Updates have been slow, yes, and that is due to the fact that I'm very busy lol. This chapter is dedicated to the anon who would nicely asked for updates C: Also I have watched 'Hit the Diamond', 'Barn Mates' so spoiler warning!? (Not too much lol)

Peridot placed the phone back, promptly ending the call like Lapis had done. He staggered slightly with each step he took.

He made his way back to the 'gang' and whoever else awaited to be carried off. Sitting in between Ruby and Amethyst he sighed and rested on the chair.

"She's pregnant."

"What?" Amethyst asked, her head slightly turning to look at Peridot.

"Lazulis' pregnant." Peridot mumbled once more, adjusting his glasses on his face and seeming to sink farther in to his seat.

"Congrats, dot." Ruby said, patting his shoulder.

"We argued." Peridot sank even further in to his seat.

"And? You guys argue all the time. Like, you guys argued over having a small lake in the backyard" Ruby shrugged.

"We're done."

"Wait, WHAT!?" Amethyst slammed a hand to her mouth to cover up her outburst. It earned her a few head turns and a couple of snickers.

"WHAT!?" Amethyst whisper-yelled.

"You left her?" Ruby asked.

"Of course not!" Peridot replied, covering his face with both hands. "She left me."

He abruptly sat straight in his chair. "Told me I didn't need that right now, but she said I had the right to know. HA! She doesn't know half of what I need right now!"

"Tone it down there, bud." Ruby looked to Amethyst who in turn shrugged at what to do.

"You know how girls get when they're pregnant, uh...they have all those hormones surging through them that they make rash decisions...I would know, but you have to be calm about this." Ruby explained.

"Heh, yeah. What Rubes is saying. I bet Lapis is regretting the decision as we speak!" Amethyst chimed in. "Besides, its your kid, too."

"Yeah, in any case, you guys are crazy mad for each other! I doubt Lapis would watch that crumble so easily." Ruby added.

"And Steven considers you like an uncle already!"

"Right...but Lapis.." Peridot sighed. "I suppose, I could wait until we return to see the whereabouts of Lazuli."

"If we make it back" Jasper mumbled under her breath.

"AND when we make it back," Amethyst glared slightly at Jasper. "You guys could start picking names, buying clothes for the little guy, or girl, turn your work space in to a nursery." Amethyst listed off at the top of her head.

"Buy strollers, car seats, toys, baby formula, stay up late at night." Ruby continued on for her.

"As if I don't do that enough." Peridot laughed

"Nerd" Amethyst rolled her eyes.



"Pea-nut" Peridot choked on the last part of the word. They were coming.

"The aircraft will be here in a minute, it seems." Jasper groaned.

"Not surprised if its an ambush... Home World always played dirty." Peridot looked to her prosthetic and griped her fist.

"Doubt it. We'd all be running for the hills." Ruby commented.

"We have a new platoon leader." Amethyst pointed. The soldiers quickly scurried to start a formation and take orders from their platoon leader.

"Attention!" Pearl stated. Everyone locked up and looked forward. "Open ranks, march."

Everyone complied, first and second squad taking a few steps forward while third and fourth took a few steps back.

"This needs to end already." No one knew who spoke their mind, but they all agreed.

"I'm pregnant."

"You're pregnant?"


"Lapis...That's great! You're, oh my gem, You're pregnant! We're gonna have a little Lapis or Peridot running around!"

"You're happy?"

"Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I be?" Peridot asked. "This is-just...I'm gonna be a dad."


"Just, mfff. I love you!" Peridot excitedly told.

"I love you, too. Peridot-"

"Hey, if you're worried.. It will be okay. I'll be home soon, okay?"

"Wait WHAT?"

"I just have to find my-"


"I want to come home, Lazuli. What kind of a gem would I be if I left you?!"

"..." Lapis stayed quiet over the line.

"But, if you didn't want me to come home, why did you tell me?"


"I also have the right to come home and be with you."

"I know."

"Well what do you propose I do? You are my top priority! He/she will be my top priority Lazuli!" Peridot argued. "I want this. I-I'VE ALWAYS WANTED THIS."



Sapphire sat on the floor in her old room, alone. Her only window was barricaded with the frame of her bed and a few other pieces of wood. She hugged her pillow as close to her as she possibly could.

She felt sick to her stomach. She couldn't bare to hear the screams of pain and the sound of shots being fired. She knew it was rude and cruel, but she wondered when they would just leave the neighborhood.

It was hard. It was hard not to think about Garnet and Ruby. It was hard not to think about Home World troops storming in to the shop, taking away her family and letting her suffer. Watching her younger siblings be taken and thrown in the war front, see her parents and grandparents mercilessly killed.

Sapphire shook her head. A tear ran down her cheek from her good eye as she wiped at her face.

She just wanted things to go back the way they were. Even if that meant she stayed here while the family she had made stayed some where else.

"Somewhere safe." Sapphire whispered in to the pillow. She sighed loudly and let sleep take her.

Please review! I struggled with this chapter lol I rewrote it like 5 times and then I was smacked with 'angst' ideas. Rupphire angst to come next ;3 Anyways, please review and you'll see the next chapter soon enough! Bye! :)