It's been a while since I updated this. I was at my great grandmother's house and was watching top ten weather incidents. So I got the inspiration to write. I was trying to write a MarcAce, but I kept getting writer's block. So the next chapter is gonna be MarcAce. If you want to see a pairing, then write it in the comments/review.

Crocodile was pissed. Not upset, but pissed. Here he was, sitting on a plane in first class with that flamingo. Well, he didn't hate Doflamingo, for they were in a relationship, but he did get on his nerves. It was a love hate relationship that appeared to be more of a hate hate relationship from peoples' views. But he didn't hate him.

They were currently at Australia and were about to head back out to New York. However, when they were about to take off, the engine to Doflamingo's private jet had malfunctioned. It was gonna take a couple of days to fix and it was gonna take a day or two for his private jet to come, so they might as well ride on a plane from an airport so they could go home and Crocodile can finally fall asleep in his bed.

He has no idea why he's so tired recently. He knew it wasn't the jet lag since they have been here for a week now. Doflamingo says it's because he's getting older before he goes into a hysterical laugh; which ended with Crocodile swatting him with either his hook hand or anything else he had in his hand. So after waiting for the plane to move, the dark haired man could feel his eyes drooping down. He didn't fight it off though as they finally closed.

Two minutes of peaceful sleep later and…

"Crocy? Crocy-chan?" He heard as he felt a finger poke at his cheek.

"What? You damned bird." He muttered with his eyes still closed.

"Don't go to sleep yet. It's still daytime. And I'm bored." The blond pouted, even though it's useless since Crocodile had his eyes closed, as well as completely immune to it.

"You could go to sleep as well."

"Nah, I'm too awake to fall asleep."

"That's not my fault." Crocodile replied as he began to frown. "I didn't get much sleep last night." Both of them felt as the plane was taking off.


"Doflamingo!" The elder opened his eyes then whispered yelled in a harsh tone, making the younger pause on what he was about to say. "Unless we are about to die in a plane crash, don't wake me up!"

The man in the pink feather coat closed his mouth with a light scowl on his face. He watched as his lover reclosed his eyes, going back to sleep.

"You know, you should knock on wood." He responded, making Crocodile sigh before ignoring him.

After ten minutes of flying, Doffy was bored as hell as he looked out the window. He could hear his lover's slow breathing and was debating if he should wake him up. He decided to after two more minutes passed by. When he lifted his forearm to start his consistent poking, he saw something that caught his eye.

He saw dark grey rain clouds not that far from the plane. He kept staring as he saw a few white lightning bolts coming out from them.

'Well, here comes the turbulence.' He thought.

He kept staring at some of the moment of the clouds and the lightning sparks. For some reason, storms interested him. They were just breathtaking. Especially if you're in a plane and actually see it up close and personal.

After the plane entered the storm. Everyone felt the aviation vehicle sudden bumpy movement. Normally turbulence lasted for a few seconds and wasn't too strong, but there was something wrong. All of a sudden, the lights began to flicker on and off, with the feeling of the plane rattling back and forth. Screams could be heard.

Doflamingo hurriedly put his seatbelt on as he did the same for his partner since he haven't woken up yet. Seriously, did this man swallow some sleeping pills when he wasn't watching?!

As he was thinking this, it began pouring down rapidly down. The pressure seemed to intensify as the plane felt like it was coming down. Was it an emergency landing? Well, by the sound of the engine sounded it seemed like the pilots were trying to control the plane but was failing.

"WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE?!" He could hear one of the passengers say, making many other people panic in terror.

Doflamingo was one of them as he got ahold of Crocodile's shirt and started pushing and pulling him back and forth.


Crocodile's face stirred from a peaceful state into a frown. Unfortunately for the tanned skinned man, he hasn't opened his eyes yet. So this time he had grabbed the man's head and started shaking him repeatedly. It was finally when the older man swatted his hand at Doffy's face.

"Ow, that hurt Crocy-chan." The flamingo wearing man placed his hand over his abused nose as he forgot about the situation they was in.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" It was then that he realized that they were shaking from the plane.

Are they in terrible turbulence or something? And why were everyone screaming? Clearly this wasn't everyone's first turbulence.

"CROCY! HOLD ME!" Doflamingo put his arms around his lover.

"What are you d-"



"Ugh, my head." Crocodile was about put his hand on his head when he realized he couldn't move it. He opened his eyes, only to see that he was at the hospital. Why was he here?

"Crocy-chan, you're awake!" He heard his partner shouted with glee.

Can't have ten minutes of peace, can he? "What happened?" The pale skinned man groaned, still feeling the throbbing headache he woke up to.

"Well, there was a microburst and because of that, had a downdraft to the point that the pilots couldn't navigate it." Doflamingo paused before speaking again with a serious voice. "The plane crashed and over half of the people on died while the rest was injured. Including you and me…" Well that explained the scratches on his face and the bandages on his chest. Probably some broken ribs. "And you know what else? I would've been a goner without you."

"What the hell did I do?" The last thing he remembered was trying to pry Dofla's arms away from him.

"Just a second before we crashed, you had your arm out in front of my head. My head could crashed against the seats from the impact and your arm took the damage. That's why your arm is broken into shatters beyond repair."

Normally the elder had a stoic face expression, but the look he had was terrified. This was his good arm, now he can't use it no more. He already had a hook for a hand on one of his hands. What the hell is he gonna do now?! How will he work?!

"Fufufufu…" Doffy laughed, making Croco frown. Was this bastard laughing at his pain? "I'm just kidding babe. Your bones should heal in a couple of months or so."

Crocodile sighed with relief.

"But it was so sweet that you sacrificed your arm for me! I thought you hated me." Doflamingo grinned.

"I don't hate you you damned bird." The other responded. "You just annoy the hell out of me."

"Aww, I love you too!" Doffy gave him a hug.

"I never said love! Now get off me!"