The Date

Bree's tour ended and as her group dissipated Bree checks her phone again. Still no text back.

"There you are, sweetheart."

Bree unintentionally let out a squeak at the unexpected presence of Owen right behind her. Owen stood there grinning, delighted to surprise Bree.

"Don't do that!" Bree complained. He did scare her but his smile was contagious Bree couldn't help but return it. "Where did you come from?"

"I was here looking for you. Didn't realize you were downstairs taking a tour. Thought that was going to be my job today."

"I was bored on that tour, so I don't mind you taking over now."

Owen smiled as he took ahold of Bree's hand.

"Hope you can keep up with me sweetheart," Owen winked.

Without any warning, Owen pulled Bree into a sprint as they speed their way out of the building. Bree was initially surprised but then began laughing as Owen repeatedly began apologizing to people he nearly runs into.

Bree could tell this date was going to be good.

"Where are we?" Bree questions as Owen's motorcycle slows down. Bree spotted a line of people waiting for something in the middle of the woods. There weren't too many people here, so it can't be a ride. Bree didn't understand what this place was.

"Have you ever been in a canoe before?" Owen asks as he parks his motorcycle and picks up his own backpack from his ride.

"Yes but it has been a while," Bree admitted as she finally caught on to the purpose of the building. It was a changing place/ locker room.

"Good this will be a great then," Owen smiled. "Ladies entrance is over there. When you get there tell them your reservation is under 'Grady.' I'll meet you outside once we are done." Owen pointed towards the meeting place.

Bree agreed, and both went their separate ways to change.

There was a sort line for the changing room. After following Owen's instructions Bree received a life vest, an assigned key, and a blue wristband. Finding her empty locker Bree changed into her cute one piece and female board sorts. Thank goodness she thought of packing these with her. Checking in the mirror to make sure she looked okay Bree locked up her things and headed out to meet Owen.

On her way out, Bree noticed something about the ladies around her. Most of them looked like models. A lot of them wore clothing that looked expensive and a lot of them gave Bree a look of bewilderment. Bree then realized the activity they were preparing for was reserved for Jurassic Worlds high paying customers, the filthy rich. This wasn't an attraction open to everyone.

How much was Owen paying for this?

Bree certainly stood out from the crowd but not in the way she wanted. It was beginning to remind her of high school all over again.

Anxious to be outside Bree made her way out of the lady's locker room and spotted Owen. He was patiently waiting for her leaning up against the side of the building. He wore a plain white shirt with a pair of masculine board shorts. He didn't have his life vest on yet. He held it slung over his left shoulder. The whole look he was pulling off made him look like a swimsuit model.

"Hey," Bree called out.

Owen's attention quickly turned towards Bree as he appraised her then smiled.

"Wow, I have to say this is a nice update from your work attire. Why don't you dress like this every day for work?" Owen winked.

Bree gave him a stern stare in return which only caused Owen to chuckle.

"Come on." Owen again took ahold of Bree's hand pulling her with him.

Bree was grateful that this time Owen wasn't looking back at her, her cheeks felt warm. Bree was amazed how comfortable Owen already felt around her. How confident he felt to be holding her hand so often in front of other ladies! Bree must admit this made her self-confidence rise.

Owen walked around the people who were waiting in line. People glared and asked what was going on as they made their way to the front. Bree began to wonder the same thing. What was Owen doing?

"Come on this way," Owen pointed out, pulling her hand without a second thought. Quickly they made their way to the front of the line.


"What are they doing?"

Owen ignored them as he kept leading Bree behind him. Bree, however, could feel her cheeks warm up. Finally, when they reached the front of the line where Owen quickly raised his free hand showing a park worker his wristband. Apparently, they are VIP bands.

Bree did the same as she looked around. They were at a dock where it looked like people were being assigned into groups and listening to a guide.

Owen tugged Bree's hand again, getting her attention.

"Jim's got a canoe for us over here," Owen informed.

Bree followed as she eyed her hand still in Owen's. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. Is this real? Are they really falling for one another? Owen never answered the question directly earlier so Bree didn't feel sure in his feelings, but it did give her more hope.

"Hey Owen, how you've been my man!" someone exclaimed. Bree then spotted a man who came and gave Owen a complicated handshake which Owen quickly returned letting go of Bree.

"Been doing better with the girls lately. How about you man? How's the new job?" Owen asked in return.

"It's been good, no more predators to worry about and the disability benefits have been great! I am literally becoming rich by doing nothing now. Not a bad way to retire," the man joked. "Doing better with the girl's eh? Meaning they haven't eaten anyone yet."

"More or less. They still try. Look at this new one," Owen showed his new scar.

"Oh man, they got you, not like me. Mine looks badass now. Can't show you though. Part of my disability now. Can't lift my left arm," the man explained as he shrugged his left shoulder uncomfortably.

"Wait you use to work at the raptor compound?" Bree spoke up alarmed by the conversation.

"Well who's this beauty?" the stranger asked offering a hand.

"Oh sorry, Bree, this is Jim, we worked in the same unit for a while. Jim this is Dr. Bree Malcom, she is helping me with the girls," Owen introduced.

"Wait this is the Doctor working with you? I thought you were a guy! You have balls being their ma'am," Jim exclaimed.

"So, you use to work at the raptor compound, what happened?" Bree asks more insistently.

"Raptors happened. One moment I'm cleaning, minding my own business next thing I know she on me ripping at my shoulder. I am only alive because of this man right here," Jim slapped Owen shoulder with his good hand.

"Yea but-"

"Another time, I promise, I'll have Jim meet with you and you can interview him all you want. Right now, though we are not working, we are on an outing so come on," Owen insisted.


It was too late, Owen and Jim walked away and got ahold of a canoe. Owen mumbled something to Jim, but Bree couldn't hear. Bree just followed right behind glaring.

"Thanks, Jim, I owe you one," Owen thanked as he got into the canoe first then offered Bree a hand as she stepped in.

"Whatever man, you know I owe you then you owe me. Just have fun alright. My buddies on the other end will take care of you when you're done. Just let them know I sent you!" Jim instructed.

"Thanks, man!" Owen called out as Bree took her seat. Without waiting for Owen, Bree grabbed a hold of her oar and began rowing.

Bree looked around at their surroundings. They were surrounded by trees, so this isn't a scenic ride. The canoe was clear, so she briefly wondered if they were supposed to see something in the water, but this is Jurassic World. Nothing that would swim the water would be safe to canoe around. So, what is this?

"I didn't realize you have experience being in a canoe. Where did you learn that?" Owen asked from behind.

"Florida, a lot of swamps there, it was something you typically do while camping," Bree explained. "What is this that we are doing?"

"It's a surprise," Owen answered. Bree rolled her eyes.

"Come on just tell me."

"Nope, won't have the same effect if I just told you," Owen refuted.

"Where does this lead to then?"

"Down the river."

Bree stopped rowing and turned back to glare at Owen.

"Look just trust me okay, this is going to be good. You saw the kind of people who were lined up for this right? It's a good sign of what you're about to experience."

"Fine," Bree answered as she turns back around.

Right after she did, however, her vision immediately go dark. Owen's callous hands where covering her eyes.

"Hey what's the deal?" Bree exclaimed trying to get Owen's hands off her eyes.

"Shhh listen!" Owen whispered.

Bree stopped fighting and listened. At first, she heard nothing but the rustling of the leaves and the babble of the water going down the river.

"What am I-"

A quiet thump.

"What was that?" Bree questions.

"Shhh," Owen let go and Bree looked around quickly for the source of the noise.



It was louder and closer this time. Bree heard the trees shake a little after the tremor and saw the water rustle from the left side of the bank before continuing back to its steady course down the river.

A loud deep bellow rang out!

Suddenly crashing between the tree branches the long neck of a brachiosaurus appeared. Bree gasped as terror swallowed her up. Instinctively she scooted back, rocking the canoe until her back hit Owen.

"Hey, hey it's okay look," Owen reassured as he put his oar down repositioning himself. "Trust me."

The canoe slowed down as they came towards the brachiosaurus. The brachiosaurus didn't mind them as it drank water from the river. The presence of humans apparently does not phase her. The canoe was gliding slowly since no one was rowing. Only the power of the current was carrying them now.

As they neared, Owen took hold of Bree's hand again.

"Trust me, just like you did with the girls," Owen instructed.

The memory of that occasion flashed through Bree's mind as she took a deep breath to steady herself. This time without resistance or shaky fear Bree let Owen guide her hand towards the Brachiosaurs. Still drinking, Bree's hands touched the Brachiosaurs.

The canoe stopped, the current in this part of the river wasn't too powerful to continue moving them along.

A small laugh escaped out of Bree. Her heart felt like it was swelling up in her chest from joy. She was touching a dinosaur. Another dinosaur!

"Are you crying?" Owen asked.

Bree touched her eye with her other hand. Sure, enough there was a tear.

"Yea I guess I am. Did you know this is my first dinosaur I fell in love with when I was a kid?" Bree asked. "She is so much more than I imagined."

"I mean, wow, she is so warm! Her skin is thicker then I imagined! And look at her water intake!" Bree pointed to the water. "I wish I had my camera on me!"

"Don't worry I have you covered!" Owen answered.

Bree looked toward him to see what he meant when she realized he had a camera in his hand.

"I knew you would want to document this," Owen explained, smiling as he petted the Brachiosaurs as well.

The Brachiosaurs then lifted its head causing a wave in the water that pushed the canoe back on its course. Bree watched in awe as the Brachiosaur straightened it's neck out to its full height. Then she let out a loud bellow shook the trees and sent vibrations throughout Bree's body.

The thumping sounds came again but this time fading away, indicating that she was leaving. Bree sat down in awe as to what she just experienced.

"That was- Wow. Thank you. Just wow," Bree babbled at a loss of how to thank Owen.

"It's not over. Look," Owen pointed.

Bree looked up ahead. The tree's thinned away and Bree's mouth just dropped. Herds of dinosaurs littered the landscape. Herds of Brachiosaurus shook the ground with their steps. Parasaurolophus walked along casually by triceratops and other fantastic dinosaurs. Babies ran around the parents pausing to watch Bree and Owen pass them on the river.

This time Bree took a hold of Owen's hand to steady herself. Owen didn't hesitate to put his arm around her and took it a step further as he intertwined his hand with hers. Neither of them said anything. It felt right, it felt natural and it felt comfortable. Bree leaned her head into Owen's chest as she stared in awe at the passing dinosaurs.

So many emotions were filling up Bree's mind and chest she had no idea how to untangle them to decipher them but she did know one thing. No other date was ever going to surpass Owen's date.

Hello to my fellow readers. I just want to apologize about taking so long to up load this chapter. I'm in the middle from transitioning into a new job, family have been in and out town, juggling this story along with other ones, school, and about a million other things are happening at the same time. I want to say think you for being patient. I also want to let you know this is only the first part of Brees and Owens date! I have so much in mind I am really excited to publish the next chapter. Plus there will be more inciting incidents between Bree and other characters, secrets, deceptions, explanation why Bree was hired in the first place and lots more.

Stay tuned to find out more. Please leave a review or message and let me know what you think so far and once again I want to say thank you for your support!
