of the strands were out of place.

The animagus frowned at the invisible stubble he could feel around his jaw and cheeks and he desperately hoped that Severus wouldn't notice.

Normally Sirius isn't this concerned with how he looks since he's well aware that his handsome features always looked good no matter what, so usually he wouldn't even bother with looking in the mirror even once before he left the dorm room but this time it's different.

Severus is different from all those girls he's fooled around with in the past.

Severus is special and he really wants to make a good impression on the slytherin. Deciding that it was too late to change much on his appearance, Sirius settled for standing up straight and giving his best smile.

A group of girls appeared first, the girls smiled at him as they walked passed, flipping their hair and batting their eyes in his direction as they passed but Sirius hardly paid attention to them just kept his eyes focused on the oncoming crowd as he searched for a head of raven hair. A few of the boys sneered and growled at him.

Mulciber gave him a nasty sneer while Rosier bumped his shoulder harshly against him with a muttered "arrogant bastard" as he went passed.

At first the animagus thought that Rosier held some sort of personal grudge against him since he started hanging around Severus, but Snape said that he was still sore because of slytherin losing the match against gryffindor a while back. So he ignored the blonde's blatant attempt at starting a fight, when Severus came skulking through the crowd causing a bright smile to beam over Sirius' face.

The raven kept his head down as he quickly manoeuvred his way around his classmates, careful not to draw any attention to himself when he suddenly stopped for some reason and looked up to lock deep onyx with stormy grey.

Snape's eyes widened a bit and Sirius' smile grew when the boy's face hardened all over again and he ducked his head down. Determinedly walking passed the gryffindor as if he wasn't even there.

Sirius' face fell for a moment until he quickly moved to catch up with the object of his affections.

"Severus! Hey," Sirius started with a smile as his long legs easily kept up with the shorter boy and he gave Severus his best smile. "I thought that maybe I could walk you to class. You have ancient ruins next, right?"

Severus didn't answer just kept his head down as he pulled his books tighter against his chest and made a turn into the next corridor while Sirius kept talking.

"You know, I didn't see you at breakfast this morning and I got really worried." The animagus tried as he followed the boy who was dead set on ignoring him for some reason. "You really shouldn't skip meals as thin as you are, you could wither awa-"

Sirius stopped himself short as Severus shot a glare up at him and he quickly rephrased, "Not that there's anything wrong with your body, because you really are quite gorgeous as you are," a light and almost invisible blush crept onto Severus' cheeks and Sirius smiled as the boy looked away. "I just don't want you to get sick or-"

"Go away."

Severus growled and Sirius sighed as he raked a hand through his hair. "For the last time no, you'd think you'd realise that I'm not going anywhere by now."

Severus stopped right in the middle of the crowded hallway and glared at the animagus who was staring at him with that damn lovestruck look on his face again. The slytherin sighed.

"Why won't you leave me alone?" Severus asked as he rubbed his temples in frustration. "It's been four months, surely you've gotten sick of following me around by now."

"Nope, not even a little." Sirius grinned while Severus resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "I like spending time with you. You're witty and smart, who wouldn't want to spend time with a prize like you?"

"Strange that you find me witty and smart now." Severus said as he arched a brow at the gryffindor, "Earlier this year I remember you were referring to me as snarky, rude, pretentious, scrawny, dirty, ugly, evil, vile-"

"Things were different back then," Sirius interrupted as he tried not to grimace at the memories of all those times he and James tormented Snape, choosing to focus on the passed few months instead. "Back then I was an idiot."

"Was an idiot?" Snape gave a snort as a smirk pulled at the corner of his lips his lips and Sirius forced down the blush that threatened to rise in his cheeks at the sight.

"Alright, so I might still be a bit of an idiot. But things really are different now from what they were then. That night in Hogsmead I-"

"You fucked me, so what?" Severus hissed low enough so no one would hear as he glared at Sirius and the animagus frowned at his words. The slytherin then pulled back and spoke in that bored sarcastic drawl of his. "Tell me Black was I really so good that an arrogant berk like you would suddenly have some sort of life changing epiphany? Was I really that good of a shag?"

"You were absolutely breathtaking." Sirius said with so much emotion flooding his eyes the other froze.

Severus paused as his eyes widened in shock and he took a step back, with his mouth opening just a bit before closing again.

Sirius stepped forward and reached out to touch the slytherin's cheek when Snape flinched away from the touch, "Severus I-"

"Don't call me that!"

"Then what should I call you?"

"Nothing." Severus scowled as he pulled his books a little tighter against his chest while Sirius just smiled.

"I'd like to call you love, but I don't think you'd like that very much."

Severus' eyes went wide, "What?"

Sirius took a step forward and reached out again, this time Snape was too shocked to pull back and the gryffindor's hand went up to cup the side of his face while his thumb rubbed against his cheek. "I know I've been a right bastard for the passed five years and you have every right to hate me, but... But over the passed few months I got to know you a little better and I... Its absolutely mad but I can't stop thinking about you and my heart starts pounding in my chest whenever I'm around you and when I'm not around you I wonder what you're doing and if you're safe-"

"Black, I didn't drug you with some sort of potion or cast a spell on you if that's what you're getting at." Severus snapped irritably as he reached up to pull Sirius' hand away only to stop when Sirius stepped forward and his other hand went up to his face as well.

"That's not what this is about."

"Then what is this about?!"

"It's about the fact that I've fallen hard for you." Sirius smiled, "I love you Severus Snape."

Snape froze and his face paled to a frightening paper white, while a few students that were walking passed them in the crowded hall way stopped and gaped at the scene. Several other students stopped to stare as well and the entire hall quickly fell into a deep harrowing silence when it just as suddenly flooded with low whispers and shocked gasps.

"Oh sweet Merlin."

"Do you think he'll survive?"

"He might make it"

"Five galleons he makes it to the last one like Diggory"

"Does he even know?"

"I don't think he'll make it."

"Sirius was so gorgeous too. Such a shame."

Sirius looked up in confusion as he found more than fifty pairs of eyes on them. Some students huddled together whispering and staring with shocked expressions.

Sirius frowned as he wondered what on earth was going on.

"Take it back."


The gryffindor looked back down and found Severus staring at him in complete shock until his eyes hardened and he glared, "Take it back right now."


"You don't know what you're saying!" Severus suddenly growled as he dropped his books and gave Sirius a hard shove, surprising the animagus greatly. "TAKE IT BACK! TAKE IT BACK RIGHT NOW!"

"What are-"


A voice suddenly boomed all across the halls and through the castle walls Sirius' head snapped up in confusion when Severus spoke again giving the animagus another push.

"You total and complete utter imbecile!" Severus all but screeched as he glared at Sirius, "Do you have ANY idea what you've just done?!"

The whispers and shocked gasps turned to excited chatter. Sirius could hear how some of the students wondered, 'who he would get first' and "how long he'd survive". While others placed bets on, "how far he'll get"

Sirius frown on complete confusion, "What are you-"


"Challenge?... For the hand of Severus Tobias Snape?!"


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