The sun shone high in the sky as the group approached the bone-eaters well. "Give us a moment," Sesshoumaru commanded Inu-Yasha. In spite of himself he nodded and hung back in the forest as his older brother and Kagome walked towards the well. At the brink of the well, Sesshoumaru gently took Kagome's small hands into his. "Nani?" Kagome asked looking up at him. 'Oh gods, why must this be,' he thought to himself. "I can't go back with you, Kagome," he said softly. "But." she began, but he put his finger to her lips. "I want you to be safe, please promise me you won't come back through the well until I come for you," he asked as he ran his fingers through her ebony hair. "I want to help you," Kagome pleaded. "Then stay back there, where I know you won't be harmed," he said. Then, remembering his mother's words he said, "What is the 'date'?" Kagome looked quizzically. "May 28th, why?" she asked. "I just wanted to know," he said and kept repeating the odd phrase in his mind. "And the 'year' in your time?" "Why are you asking me these things?" Kagome asked with tears in her eyes. "Please, just tell me," he asked gently. "2006," she said as she hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Kagome. I promise, I'll be back before you know it," he said and kissed her on the forehead. Turning from her he gestured to Inu-Yasha. "Sesshoumaru!" Kagome pleaded as he walked off. "Take her quickly," Sesshoumaru said under his breath as he passed his brother. Behind him he heard Kagome screaming his name and crying as Inu-Yasha grabbed her and pulled her down the well with him. "I'll be there soon, my dearest," he whispered as the screams stopped abruptly.

Inu-Yasha and Kagome fell in a crumbled heap at the bottom of the well and she cried furiously into his chest as she beat his arms. "Bring me back," Kagome sobbed. "I can help. I'll do anything."
"Kagome," Inu-Yasha said almost tenderly. "Sesshoumaru cares for you, and he doesn't care about anyone. If he wants you to stay here, then you should stay. He'll be back for you later. I swear I'll bring him back to you."
"But why?" Kagome cried.
"I don't know, maybe he's just protecting you." When he said this Kagome smiled a little and gently touched the amulet that Sesshoumaru had given her.
They climbed out the well and exchanged a friendly embrace. "Do you want a first aid kit?" Kagome asked, turning to go get one from her house.
"Feh," Inu-Yasha said regaining his normal air, "Ya left so much junk back there we'll could be bandaged the rest of our lives and never finish all of it."
"Be careful," Kagome said with tears in her eyes.
"We'll be fine," Inu-Yasha said, and then jumped on the wall of the well with a smile. "See ya later, Kagome," he called and jumped back to the Feudal era.
"Wait," Kagome called out trying to grab at him as he disappeared into the nothingness. She was about to jump after him when a strong pair of hands grabbed her around her waist.
"Let go of me!" Kagome screamed. But as she looked down she saw the wrist of the hands had gracefully purple markings on them.
She turned around to see Sesshoumaru in a business suit, his silver hair pulled back in a low ponytail, his eyes full of love.
"I'll never let you go again," he said embracing her tenderly.
"How did you get here?" Kagome asked when she had regained her ability to speak.
"I have waited for you for so long. Five hundred years through so many battles, through the Downfall of the Youkai, the rise of humans, and all this time only you I have loved," he said with Kagome still clutched to his chest. "And for all this time I have waited for one thing. Kagome, please, will you be my wife?"
"Yes," Kagome said through her tears. "Yes with all my soul!"