"Role of a Lifetime"

RATED M/MA (for language & sexual content)

Chapter 1 (Tris' POV)

The audition for "Four" doesn't start for 20 minutes, but I decide I can no longer anxiously wait in the car. Plus, it makes a good impression to show up early. So I grab my bag and folder before taking a deep breath and get out of my car. I make my way up to the tall building and head inside.

Even though I've done this many times now, it's still nerve wracking. So much so, that upon entering the expansive lobby, I feel my heart rate pick up and my palms begin to sweat, so I discreetly wipe them on my pants as I approach the front desk.

The receptionist directs me where to go, then zones back in on her computer screen. So I follow her instructions down the hall until I finally arrive to my destination, where I'm greeted by another young woman.

She has me take a seat and says that someone will let me know when they're ready for me. I sit there patiently, picking off the couple of fuzz balls from my leggings. I look over my outfit- I bought a new pair of my favorite black leggings and decided on a white long sleeved top and a dark grey athletic jacket, which matches my running shoes. It looks like a standard workout outfit, but a bit more coordinated and put together than I usually put the effort into.

One wouldn't think this is your typical attire for a movie audition, but that's because I'm auditioning to be a stunt double in this film. So that require a bit more than reading lines or showing facial expressions. I appreciate that it's more physical than that.

When I'm called back a short while later, I'm escorted to a fairly large sized room where there's a long table at one end with a panel of people. I set my bag down on an empty chair off to the side and go to introduce myself.

"Nice to meet you, Tris." Amar replies, "I'm Lead Stunt Coordinator." He also introduces me to the other stunt coordinators and the casting director that all sit at the table with him with paper piled up in front of them.

"Here's my headshot and resume," I tell them kindly as I hand the folder over to Amar.

"Thank you," he begins looking them over, along with a printed sheet that looks like my audition application, "go ahead and take a seat."

I do as he asks, taking the empty chair that is facing the table. I make sure to sit with good posture and sit with my ankles crossed and my hands in my lap.

"So, Tris, why don't you start off by telling us a bit about yourself first and your experience." The casting director suggests, and so I do.

I tell them about my gymnastics and dance background, and how I like to surf and be outdoors in my free time. I tell them how I've been a stunt performer for six years now, completing over almost two dozen films and commercials. Before going on to tell them my wide range of skills (even though they're listed on my resume), such as; miscellaneous sports (tumbling, wire work, swimming, under water stunts, rock-climbing), falling, riding and driving (horses, motorcycles, vehicles), Weaponry- knife throwing, firearms, and archery, amongst other things. I think they can tell how thrilling all of these things sound to me as I talk about each thing briefly, and I hope they see how passionate I am about what I do.

I also tell them about some of the combat scenes I've filmed and how I've worked with various trainers to become a fairly skilled fighter, despite my size.

However, I'm always nervous that they'll be disappointed that I don't have a black belt or whatnot. I never took formal martial arts classes or anything, I've just been taught here and there by experts. And unfortunately, that's not always enough. I've been turned down from a few jobs because of that.

Or I worry that I simply don't have the appearance they're looking for. I mean, can I really pull off looking like whatever beautiful actress they're sure to cast?

I'm confident in my skill set of my stunt work, that's for sure. But sometimes there's a little more to it than that. This is the movie industry after all.

And as I conclude my little speech and sit here across from these people, I honestly can't tell what they think of me. They seem nice, but reserved, letting me do most of the talking so far. But I have done some stunt double work in major blockbuster films and I'm proud of my work, so hopefully that experience looks good.

"Alright, let's move onto the physical part. Tris, Michael here will be demonstrating with you." he says and the guy at the end of the table stands and comes over to stand beside me.

"We'll make this simple- follow his lead. If you can't do something, just try your best or skip it and keep going."

I lick my lips and take a deep breath as I remove my jacket and lay it over my bag, before stepping onto the mat across from him, but at a safe distance.

I'm thankful that I haven't stumbled over my words so far and that I haven't had trouble coming up with good answers to their questions. I've definitely done worse.
Overall, I'm pleased with how the interview portion went, which calms my nerves a bit. Now I just have to show them what I can do.

As expected, Michael proves to be a very skilled stunt performer as well, doing everything from basic tumbling with a fake gun, running and jumping behind a fake wall, to flips and one handed cart wheels, to what seems like a choreographed set of martial arts style moves, although they have a different style of movement than I'm familiar with. Still, as directed, I follow Michael's lead the best I can, copying every single one of his moves. Or at least to the best of my ability. When they give me a foam staff and we spar, I can see them getting a bit more excited since I'm actually able to keep up with him, blocking his every move so far. He gets in a few jabs, but I get in a couple as well.

Then we move onto hand to hand combat, although we of course don't actually hurt each other. Just as we're trained to do, we fake a fight and make it look as real as possible. I'm thankful that this guy plays along well considering we're making up this portion as we go, but I think it's doing the trick. He seems impressed with my defense moves and how I use my size and speed to my advantage since I'm not nearly as strong or big as he is.

Meanwhile, I can hear chatting from the table. Then suddenly, as I'm mid-kick, they tell us to stop.

Michael hands me a towel and I thank him with a nod as I dab my sweaty forehead and neck. Although thankfully I'm able to catch my breath pretty quickly and give my attention to the important people sitting in front of me.

I clasp the towel in my hands behind my back as I wait for them to speak first. They all look very serious, and it's starting to worry me. But they haven't dismissed me yet, so I just stand there patiently.

Please like me. Please like me. Please like me.

Amar is the first to break, a huge unexpected grin taking over his face. "Ms. Prior, thank you for making this decision so easy for us," he tells me, standing and reaching his hand out for mine, "No need to wait for a call back, you got the part."

My jaw drops and I go to speak, but I end up closing it and opening it again like a fish. "Are you-," I begin finally, but it comes out in a whisper, so I finally force out my voice, "Wow, I... well, thank you."

I'm glad I manage to get myself together and show some gratitude, I really want this to be a good working relationship. Especially since in this business, you want to get on the good side of any and all stunt coordinators and casting directors.

Except that douche, Marco, that I once worked with. I told him to shove it. I refuse to work for arrogant assholes who think I'm going to put out in order to work my way up in this business. No way.

I'm going to make it for my actual good hard work, or not at all.

"You've already read a summary of what you're getting yourself into," the casting director says, "This film is going to take a lot off training, probably five or six weeks before filming begins. And a bit of travel will be involved. The exact locations have yet to be disclosed until the contracts are further discussed, but we'd be filming off site quite a bit. Including at least one location outside the U.S.," she barely pauses to take a breath before continuing and my mind is reeling with all of these amazing opportunities she's already telling me, "many of your skill sets will be put to the test, including much of your expertise in climbing and repelling will be necessary, hand to hand combat of course...including one scene that may or may not be you just in your underwear and a t-shirt... as well as your driving abilities in real city streets, etc. You've got an idea of what the movie's about, so you know it's action packed and will be very physically demanding. Your work will be heavily used, often just for mere safety and insurance reasons for the actress you'll be doubling. But we've seen what you can do here, and we've seen the footage of what you can do in a car or on a bike, so we're confident you can handle the challenge. The question is, are you up for these commitments? We need someone who's really going to own this and help make this movie as well...as badass as we envision it." she explains bluntly, and finally her warm smile comes through a bit, but she's still serious, awaiting my response.

"Absolutely," I reply, "I am so thankful for this opportunity. I know it's going to be a lot of hard work, but I thrive on that. I love a challenge, and I'm very excited to show you how awesome it's going to be. I won't let you down."

"Good, we're glad to hear that. Let's set up a meeting to go over the contracts and scheduling agreements." The casting director explains.

"Do you have any further questions?" Amar asks me.

"I know I'm doubling for Harper, which is Nita Paolos, correct?" I ask and Amar nods.

"Yes, not everybody's been confirmed yet, but here's the script and lead cast list." He hands me a thick stack of white paper and I smile at him.


"No problem, go ahead and take it home. And we'll be in touch with you about the contract meeting."

"Okay, thank you again, so much." I tell them all, shaking each of their hands before grabbing my jacket and leaving.

I let out a high pitched squeal of excitement once I'm in the safe confines of my vehicle, although I think I startled the woman getting in her Range Rover beside me.

Once I get home and I've made myself a smoothie, I go and sit in my favorite spot- on my back porch, sitting on a lounge chair overlooking the ocean from my hill top Santa Monica home. I plop the script on my lap and look at the cover.

Title: "FOUR"

Written and Directed by: George Wu

Producers: Tori Wu, David Anderson and Jeanine Matthews

I flip to the next page.


"Four" - Tobias Eaton

"Harper" - Nita Paolos

"Mac" - Max Young

"Rocco" - Zeke Pedrad

"Chris" - Albert Simmons

"Giovanni" - Peter Hayes

"Hunter" - Will Hudson

"Claudia" - Molly Rossenberg

"Commander Reinhart" - Gregory Lewis

"Nicole Douglas" - Johanna Reyes...

I skip the rest of the confirmed cast and crew, then begin to flip through the actual content of the script...





The darkness is actually water. A SEARCHLIGHT arcs across heavy ocean swells. Half-a-dozen flashlights - weaker beams - racing along what we can see is the deck of an aging FISHING TRAWLER.

FISHERMEN struggling with a gaff - something in the water



THE BODY sprawled there. The Sailors all talking at once - three languages going - brave chatter to mask the presence of death


-Geez, look at him-


-What? - You never saw a dead man before?-


-Look, look he was shot - (nudging the body -)


-Don't, don't do that -


-He's dead, you think he cares?-


-So have some respect - it's a - (stopping as -)

THE BODY MOVES! - convulsing - coughing up sea water - the Sailors - freaked - jumping back - standing there, as the man begins to breathe...

I end up reading the whole script through once in one sitting, only stopping to refill my drink and grab a package of trail mix to snack on.

Even though the story line seems to stray away quite a bit from the original book of which it was loosely based on, I think this remake will be awesome.

Basically, Four is the story of a man whose wounded body is discovered by fishermen, who then nurse him back to health. However, since Four has amnesia, he must try to rebuild his memory based on clues- such as the Swiss bank account he discovers he has. In that Zurich bank, he finds that money, a gun, and a few identification documents await. But after he's pursued by security at the American consulate, Four realizes he can trust no one and offers a German spy named Harper ten thousand dollars for a ride to Paris. Encountering more professional killers bent on his destruction, Four discovers that he possesses a surprising degree of skill in combat, martial arts, and linguistics - handy talents that clearly indicate his past includes work as a spy and assassin, but for whom? With Harper's reluctant help, Four edges closer to the truth, something CIA officials want concealed at all costs.

So yeah, definitely a thrilling movie concept! This this is going to be SO fun to film! But I wonder if this Tobias Eaton guy will pull off being as badass as this Four character sounds. I guess only time will tell.

Authors Note:

Yay! I'm back with another longer story!

As mentioned in the description, this will be rated M/MA for language and sexual content, so consider yourself warned!

FourTris won't be officially happening for a while. This is a multi-chapter story, so I'm going to build up to it a little bit. But don't worry, until then, there will be plenty of interaction, camaraderie, and of course undeniable chemistry between them.

By the way- this movie they're making in this story ("Four"), is loosely based on the Bourne Identity movie/franchise. But I will be taking creative liberties to make it unique. Which I'll have to do anyway quite a bit in this story since I'm not an actor or expert in film making. But that's part of the fun of fanfic!

I will try my best to update every week or two. I might even try to do shorter chapters (such as this one) in order to be able to post more often, but not sure if I'll be able to make that work. We'll see!

Anyway, thanks for reading! Please drop me a review to let me know what you think so far!

