Kono handed her gift to Chin Ho and then turned to Danny and Steve.

"I'm sorry guys, I'm still working on your presents. I think you're gonna love them though..."

Danny managed to just about hide his disappointment and shrugged. "That's okay." He'd learned after two Christmases being on this team that Kono was the best at giving presents, somehow always knowing exactly what to get people.

The partners had already exchanged gifts, and given their presents to the cousins as well, and so they all went about finishing up their paperwork so they could go home early. It was Christmas eve and no bad guys had reared their ugly heads, so hopefully it would be a quiet festive season.

"You guys are still coming tonight, right?" Kono checked with Danny and Steve as she and Chin were on their way out.

"Definitely," Steve nodded and waved.

"Wouldn't miss it, see you at eight!" Danny called after her retreating form, and turned to Steve, "Party with the Kalakaua-Kelly clan, huh? This should be interesting..."

Kono's house was full to the brim of family and friends. So full, in fact, it was almost difficult to move, and Danny had to make his way outside on several occasions just to battle his claustrophobia.

It was on his third exit out the back door, after having only been there for under two hours, that Steve followed him outside.

"You okay, Danno?" He settled in next to him to lean on the porch railing.

The detective looked over at him and let his shoulders slump a little. "Yeah, it's just a bit full in there. I swear they're related to sixty per cent of the island, and every single one of them has turned up tonight!"

Steve laughed and nodded, it certainly felt like it. "I think Aunty Kaya was feeling me up at the buffet tableā€¦" he confided, and Danny snickered. They rested against the rail in silence for a while, swigging their beers, and the taller man let his eyes surreptitiously take in his partner's body.

The blonde had changed into some tight dark blue jeans and a dark green t-shirt which showed off his trim waist and wide, muscular shoulders. There was no need for a jacket as it was a balmy night, despite it being December, because as his friend liked to remind him as often as possible, Hawaii didn't have proper Christmases.

God he had a nice body, short but compact, solid arms and a tidy, curved ass. Damn those jeans, they made it look even better tonight.

"Family photo, boys!" Kono suddenly appeared behind him and he startled, hoping to god she hadn't seen him checking out his partner's butt.

Danny rolled his eyes and turned to face her. "Aw, do we have to?" He sounded like a petulant kid, but his voice had a teasing edge to it.

"Inside Williams, before I get my gun!" She smacked him on the shoulder as he headed back into the house. Then she looked at Steve and gave him a dirty wink. "You too, boss man."

What was that wink for? Had she seen his eyes on Danny's body? Or was she just drunk? Either was a possibility, but as she herded the two of them through the crowd she seemed merry, but otherwise pretty sober. Damn it.

She'd already collected Chin, Malia and Adam, and made them stand next to the Christmas tree and under the huge Mele Kalikimaka sign on the wall. The surfer handed off her camera to some cousin or other and whispered some instructions before joining the group and squeezing in between Danny and Adam. Steve was on the end of the line, next to Danny, but was hanging back a little.

"Everyone squeeze in together!" The young girl with the camera called out, "Don't be shy!"

The Commander felt Kono's hand grasp his shirt around Danny's back and tug him in towards the group, so he ended up plastered against the detective's back, placing his hand on the man's hip to steady himself. It was silly, but he felt a little flush of colour rise up his neck. They touched, all the time, it was a matter of course for him and Danny, but he had some beer in him and he'd only just been ogling his friend's ass in those jeans less than five minutes ago... the Jersey man didn't seem to notice though, and they all posed as the girl yelled out "Say cheese!" and snapped the group shot.

Then Kono was grabbing the camera and snapping a picture of Chin and Malia kissing next to the tree, and she turned to Steve and Danny.

"Come on guys, got to get a photo of the dynamic duo!" She was grinning like a loon, and Danny couldn't help but smile back. He looked up at Steve, who had awkwardly shuffled away from him the moment the group photo had been taken.

Steve moved back next to him and folded his arms over his chest stiffly. Kono lowered the camera from her face. "Seriously Steve? Give Danny a hug, it's Christmas!" she laughed.

The blonde elbowed his boss in the ribs playfully and slipped his arm around the SEAL's waist. He'd had a few beers already, and was used to finding excuses to get to touch his friend, so Danny wasn't going to be shy with this photo opportunity. Plus Steve was looking extra fine tonight in pale blue jeans and a button down light grey shirt with the top buttons undone far enough to expose a healthy dose of solid chest.

Chin came up behind Kono and the two cousins shared a look, before he pointed at the partners. "Nah, you want a better background than the wall, Kono. Get them over between the tree and the fireplace," he grinned, "it'll look nicer."

"Good point," she smiled at him before turning back to her boss and second in command, "move it or lose it, boys!"

The two men moved to the other side of the tree, and Steve relaxed a little and swung his arm around his friend's shoulders while Danny's arm went back around his waist. The blonde pressed into the Navy man, probably a little closer than he should have, but he felt so warm and solid, and he seemed to fit perfectly around the detective's shoulders.

"Smile!" Kono called out, and they obeyed while she snapped a couple of frames. Then she lowered the camera and looked up above their heads. "Oh dear, boys!" She giggled, and Malia, Chin, and a few family members exploded into laughter.

Danny and Steve looked at one another, brows creased, and then looked up.

Mistletoe. Right above their heads.

Steve laughed awkwardly. "Uh, yeah, no," he backed away from his partner, who had gone a slightly odd shade of pink.

"It's the rules, guys," Chin folded his arms over his chest, "You can't say no to the mistletoe! It's bad luck!"

Kono, Adam and Malia all took a similar stance and raised their eyebrows expectantly.

"Yeah, come on guys," Adam wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Danny felt heat rise up from his chest. Their friends weren't going to let them get away with this without a fight, and when he glanced at the SEAL he could tell the other man was coming to the same conclusion. Steve looked down at him and shrugged, then leaned in and gave him a soft peck on the cheek, drawing away quickly.

A loud boo erupted from the observing crowd, which now contained more cousins, aunties and uncles than before. Calls of 'tame!' and 'poor show!' came from the audience.

"Nope, not good enough!" Kono called out.

Danny could feel his heartbeat in his ears. Good god, publicly enforced kissing, this was new! Was his partner actually going to crumble under the pressure? Because the Kalakaua-Kelly extended family was actually kind of scary now they were facing half of them down in Kono's living room.

Steve sighed dramatically. He'd tried to get away with it. It was so strange to think about kissing Danny. He was attracted to him, no doubt, and he had more than the normal appropriate amount of feelings toward his friend... and maybe that was why he was having a small panic attack at the thought of kissing the shorter man. Still, he was a SEAL, and if there was any mission he could handle, it was this. Operation Kiss Danno Without Getting A Boner In Front Of Everyone. He'd think of a better name once it was over.

Danny was surprised when the brunette leaned in towards him, even more surprised with himself when he tilted his chin up to get a better angle. Holy shit, this was actually happening, his boss was giving in... with not all that much pressure, if he was perfectly honest.

Steve's lips met his own; they were warm and soft and sent a shiver down his spine. His hand reactively went up to cup the side of the taller man's face, and he couldn't stop the small strangled noise which escaped his chest as the Navy man pressed his mouth against his. It was almost definite that Steve had heard his little squeak, and it was embarrassing enough, but he hoped to god no one else in the room had heard it. He could put it down to surprise, yeah, that was it. He was just surprised that his partner had followed through.

Steve realised his hand had gone to the blonde's lower back about five seconds after he'd placed it there. It had been an automatic movement on going in to kiss him, and his skin was blissfully warm through the cotton of his t-shirt. He'd heard the shocked noise from his friend, felt the huff of hot air across his cheek, and then the Jersey man's hand had slid onto his jaw and it was all just too perfect. Except for half the population of Hawaii whooping and cheering in Kono's small living room made him pull back sooner than he'd have liked.

Danny looked a little stunned, it took him a couple of seconds to open his eyes, and he met Steve's eyes before quickly glancing away, face going red.

Okay, that was a big mistake. The SEAL cleared his throat and glared playfully at Kono. "You happy now?"

"Very, thank you," she grinned, a cheeky sparkle in her eyes.

Danny also had to cough, still a little stunned, and he mumbled something about getting another beer and headed for the cooler. Drink in hand, he squeezed through the crowd and out of the back door, trying not to think about how good that kiss had felt.

He knew Steve had only done it because of peer pressure, it was all just a joke to him, their friends and the less-than-sober party goers. But it meant more to Danny than he'd care to admit to anyone, even himself. He'd been in love with Steve for a very long time. When it had happened, he couldn't say, but it wasn't overnight. He'd started off almost hating the Navy man, with his insane interrogation tactics and his predeliction for blowing things up, but he soon realised he'd actually become quite attached to the goof. After all, those tactics did tend to speed up their investigations somewhat, and he couldn't argue with their arrest rate.

There wasn't a particular moment, a specific day or minute or point that he'd fallen for Steve. It just kind of happened, and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. Because the guy was his boss, and a Navy SEAL, and straight as they came. And that made it all that bit harder, but at least he could just keep reminding himself that nothing would ever happen, it was impossible.

Until now. Until that damn kiss. Because that had felt like fire and ice and electricity and pancakes on a Sunday morning in June. Jesus Christ, it had been heaven.

And so he spent the rest of the evening avoiding his best friend as best he could, hating every minute, making an excuse to leave early, but knowing that he couldn't meet Steve's eyes just yet. Not tonight, not with alcohol in him. Because he might see something in Danny's eyes that the detective didn't want him to see.

He might see the truth.