Before We Fall in Love

Author: LexysK23
Words: 1,634
Chapter One of Twenty-Four
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except for the plot.
Author's Note: Okay, so this is a teaser for the prequel of the
My Little Badass series. I was going to do a New Years One-Shot, but I decided that that chapter would be in this story. (I decided to start the year with the beginning of this story.) This story will have drama, so it won't be as adorable and funny as the other two. But this story will include some of Beca's past. You guys wanted Steca as best friends. Well. This will have their history, as well as Chaubrey history. You'll see Bemily's bond. Why Beca doesn't get along with her father, and about her mother and her death. This is obviously Bechloe, but Staubrey and Emji will have their own chapters.

I don't know how long this story will be. I'm working on that. And this is a teaser, so there is a chance this chapter will get longer. So keep an eye out for that. The name of this chapter will also change as I go on with the story. For now, it's just a Chapter One. I hope you guys enjoy and have a Happy New Year.

Unloaded: January 1st, 2016

Beca Mitchell. She was born a Halfling, to her full vampire parents. A hundred years before she was born, vampire mates found out that they could use magic to procreate. Their children would be half vampires, and half humans, needed both blood and human food to survive. But when they reach a certain age they wanted to change into full vampire, they would need to be bitten by their parent, or someone of their bloodline. But if they chose not to, they would be able to grow old, but at a slow rate.

Beca's mother was murdered when she was ten years old. Werewolves had been hunting near her home, and ended up killing her mother. Beca's father was devastated. But he was given an extra chance. When Beca was eleven, her father had found another potential mate.

A year later, Beca's sister was born. Emily Mitchell, another Halfling. Beca fell in love with her sister, and knew that she would always protect her.

Then, Beca turned nineteen. She had moved away from him, but visited a lot. She was babysitting her sister, who was seven. She fell asleep, with Emily next to her. She fell asleep a Halfling, but when she woke up, she was a full vampire. She felt the pain in her neck. It burned. Her body tensed up, as she felt herself become a full vampire. She opened her eyes, to see her father looking down at her. She clenched her eyes shut, as she changed.

My Little Heart

Nine Years Later: September, 2014

Beca was following Emily around. Emily, being half vampire, didn't need general education. She was sixteen, and was able to go to Barden, The School for the Supernatural. Beca always thought it was a stupid name. It was like telling the human, Look, a school filled with creatures from your nightmares!

Upon become a full vampire, Beca had to deal with the new bloodlust. Halflings didn't need to feed as much as full vampires. She had to control it, which took a few years. She never thought about getting the supernatural education, but Emily wanted it. And being the big sister she was, she followed her younger sister.

Beca bumped into someone, causing them to fall down. She looked up, confused. She saw a redhead sitting on the ground, books surrounding her.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Beca said, as she got down to pick up the books. She froze, when a scent reached her nose. Her eyes dilated, and her mouth waters, as she thought about the sweet scent of blood.

"It's okay," a cheerful voice responded, oblivious to the chance of being drained then and there.

Beca grabbed some of the book and stood up. She tried to stop breathing, but the scent smelled too good, she couldn't get enough. Her eyes stayed on the scrape on the girl's arm. She extended her arms, handing the girl her book, but trying to stay far away.

The redhead followed Beca's line of sight. She looked down to her arm, seeing the blood ooze out of her cut.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said, as she placed her things down, looked through her bag, and grabbed a napkin. Beca watched as she wiped the scrape.

Beca couldn't help but wonder how it would taste. The scent was mostly gone, with the air blowing it away. Beca couldn't move. Her attention went from the cut to the girl's face, and she couldn't explain the emotions she was feeling. She hadn't felt that way for anyone before.

"You're a vampire. I'm Chloe, a witch," she said, extending her hand.

Beca smiled. "I'm Beca. I'm sorry, about all this."

"It's okay. I should be careful, with all the vampires around here. You're new? I haven't seen you around before."

Beca nodded. "Yeah, just got here. I wasn't too happy to come here. But now I think I found my reason to stay."

Chloe blushed, as she laughed. She looked behind Beca, before turning back to the vampire. "I'll see you around then."

Beca smirked. "You will." She watched as the redheaded witch walked away. She felt someone grab her hand and pull her away.

"Keep it in your pants, will you," Emily huffed, as she led her sister into the other direction. Beca just laughed, following her sister.

Beca dropped her sister off first; wanting to make sure she was going to be safe. She then headed to her dorm. She opened the door, before grinning.

Stacie Conrad. Her best friend. They had met when Stacie was fourteen. Beca had been in the area of New York City, Stacie's hometown. Beca knew that there was something different about the dark haired girl. She finally found out, when the taller of the two was found in an alley, all upon a drunk man. Beca had gone in and killed him, before finding out about Stacie.

The younger of the two was a succubus. She needed the sex, or the energy around sex to live. She then went on to question Beca, who then told her about her life as a vampire. Both women became close, and soon were inseparable.

Beca would accompany Stacie in her hunt. She would just stand there, making sure that Stacie wasn't hurt. Then the taller of the two would leave, letting Beca feed. They became a team, until Emily needed her sister. Emily had been of age, where her vampire attributes were stronger. Beca then told Stacie that they would meet again.

And they did. Beca grinned, while she stared at her best friend.

"Beca! I've missed you!" Stacie said, as she rushed to hung the short vampire.

Beca's eyes widened, as her face was squished against Stacie's breasts. She just laughed, as she shakes her head. She pushes Stacie away.

"Too close. Blood," Beca said, a smirk on her face. She smiles as Stacie's eyes widens and she moves away from the vampire. She stops as she turns to her best friend.

"Didn't you get control of your thirst years ago?" Beca raises her eyebrow. "You bitch!"

Beca laughs.

My Little Heart

Chloe looks at Aubrey. The witch had met the werewolf when they started the school. They had become the best of friends, and starting their third year.

"You what?"

"I think I met my wife," Chloe said, a sparkle in her eyes.

"A vampire?" Aubrey questioned, a look of disgust on her face. She shook her head, as she looked to her best friend.

"Her eyes, they are do dark. Blue, like mine, but dark. And Bree you have to see her smirk. Oh god, just thinking about it," Chloe said, as if she was in a daze.

Aubrey gave her a look of disgust. "She's a vampire. She has a mate, somewhere. What if you get with her, fall in love, and you're not her mate?"

Chloe gave her a look, as if her dreams were destroyed, which they probably were. She shook her head.

"But I've never felt this way about anyone," Chloe whispered, shaking her head.

"Look, this is a big school. You'll probably never see her again," Aubrey said, sitting down next to her best friend.

Chloe sighed, and nodded. "You're probably right. I just, she's special Bree, and I want to know her."

The blond werewolf didn't respond. She just wrapped her arms around her best friend. She knew that her friend fell easily. She just hoped this time would be different. She could just hope.

My Little Heart

Beca grinned, as her best friend and little sister got along. They were standing there, talking. Beca was looking around, at the activities fair. There were groups everywhere. She could see the different species. There were some ghosts together. She could see fairies, comparing their wings. Beca's eyes shifted, to a familiar redhead.

"I'll be back," Beca muttered, as she walked away from her sister and best friend. They both nodded, and went back to their conversation. Beca walked until she was in front of the witch. "Hello."

Chloe looked up, to see the vampire in front of her. She couldn't help but grin. "Hey yourself."

"So, what is this?"

Chloe looked behind her, at the booth she was in front of. She just shrugged. "This is an acapella group. We compete against other schools."

Beca frowned. "But the other schools around are human infested."

"We battle supernatural schools. There is this school in England, that made purely from wizards and witches."

"Why didn't you go to that one?" Beca questioned, grinning.

"I don't know, something was calling me here."

Beca raised her eyebrow. Chloe just stared back. It felt like they were the only ones there. That was until-

"Chloe!" a blond girl exclaimed, rushing to her. "It got the fliers."

Chloe gave Beca a small smile. "Sorry, that's my best friend, Aubrey."

Beca smiled. She then froze. She bit back her growl at the werewolf.

"Who's this?" Aubrey asked, staring at the vampire.


Chloe grinned at her best friend. "I was telling Beca, about the Bellas."

Aubrey nodded. Beca kept her eyes on Aubrey, not trusting her. She just knew that she had to leave. She turned to Chloe.

"I don't sing. Sorry."

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you." She extended her hand to shake her hand.

Beca smirked. "The pleasure is all mine." She grabbed the witch's hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles. She pulled away. Her eyes went from Aubrey to Chloe. "I'll see you later."

Chloe watched as Beca walked away. "I want to marry her."

"You just met her," Aubrey said, shaking her head.

"When you know, you know," Chloe whispered.

Aubrey looked from Chloe to the disappearing image of the vampire. Things were about to get interesting.

Next Chapter:
Crazy Youngsters