Disclaimer; I don't own Naruto, the characters belong to their rightful owner/s, and this story was adopted by me, of course, from StormFox02, along with their other 7 stories so you'll be seeing those soon too. I own nothing of this chapter, or the one after, the chapters onwards will be mine though.

Warning; Yaoi, Bashing, Love Square

Summary; Tobirama couldn't help but stare in shock at the Uzumaki siblings. He had to get married? And his 'bride' is a GUY?!

Pairing; (Seme) Tobirama x (Uke) Naruto, (Seme) ? x (Uke) Naruto

"Sweet" - Speech

'Yo' - Thought

[Sup] - Author Note/Me rambling

(Achoo) - Verbal Actions

"Lala" - Singing

What happened! - Dreams/Flashbacks

Chapter 1


Tobirama was currently walking in the newly created Konoha on his way to the Senju Clan's main house where his brother was waiting for him. He was already late, but his brother never hassled him about his tardiness. As he was walking, he couldn't help but notice many foreign shinobi standing around, obviously standing guard. The feature that stood out was the swirl on their headbands, meaning they were from Uzushiogakure. This would mean whatever business their father had with them had to do with Uzu. Tobirama wondered what form of business could warrant the need to contact their Uzu allies.

He finally reached the main building where Uzu guards were standing as well. Seeing the Senju, the guards let him in, taking back their position the moment they went in. As he entered the main room, Tobirama stopped. There, sitting besides the old leader of Uzu, were the two most beautiful people he ever saw. They were both Uzumakis obviously from their hair color as well as the Uzu noble swirls giving them away as the heirs of the Uzumaki Clan.

The eldest, a female around his brother's age, was sitting stoic and regal, seemingly unaffected by what was going on. With the traditional Uzumaki red hair in buns held together by hair pins with what appeared to be seal dangling from them, and a traditional kimono made her look regal and oppressive. She had a crystal tattoo on her forehead and a hint of makeup. All in all, she looked like a queen.

The other one, obviously the younger sibling, was around his age, maybe a year or two younger, and had an androgynous appearance making it hard to determine their true gender. Though, if Tobirama looked closer, he could see some distinctly male features like an Adam's apple and broader shoulders. The boy also had the typical Uzumaki red hair set in a long ponytail with a black choker with a seal on it. He also donned traditional robes in warm, orange tones, making him look more like a princess. However, instead of a cold and stoic appearance like his older sister, the boy seemed annoyed and was staring out the window with a faraway look.

His brother looked up and noticed his arrival. "Oh, Tobirama, you're finally here. Please sit down." Tobirama took a seat next to his brother on the mats. Hashirama, as Hokage, was a powerful and well respected man who had brown hair and deep brown eyes that held much intelligence and wisdom. Like their father, Hashirama had a deep tan. In fact, Hashirama got his appearance from their father, while Tobirama looked more like their mother with his naturally gray hair and red eyes as well as his pale skin. Their father was currently wearing the Senju clan traditional robes indicating this meeting must be truly important. Because of his regal appearance, Tobirama felt a little underdressed in his battle armor.

The aged Uzu leader, a regal man with white hair caused by aging and a goatee, dressed in traditional Uzu robes, spoke up. "Now that you brother finally arrived, perhaps we should discuss our contract." Tobirama sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, a little embarrassed that he was late.

"Well…you see…I was…"

The Uzumaki Clan leader interrupted him. "It matters not why you were tardy." Tobirama gaped at the old man, a little insulted that he was treated like a child. He heard a snort come from the younger brother and turned to glare at him, only for the old man to clear his throat. "Now, then, why don't we get down to business? What say you, Senju-kun, to the marriage proposal?"

At this, Tobirama jerked his head towards his brother. Marriage Proposal? His brother was getting married? Tobirama grinned. 'Huh, sucks to be him. Well, maybe not. That Uzumaki girl does look kind of hot. I mean, even her brother could pass as a cute girl. But still, why did aniki call me here?'

Hashirama's next words answered his question. "Yes, Uzumaki-dono. My brother and I would be delighted to take the Uzumaki's heir's hand in marriage. An alliance between our two clans would be most beneficial." Tobirama jerked his head towards his brother in question who merely nodded at him.

Tobirama couldn't help but stare in shock at the Uzumaki siblings. He had to get married! He saw the younger Uzumaki turn his head once more to the window and suddenly had a thought. If his brother was to marry the daughter, he had to marry the son.

He shot straight into the air and turned towards his brother. "What, Aniki? You can't be serious! Why do I have to get married? Besides, there is only one girl! I can't marry a guy! How will I have children?" He knew he was acting childish but there was no way he was going to get hitched to a man, even if he was cute and adorable.

Hashirama glared at his brother, embarrassed by the display of childish behavior he presented. Before he could scold his brother, the youngest Uzumaki heir spoke up.

"You are obviously stupid if you don't know of our clan's abilities. It is child's play for us to make a seal that can absorb genetic material and create a false womb. Don't worry your cock will be used for something more productive than to just get you off." Despite the crude things he was saying, the boy's voice was calm and held hidden ferocity. Tobirama was entranced until what the boy said finally got to him and he glared at the boy.

"Naruto, do not say such rude things. It is unbecoming." His sister scolded him, despite being somewhat amused by what he said.

The newly dubbed Naruto just smirked at the irritated Tobirama before sighing and turning to stare out the window again. "Hai, Aneki." This also caused Tobirama to calm down.

Seeing his brother calm down, Hashirama spoke up. "Tobi, as Naruto-san explained, the Uzumaki have a variety of sealing techniques that they can use for multiple purposes. One of them is to allow males to copulate with each other normally so as to allow childbirth." Hashirama explained in a more respectable manner. "As to the matter of our marriages, it is to ensure a greater alliance between both of our clans. I am sorry if you are displeased by it, but it is your duty as an heir to the clan to ensure better relations between our two clans."

Tobirama just sat back down and sighed. He knew it was his duty, but he couldn't believe his brother didn't try to tell him first. But still, the wedding will probably not be for another year or so, so he had time to get used to the idea.

The Uzumaki Clan Head then spoke up. "Good, then the wedding will take place in one month."

Tobirama looked up in shock. A month, how can he get used to the idea of getting married in a single month. He let out a groan, causing his brother to look at him in disapproval, the Clan Head to glare at him, the heiress, who he still didn't the name of, to look at him in pity, and Naruto to snort at him and give him a look of displeasure.

This month will be hell.

Tobirama sulked as he walked the streets of Konoha. He was escorting his…his…uh he just couldn't believe he had a fiancé. He looked to his right, where his fiancé was walking, still in his regal robes, looking irritated and pissed off.

Tobirama scowled. 'Why should he fell so pissed off? He's marrying the great Tobirama-sama. I'm the one who has to marry a spoiled brat.' Tobirama couldn't help but resent this kid who he was supposed to marry. Sure, he was cute, but from what he's seen, he was spoiled, bratty and couldn't even protect himself.

"Tobirama-sama" Tobirama turned and saw a pack of squealing girls that were waving at him. Tobi grinned and turned to see Naruto scowl at him. He couldn't help but feel proud he was the center of attention. He could see that his fiancé was seemingly jealous and smirked, happy he could show how superior he was.

What he didn't know was that Naruto wasn't scowling because he was jealous, but because he couldn't believe he was marrying a womanizer like him. 'Great, why does nee-chan get the serious and hot one and I get stuck with the perverted, stupid one? Tch, if this guy even thinks he can cheat on me when we get married, I'll cut off his balls.'

Naruto turned around, fully intending to escape the disgraceful scene of his fiancé letting himself be molested by those harlots. He walked until he reached a cute little stand that was selling weapons and charms of all kinds. His eyes landed on a particular brush. It was beautiful, with black obelisk forming the handle and what appeared to be a floral pattern on the handle with a stone with the kanji for dream connecting the handle to the hairs. To the untrained eye, the floral pattern seemed to be just decoration, but to an Uzumaki, like Naruto, it was easy to see that the flowers were in fact numerous seals that allowed the handler to inject their chakra into the brush.

"How may I help you, Uzumaki-sama?" Naruto looked at the merchant in charge to see an elderly woman with gray hair in a tight bun and kind, brown eyes filled with wisdom provided by age.

Her comment made many of the surrounding shinobi quiet as they turned to see one of the legendary Uzumaki clan members.

"An Uzumaki!"

"I can't believe it."

"Wow, he's so cute."

Tobirama, who was slowly being suffocated by the girls, was slowly regretting trying to make his fiancé jealous. He quickly noticed that the entire market place had quieted down and were all fixated on a stall. Tobirama quickly tried to break free from his stalkers, which was easier to do than before as many of them let go of him to also stare at the stall. As he made his way to the stall, he noticed that everyone was actually staring at his fiancé.

'What! How did he make everyone stare at him?' Tobirama thought, a little jealous that his fiancé easily made himself the center of attention without even trying. Tobirama was used to being the center of attention. Actually, no, usually his brother was. Because of this he always thrived to be seen so that he doesn't fade in his brother's shadow. But now, the person he was trying to make jealous, easily surpassed him even though he didn't look like he cared.

Naruto and the elder continued to stare at each other, neither caring or rather ignoring the stares directed at them. The elder looked and saw what Naruto was fixating. "Ahh, I see you have taken an interest in the Bonhitsusen, a powerful weapon indeed."

Many people in the crowd whispered to each other, obviously impressed by how the Uzumaki had wanted a powerful weapon. Naruto, however, merely ignored them, silently wondering if all Konoha citizens were so impressed by just the name or blood of the shinobi.

The elderly woman picked up the brush and handed it to him. "Why don't you take a look? I am sure you can easily figure out its functions." Tobirama looked curious. It looked like a regular brush to him, if only a little fancy for his tastes.

Naruto wordlessly accepted the paint brush and took a closer look at the weapon. "The first thing off about it is that these patterns are actually disguised seals." Tobirama was impressed as even he wasn't able to see the seals. Many members of the crowd awed making Naruto discreetly roll his eyes before continuing. "Well, many of the flower stems are merely chakra absorption seals, but some of these petals here" he pointed at several of the petals that were coming out of the stem "are actually different seals with different functions. For example, this one regulates the size of the brush, obviously transmuting atmospheric particles so as to extend the size and density of the brush. This one is used to stimulate the hair so as to produce ink from bodily fluids. While this one seems to transform the user's chakra into trans dimensional particles so as to create physical manifestations of otherwise 2-dimensional creations." The entire crowd could only look slack jawed at the boy. They were impressed by how easily he was able to discover the purpose of the seals that anyone would have taken for merely aesthetic drawings on the brush. Tobirama couldn't help but be impressed. Here he thought he was marrying a brat who didn't know anything and here he was saying things he could barely understand. "Although, there is a fatal flaw in this one seal. It seems incomplete or broken. Hmm, it would be easy for me to fix." Naruto looked up at the elder woman who was looking at him with a kind smile.

"Well, then, if you think you can fix it, you may have it." The elder said kindly.

Naruto looked at her in surprise before his face broke in a heart-warming smile. "Honto! Thank you so much."

[Okay, so, I'm sorry to anyone who read this the first time I uploaded it. I realize that I uploaded the wrong thing that time, but I do believe I got it right this time.

OH! Another thing, the first person that read my failed attempt at uploading this story was a guest who said, "Lame attempt at Yaio. This has no logic in narutoverse." …. Yeah. First off, they didn't spell Yaoi right, second, this is fanfiction, 9 times out of 10 it's not going to abide by the narutoverse, get used to it. If you like my writing, that's awesome, shower me with praise, I'll write more chapters. And if you don't like my fics, okay, that's fine, you can move along and be on your merry little way… Although now that I'm trying to transfer my anger into smut, it might do more good than bad…

Oh, well, Favorite, Follow, and Review, please!]