[Learning About You]

Beta-ed by: Amu4ever

"Reborn, whatever happens, Tsuna must not make contact with water."

At first I didn't really take notice of what Giotto was telling me about Tsuna's weakness against water, because at that time I didn't care about the brunet.

"Because if he does, I don't know if even I can restore all the memories that make him… our Tsuna."

Though I think Tsuna crawled his way into my heart effortlessly as the time we spent together becomes a habit in daily lives. It makes me forget sometimes that Sawada Tsunayoshi is not a human but an android.

An android that acts more humane than some of the real ones do.

"Please take care of him, because I can't keep my eyes on him when he is outside."

Even Giotto forgets sometimes. The scientist takes his role as the protective brother seriously, he cherishes Tsuna very much.

You know, at first Reborn wanted to protest against his brother's idea of having Tsuna go to school or even being a part of their broken family, but as the days passed by, he saw Giotto sitting beside Tsuna at the gazebo, teaching the android something about the language of flowers.

That is when Reborn was struck with past memories he had locked in his brain. Of Giotto and him-when they were young-just sitting under the warm sky as he would listen tentatively as his brother Giotto told him stories that he had read from the family library.

"Only you can, Renato."

At that time he saw a sincerely happy Giotto, and how their android had stopped being a stranger and become a family member. It also helped that only Tsuna can drag the scientist to have a proper meals and enough sleep.

Reborn didn't know when, but his feelings just grew over time.


"I'll be off then," just when Reborn started to walk out of the changing room, Colonello stepped in front of the door, smiling his annoying smile.

"Hey, Reborn, wanna go with us to the arcade today? Everyone else is tagging along too!" The blonde pointed his thumb to his side where Lal, Yuni, Skull and Fon were waiting.

Reborn didn't have to think for long to decide on his answer.

"Maybe next time Tsuna is waiting for me." He makes a move to walk away when again Colonello stopped him, Reborn's eye twitched at that.

"Then take him along the more the merrier isn't it?" Colonello asked and really, sometimes the blond can be quite persuasive. He wonders how Lal manages to stuck with the blonde.

Reborn let out a sigh and nodded. "Alright but you guys need to wait for a while."



"Ne, Yuni, what do you think about what Tsuna wanted to tell Reborn?" Skull asked lazily while he was sitting at the edge of the pool, the usual place where they gathered.

"Hmm, I wonder too." Yuni looked up in the sky then at Skull, her eyes twinkling.

'I think you know something that we don't Yuni.' Everyone eyed her with suspicion.

Fon chuckled, "Whatever it is I hope it goes well."

"That's right." Lal agreed.

A few seconds later they heard a yell and they instinctively looked up.

Their eyes widened when a bag was thrown out and later a body jumped out of the fence to catch the bag.


The boy fell right into the swimming pool.

At first they were too shocked to move but when they remember that Tsuna couldn't swim, Colonello was ready to jump into the pool when there were no sign of the boy coming out of the water but it was unneeded when another body had jumped into the swimming pool.

They only knew that it was Reborn because of the falling fedora that Lal caught.

Both Fon and Colonello narrowed their eyes as they ran to the rooftop; they had seen two other students up there when they saw Tsuna falling.

Lal immediately gave the fedora to Skull and run to catch up with Colonello and Fon. She won't let Colonello and Fon leave her behind. There are reason why she is the school's Karate Captain.

They won't forgive whoever harmed Tsuna.


Reborn stepped leisurely on the stair as he took his time.

He wonders what Tsuna was doing right now. Did the brunet blush real hard after he kissed him? He should have waited for a second to see Tsuna's reaction before going to the club practice.

Oh well, he could always do it again and see for himself.

Just as Reborn was about to swing the doorknob open, he heard a scream beyond it.

Without any hesitation, Reborn ripped the door open.

The owner of the onyx eyes widened

He didn't know what had happened but as the door opened, Reborn only saw Tsuna's back before the android jumped.

"Reborn, whatever happens, Tsuna must not make contact with the water."

He knew what waited for the android on the ground, he knew that the swimming pool was located right under the fence.

Without much thinking, Reborn grit his teeth in anger and passed the two students to jump over the fence.

Fon, Colonello and Lal could take care of the two students, Reborn had an android to save.

It didn't feel that long for the cold sensation of water to wash over his skin.

"Because if he does, I don't know if even I can restore all the memories that make him… our Tsuna."

Opening his eyes, Reborn saw Tsuna's body flailing under the water with both his hands gripping tightly onto his bag.

Kicking his legs, Reborn immediately scooped Tsuna's up and to the surface.

The android instinctively breathed in air and coughed.

Reborn noted that Yuni and Skull were hovering near by looking worried. The others were not in sight.

'That means they are dealing with the students up there.'

Lifting Tsuna into his arms, Reborn walked out of the swimming pool. Yuni and Skull were immediately by their side holding towels. Reborn crouched down and lay Tsuna on the ground next to the pool.

Gently, Reborn put both his palm on Tsuna's cheeks, noting the heat emitting from the androids skin. Reborn refused to succumb to the panic he felt.

'He will be okay'

"Tsuna, can you hear me?"

'He will'


A pair of honey coloured orbs looked at him hazily.

"Tsu-," but his word was cut short when Tsuna mumbled something.

"What?" Reborn bent down to hear Tsuna's words.

"B-box" The android weakly flails his hands in search for his bag so Reborn looked up at Skull who was holding the bag.

Tsuna panicked when he couldn't find his bag, so Skull hastily opened the brunet bag in search for the box Tsuna had 's glare might have had something to do with it too.

"Reborn, this isn't much but it will help." Yuni said as she gave Reborn both the towels she had brought.

Not looking at the worried girl, he took the towels and used them to gently wipe the water from Tsuna's head and face.

The brunet looked a little bit dazed and Reborn's worry for him grew.

"Thanks Yuni."

"Ah-ha!" Skull exclaimed as he took an orange coloured box out of the bag. It was neatly tied with a yellow ribbon.

At that Tsuna perked up and asked Skull to hand over the box. By this time Tsuna had sat up and leaned his back on Reborn's body.

"I-is it s-still o-o-okay?" Tsuna asked when his shaking hands couldn't hold the box needing Reborn to hold it for him.

"Tsuna, this can wait, we need to get you to Giotto." Reborn pressed but Tsuna had shaken his head stubbornly and asked him to open the box to see if the content in it was still perfectly fine.

'The faster we do this, the faster I can get him to Giotto.'

Without any more question, Reborn opened the box and was about to show it to Tsuna that the content is perfectly fine but his action was stopped mid-air when the taller among the two saw what was inside.

The inside of the box was made with aluminium so the content was still cold even after the long day.

'Ne, kaa-san, did you make it?'

'Mmm, yup, kaa-san has made your favourite dessert, Renato-kun~!'

Eyes sparkling and smile wide, the younger Reborn let out a happy squeal. Giotto and his father laughed at his antics.

Inside the box was a nicely done Tiramisu decorated with frozen chocolate and a few blueberries. There was a note attached on the side, written in Tsuna's handwriting, it read:

["For Reborn, hope you like it.]

[-Love, Tsuna"]

"I-it's okay right?" Tsuna's weakening voice snapped Reborn out of his stupor.

Immediately closing the box and putting it inside Tsuna's bag, Reborn scooped Tsuna up bridal style and ran back home; leaving both Yuni and Skull behind.

The android yelped in surprise at the sudden action.


His head was heavy and it was getting hard to stay conscious.

They were running, Tsuna could tell because of the cold wind that touched his hot skin.

He didn't know whether his Tiramisu was still good or had been ruined and he had asked Reborn, but he didn't give him any answer.

"Hang in there Tsuna, we are almost home." Reborn said. The brunet could only nod his head and bury his face into the warmth of the person he loved.

Yes, loved.

Tsuna had figured out who the person is

The one that made him feel so warm inside and happy, the person that he wanted to do his best for and the person that made him content.


Tsuna loved Reborn.

Something inside of his system snapped and Tsuna grabbed Reborn's wet clothes tightly.

"Reborn… Stop," his voice was so weak even to his own ears, but he knew Reborn heard him loud and clear.

"What?!" Reborn asked, surprised but he ran slower and slower until he stopped.

"Tsuna?" Reborn asked gently though it was hard for him to keep his voice even.

Something inside his brain rings in alarm with Tsuna's request.

"I'm sleepy, Reborn." The android said as he cuddled against Reborn's chest.

"You know you can't sleep here, the house isn't far from here so hold on for a while, alright?" Reborn knew his voice had cracked a little there.

Tsuna let out a pained chuckle as he leaned up to press a soft peck on Reborn's lips before settling down again. His hands cupped Reborn's left cheek.

Lovingly, Tsuna gazed up into Reborns eyes and declared his love for him.

Before Reborn had a chance to even comprehend what had just happened, Tsuna closed his eyes as his system went in overdrive.


Reborn's eyes were pained as he looked down at Tsuna's unconscious form.

"Tsuna, wake up, you can't sleep here," Reborn urged him as gently as possible; hoping that this was only a nightmare.

Sitting down, he tapped the androids pale cheek. His heart sank when those honey coloured eyes didn't open.


"I still haven't tasted your Tiramisu and commented on it yet. You would like to hear what I think about it, right?" Reborn cradled Tsuna closer to his body.

A single tear ran down his cheek.

"You need to wake up, dame-Tsuna."

"Ti amo, Renato Sawada."




Let see how many REVIEWS I get for this chapter!

A..hahaha.. *hide behind Allen Walker

But really, I'm craving for reviews right now. Why? Ask Life.

Okay, that's a bluff. I hope you enjoy the feels and such. Have a nice day! *run away