Hello~ What were Yuu and Mika doing in the shed at the end of episode 12? Probably this... :3 Enjoy.

"M-Mika," Yuu cried out as he felt a pair arms wrap around his waist. The raven soon noticed that this wasn't an attempt of the blonde to tease him or anything of the sort. Mika's breathing was actually quite fast and his trembling body just confirmed further that Mika was in need of blood.

Yuu's blood.

Four months had passed since Yuu and his friends escaped from the Demon Army Company and the vampires. In all this time, Mika hadn't had a drop of foreign blood. Whenever he craved blood Yuu would happily comply and let his friend have as much as he desired.

"Drink," Yuu commanded, loosening his body and letting the vampire sit him down on his lap to steady their position, so the transaction of blood would go smoothly. Yuu blushed a little at the closeness and intimacy, since it felt weird to be so close to someone you aren't romantically involved with. Even after four months and countless bites, the raven still hadn't got used to it.

Soon Yuu felt sharp fangs piercing his skin in the neck area, digging deep into one of his veins, giving his body liquid free course. The blonde tightened his grip on Yuu, despite the fact that the raven sat motionlessly as the vampire devoured him. Mika gulped it down in large sips, still trying his best not to let the vampirism inside of him get out of control. The last thing he wanted was for Yuu to pass out right before their leave. Still, for Mika, Yuu's blood was almost like an addictive substance. He adored the taste and could just drink, drink, until there wouldn't be a single drop left.

His eyes shot open as he realized he was getting a little lost in Yuu's scent, so he quickly pulled away a light blush decorating his cheeks. This kind of interaction between the two childhood friends wasn't only embarrassing for Yuu, it was really awkward for Mika as well. But he needed blood. Krul had been captured by the vampires and there was no other source other than human blood.

"Sorry, Yuu-chan. Did I take too much again?"

"Nope, I'm fine. Actually, you drank less than usual, " Yuu replied, taking a tissue and wiping the excess amount of blood from his neck, so there wouldn't a stain on his clothes. Mika just averted his eyes from his friend, still tasting the lingering flavour in his mouth. Before the vampire realized, Yuu had put his hand on top of his head, patting him affectionately. Yuu knew that even after such a long time, Mika felt guilty whenever he sucked blood from him.

"Don't sweat it, Mika, it's really all right."

"Thanks a lot, Yuu-chan. I'm grateful."

"Anything for family."


A/N LOL, it's so short. Not really romantic, since I thought let's stay canon... for now. Hehe, anyways, if my MikaYuu muse decides to be a pervert, I might write an M-rated version of this~