Hey guys I'm back again! I hope you all had great holidays and an amazing christmas! I'm finally starting to graduate which means I have more time to write :) Expect updates from other stories as well pretty soon! Let me know if you want me to continue this story please! :)

Love you all! And thank you for reading!

Regina Mills was drunk. This could no longer be denied after she just fell because of an - probably not even to the eye visible - unevenness in the pavement. She had only been drunk once before in her life, when she was still a teenager, and she had promised herself that it would never happen again. But here she was, falling because of this stupid unevenness. She had actually considered calling someone to complain about this - because seriously this should be illegal - however, her friends had taken away her phone. Probably for the best.

The most awful thing about the whole situation was that her clumsiness, sprained ankle and failed attempts to form a coherent sentence were for everyone to see. Just great.

"Regina!" Katherine called out for her. The brunette turned on her feet, being careful to to strain her other ankle in the process. She faced the, clearly also drunk, blonde standing now in front of her.

"Are you okay?" Her words were slurred and her voice was way too loud, but Regina didn't care. She was sure that she sounded even more ridiculous.

"I'm fine. Just hurt my ankle a little bit, it's probably nothing." She managed to get out.

"Good." Katherine responded. She gestured wildly towards their friend Belle to come over. The girl immediately walked towards them.

"Hi guys. Are you okay Regina? Me and some of the others saw you falling."

The brunette groaned. "I think everyone did. Why are you so sober?"

Belle shrugged. "I don't usually drink a lot. I like to stay focused." She smiled sweetly and looked at her two messed up friends. "It's fine though. I like watching you."

"You laughed didn't you?" Regina asked.

"I think everyone on the street did." Katherine jumped in.

"Anyways," Belle said, "We thought that since you had this thing with your ankle we might go over to the hospital and have it checked out." The girl cast a looked towards her blonde friend next to her, that was easily caught by Regina.

"What's this about?" She raised her eyebrows (or at least attempted to).

Belle pushed a piece of paper into her hands that was now wrinkled after Regina had tried to get rid of it multiple times before.

"No please! Not this stupid thing again." Regina looked at the list.

"Oh come on Regina! It's your bachelorette party! A list of crazy things to do is a must!" Katherine was almost jumping up an down now, eager to see her normally always professional friend go a little crazy. "Besides, some of these things are like super normal." She added.

"Kate! Most of these involve me doing some really really weird stuff to a man that I don't know! I don't think Robin will be okay with this." She was getting better at this making sentences thing.

The two girls looked at each other and nodded. Belle pointed towards one specific item on the list. "Yes, but this one might be just perfect."

Regina's eyes scrolled down to number 23 on the list.

23. Kiss a nurse or doctor. Bonus points if it's a girl!

"You're kidding right?" She said. She stared in disbelief at her friends.

"Ah come on Regina! You have to do it." Katherine wined. "Do it for us."

The brunette looked at the list again, and at her clearly swollen ankle. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea. Obviously she would never do this if she was sober, but her ankle did really hurt so she would have to go anyways. Besides, it would be great if her two friends would finally shut up about the list; and it seemed that the only way to do that would be to actually do something that's on the list. Also, she could totally do this, and she wouldn't have to feel guilty towards Robin. After all, it's a girl.

"Okay." She slurred. "Let's go."

Both Katherine and Belle looked completely taken aback by her answer. Katherine was the first to recover and awkwardly jump into Regina's arms. "Yeeeeess!" She screamed.

"Ouch!" Regina said.

"You have to come in with me." Regina whispered to Belle. "Please."

Belle laughed. "You realize that you're not actually whispering? And sorry, I can't come in. They said that a doctor would come pick you up anytime now."

Regina groaned and leaned back in her seat. "We've been here for an hour now, and where in the hell is Katherine? I thought she was getting food. I'm hungry."

The petite brunette chuckled once more. "Looks like that last shot is hitting you hard."


"Nothing Regina, never mind." Belle couldn't hide the smile on her face. She had never seen her friend like this in all the years that she had known her. This was so fun! And she was totally going to make fun of Regina tomorrow at work. "Just try to relax a little okay?"

Regina nodded and leaned back in her chair.

"Regina Mills?" A woman's voice called out.

Belle nudged the sleeping woman next to her. "Regina." She whispered. "Regina wake up."

The doctor awkwardly cleared her voice and called out again. "Regina Mills?"

"Yes!" The brunette yelled way too loud, causing everyone in the waiting room to stare at her. Her cheeks flushed a dark red immediately. "Uh.. that's me." She said quietly this time. Belle was holding her hand in front of her mouth, trying not to laugh. Katherine, who had returned, remained asleep in her own chair.

Regina stood up, grabbed her purse and walked towards the doctor, keeping her eyes on the floor. She could walk those couple of steps towards that lovely looking woman right? She stumbled on her feet, pain and alcohol were definitely not a good mix.

She approached the doctor and tried her best to appear as sober as possible. "I am Mills. Regina."

The woman looked amused and shook Regina's hand. "Great. I am Swan. Emma." She smiled friendly at Regina. "Follow me."

Regina stared at the blonde doctor in front of her. It might be her drunkenness, but this woman was gorgeous. Her emerald green eyes looked kind and full of life, even at this late hour.

The brunette followed Doctor Swan through the halls of the hospital, being careful not to lean too much on her bad foot. She was going to hate herself so much tomorrow. That is, if she could even get out of bed.

"So." The doctor said, while leading Regina into one of the examination rooms. "What happened? I understood that you fell?"

The brunette nodded slowly. She couldn't seem to take her eyes of the gorgeous blonde sitting standing in front of her. "Yes. I uh.. we are having a party and I just kind of lost my balance for a moment."

Emma smiled and gestured for her to sit on the bed. "Did you drink any alcohol tonight?"

Regina smiled softly. "Would you believe me if I said no."

The blonde chuckled once more. "Not really, but I have to ask this regarding any medicine that we can give to you."

"I drank a couple." Regina admitted. She stared down at her swollen ankle which was now in the - weirdly soft but nice - hands of the doctor. She winced when Emma touched a painful part of her foot.

Emma took a step back and took some bandage from a table. "You have a sprained ankle. Nothing too bad. You just have to rest your foot for the next couple of days. You can also pick up some aspirin with this receipt, but please do not take any tonight, since it will not go well with the level of alcohol in your blood. I will put a bandage over your foot now, but you should take it off when you're taking a shower. If the pain is still really bad you can use the extra one that I will give you as well to apply some new bandage. Sounds good?"

The brunette nodded. "Yes. Sounds good. Thank you."

Emma finished applying the bandage and filled in some forms for Regina. "Well then, I guess you're all done. You can take these forms to pick up some aspirin and here's your extra bandage." She placed both items in Regina's hand and smiled softly at her. For a second Regina was lost in those green eyes again, but she managed to catch herself again.

"Okay. Thank you very much Doctor."

"You're welcome. Have a good night, and make sure you give your foot some rest."

"I will do that."

"And?" Katherine said once the three were outside the hospital. She seemed to be wide awake again and was practically jumping up and down.

"And what?" Regina responded.

"Well… did you kiss her?" Belle asked.

Regina laughed. "Really? That's what you want to know? You don't want to know if my ankle is okay?"

Katherine waved her off. "Who cares about that. Regina you promised!"

The brunette shook her head. "I-"

"Excuse me." A voice said, making the three women turn around (Regina with some struggle considering her injury) and face the hospital again.

"Emma." Regina said under her breath.

"You uh.. you forgot your purse." The blonde doctor said a bit awkwardly as she took a step towards Regina. Katherine witnessed the interaction between the two with wide eyes.

"Oh well, thank you. That's very polite of you." Regina said, now much more sober than before. She was glad to be regaining some of her vocabulary.

Emma nodded and turned on her heels to return to the hospital.

"Sorry doctor." Katherine said, making Emma face them again. Regina immediately knew what this was about, and her face turned bright red once again.

"Kate no." She mouthed towards her, but her friend didn't notice or chose to ignore her.

"Yes?" Emma asked.

"Me and my friends here were wondering if you could do us a favor. See the thing is, this is Regina's bachelorette party tonight. And we have this list of crazy things that she needs to do, and she kind of promised that she would do this one." Katherine spoke.

The blonde frowned. Regina noticed that some of the flickering in her eyes had suddenly disappeared.

"Okay.." Emma said.

"Well anyways, she needs to kiss a doctor or a nurse, and we were wondering if she could give you a quick kiss. Nothing with tongue obviously or anything. Just a kiss." Katherine obviously did not care talking about this at all. She didn't notice the two red faces staring awkwardly.

"I mean.." The blonde started.

"You don't have to." Regina interrupted her. "They're just being silly."

The blonde looks down at the brunette's hands, noticing the big diamond ring there. She realizes that she's an idiot for not having noticed it before. Suddenly she hears herself speak. "No I'll do it. We have these kinds of things more often here. As long as it's nothing crazier than that."

Katherine and Belle laughed. "We promise." Belle said, who was now smiling broadly.

"Come on Regina, we promise that you can go home after this and we will never bug you again with this stupid list."

"Promise?" She asked.

"Promise." Both Belle and Katherine said.

Regina took a step towards Emma. "I'm very sorry about dragging you into this. It has truly being a crazy night." Thank god that not all the alcohol had left her system, because suddenly she felt like she needed it.

"It's okay, really." Emma responded.

"Okay then." Regina said awkwardly, closing the gap between the two women and kissing the doctor standing in front of her.

As soon as their lips touched, everything around her seemed to disappear. She didn't hear her friends take a picture, or the sirens of incoming ambulances, she didn't hear Emma's pager, and neither did Emma. She didn't feel anything, not even her throbbing ankle, she only felt Emma's lips on hers, moving so slowly that it was barely noticeable. Time seemed to stand still while their lips were glued together. She wished this moment could last forever.

"Swan! Stop kissing chicks and come on! We paged you!"

Emma pulled away and stared at Regina, her cheeks flushed, before she ran after the man that had ruined their moment.

Regina was left standing alone.

"Shit." She said to herself.

Thank you so much for reading! Let me know if you want me to continue! :)