Well guys, even though the story is finished, I decided to put up a final chapter talking about how this story got started, what I liked, what I wish I had done differently, and what I plan to do next. Enjoy

How I got the idea

I first got the idea one day while surfing YouTube and saw a video from the channel that talked about his idea of how a teamup between Super Megaforce and Dino Charge would go. His idea, while awesome, was something that definitely would never happen. The video did get me thinking of how a team up would go, though.

I toyed with the idea long before I even signed up for this site, but could never figure out just how I wanted to do it. I started by watching Gokaiger vs Gobusters for inspiration, and eventually I came up with an idea of how I wanted to do it. And thus, this story was born.

It's popularity

I honestly didn't think that many people would be interested in this story. After all, the Megaforce seasons are still something most people would love to forget, and most would probably want to see a triple crossover with Mighty Morphin and Dino Thunder. But I decided to do it anyway because it was something I honestly wanted to do, so I posted it and decided to see where it went from there.

By the time I got around to posting the second chapter, I was surprised to see that it had three favorites and 4 followers. I was shocked, but saw it as a sign that I should keep going. By the time I had finished the story, it had 7 favorite, 10 followers, and over a thousand views, making it my popular story by far. I want to thank everybody who looked at this story. I would have never finished it without your continued support.

What I liked about the story

My favorite part of the process is looking at my page and seeing a new review. Most have been positive, with only a few that have pointed out any actual problems. I just loved seeing all of this support. You guys make my day.

My favorite parts of the story were the Legendary Ranger Modes. Those were my favorite parts of Super Megaforce, and I wanted to include as many as I could, which I think I managed to achieve.

Things I regret

The one thing that I regret more than anything was not using characters like Orion, Ivan, and Koda more. Orion was my favorite character from the Megaforce era just because how different he was from Gai Ikari (AKA Gooooooooookai Silver!), and I did have plans to use him sooner. Sadly, I somehow kept finding ways to push his triumphant return back. As for Ivan and Koda, I honestly like the characters, but had trouble coming up with dialogue for them just because of how differently they speak from the others.

Another thing I regret is not using Keeper and Kendall. The least I could have done is have had them blocked off from the rangers, but I didn't even do that. I pretty much just threw Kendall into the epilogue. I also regret scrapping the subplot with Mr. Burley and the dinosaur dig with Mrs. Morgan. I had no reason to not do it, and I apologize.

One thing that I don't necessarily regret, but didn't really like, was the inclusion of the Beetleborgs. I only did it because BlackSpiderman 4 gave me the idea and I thought it was interesting. However, looking back on it, it doesn't really make sense. After all this was a team up between Dino Charge and Super Megaforce, not Power Rangers and Big Bad Beetleborgs. I'm glad that everybody seemed to like the chapter in which I used them, but it wasn't my favorite.

Where I go from here

First thing first, I need to update some of my other stories. My big focus will be The Reign of Silas and Negan VS The Governor, which I plan to do some rewriting to. I also plan to revisit this fanfic in the future to clean it up a little, correcting the things I listed above. As for a sequel, I have an idea for one, but it won't be a teamup. I don't plan on giving any details for now, as I'm not entirely sure if I want to do it, but keep an eye out for it.

Thank you all for your continuous support of the story, and I hope to produce more stories that will garner as much views. As a little treat, enjoy this mash up of the two theme songs that I would use as the opening for the team up.

(The song starts up with the Dino Charge opening, and then shifts to the Dino Charge Rangers fighting Striker.)

Power Ranger, Power Rangers, Power Rangers, Power Rangers

In a world full of strive we must fight to survive

(The credits for the actors of Tyler, Shelby, and Koda appear as normal during the song)

Trying to break the chains that divide.

There is only one chance,

To take the right stance.

Hold tight, keep the power alive!

(Riley, Chase, and Ivan's credits appear next. During the next verse, the rangers are shown fighting the X-Borgs and other Armada forces)

Go Go Power Rangers!

Don't You Ever Stop!

Go Go Power Rangers!

You Will Rise up to the top!

Rangers forever, Dino Charge altogether!

Power Rangers, Power Rangers, Power Rangers, Power Rangers, Power Rangers…

(The scene then shows the Dino Charge Rangers about to be attacked by Striker when The Super Megaforce Rangers appear and start fighting him. The music shifts to the Megaforce theme)


Go Go Power Rangers!

(The credits for Troy, Gia's, and Noah's actors appear)

Go Go Power Rangers!

(The credits for Jake's, Emma's, and Orion's actors appear next. The scene shifts all 12 Rangers fighting Striker for the last time)

Rangers Forever, Megaforce Altogether!

(The scene shifts to the 12 Rangers running through the Armada's forces in the final battle.)

Hey! Go! Force! Power Rangers Megaforce!

(The Title card appears reading Power Rangers Dino Charge/Super Megaforce, with the logos of the two seasons mixed together.)

Hope you guys liked it. You all are awesome.