Sometimes, he thinks they should stop. But then she crushes her lips against his, and the pleasure is all he can think about.

They met on a Saturday. Kylo was dropping off lunch for his father, who was always too busy tinkering with his prized car, the Falcon.

"Dad?" He called out into the auto-repair shop. As usual, the music was blaring through the garage, making it impossible to hear anything. As if that mattered to his father.

A young woman rolled out from beneath a car, cursing under her breath. She paused, noticing him. "Can I help you?" There was a patch of grease smudged across her forehead.

"Is Han Solo here?" The music was starting to give him a headache.

"Nope, just me today. Han went out to lunch with Chewbacca around two hours ago. I don't think they'll be coming back today." Great. It was just like his dad to go off without any notice. And now he came all this way for nothing.

"Of course he did. Right, thanks." Kylo turned to leave, but he missed the toolbox lying at his feet, – it was bright red, how could he miss it? – tripping over it and falling flat on his face.

"Are you okay?" She was at his side in an instant, helping him into a sitting position.

Idiot! Kylo thought to himself. Tripping over a silly toolbox was already ridiculous enough, but falling in front of an attractive woman? Thank god his dad wasn't here to make fun of him for it.

"Yeah, fine." Kylo mumbled, blushing.

"Your hand is bleeding!" He finally noticed the throbbing pain in his right hand. An angry red gash ran diagonally along the palm of his hand. She rushed into the office, coming back with a first aid kit. Taking out disinfectant and bandages, she started to clean and wrap Kylo's hand. He couldn't be more attracted to her in this moment, her tongue thoughtfully poking out between her pink lips.

He hissed at the pain, as she cleaned his wound with an antibacterial wipe. "Sorry." She finally wrapped a bandage around Kylo's hand.

"Thanks." He inspected his right hand. "I'm Kylo."

"I'm Rey." She smiled. "Are you always this clumsy?"

"Only when I'm in the presence of a beautiful woman." Oh god, what was he doing? He was not good at flirting, why was he trying now?

"You think I'm beautiful?" Rey smiled and shifted closer to him. Thank god. And it's not like it wasn't true. She had hazel eyes that seemed to shine whenever she moved and a smile as bright as the sun.

"Your beauty would be the cause of several wars." That was definitely not one of his best lines. He leaned in, close enough to spot the light dusting of freckles across her face.

After a brief moment of hesitation, Rey pressed her lips to his. He responded by deepening the kiss, gliding his tongue into her mouth. Moving into his lap, she tangled her hand into his messy dark hair. Her lips were soft, and she tasted faintly of mint. Kylo rested his hands onto her hips. Rey lightly tugged on his hair, eliciting a soft moan from him. Feeling brave, he adjusted her legs around his waist, and gripping her hips, Kylo stumbled over to the couch in his dad's office.

His dad would probably kill him if he knew what was going on in his office, yet still be a little proud of his son.

"Should we be doing this in here?" Rey pulled away from him, breathing heavily.

Damnit. Kylo was looking forward to getting to ruin something of his dad's.

"My apartment's only 10 minutes away." He offered. Please say yes, please say yes. She grinned, taking his uninjured hand and practically dragging him to his car.

That was four weeks ago. If he had to label it, Kylo would say they're simply friends with benefits. They were just two strangers, who realized that they really liked having sex with each other. Sometimes they'll go to her apartment, but her roommate Finn is usually home. It's better that way, because his place is bigger anyway. Not that it'll matter when she realizes that she could do much better than him. Even if they're just casual sex partners, the thought still stings.

If asked, Kylo would deny that he wanted to think of Rey as more than that.

Rey's young and full of energy. He learns about her tabby cat, Beebee – she doesn't like Kylo – and how she loves working at his dad's auto-repair shop. The job is mostly to help her pay off student loans, as she's studying for a degree in Mechanical Engineering. But more than anything, Rey wants to be able to travel and see the world.

Kylo wants to help her fulfill that dream.

But he knows they won't last long enough for him to see her be that happy.

Instead, Kylo thinks about how hilariously irritated his father would be if he found out his son was having sex with his young employee. Rey still hasn't made the connection between Kylo and Han. Not that she would. To her, Kylo is just the guy who showed up looking for her boss. He should probably tell her soon.

Kylo wants them to be his secret for as long as he can hide it.