Profile for Characters. Please note that these characters are ones I created. No Copyright. All Harry Potter characters go the Queen J.K Rowling.

Clarissa (Clary) Main Character. Story will be from her point of view.

Looks- long straight red hair, emerald green eyes, glasses.

Personality- super smart, honest, kindhearted, sweet, loving, caring, trustworthy, loves reading, brave but doesn't think she is, self-conscious, and selfless.

Likes- books, friends, family, singing, and writing.

Dislikes- people who are mean or arrogant, stupid people.

Wand- 11 inches, cherry Wood, phoenix feather.

Family- twin sister Cassandra, parents – Mr. and Mrs. Clark

Friends- the trio, she's a part of it. They are no longer a trio but a foursome. Luna

Enemies- Slytherins, Voldemort, Snape.

Year- same as the trio

House- Gryffindor

Love Interest- Not telling you yet! No spoilers! (I'm evil)

Cassandra (Cassie)

Looks- long curly red hair, emerald green eyes.

Personality- Smart (but not as smart as her sister), kind, sweet, adventurous, brave, sometimes reckless, caring, likes reading, trustworthy (sometimes).

Likes- sports, pranks, adventures, books, family, friends, fun.

Dislikes- people who think they're better then everyone else, strict people, not having fun.

Wand- 11 inches, Cherry Wood, Unicorn hair.

Family- twin sister Clarissa, parents.

Friends- the Weasley twins, Luna, Seamus, Ginny.

Enemies- same as her twin

House- Gryffindor

Year- same as the trio.

Love interest- again NO SPOILERS!

Hope you guys enjoy my fanfiction! I will be trying to get through years one and two quicker then the others because not much interesting stuff happens. So yeah hope you enjoy!