Disclaimer: All characters and settings belong to Bioware.

A/N: This is a sequel to last year's "White Christmas". It contains a spoiler from the previous story. A year has gone by since their very first annual Christmas gathering. Last year, Shepard held the party at her home. This time, the gang gathered at Miranda's place (one of many) in the Citadel.

Silver Bells

Location: Citadel

December 24, 2188

Miranda looked at the infant that had been placed in her arms. For the first time in her life, she had no idea what to do.

"Now, be nice to Miss Lawson," said Kaidan to his son. "Daddy has cook."

"Maybe we should go out eat," Miranda suggested. "I know some new restaurants around."

The man gave her an amused look. "What? Afraid I'd burn down your kitchen? Relax, I know what I'm doing."

You know what you're doing, but I don't.

"Aerin will be back soon," said Kaidan, digging up a frying pan from the cabinet. "Just keep an eye on him for now."

Staring at the stranger who was holding him, the baby soon decided he wasn't too happy with the arrangement, and started to toss and whine. For a second, Miranda panicked. She could murder someone with biotic, shoot a target from across the street – hell, she could even rebuild a person from a burnt corpse. But dealing with a fussy infant?

What the bloody hell was she supposed to do?

"Hey, hey, it's okay," said Kaidan softly, stroking the chubby cheek of his boy. "This is Miranda. You've seen her before."

Yes. The pruney little newborn Miranda had met four months ago had grown into a pink, round baby with a wisp of soft black hair. His eyes, light brown in shade, were Alenko's. But that scowl? It was all Shepard's.

"I think he wants you to walk around," Kaidan told her. "Sorry, he can't sit still."

"Just like his mother," Miranda mused, smiling at that little face that was giving her a familiar pointed look as though he knew what she was saying. "Let's give you a tour of my apartment, shall we?"

As soon as Miranda took a step, her little guest stopped fussing. Big, round eyes scanned around the apartment inquisitively as his private tour began.

"That was the kitchen," said Miranda. "I've... never had a chance to used it. Cooking isn't exactly my strong suit."

Part of her felt silly talking to an infant, yet, somehow, it felt... natural. It felt right.

Miranda stepped up to the huge window in the dinning room. "We are at the Citadel." She pointed at the buildings and the people below and continued, "What you are looking at is the Presidium."

Not expecting a reply, Miranda was surprised when she heard a gurgle.

"You're not afraid of the height, are you?"

A scowl flashed across the tiny face as if he was insulted by her comment. Yes, this was definitely Shepard's kid.

Smiling, Miranda replied for him, "Of course not."

Tiny arm reached out to something nearby. It was the Christmas tree that had stolen his attention.

"This was my sister's idea," said Miranda as she approached the tree. "Oriana decorated it by herself. She did an amazing job, don't you think?"

Grabby hand reached for one of the shiny decorations – one particular silver bells among many. Miranda watched as the baby tried his might to grab what his heart desired. He was one persistent little guy, just like his mother.

"You want this?" asked Miranda, taking the bell off the tree, bringing it close to the baby's face.

Big brown eyes stared intently at the bell as though it was the only thing in the galaxy. And when she gave it a gentle shake, its clear, crisp chime brought a toothless grin from her little guest.

"You can keep it." Miranda gently pressed her lips onto the top of the tiny head. "Merry Christmas."

A/N: It's late, but happy new year! A giant thanks to all those who have been reading and supporting my ongoing story Chronicles of a Legend. Thank you!

Next: Uncle Garrus.

Contact info: gmail - pinoko19, tumblr - pinoko-k.